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© KYODORace for Tokyo governor is Koike's to lose
By Ryotaro Nakamaru TOKYO©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Aly Rustom
Fair enough
Nippon Kaigi is nothing more than a clown car anyway.
It might also be worth remembering the revolving door of clowns who preceded her.
Aly Rustom
well it is true. When you compare her to the PM she looks practically competant and fantastic- but then again so would Bozo the Clown. This is SUCH a low bar...
Sounds good to me
The blame game , all over again ???.even abe cannot get the corona virius under control, why should Mrs Koike gets the blame ??? because she is a women ???.
That was actually one of her achievements.
650 million? Hope she sues the IOC
What did she do? Testing for Covid-19 is still really lacking.
This is interesting. The Liberals are supporting the candidate proposed by the Socialists and Communists. This is very paradoxical. The usual thing in all countries is that they are completely opposite and incompatible movements. And they would never share a joint electoral list. It's like trying to mix water with oil.
And the proposals that Utsunomiya says are closer to socialist and communist positions. Than from a liberal person.
Koike's proposals, if they are closer in parameters of international liberalism. Compared to those in Utsunomiya.
Bjorn Tomention
How about they introduce a candidate who isnt hooked into the corrupt institution, one that has independent forward thinking and isnt just another drone.
Oh sheesh sorry Im in the wrong country for that. Damn.................
If it were a more democratic nation, where the people actually chose, she might lose. But it's Japan, and she has stood in line and waited her turn. That's all that's required -- certainly not qualifications, and voters here have about as long a memory on things like the handling of Corona as a mayfly. She could murder a few people, and as long as there were voters who shared the same hometown, they'd hold up signs, shed tears, and support her.
It's pretty obvious that Kyodo wants Koike to win. Nice propaganda piece.
Holding an office has "NOTHING" to do with sex, race, religion or even age (other than being an adult). It has to do with WISDOM and ability to make meaningful, relative, pertinent and effective reliable, realistic and practical decisions and take appropriate action for and with the people. It is the result of ASK (attitude, skill, and knowledge) + experience = (with the right attitude and perspective) get Wisdom with "foresight".
What Tokyo needs is an active "leader" to lead and lead openly with the city and the nation in mind and not political or personal interests. We do not need rhetoric and lip service, but meaningful result oriented action assuring safety, health, and wellbeing of the citizens as well as the nation as a whole.
Sadly Koike for what ever reason, has failed in most of what has been desired as a leader.
It just unbelievable how little is expected of politicians here - just do the bare minimum, don't do (or get caught rather) anything illegal, try not to say anything too stupid, don't commit to anything, and most importantly, have malleable principles. If you do all of the above, you'll probably get elected again and again and...
People have very short memories. They seem to have clean forgotten how Koike handled Toyosu fish market. This woman is not good for Tokyo.
A major concern is that the ambitious Koike, even if re-elected for another 4-year term, could quit suddenly amid her tenure to seek office at the national level and ultimately premiership. The current Lower House will (have to) be dissolved in less than two years or earlier due to a snap election call (which is likely to happen even this year). Other than critical assessment or fact-checks on her past 4-year governance, the future outlook should also be taken into account.
Tom Doley
What a joke. No moral conscious at all. This is the lady who said everything was fine up until the Olympics were canceled. And now she’s using her corona leadership to get re-elected. Guaranteed she will continue to lie and save face.
Jonathan Prin
If she is gifted for languages and media, she just is the pure product of the system, taking advantage of her origin to gain position where she had no competence to do with : member of board of Renault, president of Japanese halterophilia national association, etc.
Just to take what she can.
And lying about virus to hold the games is just lame.
Elections are unpredictable. But I hope she wins. Not only I hope she wins this election, but I also hope she takes over LDP leaders for Prime Minster job.
"In Japan, women are missing where important decisions are made," says Koike. I totally agree with her. I hope she becomes a trailbrazer for others to follow.
Very convenient that Cairo University just confirmed that she graduated - apparently it took two years to get the papers processed, and it is still very controversial in academic circles.
With little to no opposition, she's a certainty.