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© KYODOKoike's foreign, security policies gain attention before election
By Tomoyuki Tachikawa TOKYO©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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It is clear whoever becomes the prime minister of Japan, Japan has to depend her defense and economy to U.S. Koike is no exception. Hence, Koike will focus on domestic policies rather than foreign policies. I do not understand the majority of former DPJ members joined Koike's Party of Hope. They only expected popularity of Koike so that they can escape from the sinking ship Minshinto. They changed their political stance overnight to hold their seats in the diet.
I wonder if she is still drawing her full salary from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government whilst playing national politics? The answer to that would go some way towards indicating what kind of person she is.
Dango bong
well I used to like her but recently not. She is the face of her party but won't run? Also not getting anything done as Tokyo mayor, and I watched the debate of leaders yesterday she can't answer one question straight. Starting to sour a bit on her....
Dango bong
@Harry I agree. I like her attitude but some things are a bit shady. For example:
And yet asked point blank yesterday on live TV would you revise the constitution she said "I think we need a good debate before deciding" Seems like a person fudging answers to get votes
Also regarding her "actual" job Tokyo governor, is there progress being made on the Olympics? Or on the Toyosu market move? She was the champion to clean up these messes but it seems they are left behind while she is going for the top while her popularity is high.
Just my thoughts. I still like her but souring slowly
Wallace Fred
Lol at anyone who assumed this kaigi card carrying alumni would be any different!!
Aly Rustom
Of course. But that is not the only criterion.
I used to think that she was part of the conference simply to further her career, but I am starting to have my doubts.
Shows how messed up the US political position is.
As opposed to Abe? I don't see them getting better or worse. But maybe Beijing and Seoul might be wiling to give her a chance.
OK. I didn't know THAT. That's killed it for me. Well, then she is no different than Abe. 2 cheeks of the same backside.
Alfie Noakes
Her father was a supporter of Shintaro Ishihara and Yukio Mishima's militia Tatenokai (Shield) back in the 60s. The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree.
Koizumi-chan. Just another cardboard cutout pol, from the same mold as the rest of them.
I support Koike because she is pushing basic income and plans to tax large corporations who are sitting on the huge piles of cash while workers struggle to support their families. Abe is only lobbying the interests of multimillionaires to let them accumulate even more capital in their hands, further widening the gap between the rich and the poor. Abe's policy is increasing tax burden on middle class.
Civitas Sine Suffragio
This woman could turn out to be Japan's Margaret Thatcher...shudder
she sent flowers to former Taiwanese President Lee Teng-hui during his visit to Japan for a heart operation.
This sentence sums up the depth of analyis in this article.
Little titbits nothing more
Nippon Kaigi can get the women's votes with this girl. That's half.
There are so many false information in this article, I don't know where to begin. I will just point out one because it is a widespread false information.
No, she has NEVER been a senior member of Nippon Kaigi, not even a regular member. The organization for which she held a senior position was Nippon Kaigi Kokkai Giin Kondankai (日本会議国会議員懇談会), not Nippon Kaigi (日本会議). They are thinly related but different organizations.
The former (Nippon Kaigi Kokkai Giin Kondankai) is a loose association of politicians in National Diet, most of them simply do nothing and their political views vary: some support revision of constitution while others do not, for example. You can guess it because 40% of entire Diet politicians are found in the membership list. The membership size of the organization is less than 300. They are not very active. They do not even have website or publications. ” An active member admits:「決して積極的な参加ではなくても、お賽銭を入れるような感じでおつきあいしておこうという人が多い」
The latter (Nippon Kaigi) is different. They are more tightly united with ideologies and often associated with Shito religion. The leadership do not include politicians. They are academics, religious leaders and corporate leaders. The membership size of the organization is 38,000. The group is active. They have a well-maintained website ( and has regular publications. They often organize people for political rallies.
It is a grave mistake to confuse these two distinct organizations.
I forgot to give a credit for my quote:
See 青木理 「小池百合子氏 日本会議“本流”から外れた愛国者」
Aly Rustom
Eric Tatsumi- Thank you for that excellent link. You are right. JT did drop the ball. The article misleads us into believing that she was just as opposed to foreign suffrage as the LDP was, but that appears not to be the case. Thank you for that link again and I stand corrected and retract the following statement that I made:
The fact that she floated foreign sufferage in the first place is very commendable of her. To me, that is what makes or breaks it for me. If she wins, it is possible that she could bring it up again. Certainly granting foreign sufferage would mean that many foreigners might vote for her party. I would.