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© KYODOAgain, no female contenders in Japan's leadership race
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If we want to see women, we need our oldest elected officials to step aside PLEASE and make room for a younger generation of leaders.
I know equal gender representation in Japanese leadership roles are an issue.... but I'd rather just see someone competent and capable to be in the leadership race - man or woman.
Well we have now for 16 years a female chancellor in Germany and more than 50% female ministers, judges etc. and the country is going down the drains. All good in Japan.
politicians are corrupt and incompetent all over the world. Why should that be different with a female (s. Clinton, LaGarde, etc.)?
If I were a woman, I'd think twice before putting myself into a situation where I would be surrounded by aged entitled predators, who have proven time and time again have the prosecutors, courts in their pockets. Decision making in Japan must be a male preserve otherwise the men's sence of self worth is destroyed. That is how pathetic they are.
Koike is again is too old and now might be peaking, 4 or 5 years I hope not. You have to remember these men passed laws that activity reduce women to chattels. If she doesn't fight hard enough against rape even by her father as a child he gets off. So working amongst men with this mindset is beyond daunting and I'd imagin a smart woman would say no thanks it's safer in private enterprise and more rewarding.
What if women are not interested in politics as much as men are?
Do we have to force them to run for political offices in the name of equality so that there is 50 percent of them there?
I still do not see a NEED for any particular sex to be represented by numbers or even percentages for any position in business or in government. The fact is, it is the ability of the person to get up to a position to be selected or elected and qualify to do the job. It is not sex, age, race, color, education, number or kind of certificates or the college or university he/she attended.
It is also determined by the voting public and their preferences.
Not surprising considering the hierarchical manner in which the LDP operates, and not to mention that the general public still can not accept the idea of voting for women on the ballots in their own districts during upper and lower house elections.
"Everyone" says sure it would be great, but from somewhere else, our LDP candidate is more important!
Why do people even consider Koike? She is NOT a member of the Diet, is not in the LDP anymore either.
Besides that she pissed off all the top leaders of the LDP when she choose to run for the Governorship of Tokyo BEFORE her turn in line.
Folks HAVE to wake up and do a little bit of research about Japanese politics.
And it's because people think like this that no woman ever rises high enough here. We dont live in a world where everyone dances around the campfire singing "Kumbaya".
It's totally naive to think that "ability" regardless of anything is going to make it here.
Is there any surprise?
Bwahaha! Nice one!
Is it disrespectful to state that Suga San has outstayed his welcome?
Suga San is yesterdays man, without a single policy that will reform or provide a concentrate basis for families friendly policies or counter J de-population.
Suga San is wedded to a past best forgotten.
Gee. What a shocker. The same old same old, huh Japan?
Never going to adapt, improve or evolve.
Way to improve things guys.
And an Abe crony on top of all that.
"Ganbare Nippon!"
I don't support any of these geezers, none has the balls to condemn China, especially Ishiba, "we must be the mediator of US - China relationship", like WHAT ? LOL!! Though I like it when the questioneers ask about "female problem", then he replied "Why aren't there female questioneers ? What did you do ?".
None of these three are any good.
Abe's "Old Boy" network doesn't have women in it, so how could there be any female contenders?
The LDP puppet government makes a mockery of Democracy.
I do not see any female candidate who is good enough to become next PM. Then what is the problem? Who specifically has been discriminated in the election?
That was a good one!
You are talking about the Japanese Government, are you not?
I agree, but unfortunately, I don’t see any male politician that is good enough to become the next PM either.
Alexandre T. Ishii
As the title of this column explains it's a circus show! Everybody knows the result and everyone looks like in expectation who will be. " The Joker will come soon!."
It’s a surprise? The true Japanese heart is coming out!?
Had me rolling on the floor laughing.
Even if you could have Koike as PM would you want her?
Well, what are women doing about it? Its not up to a man or men to determine the fate of a woman. If the country wants a woman and more female politicians, then get to work! Justin Trudeau's cabinet was half women and conservatives like Jordan Peterson freaked out because Trudeau didn't select his team based on merit but rather what sex they were. So what's it going to be? A bunch of women chosen because they're women, or women earning their place in history?
No surprise from the time a child is born in Japan male or female they are separated, you can't blame the men look at the mentality of the women particularly the moms they push this agenda in their sons mind set as soon as they begin the walk the little boys are treated much different than the girls, until they equally treat them from an early onset nothing is going to change.
Bjorn Tomention
This picture tells you the result already - the guy on the left is wearing blue tie, 3rd place, the guy on the right wearing red tie, 2nd place, the guy in the center wearing the Gold tie, the winner. That is how this pans out.
As for female contenders..........surely it should be based on merit and not sex, if their is a worthy female contender may she step forward and take up the mantle, until then no more of this promotion based on sex or gender.
And I know some of you will say thats what this already is or has been. But hey c'mon the woman of today have no pockets in their skirts large enough to hide the envelopes stuffed with the cash they would be about to receive.
Ken Wyatt
Wouldn't really matter anyway.
It's rigged.
Most of em are either too far right, incompetent or both.
I'm in favor for more female representation yes. It should be based on qualifications, on ability to do your job, not on gender or the skin of your color.
Abe promoted 2 female which was not ready for office, you know what happened? They both quit a few months later.
Koike still has a chance to become a PM. She is still very capable and vibrant person at her age. If she runs for a Diet member, she will easily win. She does not have to be a member of LDP. She can be a member of a minority party and yet she can still get a support from LDP just like PM Murayama of Socialist Party years ago.
Richard Raymond Kullman
Living in america and having seen what female candidates are accused of. It is grotesque at times. i can scarcely imagine whats horrific things would be said of a female politician in japan, one might as well be a collage educated JAV star ruining for congress, so she can at least admit experience of what she would be accused of, and could claim experience to do the work even better. it is a known fact women have to do 5 to 10 times better than a man to be acknowledged even a little.
It doesn't matter whether it's a man or a woman. What's more important is that the new PM is competent.
You're dismayed by the turn of events? I'm not. Besides, the Japanese government serves the Keiretsu, not the public. Can you list a single female head of any of those? Shan't be holding my breath.
I blame the Japanese women within the ruling party for not fighting harder for their rights, it seems to me they are not putting a strong fight and therefor men members feel they don't have to give up anything.
The general public is in full support of stronger roles for women, but those who are in the position to take the fight all they are NOT doing enough and NOT willing to risk it.
The reason women are not rising to the top in the LDP is answered within the article itself. They are attempting to change the conservative party towards Progressivism. Of course they will not be able to gain the support of their colleagues. If their goal is to change the party from within they can expect a lot of opposition. If they want to further their careers they are better off doing so elsewhere. The problem for like minded people on the Left, the people do not support the Progressive parties to any significant degree.
I find it interesting, but not surprising, that while it's politically correct (and even politically required) to consider it a scandal that there is no woman running to succeed Mr. Abe, this somehow being evidence of "sexism," it is perfectly acceptable to engage in "ageism"--with talk of "geezers."
As a voter (有権者), I would be willing to support a woman for PM, but I would be judging her by her wisdom, not by her anatomy.
We are biological creatures, and biology can be tyrannical. Societies change, and our "gender" roles can be partially (but not entirely) adjusted. There are some women who make better leaders than most men, but they are atypical. That's simply a fact of life, whatever journalists may say.
Japanese government of the old people, by the old people, for the old people. That is Japanese democratic politics.
Sad, Japan needs a female leader.
Japan is still men's world, so LDP will never let woman be a Prime Minister. They will not vote for woman anyway. It would take a couple of hundred years to become a woman prime minister.
Sven Asai
It’s not about chances or capabilities, more something about differences in enjoying the only one life that everyone has. Most men like to demonstrate how intelligent and powerful they are or can become in the companies, politics, sports, on the road etc. while most women know exactly where the most delicious bubble tea is sold and enjoy that very relaxed with their female friends after a very stressful and usually costly shopping spree of the newest fashion brands at the fewer remaining department stores. Both can of course do that equally well too what the other gender does, but they don’t like or enjoy it that much. That won’t change so much , simply while it can’t change in the very most cases.
El Rata
What seems to be the problem? As long as they pick someone who is up to the challenge, why would someone care if it's a man, a woman or a horse?
Also many people forget that in this country most women prefer to stay home and take care of their family. Less women working equals less women in positions of political power.
Desert Tortoise
The economic statistics for Germany, GDP growth, low national debt, high exports, budget probity and general overall personal wealth in comparison to the world's other developed nations argues strongly against what you claim. I have traveled a good part of the world and if the language wasn't so challenging and the winter weather so atrocious (I ride motorcycles all year but you won't do that in most of Germany) I would very much consider living there. The standard of living, the general cleanliness and orderliness of Germany strongly appeal to me. There is great natural beauty there too. You Germans have had good competent leadership compared to much of the west and your Chancellor is considered by some of us to be the current leader of the free world, America having abandoned any claim to this title.
Desert Tortoise
Your comment fails to acknowledge the strong social pressures on women not to become involved in politics. It is not a case of forcing women to participate but rather removing the social barriers so they feel welcome to participate without negative repercussions.
Desert Tortoise
BINGO!.. It is exactly that backwards and repressive ideology of yours regarding women that deters women from entering politics. All you see women as as interested in and worthy of is spitting out babies and tending the home. NO. It is exactly men like you who keep women out of politics. It is a dark stain on mankind to view women as nothing more than wives and mothers. Shame!
Perhaps females are smart enough not to contend for being placed in a position she would be bullied on a daily bases and criticized for every little thing the boys club doesn’t like.
Do you even understand why Murayama was chosen as PM? THe LDP was forced to form a coalitiion government because they did not have a majority of seats, and Murayama used his position to get the job as PM but everyone around him was LDP.
That is hardly an example to point to, and there is no way in hell the Koike is going to get even close to enough support for a serious run at PM without having a party behind her, and at her current age as well.
You say she could "easily win". Where would she enter the election from? The LDP would put her up against formidable opponents and they have the LDP machine behind them as well. She would probably win, but not easily either, and then what, you think the LDP is suddenly going to bow down to her?
Dont be naive about this, she wont get LDP support because they are still ticked off at her about Tokyo, the past election in Tokyo too!
David Michael Lockard
The tug of war. People and societies struggle with the confines of structure and culture. That's not enough, let's throw gender and race in the blender too without neglecting sports and politics.
Modern societies may need to be both gender specific as well as androgynous. Then just as you get everything prepared a virus or natural disaster comes along there ya go, down the drain.
So realistically, ability serves people and advances societies most.
Gender and race balancing seems to look good on paper and in some areas but I'm not sure it produces the best performance and result even though I would like to see more female politicians. I am thankful I can say I am not the reason there are no women contenders in Japan's leadership race. Moreover, I encouraged and taught many intelligent Japanese females who would be perfect for the role.