Japan Today

China's propaganda put under scrutiny as netizen comments translated

By Yuichiro Okuma

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The GTM should concentrate also on islamophobia, Russophobia, homophobia, as well as Sinophobia. In the west it is almost impossible to get balanced news due to us-led censorship, under the excuse of “misinformation”

So, let's see, you are saying the US is somehow able to censor Al Jazeera, Middle East Eye, The Straits Times or Reuters? Really? If one wants to know what's going on in the world read news sources from multiple countries. Read some of these and you find they are not all fawning all over the US. Far from it actually.

Btw, GTM means translating, as in translating Mandarin comments on Chinese social media into other languages so the whole world can read China's propaganda, and the comments of some of their citizens.

22 ( +24 / -2 )

All you have to do is Google “The Great Translation Movement” and you will find it. Some of the translated posts are extremely hateful, racist and down right nationalism.

21 ( +23 / -2 )

Wonderful how creative minds still shine through the propaganda and lies, uncorrupted by the CCP's incessant desire for control.

19 ( +23 / -4 )

Man I’m sick of hearing about the CCP

16 ( +21 / -5 )

People like Wang are the true Chinese patriots. China has enormous potential as a country, as a people, and for the benefit of the world. If only they were not under the control of an authoritaran dictatorship that prioritizes the existence and survival of the CCP over anything else.

16 ( +19 / -3 )

try and view RT News.

Why on earth would normal people want to watch the lies Putin makes RT news put out to convince his people that destroying and murdering in Ukraine is a good and necessary thing?

Google and YouTube are getting worse.

If by worse you mean removing known lies and Russian propaganda then how is that anything but a good thing?

Putin IS a joke. I guess you dont get it yet. You will in time.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

When the truth hurts and can’t be censored scream ‘outside interference.’ Anything it takes as long as you don’t have to do any soul searching yourselves.

This old gem springs to mind, “You make your bed, you lie in it.”

9 ( +11 / -2 )

information about how the CCP and government are breeding aggressive patriotism directed against other countries and charging ahead with a military buildup.

Something the world needs to be concerned about.

dangerous public opinions being formed in China due to the government implanting anti-Japanese sentiments in the minds of citizens," Wang said, expressing concern that China is pushing toward military expansion on a pretense of Japan's threat.

And people object to Japan defending itself. Those who do, are simply following the CCP script of keep Japan weak while China builds it's military and at a point in the near future China will exact it's long deserved revenge on Japan for WWII and take Senkaku's and Okinawa and perhaps even more of Japan, while their Russian partners take Hokkaido.

The blindfold is being removed by concerned Chinese citizens who have found that the CCP leave much to be desired as leaders of their beloved country.

China is not the friendly benevolent country the CCP tries so hard to convince everyone that it is. It is evil, power hungry and planning for conquest of others in the near future.

Prepare to resist China and Russia.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

The GTM should concentrate also on islamophobia, Russophobia, 

there was no Russophobia before the invasion of Ukraine, so you can blame Putin for this one

got highly racist Putin jokes.

& the problem is … ?

9 ( +11 / -2 )

try and view RT News. Google and YouTube are getting worse. I tried googling anti Ukraine jokes and got highly racist Putin jokes.

RT news is complete Russian propaganda, owned and operated ran by the Russia . Why would anyone trust that as news source? I really don’t trust any stated owned media sources.

AP and Reuters are really fair and balanced.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

the CCP and china in general is disgustingly sick

8 ( +10 / -2 )

The Chinese leadership under President Xi Jinping, meanwhile, has responded by denouncing the movement as "a virus that insults China,"

What, another one?

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Being born and raised in America my middle school teacher showed us the movie “Pearl Harbor” 

Your teacher deserves to be fired for even considering showing that movie in a historical context.

Tora Tora Tora would have been a better choice.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

All you have to do is Google “The Great Translation Movement” and you will find it. Some of the translated posts are extremely hateful, racist and down right nationalism.

That's certainly true. But none of that is really surprising.

What is surprising is the extent to which you really don't need to step out of the English speaking world to find really hateful things written about Japan online. And how little the media reports on it.

I remember, after Abe had been shot, there were many individuals on twitter (particularly those with furry personas, trans flags, and hammers & sickles in their bios) essentially praising or making excuses for the attack. There were others who were celebrating it indirectly, by making memes or jokes about the assassination.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Good on the GTM, expose uncle Xi's propaganda. To be honest though, who would fall for such blatant propaganda in the first place? You'd have to be extra gullible to fall into such deception. Since we're on the topic, I wonder if the GTM is also exposing propaganda of right-wing J-political parties as well.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

The GTM should concentrate also on islamophobia, Russophobia, homophobia, as well as Sinophobia. In the west it is almost impossible to get balanced news due to us-led censorship, under the excuse of “misinformation”.

I always enjoy the US Government conspiracy theories. It’s very clear the US Government doesn’t control the US media.

Back on topic. It was appalling to me to read the Chinese comments when Abe was assassinated, President Biden contracted COVID, and the amount of CCP propaganda that is flooding The Chinese citizens. I actually feel bad for the everyday citizen.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

This perpetual propaganda machine is brought to you by the very people that Infected the entire World, keep that in mind, while they continue to push their party narrative.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

This is awesome.

One should remember that less than 1/10 of Chinese citizens are actually in with the disgraceful CCP.

We must ensure the other 9/10th are with us for human freedom and decentralized power.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

It is not just propaganda, but a way to pacify its population. China’s public is far more nationalistic and militaristic compared to the CCP, so essentially it is a feedback loop.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

wolfshineToday  12:08 pm JST

What is surprising is the extent to which you really don't need to step out of the English speaking world to find really hateful things written about Japan online. And how little the media reports on it.

It seems like some media sites actually thrive on it, even while operating in Japan.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

quote. the image of China as a peaceful and friendly country created by its propaganda authorities.

I almost choked on my tea reading that. Dear CCP, your propaganda authorities have been rubbish for some time, if that was their goal. They work about as well as the department that has been regulating China's property developers.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

In April, the Global Times, a daily tabloid affiliated with the CCP's flagship newspaper, the People's Daily, carried an expert's commentary, saying that translations "dishonoring" China have become "large-scale and systematized."

The fact that the government criticizes the translations instead of the original hateful comments is proof enough of what is the actual problem in China.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Lots of Chinese in America,can openly criticize the government of China,but lots of them choose to live their lives separate and without forming allegiance with domestic US rights group ,who have lots of influence on domestic US rights issues

4 ( +4 / -0 )


To be honest though, who would fall for such blatant propaganda in the first place? You'd have to be extra gullible to fall into such deception.

Propaganda is not just for the gullible. If you are bombarded with the same propaganda day after day you will start believing it. This is how neighbours turned in neighbours, and neighbours killed neighbours in n-zi Germany, former Yugoslavia, etc. Many experiments were done with this. Please, I invite you to watch some of these which are available in documentaries too.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

the Nazi symbol wearing

theres only one side wearing nazi symbols & murdering women & children - Z !

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Also, a lot of the Translated stuff ends up here:


2 ( +3 / -1 )

Why is this relevant to a story about Chinese translation?

And of course leave it to the biased writers to ignore how the Nazi symbol wearing Azov BattaIion murdered women and kids in Donetsk and Donbas region look up Donetsk and Donbas 2014 and how women and kids were massacred by Azov BattaIion

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Adults say the darndest things

1 ( +1 / -0 )

You can find them on "Gettr".

0 ( +1 / -1 )

there was no Russophobia before the invasion of Ukraine, so you can blame Putin for this one


0 ( +0 / -0 )


I always enjoy the US Government conspiracy theories. It’s very clear the US Government doesn’t control the US media.

The US Govt and the big corporations feed off each other. Both main parties in the us receive donations and lobbying (aka bribes) to either pass a pre-written law or not to, and to weed out troublemakers who don't support these "business-friendly" policies (business friendly to the large corporations, not the actual small businesses). A major corporate group is the defence industry—this is why the us must be at war or stoking wars. And the media is owned by these corporations which control the narrative. Some international media are even owned by the same holding company in another country. It's not just Murdoch.

Many things the media does get right, but when an interest clashes, the media either fails to report or "changes the narrative."

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Why Ukrainain pose a risk too the US national security Google Bellingcats Russian Jets

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Being born and raised in America my middle school teacher showed us the movie “Pearl Harbor” and in high school of course you learn WW2 and the Allies vs the Axis where the Nazis were the Japanese. Then I learned of the 731 Experiments Japanese MiIitary did to Civilians from all over from Indian soldiers to Natives to Koreans including cannibalizing lndian and Native soldiers not to mention Japans denial of Koreas Comfort Women. The gall of Japanese writer to only fixate on others when they should be apologizing for their war crimes literally Japan sided with Nazis during WW2. You’re really no better and quiet shite visiting shrines of past imperial miIitary generals that have mass murdered kids and civilians of the entire Asian continent

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

And of course leave it to the biased writers to ignore how the Nazi symbol wearing Azov BattaIion murdered women and kids in Donetsk and Donbas region look up Donetsk and Donbas 2014 and how women and kids were massacred by Azov BattaIion

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

So, let's see, you are saying the US is somehow able to censor

try and view RT News. Google and YouTube are getting worse. I tried googling anti Ukraine jokes and got highly racist Putin jokes.

-12 ( +2 / -14 )

The GTM should concentrate also on islamophobia, Russophobia, homophobia, as well as Sinophobia. In the west it is almost impossible to get balanced news due to us-led censorship, under the excuse of “misinformation”.

-20 ( +10 / -30 )

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