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© Thomson Reuters 2023.EU removes post-Fukushima curbs on Japan food imports
By Philip Blenkinsop BRUSSELS©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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© Thomson Reuters 2023.
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So, Japan was rejecting EU produce to protect Japanese consumers?
But now, suddenly it’s ok if the EU accepts radioactive tainted Fukushima produce?
So, Japan is now free to export its radiation to Europe for consumption?
Read the article carefully. The EU is lifting restrictions on Japanese food products because they don’t think they are “radioactive tainted” any longer.
And this is connected to food exports to the EU from Fukushima how?
To all of the nay-sayers, that's why it's important for PM Kishida to get out of Japan more.
Only problem is Kishida doesn't have the political power to take on the agriculture industry. The EU is getting nothing I'm return. They should've lowered their guns at the same time.
Show us some study that backup your words!
Ring alarm bells much....hiding data is not the way to breed trust!
Good for the EU. Unlike the South Korean and Chinese governments (and their blind anti-Japan followers). Both governments have released plant waste water with double the amounts of tritium than what is contained in the Fukushima waste waters. All this grandstanding and posturing against Japan is so childish.
My dog, it seems like every day when I read this paper there is a picture of Ursula von der Leyen. Is she now a resident in Japan? Just asking for my friends here in the EU, so if she is we can all cheer.
Unfortunately the Commission did a rather bad job here.
Some European products still require radioactive testing. Berries, jams, mushrooms etc. The Commission should have pushed for reciprocity.
Dors the Europeans eat Japanese food products?
while noting Japan continued to monitor for radioactivity and stressing Japan should publish its findings.
Ummmm yes they are! Not publishing data is different how?
Errr, no that is not the reason.
The reason is purely based on economic considerations
Radiation and contamination from nuclear plants doesn’t suddenly just disappear after 12 years
EU scientists are not stupid and ignorant of that fact.
The reason is that Kishida has given the EU a green light to export products here (Japan)
Food from Fukushima is an unknown and contaminated produce, debris, animals, tyres, green tea, building materials have already found their way all over Japan
The authorities in Japan have hardly been paragons in preventing the spread
However, the EU will ignore the inherent dangers of importing from Japan so that EU farmers can get into the EU markets where access has been arbitrarily blocked in the past
Greed wins!
Impeccable timing.
I wonder how the people of Europe feel about this.
Methinks they might be quite dubious not to mention angry especially with Japan about to release radioactive water into the sea.
The optics just don't seem right.
You mean water treated to well beyond international standards, and verified independently by the IAEA?
The water is far cleaner than water being released by other nuclear power plants around the world.
Don’t you ever go shopping?
What EU origin fruit and vegetables do you see?
Oh, try buying US apples too
That’s right there aren’t any-funny that!
Now you obviously know that it is impossible to monitor all foodstuffs (maybe you don’t) for contamination and only a small sample is ever tested.
It is also possible to mark Fukushima produce as having come from other prefectures and yes, that has been done before as well et al….
The EU doesn’t test for all contamination from nuclear elements either-an unhealthy dose of strontium or pluntonium is basically ignored
Feeding babies and children especially with contaminated food is a major health risk
This is why food from the Chernobyl disaster found in Germany is still banned after several decades presently
Yet, Japan wants to export and the EU import contaminated food-unbelievable!
Europeans don't need Japanese food. Their cuisines are much better and flavourful than anything in Japanese cuisine.
Ricky Kaminski13
Very much seems like the Japanese version of a middle finger to the regional opponents of the water release. Get over to Europe and get them to lift food import curbs and restrictions from the danger zone. That’s some nice politicking right there! Kishida looks absolutely chuffed with himself.
Ricky Kaminski13
PS don’t think that the EU market for Japanese mushrooms or bamboo shoots is that huge either! All about the optics this one! Well played though. Kishida seems to do well outside of Japan!
A chemist would know you can't evaporate a million tons of water with Tritium.
for reference
Clearly someone is united in opposition to imported EU food products.
What a quasi alliance.
So, nothing to do with safety at all. Great.
Anyway, I 100% support it, as long as it is made clear the origin of the products being shipped to the EU. Let in cheaper, superior products to Japan, and let the EU decide if they want to eat food that will no doubt cost a fortune and is from irradiated areas.
Maybe because the regulations were too strict for Japan to navigate-Plenty of radiation was found in domestically produced food from the affected region in the following years
Remarkably crass comment. Must be why the French have become addicted to "surimi", ie; Kanikama.
Japanese food and restaurants are very popular in the UK.
This is proof that the EU has inspected the radioactivity content of agricultural products produced in Japan so far, but there have been no problems.
Unlike China's Hong Kong and South Korea, the EU only allowed imports if there were scientific grounds and results.
For Japanese farmers, the failure to export crops due to emotional rather than scientific refusal, as in China and South Korea, is nothing but reputational damage.
And most importantly, even if the EU permits imports, whether or not to actually purchase Japanese agricultural products is left to the decision of general EU companies.
Even the EU government cannot force private companies to purchase Japanese agricultural products. Koreans and others do not understand this.
The job of the Japanese government is to abolish import restrictions imposed by governments around the world that are not based on scientific grounds, and to reduce harmful rumors about Fukushima.
It does not matter whether each country imports Japanese agricultural products or not.
By the way, until now, rich Chinese people have preferred to buy Japanese agricultural products over Chinese agricultural products, even if they are more expensive.
Rich Chinese people are a good example of how dangerous Chinese agricultural products are.