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EU commissioner says Japan's gender equality decades behind Europe


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Japan should politely ignore the EU, the UN, the WEF and all other outside bodies. They don't love the Japanese. They just want control.

-14 ( +17 / -31 )

Sorry, but I like Japan the way it is. Safe, clean, and Japanese. The more I see of what is happening to Europe and America, the happier I am to be here.

-3 ( +26 / -29 )

Gender equality is a trap. Only women with lots of money can be feminist, usually they have a female nanny taking care of their kids.

All the gender stuff is the application of the Karlegi plan; Japan has to stay away from it. Check your future with the "Moonshot program". Google it!

-5 ( +15 / -20 )

My question is: Do Japanese women on a whole actually care about gender equality in Japan?

From what I observe, women seem to play the system well. After all, they hold all the power at home and increasingly in the workplace.

Just a question.

11 ( +21 / -10 )

Mind your own business, EU.

-9 ( +14 / -23 )

EU commissioner says Japan's gender equality decades behind Europe

Ya think?

-9 ( +17 / -26 )

I say Europe is behind most of the free world, in holding itself back against a tidal wave of labour market shift. Not surprising since as they only care about the interest of the rich elites whose' only goals is to increase profit by driving down labour cost.

Post covid most nations outside Europe, lead by USA has adopted traditional single income family values, and position single income family as a more sustainable, healthy society.

-3 ( +10 / -13 )

Equal work equal pay is 100% right.

But the EU commissioner isn't being honest.

He uses Equality, but he is very clearly aware that the west has long gone past that and the new goals are "equity" which simply means if the special interest group can make it in and equal playing field it is somehow not fair so we need to take from other to give to the ones that don't succeed in equality.

Look at sports, women get close in something but then a man dressed as a woman takes it.

The women's teams like soccer or pro basketball have been subsidized by the men for decades, broadcast companies must buy the women's rights with the men's and give equal time.

But no one watches them and that is men's fault despite the population being 50% women.

So equality was reached but the interest isn't there.

So now in the west the solution is "Equity" what this means is the men's teams need to pay the woman to equality, at least that is the demand.

If a car company makes a better car but no one buys it despite being reasonably priced and a better car, would it be acceptable for the powers that be to take money from Toyota and give it to that company because of "equity"?

The transgender in places like Canada are exposing the non equality of equality, they say they are women but they say they aren't taken seriously if they take menstrual days off (paid by the way) so now it is no questions asked.

So when they were men, they had to work every day of the working calendar each month but as women they get to say they are having menstruation and take a few paid days off like the real women.

So by that we clearly see that equal work isn't equal, same job same pay but in most cases the women put in few hours and the transgender figure this out as a way to get extra paid days off.

If Japan is smart it will take its time ignore the west and figure it's own way to equality and not the mess the west has created.

-8 ( +10 / -18 )

The European Union is a perfect example in many ways about how true democracies and equality should be. Mr.Schmidt made a wise statement to Japan which is notorious to make radical changes only through pressure from abroad. Also in my opinion Japan should look more as a role model to the European Union rather than the USA. The EU excelled in human rights,justice system and equality of job opportunity among all these nations. Also I would add to some posters that said about how clean and safe is Japan compared to Europe and America that the EU in total is way safer than the US and that among the top 10 safe countries in the world seven are within the European Union.

-2 ( +16 / -18 )

Here, for all the Japanese and others who don't like what the EU commissioner said, you can give this post a sneaky thumbs down.

-11 ( +9 / -20 )

The European Union is a perfect example in many ways about how true democracies and equality should be

Eh? Macron just ignored the people, ignored democratic processes and wholesale robbed pensioners.

Equality? Where are 50% of women oil rig wirkers, construction workers etc?

0 ( +11 / -11 )

Japan should set its own values and not accept stuff just because the EU or the US are doing it. Many African nations have made it plain that they will not be accepting western gender bender values.

-2 ( +10 / -12 )

Decades? He's being kind. Try centuries. Japan consistently ranks low on numerous G7 values and issues. It's a wonder they even thought to host the G7 summit let alone attend when they're doing so poorly compared to their peers.

-13 ( +9 / -22 )


Why do people insist in putting east asian japanese and white countries in the same basket?

Just because they are a economic powerhouse?

The similarities end there.

9 ( +15 / -6 )

Many African nations have made it plain that they will not be accepting western gender bender values.

...and rightly so. The EU's value should be shunned at every turn. They forfeited their own safety standards to appease Chinese IP thieves (google China export, Conformite Europene).

They're racist, forcing European migrants to forfeits their own culture eg Nz, Australian farmers with european ancestry can't produce products and market with traditional names, despite European products using Brazilian pork, African spices, Russian energy etc.

If being hopelessly shameless is progressive, please Japan don't follow.

0 ( +9 / -9 )

J social and political change will take, most of all, patience.

The challenges, the achievement of gender equality in salary, women empowerment recognized with clear policies that will create a even playing field are still in the early stages of development.


There is a clear need for change...


Change will happen, simply because there is a clear existential threat to Japan cultural. and economic future.

Today, it is a fools errand for the EU or and country to lecture, force through what could be felt and seen to be political self righteous hypocrisy, a holier-than-thou condescension.

Japan government will sooner or later have to face a future that J women will have to play a complete role in the countries political a economic well being.

We will, I know it.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

The only G7 country without same-sex marriage.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Japanese women are the backbone of this country. Without them this country would have drowned a long time ago in an ocean of oyaji incompetence. Imagine what a flourishing place this could become with the right leadership.

6 ( +7 / -1 )


Today 08:54 am JST

Schmit saying it as it is.

> Japan ranked 104th among 190 countries and territories in the World Bank's March report on economic opportunities for women. It also placed 116th among 146 countries in the gender gap rankings compiled by the World Economic Forum in July, sitting at the bottom of the East Asia and Pacific group.

> For a G7 member these rankings are a disgrace.

Really? As far as I know Japan is the only G7 that still protects women.

Are men permitted to compete in women's sports?

Are men permitted in women's changing rooms, toilets, onsens, etc..?

No not in Japan, women can have their sports teams changing rooms, toilets in safety.

Not the other 6 of the G7, their women need to be on guard for a penis in their locker room, toilet, a 190cm 90kg opponent on the " women's team!

Equality in Europe women's rights?

That is a joke, right?

3 ( +9 / -6 )

No problem for Japan about gender equality. The Japanese people know very well that all are equal no matter what your gender is. They also know that each gender has different roles and this agenda is trying to confuse the roles of man and woman to weaken the nations and bring them all under the one world global govt of the elites.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

EU worry about the EU, we are doing fine over here.

Written as a man. Nice one! If only we could hear from a few Japanese women, instead of the usual suspects defending their right to dominance.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

Japan is light years ahead in gender equality compared to the rest of Asia. Was in Malaysia a few weeks ago. The wife commented how progressive the society is because all the hotel room cleaners were male. I told her there is a reason and it has nothing to do with gender equality. Muslim country and they don’t employ female room cleaners because they are considered “unclean” during certain “periods” of the month. Just saying, Japan ain’t that bad respectively.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Japan would do well to ignore those who wish to control Japan and erase all traces of Japanese sovereignty and culture. UN, EU, WHO, WEF, WTO, WB-IMF, instead keep building Asian bloc to counter these vampires.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

You WIN; "This is Japan"

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Men and women are different and complementary. Gender equality in its meaning is a fallacy. Equal respect is the goal which is achieved in Japan better than Europe in my opinion, talking by experience.

As a man, I don't want to be seen with woman's needs and vice versa.

Best would be Japanese women to express.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Men that hate women,also have deep seeded hatred of their mother,how men treat their mother,is generally how he feel for other women

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Jonathan PrinToday 01:36 pm JST

Men and women are different and complementary. Gender equality in its meaning is a fallacy. Equal respect is the goal which is achieved in Japan better than Europe in my opinion, talking by experience.

Yes, let's look at how much men respect women in Japan.

Outdated sexual harassment and rape laws, and investigation procedures that re-traumatize victims. (And that is if they are even believed).

Chikan all over the place groping and grabbing, with literally nothing done about it.

Universitites that deliberately score women lower on entrance exams than men.

Companies that automatically putt women on non-career tack routes regardless of what the individual woman wants.

TV shows that treat women like pretty background scenery.

And finally, a male-majority government full of oyaji politicians who refer to women as "baby making machines" and say that women are useless unless they chose to have children.

Men have this odd idea that their opinions and views on what women should or shouldn't do is somehow valid, and is not just self-serving nonsense.

-1 ( +10 / -11 )

The only way it will change is if the suppressed gender stands up. The problem is, anecdotal evidence indicates many are happy to stay home, living as a house keeper and child rearer.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Japan is not a powerhouse,it fail to meet people basis social need,

-4 ( +1 / -5 )


Japan is not a powerhouse,it fail to meet people basis social need,

It does better than the US where 40 million plus cannot afford basic healthcare.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Then why do you give up your American citizenship

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Transphobia nonsense once again. Trans men who go into a male changing room. Are they shocked by the lack of an organ?

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Highest alert on this. If you ever listen to EU or even touch or copy anything from them, you are done at once or in the best case you will have a long losing streak bought by longer suffering before completely done too.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Another useless shinypants 'EU Commissioner' paid huge amounts of money to poke his nose into countries he knows beggar all about. Go back home, Schmitt and get your nose back into the Brussels trough.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Would be better for the good commissioner to talk about issues in their own backyard, racism and racial discrimination, for example.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

And finally, a male-majority government full of oyaji politicians who refer to women as "baby making machines" and say that women are useless unless they chose to have children.

50% of the population is female actual females, so where are they?

Why is it men's fault that few women present themselves as candidates?

Why is it men's fault other women don't get out and vote for female candidates.

Only around 50% of voters turn out so if women want change the get out the vote if 80% or 90% of the women voted and voted for a female candidate nothing the men you complain so much about can do.

But I guess it is easier to blame men than actually do something.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Women and the LGBT community do not have equal rights.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Women and the LGBT community do not have equal rights.

They should do something about it.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

A post about gender equality saying men are to blame is off-topic.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Elvis is here

   Women and the LGBT community do not have equal rights.

> They should do something about it.

What do you suggest? A sex strike maybe?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

What do you suggest?

If woman really want equal rights, they are intelligent enough to know what to do. The shoganai mentality of woman suggested in my post at 2:46 pm is the only thing I don't like about Japan.

That followed by イカの塩辛 and 納豆 of course.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

And where do they have equal rights?

Even among men there are no equal rights.

People are still being murdered as usual because of color or race.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

AntiquesavingToday 03:41 pm JST

50% of the population is female actual females, so where are they?

Why is it men's fault that few women present themselves as candidates?

Why is it men's fault other women don't get out and vote for female candidates.

Only around 50% of voters turn out so if women want change the get out the vote if 80% or 90% of the women voted and voted for a female candidate nothing the men you complain so much about can do.

But I guess it is easier to blame men than actually do something.

Woman: I want to be a doctor so I'll study as hard as I can to pass the entrance exam for medical school.

Medical School: lol, we no want wimmins in our school. We gonna change the rulz so that only men can pass ...

Men: What is wrong with women that they can't get into medical school? It must be because they don't try.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

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