Japan Today

Biden aims to reinvigorate ties with allies including Japan, keep pressure on China

By Miya Tanaka

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The man is clearly not well. It’s painful watching him trying to speak. He wouldn’t last five minutes in a debate with Trump

-4 ( +36 / -40 )

 He wouldn’t last five minutes in a debate with Trump

We’ll see about that.

This is the problem; trump supporters have made a huge mistake. Biden can’t do this, Biden will do that etc...

What they fail to understand is that a vote for Biden is a vote for a TEAM who will work together. No one person can do everything.

The cult of personality around trump tricked people, even fooling himself, that he can do it all, a one man show. So he jumped into every situation without advice, whooping his fans into a frenzy, then failing massively. A one man disaster.

Biden will make mistakes, but he won’t make them alone and because of stubborn vain idiocy.

7 ( +34 / -27 )

foreign policy that seeks to restore U.S. leadership on the global stage

I prefer the US to step back from any global military role. Given how much more powerful China and Russia have become since Trump took office, if the spread of their respective empires is to be slowed it will require global co-operation among all the USA's former allies. Ideally without any military action.

and reinvigorate ties with traditional allies including Japan.

Trump has so heavily damaged US relations with its traditional allies that 'reinvigorating ties' is going to be one more challenge for Trump's replacements. Assuming of course Trump is replaced.

0 ( +17 / -17 )

Rational adults don’t keep voting for the same and expect different results. Trumps not the best, but the alternative is a death nail to the U.S. Look how all the lib run cities are turning into undesirable locations. Then those states residents move to places like Austin, Tx and then the same happens there. What’s the definition of insanity? Keep doing (voting) the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Sad thing is the indoctrinated young have no idea the dangerous road they are navigating

-3 ( +27 / -30 )

All major cities in US are Democratic run and rotting. Now they want to run the US. Good Luck America!

2 ( +28 / -26 )

Rationale adults understand that Biden will begin the process of repairing the damage to our country that Trump inflicted.

It can't get any worse than it is now.

Biden together with Kamala Harris will create a normal America again.

Trump has so heavily damaged US relations with its traditional allies that 'reinvigorating ties' is going to be one more challenge for Trump's replacements. Assuming of course Trump is replaced.

REALLY, their is no damage to repair between Japan and US as it is clearly known in Japan that Abe and Trump are BFF's. Please wake up.

A "normal" America, again? One in which involves a Democrat movement supported by Biden, Clinton, err sorry Harris such the terrorist groups Anti-fa and public "Marxist acknowledged BLM" and the many Democratic followers causing rioting, looting, destruction of property and IAI social media fake news. Sure normal.

Yes Trump has damaged US relations with traditional allies, Russia, China, Iran, North Korea ok I will buy that one. No Trump will not be replaced at least not yet by these two.
-9 ( +21 / -30 )

Thank you Ms. M. Tanak

"""If the former vice president with vast foreign policy experience wins the November election, a return to what can be seen as "normalcy" is widely expected, bringing relief to countries that have coped with Republican President Donald Trump's erratic decision-making, provocative rhetoric and transactional approach to alliances since he took office in 2017."""

"normalcy" to say the least.

"" erratic decision-making, provocative rhetoric"" is just what my cat does all the trime.

The world starting November can breath a lot easier and much better when Trump and COVID - 19 are gone.

-1 ( +15 / -16 )

The country needs to find it's balance again. This can not be achieved with another term of a Trump presidency. The rampant divisiveness in the country is seen only as a weakness and taken advantage of by our adversaries. We need to feel proud to be American again instead of embarrassed as we have in the past three and a half years. Let's dump this racist lying treasonous con-man and MAGA.

4 ( +24 / -20 )

Trump now Biden, things going from bad to worse, anther white guy

Kamala would be the better choice to repair ties and trust because she is Black

-36 ( +4 / -40 )

Look how all the lib run cities are turning into undesirable locations.

Economically, the Liberal States keep the economy afloat. Without them the rest of the country world be a middle income country

2 ( +18 / -16 )

anther white guy

Another white guy? Sounds kinda racist to me. This isn’t the Starship Enterprise. You could comeback in a couple of hundred years, but for now, how about dumping everything thing associated with what the “white guy” has invented, but then you’re back in the dark ages. You’re in a pickle.

16 ( +26 / -10 )

trump is not suitable for president or businessman, he has no knowledge for both and caring only

for himself not the people.

-3 ( +19 / -22 )

Not sure how Biden's going to "keep pressure on China" when its party's official newspaper, The Global Times, has endorsed him for POTUS.

-5 ( +18 / -23 )

Let's dump this racist lying treasonous con-man and MAGA.

It’s funny, I see so many of these accusations, but on the web, I mostly see those folks on the left doing the attacking, foul language attacks, etc. There’s a video going around now of a couple of well feed young female adults attacking and stealing a MAGA cap from a 7 year old boy and his mom. Wow! the language. Who curses like that in front of kids?

The country needs to find it's balance again

So the country’s gonna “find its balance” with these folks? Not a chance.

invalid CSRF

-4 ( +16 / -20 )

Biden is a total idiot along with Harris. They're both deceiving the Americans by their lies. They say what the people want to hear and not the truth.

-4 ( +22 / -26 )

Trump 2020 Make the liberals Cry again !!

-1 ( +24 / -25 )

Trump was once asked how do you weather the storm around you to which he replied.... I am the storm.

Cant wait to see the seasons change

12 ( +20 / -8 )

Not sure how Biden's going to "keep pressure on China" when its party's official newspaper, The Global Times, has endorsed him for POTUS.

Do you really think Mr. Biden cares what the editors of the Global Times think? I mean honestly.

11 ( +22 / -11 )

Biden aims to reinvigorate ties with allies including Japan, keep pressure on China

Yeah, right. Too bad Biden never put any pressure on China, it took Trump to do that.

Joe Biden, in his acceptance speech promised to:

End covid

Prevent all threats, seen and unseen

End racism

Never give you up

Never let you down

Never run around and desert you

Never make you cry

Never say goodbye

Never tell a lie and hurt you

Sure, Joe.  

The world starting November can breath a lot easier and much better when Trump and COVID - 19 are gone.

There are a lot of people who think COVID will be gone the day after the election. I think it's going to be around for awhile longer, but we're going to be dealing with it in a way that doesn't shut down businesses.

-9 ( +14 / -23 )

He’s a staunch Christian Right?

dont them folks have 10 basics rules?

Thou shalt not murder. Drones anyone?

Thou shalt not commit adultery. Tara Reade?

Thou shalt not covet. Illegal invasions, occupations?

why does a Shinto/Buddhist country with a peaceful constitution have to follow Biden’s Christian principles?

5 ( +15 / -10 )

Joe Biden is an odds-on favorite to succeed in 2020 United States presidential election, November 3, 2020.

Donald Trump a +115, Joe Biden a monthly solid -134 favorite.

The spread range on Joe Biden Presidency 4/5 (-126) to 8/11 (-137), translates to 54.94% to 58.01%.

Against Trump win at +110 to +125 at 43% to 45%.

The progressives have already given warning to Biden that any attempt to pursue a protracted cold war with the Government of China will meet strong opposition.

Instead insisting a Joe Biden Government/Administration must engage and negotiate with Beijing on the perceived challenges.

such as pandemics/climate change, building a bilateral relationship with the Government of China irrespective of the democratic and human rights situation in Hong Kong…..And worse

China’s Global Threat to Human Rights


A policy of appeasement, cooperate on shared interests.

In many ways in alignment with the EU, underpinned by a comprehensive investment agreement taking center stage.

So, a far softer/benign approach than Donald Trump.

In essence ignoring Chinese state-backed companies/enterprises that aggressively fund lost making businesses, whilst undertaking intellectual property theft. Polices designed to guarantee an increased presence across the US home market, whilst refusing to undertake structural economic reform to open up their market.

Remember Joe Biden strap line, vote like your life depended on it.

If not your life at least your Job.

See the dilemma  Vote for Joe Biden is taking anything thats available, yet in reality gaining nothing at all.

0 ( +13 / -13 )

Amazing, Biden read a speech written by others with few mistakes! He can be President!

2 ( +16 / -14 )

He’s a staunch Christian Right?

dont them folks have 10 basics rules?

Thou shalt not murder. Drones anyone?

Obama loved drones. Check it out.

Thou shalt not covet. Illegal invasions, occupations?

why does a Shinto/Buddhist country with a peaceful constitution have to follow Biden’s Christian principles?

Biden voted for the Iraq War, which his supporter Colin Powell helped orchestrate.

Joe Biden is an odds-on favorite to succeed in 2020 United States presidential election, November 3, 2020.

Jeepers creepers! Better sell your stocks now!

-4 ( +14 / -18 )

Well, after all, he spent months in seculusion and had plenty of trime for coaching and rehersal. If you go over something with a person who has onset dementia they can usually get it right. I wonder, who actually wrote the speech? Hey, he did a better job with the teleprompter than Obama ever did so you gotta give him credit for that. I wonder how he’ll stand up to making critical life threatening decisions when, seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks and months count? “Is this the coffee machine or the panel that launches our missles?” Com’on man, you know what I mean. :)

-6 ( +12 / -18 )

There is no choice there is only one vote, and you know who to vote for, or you have rocks in your head like biden.

-13 ( +12 / -25 )

I don’t identify as Democrat or Republican but something has to be done to help the U.S. regain some respect abroad and some normalcy at home.

To reword and correct a quote from another poster:

Rational adults don’t keep voting for the same and expect different results. Biden is not the best, but the alternative (Trump) is a death nail to the U.S.

There, that makes much more sense!

It won’t be easy for any Trump replacement to undo the damage that has taken place these last four years but anything is better than what the U.S. has now and the direction, however erratic, that Trump is pushing the country. Four more years of Trump would probably cause so much damage that it really could be “a death nail to the U.S.”.

11 ( +21 / -10 )

Yet the current administration's hard-line approach toward China would likely continue even under Biden

There are 1.5 billion reasons why Biden will reverse American policy and go easy on his sons ChiComm benefactors.

-12 ( +9 / -21 )

I will vote Jill Biden for President!

-13 ( +5 / -18 )

Oh this isnt a biased article whatsoever....

a return to what can be seen as "normalcy" is widely expected, bringing relief to countries that have coped with Republican President Donald Trump's erratic decision-making, provocative rhetoric and transactional approach to alliances since he took office in 2017.

then why did they endorse him for President, and can he really be hard-line when his family already has Communist China money lining their pockets? bought and paid for.

Yet the current administration's hard-line approach toward China would likely continue even under Biden,

-8 ( +9 / -17 )

Biden is a total idiot along with Harris. They're both deceiving the Americans by their lies. They say what the people want to hear and not the truth.

Very honest, thank you!

-7 ( +10 / -17 )

There are a lot of people who think COVID will be gone the day after the election.

Can you name one or quote one of them?

Is this one of the many people, a lot of people. trump keeps telling us about. Did someone just yesterday walk up to you and say it? Funny that they never have names...

7 ( +13 / -6 )

Biden chooses “truth over facts”



-5 ( +7 / -12 )


I am all for a forum where free speech is observed, no matter the opinion, aren’t you?

Also, I would suggest you watch Biden demonstrate his cognitive decline as proof that he is unfit to handle the role of president.


-11 ( +7 / -18 )

kurisupisuToday 10:21 am JST

Biden chooses “truth over facts”



Sad to watch really and sadder to think those pushing him to the front will use elder abuse and do not care about this guys health and the state he is in but would rather push him out there to further their own cause, it is actually disgusting.

This poor guy struggles to put sentences together, looses his thoughts half way through saying something, often cant even make the words come out as they are meant to sound.

Biden should be receiving aged care by those around him, not held up on a stick like a corn dog to represent their political party, it is not very good to think the people behind him have no thought or regard for him.

Here is a very clear case of Elderly Abuse right out in front of the world and these dems are not ashamed to show the world how low they will go.

Where is his Aged Care ?

-7 ( +8 / -15 )

He wouldn’t last five minutes in a debate with Trump

It’s going to be very hard for Biden to keep up.

I prefer the US to step back from any global military role. Given how much more powerful China and Russia have become since Trump took office,

No, since Obama took office and decided to downgrade our military, what are you talking about?? Obama during his entire run never used the word terrorist, emboldened our enemies, went on an apology tour, he not only made the US look weak, but took the tooth out of it as much as he could, so of course China and Russia saw a military advantage.

if the spread of their respective empires is to be slowed it will require global co-operation among all the USA's former allies. Ideally without any military action.

As if need Europe’s permission to attack our adversaries.

Trump has so heavily damaged US relations

Great, they never cared about the US to begin with.

-5 ( +10 / -15 )

I guess everyone trumpeting Trump’s debate prowess and cognitive skills didn’t catch his Axios interview the other day.

Or actually any of his interviews come to think of it.

8 ( +13 / -5 )

Granted that Biden is elected, he could not be kind to China. The reason is simple, almost all leading US politicians would have to be anti-China to gain support from grassroots. Don't expect him to be any smarter or more competent than Trump, he simply cannot stop the nation's downhill falling momentum, not even his supposedly highly acclaimed intelligent running mate. Give US 3 more years..

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

 there has been a bipartisan consensus to a tough-on-China approach in terms of human rights, security and economic issues in recent years.

Whichever the party was elected,

I wish the pandemic outbreak will trigger for US and the allies to deal with the issue

But even if Washington currently seeks to join hands with other countries to counter China, it faces difficulty in doing so as tensions among U.S. allies have increased due to Trump's "America First" rhetoric, while many allies have shown unwillingness to comply with his demand 

If the Democratic Party won, would he be able to deal with an adjust of these problems? I wish he or she can make it.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

As if need Europe’s permission to attack our adversaries.

Acting alone the US has very little actual power. The great power of the US has derived from its ability to bring along other nations as allies and partners in its endeavors. One nation going it alone has little in the way of moral authority to do anything. But when a dozen or two nations band together in common cause much is possible. The US has had its greatest hours when it had the support of like minded allies at its side.

10 ( +13 / -3 )

Amazing, Biden read a speech written by others with few mistakes! He can be President!

Have you seen “Hostage Video Don” read off a tele-prompter?

Biden is going to wipe the floor with Trump.

Harris will send Pence crawling back to “mother.”

3 ( +12 / -9 )

Some of Mr. Biden's critics are either unaware or chose to ignore he has a biological condition called stuttering. One is born that way. Stutters learn over time what words trip them up and construct sentences to avoid those words. It is emphatically not a reflection on one's intellect.

12 ( +17 / -5 )

Why is it that a liberal Japanese reporter is dictating our politics. NORMAL!!! Give me a break, what we have now should have been normal years before President Trump. Obama was a puppet for China, Russia and the far east. Communist socialist democrats looking to strip our rights from us. Give me liberty or give me death. And guess what? We don't plan on dieing.

-9 ( +7 / -16 )

Acting alone the US has very little actual power. The great power of the US has derived from its ability to bring along other nations as allies and partners in its endeavors.

True, but when it comes to China, don't expect Europe to get involved or Russia, so this is where modern and more sophisticated hardware comes in, in the ME we hav allies like Israel and the Saudis and to a lesser extent Jordan and Egypt.

The US has had its greatest hours when it had the support of like minded allies at its side.

Yes, but the world was different back in those days, gas was cheap to buy, China was poor and Japan was an economic powerhouse.

-8 ( +6 / -14 )

Some of Biden’s critics choose to ignore the fact that he is 77 years of age and prone to short term memory impairment.

Actually, the American people and many others are down a rathole with the whole Trump vs Biden Debate-it doesn’t really matter one way or the other.

It is the whole political system that needs reform.

A system that ensures that neither the best nor the brightest can sit next to a suitcase containing nuclear launch codes to that can decimate the planet is surely in need of a major review...

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

Sad to watch really and sadder to think those pushing him to the front will use elder abuse and do not care about this guys health and the state he is in but would rather push him out there to further their own cause, it is actually disgusting.

What a silly and uninformed comment. A lot of us expect to have to work well into our 70s. I know I have to. A little late life surprise won't be 18 until I'm 77 and then there is his college to worry about. Chuck Yeager was flying jets until he was 89 years old. He was born in 1923 and his last flight in a jet was in 2012. Age is just a number.

8 ( +13 / -5 )

Give me liberty or give me death. And guess what? We don't plan on dieing.

Yep, Trump really does have the lowly-educated vote sewn up.

9 ( +13 / -4 )

Texas A&M AggieToday  08:31 am JST

Not sure how Biden's going to "keep pressure on China" when its party's official newspaper, The Global Times, has endorsed him for POTUS.

Why should Biden (or anyone else) care about what the CCP mouthpiece Global Times says or doesn't say? The pressure on China is bipartisan and here for good. And Biden correcting the errors made by Trump with our allies will only strengthen that pressure.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

Desert Tortoise Today 11:55 am JST

Sad to watch really and sadder to think those pushing him to the front will use elder abuse and do not care about this guys health and the state he is in but would rather push him out there to further their own cause, it is actually disgusting.

What a silly and uninformed comment. A lot of us expect to have to work well into our 70s.

Yeah thats fine and most expect it, but when they are functioning properly, not when they are obviously suffering from the effects of cognitive problems like biden clearly is, he often cannot even get the words formed.

Not a silly uninformed comment at all, but yours surely is and obviously you have no experience with elderly people .

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

Biden didnt even function properly over the last 45 years he was in govt how do you think the next four years he will function ? Man you need to take a look at his track record and look at the road he has to traverse if elected, but we know he wont make it he is only fronting for the dems and once they in the VP will take over.

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

Here's the best Biden quote from his grande speech:

“There’s never been anything we’ve been able to accomplish when we’ve done it together. ”

0 ( +6 / -6 )

This poor guy struggles to put sentences together, looses his thoughts half way through saying something, often cant even make the words come out as they are meant to sound.

This describes Trump perfectly!

8 ( +13 / -5 )

Not American, could care less who runs that country. No matter who wins its not the same country with that was looked up to when American landed on the moon in 1969.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Amazing, Biden read a speech written by others with few mistakes! He can be President!

Certainly, the inability to do such a simple thing might signify that someone is incapable of the difficult task of being President. So, he does have that going for him, compared to his opponent..

3 ( +6 / -3 )

The man is clearly not well. It’s painful watching him trying to speak. He wouldn’t last five minutes in a debate with Trump

5 minutes of coherent understandable speech from Biden is more informative than and 1hr of hateful propaganda rhetoric from Trump. Some people think constant insults and attacks makes a good president and one that can run a country economy. nomy. Trump record with the economy is clear proof that is wrong and 170000 dead Americans is proof of his incompetence

5 ( +9 / -4 )

The US has never been "normal". It has been prone to tantrums and genocidal acts against people of the Americas and the rest of the world. It would be wonderful if it grew out of them but seems to be currently stuck in the dark ages of superstition and chest thumping.

As if need Europe’s permission to attack our adversaries.

The US is currently acting as adversary of the rest of the planet and generations to come.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Yeah thats fine and most expect it, but when they are functioning properly, not when they are obviously suffering from the effects of cognitive problems like biden clearly is, he often cannot even get the words formed.

Have you ever heard Trump speak?


2 ( +6 / -4 )

Communist socialist democrats looking to strip our rights from us. Give me liberty or give me death. And guess what? We don't plan on dieing.

What does this mean, can you elaborate?

1 ( +6 / -5 )

If the former vice president with vast foreign policy experience wins the November election, a return to what can be seen as "normalcy" is widely expected, bringing relief to countries that have coped with Republican President Donald Trump's erratic decision-making, provocative rhetoric and transactional approach to alliances since he took office in 2017.

Interesting. He had 8 years to influence China to act in Americans best interest..where are the results? What about that payout from China? Hunter has disappeared...where is he at?

Not much new here....repeat after me..."Trump is bad". The "170 000 deceased US citizens, Trumps fault" is also interesting. What happened to China and their responsibility? Curiously, that has been absent from the recent media frenzy. This Dem clown show is too ridiculous.

Thinking it over...if I got COVID 19 in Japan, is that Abes fault? If a Kenyan in Kenya gets COVID, is that their presidents fault? How about Germany?

-2 ( +7 / -9 )

Wonder what will happen to Ivanka’s patents or Jared’s immigration consultancy once Biden starts kicking China around.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

How did people get so fooled to believe in voting for change? Every four years people get excited and hope for better policies. It doesn't matter who gets elected, the Military-industrial complex will always be heavily funded at the expense of other important social issues. This is all a game that has been designed with its ending. We are merely characters in a video game, unless we do away with this illusion of "authority."

1 ( +4 / -3 )


You are absolutely spot on!

0 ( +2 / -2 )

American political system is completely broken. The allies don't know what's their foreign policy gonna be when the adminstration changes. And China and Russia is reaping profit from this archaic device.

Word of advice to Japan: don't commit to anything with Trump. Hes probably gonna end up in prison

3 ( +9 / -6 )

It's long been an open secret the communist chinese government has had a cozy relationship with the leftist politicians in the west and america.

"China's state-affiliated media are openly rooting for a Joe Biden victory in November, fueling warnings by U.S. intelligence officials of Beijing's plan to interfere in the upcoming election on his behalf."

And look how the western media tries to spin it by saying false things like this.

'...keep pressure on china...'

The propaganda is pretty obvious.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Didn’t hear Any policies at all. Just 20 mins of reading someone else’s book report. Don’t remember hearing about policing, military, China, pharma, economy, taxes, or the cost of anything he proposes.

how does this article know what we will do for Japan? Did he even mention this country?

He will stop corona? How? Just a lot of “I’m a good and decent person”- just ask my delinquent China profiting son.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

For those worried about Biden's mental clarity, let's have a quick refresher of Trump's views on windmills:

But they’re manufactured tremendous if you’re into this, tremendous fumes. Gases are spewing into the atmosphere. You know we have a world, right? So the world is tiny compared to the universe. So tremendous, tremendous amount of fumes and everything.

In fact, almost any Trump speech shows a man with poor mental capabilities and a loose grip on reality, whether he is raging at windmills like a later day Don Quixote or talking about injecting bleach, he rarely makes any sense whatsoever.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Readers, this story is about what Biden's policy toward Asia, particularly Japan and China, might be if he is elected. Posts that do not focus on that will be removed.

That part is quite simple then. China wants Biden to win so means they think he will be soft on them. They have already financial enriched his family and likely have blackmail on his son so that will all come due.

soft on China can’t be good for Japan despite what this article tried to claim.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

Biden's regime is a nightmare

Asian countries are supporting Trump

When Biden is elected, the Chinese takeover of the world will begin

And the idiots here will regret it

It's late

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

@emily Jean. The lasting international effect of Trump's lack of cohesive foreign policy has been to hasten the rise of China and the loss of confidence felt by valued allies.

And what 'regime' are you talking about? He's not president... yet.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

I have nothing but admiration for the Presidential Election process, take a walk though , not perfect but it captures all.


-1 ( +1 / -2 )

The US position towards China is bipartisan and with a new administration that values alliances, a united front can be put together to oppose China's expansionist activities.

TheLongTermerToday  01:45 pm JST

Thinking it over...if I got COVID 19 in Japan, is that Abes fault? If a Kenyan in Kenya gets COVID, is that their presidents fault? How about Germany?

Shinzo Abe, Uhuru Kenyatta and Angela Merkel did not call Covid19 a "hoax".


2 ( +5 / -3 )

Here's a quote which is directly related to 'Biden's policy toward Asia, particularly Japan and China'.

The following quote is from biden on the 2020 campaign trail for the presidency of the United States of America.

“China is going to eat our lunch? Come on man. They can’t even figure out how to deal with the fact that they have this great division between the China sea and the mountains in the West. They can’t figure out how they’re going to deal with the corruption that exists within the system. I mean you know they’re not bad folks, folks, but guess what? They’re not competition for us.”

This is obviously not someone who’s dealing with the real world here. Nor does his lack of a coherent response for an obvious question make biden seem like a candidate who’s actually running to win against Donald Trump in 2020. His lack of research to give a nuanced answer about China and his lack of a competent alternative to MAGA reveal a woeful lack of serious preparation.

Seems kind of like he’s just going through the motions and along with the faux leftist 'media' momentum. Much like he did throughout his entire unremarkable tenure as a senator from one of the smallest states in the union.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

The trade war with China started by Trump helps no one, and hurts both sides. I am looking forward to sanity returning to American foreign policy.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

Emily said:

"Biden's regime is a nightmare

Asian countries are supporting Trump

When Biden is elected, the Chinese takeover of the world will begin

And the idiots here will regret it

It's late"

This is so true. But the leftists on this platform can't see it.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

"Rationale adults understand that Biden will begin the process of repairing the damage to our country that Trump inflicted," says P. Smith.

I'm a rational adult. I even know the correct spelling of "rational"! What "damage" has Trump inflicted on your country? Specifics? Did he commit arson in Minneapolis and Portland? Did he accuse everyone who disagrees with him of being a "racist"? Biden couldn't find his way out of his basement, let alone lead the nation. He's a puppet of the far left.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

What a joke this presidential election is.

On one hand you have a geriatric sleepy dribbly grabby establishment politician who likely cannot make an independent congnitive decision or understand simple tasks.

On the other hand an unhinged crooked child molesting maniacal reality TV celeb whose bankrupted more businesses than can be counted on all fingers and thumbs, and with a brain the size of a pea.

Pathetic... Good luck America.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Joe Biden is better for Asia, for Japan.

Donald Trump has been anti-Japan since the 80s. Look up videos of him talking about Japan, always negative, consider us a threat financially, support the Plaza Accord which destroyed Japan economy in the lost decades.

Trump has been complaining about Japan for decades, his a poison for Japan, for our economy. He does not show the same respect and friendship we have shown him.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

The U.S. election is a simple choice between a corrupt liar on one side and a corrupt liar on the other.

Keep pressure on China? I see. No change from what we have now. How about diplomacy? Any chance of that? After all, its the U.S. that is uncontained and spread like an invasive blob about the world.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Biden or Trump, American interests are above all. The USA will be willingly betraying any partner and client state to get what it really desired.

The USA has no ally.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Do you really think Mr. Biden cares what the editors of the Global Times think? I mean honestly.

biden was also endorsed by the leader of the Communist Party of America. Not all Communists are Democrats but in modern America all Democrats are Communists.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

OssanAmerica: The US position towards China is bipartisan and with a new administration that values alliances, a united front can be put together to oppose China's expansionist activities.

The Democrats are pro-Socialist and therefore support China in the same manner that they support the Socialist governments in Cuba and Venezuela. They even supported Russia until they thought they could use them as a foil against Trump (remember Obama’s downplaying of the Russians during his debate with Romney). Bernie Sanders actually went on his honeymoon in the Soviet Union. The Dems and China’s basic belief system are the same - individual rights are less than the rights of the collective.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

True, but when it comes to China, don't expect Europe to get involved

You are not apparently paying attention to the mood in Europe. Most of Europe is fed up with China. Their so-called "Wolf Warrior" diplomats have angered Europeans greatly. There are calls in Sweden to expel the Chinese ambassador over his comments regarding the arrest of a Swedish national in Hong Kong and his secret rendition to mainland China for prosecution. Swedes line up to protest in front of the Chinese embassy. The Norwegians and Chinese are clashing over a Chinese built observatory in their far north the Norwegians now believe has military applications. They want the Chinese out. The French are upset about Chinese satellites approaching theirs as if experimenting with an ability to destroy them in orbit. The British plan to establish a base in Singapore from which they can operate in the South China Sea and have committed to sending one of their new Queen Elizabeth class aircraft carriers there regularly. France is also looking at increasing it's naval presence in the Pacific from its bases in New Caledonia. Many Europeans are holding China responsible for the Covid-19 pandemic and the horrors it has inflicted on them medically and economically. With the right leadership much of the developed world could be lined up against China.

Russia? They don't matter that much economically. They make nothing anyone wants industrially except second rate military hardware. Nobody buys consumer goods, electronics or cars from Russia. Their stuff is junk. Ever see a Lada in person? Kludge. Mexico is more important economically than Russia. If you are driving a car in North America big chunks of it, maybe the whole thing, were made in Mexico.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Not all Communists are Democrats but in modern America all Democrats are Communists.

Absolute balderdash.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

The Intelligence Community Sees These Countries Helping Biden Win the Presidency


In short, China and Iran are interfering in the U.S. election.

It's no secret that china controls biden and other leftist politicians.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

klausdorthAug. 22  07:09 am JST

It can't get any worse than it is now.

*Biden together with Kamala Harris will create a normal America again.*

Yes and some people in America are looking at Biden as possibly a 'transitional' one term POTUS due to his age. Maybe that's why he selected Kamala as his VP mate. Joe's intelligence and credential would be necessary to transform America from fascism back to democracy, with the younger and bright Kamala Harris to assist him. Joe's eight years as Obama's VP has served him well and given him the know-how and cred to be President. He knows that a good President needs a good Vice-President by his side.

Ronald Reagan had his George Bush.

George Bush wrote about VP Danny Quayle, 'My God! What was I thinking?'.

Barack Obama made a wise choice with Joe Biden, who we need to clean the U.S.A. of the ugly shameful narcissistic fascism that has engulfed America for way too long.

And Biden and Harris will bring normalcy, maturity and civility back to America, I hope.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Just having a real President whether he's wrong or right who is diplomatic, mature and isn't an obnoxious sociopathic loudmouth, one who acts like a President and not a bratty bully who kowtows to foreign dictators - that will be a big time relief. A welcome change. Is that too much to ask for? America has been shamed and embarassed by an ill mannered demagogue and we need a change now.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Just having a real President whether he's wrong or right who is diplomatic, mature and isn't an obnoxious sociopathic loudmouth, one who acts like a President and not a bratty bully who kowtows to foreign dictators

He doesn't, that's why China wants Biden for President and I can see why.

that will be a big time relief. A welcome change. Is that too much to ask for?

If you believe in capitulation and want to pay higher taxes and a weak economy, sure.

America has been shamed and embarassed by an ill mannered demagogue and we need a change now.

No, just the Trump haters.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Barack Obama made a wise choice with Joe Biden, who we need to clean the U.S.A. of the ugly shameful narcissistic fascism that has engulfed America for way too long.

Lol, sure. That was the funniest joke by far.


-1 ( +6 / -7 )

I can just tell Biden is on China's payroll.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Biden's on China's payroll... Trump's on Russia's payroll.

The state of the Union is screwed either way

'merica is now owned.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

"restore U.S. leadership on the global stage" It would be nice if the US had a president who actually what was happening on the global stage. And that there is a global stage.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Trump's attempts to make a profit off of stationing American troops in Germany, South Korea, and Japan disgusts and worries me. The long-standing plan, in which the cost of stationing troops in those countries is paid for 50/50, underlines the cooperative nature of the alliances. Trump's plan to make a profit off of American troops amounts to treating those countries like colonies.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

But, Biden & Family have close ties to China... some would even say, they would end up being Puppets to Beijing. Would this tough talk suddenly disappear once they're elected, which appears to be a certainty now...

2 ( +2 / -0 )

It is exactly the same scrap we heard....written by the same script writer.....

"If you want your plan...you can keep your plan; If you want your doctor...you can keep your doctor".

Fool me once, shame on you....... fool me twice, shame on me.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Yeah thats fine and most expect it, but when they are functioning properly, not when they are obviously suffering from the effects of cognitive problems like biden clearly is, he often cannot even get the words formed.

Do you understand what I wrote above that Biden suffers from stuttering? Stutters who speak publicly struggle. They usually construct sentences designed to avoid using words they know will cause them to stutter. It is no reflection on intellect. It is a biological problem they are born with. I work with brilliant engineers who stutter and suffer from dyslexia. They work around it. It makes them no less brilliant.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Trump's attempts to make a profit off of stationing American troops in Germany, South Korea, and Japan disgusts and worries me. The long-standing plan, in which the cost of stationing troops in those countries is paid for 50/50, underlines the cooperative nature of the alliances. Trump's plan to make a profit off of American troops amounts to treating those countries like colonies.

It also ignores the significant detail that all the bleeding, suffering, death and destruction will be in those allied nations, not in the US. In a second Korean War casualties are projected in the tens of thousands per hour in the opening days of any such war. With apartment complexes in the Seoul megalopolis housing up to 50,000 per building and half of the South Korean population within range of North Korean artillery and tactical ballistic missiles the South Koreans will suffer horribly in a resumption of war there. No amount of money is compensation for that and the US will engage at bargain basement prices in comparison to what the South Koreans will suffer. Much the same in a NATO war in Europe. It will be European cities ground under the boots of Russian soldiers, not American cities. Americans have not experienced war on their own soil since 1865. They have forgotten what burned out cities and hundreds of thousands dead looks like and have grown callous to the true costs of war.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

A wide range of China experts told PolitiFact that it’s not unusual for the Chinese government and businesses linked to the state to court prominent Americans or their family members.

The Biden arrangement appears to be a "normal deal that I expect from Chinese businessmen," said Zhiguo He, a finance professor at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business.

"This is a standard operating procedure," agreed Barry Naughton, the chair of Chinese international affairs at the University of California-San Diego. "Bring in an influential person, give him a small percentage of a firm as a ‘finders fee,’ and grow the business."

For instance, Neil Bush, the younger brother of then-President George W. Bush, testified in a March 2003 divorce proceeding about a $2 million stock deal with Grace Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp., a firm backed by the son of former Chinese President Jiang Zemin.

HNA Group, a Chinese conglomerate, offered to buy a hedge fund owned by former White House official Anthony Scaramucci; retained the legal services of Gary Locke, the former U.S. ambassador to China, shortly before his confirmation; and provided financing to a private-equity firm backed by Jeb Bush, according to a 2019 account in the Intercept.

The Bank of China added Angela Chao, the sister of Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao and sister-in-law of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., to its board of directors, the Intercept reported.

In the meantime, critics have pointed to possible conflicts of interest for Trump and his own family, including the granting of Chinese trademarks to his daughter Ivanka, who owned a fashion line.

Both the Biden and Trump instances involved a child of a powerful U.S. official getting special treatment or business opportunities from the Chinese government, but there are some differences. On one hand, Ivanka Trump’s trademark approval involved an expedited regulatory review, as opposed to an ongoing investment opportunity. On the other hand, unlike Biden, she was actually a White House official at the time, in addition to being the president’s daughter. And the president himself maintains extensive business interests around the world.

Were Hunter Biden’s actions ethical under the circumstances?

Experts said that neither of the Bidens appears to have done anything illegal. But experts in foreign policy and ethics said Hunter Biden was unwise to have put his father in an awkward position.

"It is apparent to me that Hunter Biden did not do anything illegal in China, but it would have been much better for Joe Biden’s political fortunes if Hunter Biden had not been involved in either Ukraine or China," said Lincoln A. Mitchell, an adjunct research scholar at Columbia University’s Arnold A. Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies. "In countries like Ukraine and China, regardless of what Hunter Biden might think or say, people want to do business with him almost entirely because of who his father is."

Hunter Biden ended his business relationship with China in 2019.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

But, Biden & Family have close ties to China... some would even say, they would end up being Puppets to Beijing. Would this tough talk suddenly disappear once they're elected, which appears to be a certainty now...

So does Trump and family.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

o, since Obama took office and decided to downgrade our military

I have to take strong exception to that. I work in that world and know what was started during the Obama administration. Much of those systems are just now or are soon to be coming on line. Developing most new weapons systems takes a decade or more. The development of new missiles like LRASM and the newest versions of Harpoon were begun a long time ago. Some projects will never be public.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

If you want to vote for China, vote for Biden.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Lets break this down: Biden or trump.

Mr Biden is everything trump is not.

Mr Biden is wanting to "build" Mr Biden wants to repair

trump is the maker & author of "His" own destruction.

Sympathy & Empathy to trump are weaknesses.

CONCLUSION: Mr Biden is a Leader.

trump is a cowardly dictator.
1 ( +1 / -0 )

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