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© KYODOJapan must tread carefully amid South China Sea tensions, say experts
By Maya Kaneko SINGAPORE©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Mr Kipling
Japan will just follow the instructions of The US, it's master.
I think the 'Indo-Pacific region' limits China's aims, I think China along with its warmongering partners want control over all the oceans and waters, and all the fish, and mammals that dwelleth within, plus all resources with monetary value.
Same old anti-democracy, anti-west tripe.
Japan has achieved its high level of success by working independently and peacefully with the majority of the world's nations, including the US. It could be Japan has been independent and has not been invaded by China along with its partner Russia because of Japan's connections to the US. The Japanese people can still choose to be under the control of China and Russia if they so want. Personally I prefer living in Japan as it is, and not having to be subject to 'Papa' China, and 'big brother' Russia.
Foolish Japanese leaders walk,were wise mens dare tread
China and the Philippines has very good relations before Marcos but Marcos as expected sold the Philippines to the US by bringing back US bases which not too long ago the Filipinos fought long and hard for to be removed from the Philippines.
China is already taking "bold action" around the Senkakus. They would have to land on them and raise the Chinese flag to be any bolder.
And you will keep repeating the CCP's message. Your master.
WHAT “Experts”, chinese “Experts” ?
I don't see China as a military threat to Japan.
The main threat out there is the Chinese economy to the US economy and US global dominance. This is why the US has a thing about China despite little actually happening in this region. Other regions have an actual war and an actual genocide going on.
Which gained them what? Just more invasion when the Philippines stopped handing over the lunch money.
Best not to just whistle until that actually happens in Asia, isn't it?
Tokyo has lost all credibility on the global stage. It once possessed some significant soft diplomatic skills and independence which has wholly evaporated as it pivoted towards foreign policy alignment and compliance with US demands, and eagerly so. This means it just parrots the same lines and you'll see less and less interest in taking it seriously or even giving it the time of day as it descends into third-rate diplomatic no-mans-land. The article photo sums it up to a tee.
How bout sending one of those retrofitted Izumo class carriers with a squadron of ASW Seahawks and F35Bs… For the purpose of protecting Japanese maritime traffic, of course.
You mean "soft skills" like how, while America had Congressional hearings over Communist infiltrations in the country, Japan had Communists assassinated live on TV for the nation to see?
Yeah, I agree that Japan has mellowed out in that respect as the decades have passed. Instead you just have school girls yelling into microphones about how they want to a repeat of Nanking.
Japan should keep out of America's divide and conquer as wherever USA goes, there is war.
Be an unaligned peace-loving nation, not a poodle of USA and NATO.
Alfie Noakes
The International Institute for Strategic Studies, according to this article. The International Institute for Strategic Studies is largely funded by the ruling family of the Gulf dictatorship Bahrain.
"The government of Bahrain continued imposing restrictions on expression, assembly, and association. Elections are neither free nor fair, and opposition voices are systematically excluded and repressed.
Many members of Bahrain’s political opposition, as well as activists, bloggers, and human rights defenders, continue to be imprisoned for their roles in the 2011 pro-democracy protests and for more recent political activism. They have faced brutal treatment, including torture and denial of medical care. Authorities failed to hold officials accountable for torture and ill-treatment in detention."
Well, exactly as long as you have the Washington establishment in control of the United States power structure, you are always going to have perpetual wars, now I don’t think Biden would be able or capable of handling China and the Chinese see that their moment has almost arrived, Japan can’t go it alone with China, they would need American to back it. Peace and loving won’t save the Japanese.
"seen as just an extension of the United States" and "overtly playing geopolitical cards"
Its no longer seen. IT IS. Parroting/repeating/echoing/mirroring/etc what the American say/do in its foreign policies, what other conclusion?? Its not a stupid world.
All on their way out of office.
While China behaves like a bull in a china shop, Japan must walk on egg shells?
1glenn, without me ranting raving despot doom gloom, you nailed it, one sentence.
The lesson Japan learned from WWII is that you must not lose a war. You cannot beat America in China.
And that hasn't changed since China became a colony of the great powers, and history proves it. And no one will follow China.
China is 〇hit lol
I thought was that if you're going to lose a war, better to lose to America than anyone else. You know, the moral that is the basis for The Mouse That Roared. Meanwhile look at what happened to every territory the USSR gained after the war. 80 years later and the Soviet Block is still rife with corruption, West Taiwan is on the brink of collapse (Population, economics, or Mandate of Heaven; bets still being accepted on which will be the cause), and the Middle East...actually that hasn't changed in the past millennia.