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© KYODOEx-Japan PM Aso arrives in Taiwan
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Good. Keep him there.
""Former Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso, currently vice president of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, arrived in Taiwan on Monday""
Only to stir up trouble with China, not a good start for dialog China and the rest of the concerned Asian nations.
""Good. Keep him there.""
Probably looking for a place to retire, wine and dine and hide his $$$.
I understand that the photo is of him visiting a gravesite, but couldn't Kyodo or JT find something a little more uplifting to capture this trip?
Wiki suggests Aso is worth $5 billion. Maybe he can buy an offshore island near Taiwan...
According to The Japan Times in 2022, Tarō Asō is the wealthiest member of Japan's National Diet. While Taro Aso's exact net worth is unknown it is estimated that his net worth is $5 billion US Dollars. This would make him not just one of the wealthiest politicians in Japan but one of the wealthiest politicians in the world. 80% of his estimated wealth is inherited while 20% of his estimated wealth has been earned by him. - Wiki
Amazing how Aso hasn’t a grey hair at the age of 82…
Well so far Aso hasn't said anything stupid so that's good. Plus anything that gets the Chinese dictatorship riled up is a good thing too. Which is lead by Xi Jingping worth USD 1.2 billion, in a "communist" country no less.
Famous for snack bars, alcohol, sleeping in parliament, defending child porn in manga, he will find Taiwan boring.
his family made that money from using slave labor in Korea to extract minerals
“earned”………..if you mean embezzled, yes.
The man, the legend. Aso has perfected the art of looking awake while sleeping.
Nothing changed...
China will take its Taiwanese province whenever China considers it..
This is very insulting to Taiwan, Aso-San doesn't have a good reputation, he is an embarrassment of whatever the things he touched. He is the old Japan and he might not in politics next year, not much he can help them. Perhaps he will make some funny and blizzard remarks about Taiwan that shocked everyone!
I remember Aso-San held a political public relation campaign by sat in a train and discussing politics with some teenage school girls, it was twenty years ago. The passengers around him has no interest and the school girls stood in front of him were tired of his speech. If Taiwan count on this guy for public relations, you are really wrong!
"Taro Aso's exact net worth is unknown it is estimated that his net worth is $5 billion US Dollars."
How does he get away with this, when the inheritance tax on even Y200,000,000 is substantial?
Easily, as do the other oligarchs who don't work for you and keep paying taxes for the little people.
It's equity in Aso Cement. If he pulled the money out it would be taxable.
Ricky Kaminski13
The day after another example of Chinas behavior on the South China Sea, China firing water canons at a Philippine coast guard supply ship. Now is the time to not flinch to Chinese aggression, so well done Asosan! Bring your brand of swagger to the story! Whatever people think of you, attracticring attention is definitely an Aso forte!
Blinken let the free world down, doesn’t mean Japan has to follow suit. This could very well be their historical moment to be on the right side of history this time, despite the naysayers and cynics.
“This aggression will not stand man.” The Dude
Hideomi Kuze
Several years before, Aso who had said "no problem even if drinking it" about Fukushima nuclear disaster contaminated water.
80% inherited. That is money earned by using forced POW labour...
You forget that he is also adept at inner ear excavations and examining the contents on national tv!
he is just a useless dinosaur.
when I’m bored I watch him and Biden’s gaffes. His best one was his praise for hitler because he passed laws at 3am when everybody was sleeping.
Hopefully old Aso's official trip provokes and antagonizes Communist China.
Anyway, there should be many, many more high level Japanese visits to free Taiwan. They are a true ally of Japan.