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China's large drills near Taiwan raise Japan, U.S. alert level


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China and North Korea's drills are a threat. But when South Korea and the US have exercises its not even news.

I guess some people need their daily dose of anti China propaganda on JT.

-11 ( +14 / -25 )

For Gods sake, leave Taiwan alone. If need be have a UN monitored referendum on the issue and let the Taiwanese decide what they want. I’m sure they would vote for their (continued) independence.

Oh and boot China from the UN Security Council while they are at it.

13 ( +20 / -7 )

These irresponsible drills basically in Taiwanese territory were an act of provocation in the hopes someone in the Taiwan forces would lose their nerve and fire by mistake. Shooting directly over Taiwan was unbelievably stupid behavior from Peking designed to begin a conflict China would say was Taiwan's fault for shooting at Chinese forces. That foolishly dangerous attempt failed. Taiwan held it's nerve in a professional manner and carried on in as normal a fashion as possible under the circumstances.

China and North Korea's drills are a threat. But when South Korea and the US have exercises its not even news.

China drills are designed to provoke a response. North Korea to get attention while the US/ South Korean drills are to train troops to work together and they do not fire missiles over China or North Korea.

Nobody is threatening either China or North Korea, but China threatens Taiwan and Japanese islands, while North Korea threatens anyone it is angry at at the time which could be the South, Japan, the US or anyone else at all.

Some posters are unable to admit to the danger China poses to the region and beyond, and give the Kim regime a green light to continue to be overly controlling of its people and anti social with the world with nutty behavior and attention seeking acts.

Japan and the US alert levels must be increased in response to alarming actions and claims from China.

Why China is unable to want peace and prosperity and act accordingly is down to it's leaders desire to get everything China's way regardless of international laws that in most cases China voted on and agreed to over the past decades since the end of WWII. China wants things to change, therefor it expects others to acquiesce to Chinese expectations and desires.

15 ( +19 / -4 )

Mr KiplingToday  05:54 pm JST

China and North Korea's drills are a threat. But when South Korea and the US have exercises its not even news.

I guess some people need their daily dose of anti China propaganda on JT.

And some people need to post their daily dose of pro-CCP propaganda on JT.

13 ( +21 / -8 )

China’s economy collapsed in 2021 so they are not going down without taking others. Taiwan is an excuse for its military adventurism.

12 ( +13 / -1 )

Anti-China sentiment, which equals pro-Taiwan sentiment is not propaganda. China is doing an absolutely unsurpassable job of increasing anti-China sentiment by itself through it's behavior and actions.

12 ( +18 / -6 )

The inevitable China-Japan war will make the atrocities in the last month of WW2 in Prussia look like a disney movie. So much hatred on both sides. But it is probably good for us non Japanese or Chinese. Good to keep them both weak.

-11 ( +2 / -13 )

The first island chain, guess its quiet well known among people interested in geopolitics. There is even a second island chain.

I do not need to explain why there are there?? Do i ??

Get the parties who put them up to to remove them? We see how China respond and react to them, perhaps, it is not too late to opine then??

Honestly, i think its a cultural thing, putting it cordially.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

American are buying all this Chinese junk,they even got me tempted too buy a 5 dollar drone,that you control with the palm of your hand ,it beginning too like Chinese Christmas,all the merchant cannot get their Chinese food to put on display faster

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Redstorm,US is only country China fear,

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

I hate too see no US citizens, trying to hide , behind the power of the US military,we do not want them too die defending us,so non US citizens should not expect them to die for them,

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

China has shown its true colors -- those of a rogue nation. Good the world is watching.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

The government of Japan recognizes Taiwan as part of the territory of by far Japan's largest trading partner and the country which introduced civilization into Japan. Does the regime think it's going to become some kind of superpower competitor of China's or is it just such a brokeback regime that it put's the interests of USA tyrants above those of the Japanese people?

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Redstorm,US is only country China fear,

As the people of Japan know only too well, until a very efficient defense against nuclear attack is developed, any regime should be very afraid of a military conflict with USA.

It's in the crazed warmongers official doctrine! The Russian official doctrine states they will only use nukes in the event they are used against Russia first or in the event of an attack on Russia the Russian armed forces can't repel. The USA doctrine states among other things, they can be used in the event of surprising military developments.

It shows they aren't confident in the conventional capabilities of the USA armed forces and the ruling class has lost its collective little mind.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

So this is the response to Pelosi's visit.

I think both sides got what they wanted

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

To me it looks more likely China would more sooner than later push ahead with its unification agenda of Taiwan and not wait until 2027. whilst Japan dithers with its constitution and ridiculous defense strategies .

The compelling reason for me for the time likely being now/soon is the Ukraine - Russia war, timing is very opportune for China.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Taiwan (Formosa) was never a part of China, only a refuge of many Chinese immigrants and laborers over the centuries. According to international law, also recognized by the Chinese government it was only a part of Japan from 1895 Shimonoseki.

The Japanese respected the Taiwanese languages, customs and religions and invested heavily in education , infrastructure and healthcare.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

It shows they aren't confident in the conventional capabilities of the USA armed forces

You might be surprised to discover that by the late 1980s the US was well on the way to developing the means to take down a nuclear armed nation without using nuclear weapons. The F-117 and B-2 using precision guided munitions, big bunker busters in the case of the B-2 combined with superior situational awareness from advanced sensors were going to allow those aircraft to rapidly attrite the USSR's nuclear force. F-117s being invisible to the radars of the day would find and destroy mobile missiles while the B-2s using conventional bombs would pop ICBM silos. The US, British and Norwegian navies and air forces (UK and Norway place their maritime patrol / ASW aircraft under their Air Force instead of under their Navy) would have made short work of Russia's ballistic missile subs.

The same is true today, with the F-35 more than replacing the old F-117 while the US is has the first units of the B-2s successor, the B-21, in production with one already delivered and undergoing testing.

The idea was that in a NATO/ Soviet war, neither side would go nuclear out of the gate. The US would rush forces to Europe hoping to stop the Soviet advance by day five while the Soviets and their allies hoped to push NATO forces through France and off the beach before the US could effectively reinforce, presenting the US and UK with a fait accompli of a fully occupied western Europe while daring the US and UK to go nuclear at that point. While this land battle was raging those B-2s, F-117s and naval forces would be feverishly whittling down Soviet nuclear forces. The hope was to stop the Soviets by day five and then present them with a situation where their ground forces were defeated and their nuclear arsenal so badly destroyed they didn't dare try a nuclear attack. Then NATO would demand their withdrawel, or else.

That general idea is still valid, and not only against Russia. If anything advances in precision guided munitions by western arms manufacturers make nuclear weapons even less necessary and in fact make nuclear forces even more vulnerable to destruction from conventional attack.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Good ol USA pitting one country against the other orchestrating and promoting crisis.

Sigh. The US helped bring the PRC out of isolation and promoted it to the world. The US brought the PRC into international institutions and helped make them respectable to their former enemies. For a couple of decades it seemed to work, but once Xi Jinping came to power China chose the path of confrontation across the board, while engaging in simply unprecedented levels of theft of intellectual property through well organized government sponsored cyber espionage. The CCP has nobody to blame but themselves for the resulting distrust and hostility they have engendered.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

What China needs to do is to terminate Communist Party dictatorship and learn from Taiwan how to build a Democratic society.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

PRC is the country

1 ( +1 / -0 )

It's in the crazed warmongers official doctrine! The Russian official doctrine states they will only use nukes in the event they are used against Russia first or in the event of an attack on Russia the Russian armed forces can't repel. The USA doctrine states among other things, they can be used in the event of surprising military developments.

What nuclear doctrine are you referring too? You comments are referring to a “Draft”. In 2010 U.S. President Barack Obama, in a Nuclear Posture Review, announced a new policy that is much stricter about when the U.S. would order a nuclear strike.

“The Crazed Warmongers” I’m assuming your referring to the United States of America. Even though it’s currently not at war?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

It sound like you want us to believe the USA is the helping hand for Taiwan and the USA is totally innocent.

You might be too young to remember this but there was a time in the 1980s and 1990s when the widely held opinion in the US and some other western nations was that economic, social and political engagement with the PRC would gradually lead to greater personal freedoms and political reform. The west wanted China to come out of isolation and join them but as a more democratic society. The precedents were Taiwan and South Korea. Both had harsh military dictatorships that were guilty of grave crimes against their citizens. I can recall my own feelings towards Taiwan in the late 1970s being no more charitable to them than to PRC, viewing both as having miserable governments unworthy of US support.

But Taiwan and South Korea changed and in part due to the influences picked up from democratic nations through trade and social contact. Most of us felt that China would in time follow that same path. In fact as late as the administration of Hu Jintao there were serious discussions in China of allowing private ownership of land as well as experiments with competitive elections at a local level. Both were exciting to me as it seemed that China would indeed somehow begin slowly to democratize.

Xi Jinping is a different story. He is a Maoist true believer and devoted communist. He is also anti-western to a degree no Chinese leader since Mao has been. But maybe I am the hopeless optimist but it could be that in the fullness of time the revaunchism of Xi Jinping will create the upheaval that nails the coffin shut on the CCP and allows China to join the worlds democratic nations. When you look at both Taiwanese and South Korean history it took in both cases atrocities by the authorities to finally turn the tide against their dictatorships. I often think that contact with the west, with so many Chinese having family in democratic nations and so many having attended universities in the US, Canada, Australia and other free nations that the genie is out of the bottle and at some point there will be widespread popular demands for change that this time the CCP cannot crush. Engagement may, in the end, succeed.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

guess some people need their daily dose of anti China propaganda 

and others need their daily dose of anti-west commenting to get through the day

2 ( +3 / -1 )

The military-industrial complex thanks China for its stance towards Taiwan and invites Pentagon, Japanese and other nations to visit with their delegates anytime. Even the name sounds Chinese: Cha ching!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The military-industrial complex thanks China for its stance towards Taiwan and invites Pentagon, Japanese and other nations to visit with their delegates anytime. Even the name sounds Chinese: Cha ching!

Which is another compelling reason for China to do it sooner rather than later, if they're actually going thru with it

Sales must be skyrocketing now but won't be delivered and usable until much later

0 ( +0 / -0 )

They better hurry up a killer Typhoon is headed to Taiwan,later in the week,a direct hit on Taiwan and China and Maybe Japan

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

The Pacific kind of looks like a big buffet table to a lot of very hungry Chinese nationalists.

Stay on your toes and hide your food.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

The Pacific kind of looks like a big buffet table to a lot of very hungry Chinese nationalists.

The Chinese fishing fleet is like a plague of locusts and equally destructive.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Taiwan may be like Quemoy, which is under the strong influence of mainland China, both culturally and economically.

So, if Xi Jinping thought time was ripe for mainland China to take action to subsume the island by force, he couldn't escape the blame of being too reckless and jeopardizing peace in this part of the Pacific Ocean.

On the other hand, if the U.S. thought Taiwan's toeing to China's line in everything from military to territory must be prevented by all means, it certainly had to be blamed for its lack of historical senses and shortsightedness.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

China should invite the Russian navy, sending a nuclear submarine to participate the drill!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

On the other hand, if the U.S. thought Taiwan's toeing to China's line in everything from military to territory must be prevented by all means, it certainly had to be blamed for its lack of historical senses and shortsightedness.

There are some here who simply cannot imagine a nation and a people not wanting to be subsumed by China and who seek help from the US defending themselves from the Chinese. Would you prefer to see the people of Taiwan stripped of their rights the way China crushed freedom in Hong Kong? Is that what you want? Why is defending oneself against China seen as such a bad thing? I simply do not understand he mindset.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Desert Tortoise,

All I wish is saber rattling should never occur over Taiwan. For the sparks of it would certainly fall on Okinawa as well as globally.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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