Japan Today

Trump win likely to dampen Ishiba's ambitions for U.S. troop pact change

By Keita Nakamura

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Trump himself has criticized the alliance with Japan as one-sided, saying in 2019 that "if Japan is attacked, we will fight World War III...but if we're attacked, Japan doesn't have to help us at all. They can watch it on a Sony television."

Trump said this back in 2016 or so. It is evidence of how his mind is still in the 1980s and he is unaware of how things have changed in the last 40 years.

Japan legalized "Collective Defense" in 2015 allowing for the JSDF to come to the assistance of US Forces if they are under attack, even if Japan itself is not attacked.

Nobody watches "Sony TVs" since the 1980s. In fact everyone was watching Sharp TVs after 1990-2000 when Aquos ruled the market.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

NicolòToday  06:01 pm JST

He proposed stationing Japanese Self-Defense Forces members in Guam

LMAO Who want their colonies' military to stay on their soil

On May 8, 1981 US President Ronald Reagan asked Japanese PM Zenko Suzuki if Japan would be willing to help the US defend Guam from attack. PM Suzuki declined citing Japan's Artcle 9 restrictions.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Will Trump ever allow Japan to have its own nuclear weapons so that it can protect itself from the nuclear armed neighbors? Highly unlikely.

It is not up to Trump of America. The couldn't stop NK, Israel, Pakistan or India from getting nukes, none of which the US wanted originally.

At the end of the day its up to each nation and their people if they go down that road. You just cant stop a truly determined country for getting them if they want them or need them. That cat is out of the bag already.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

WasabiToday  05:08 pm JST

Enough of paying for "security". Kick them out and build your army!

Japan could. But has no interest in becoming a nuclear power with all the responsibility and baggage that comes with it. South Korea and Australia undoubtedly have similar views.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

MeiyouwentiToday  06:24 pm JST

Will Trump ever allow Japan to have its own nuclear weapons so that it can protect itself from the nuclear armed neighbors? Highly unlikely.

If Japan, or any other US ally, chose to go nuclear there is nothing to stop them. Neither Trump nor any branch of the US government can "allow" or "prohibit" such an action. That choice is entirely up to Japan.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

If Japan, or any other US ally, chose to go nuclear there is nothing to stop them. Neither Trump nor any branch of the US government can "allow" or "prohibit" such an action. That choice is entirely up to Japan.

Technically, that's true. Practically tho, Japan would have a hard time convincing the Japanese public that it is a good idea.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

owzerToday  09:29 pm JST

If Japan, or any other US ally, chose to go nuclear there is nothing to stop them. Neither Trump nor any branch of the US government can "allow" or "prohibit" such an action. That choice is entirely up to Japan.

Technically, that's true. Practically tho, Japan would have a hard time convincing the Japanese public that it is a good idea.

Exactly. It's a domestic issue more than anything else. As I said, Baggage.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

It's just fine and dandy for Tokyo to have foreign troops on their soil as part of a bilateral pact.

Russia has troops in Syria and various African countries.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

With MAGA Gaga in office again, Ishiba should steady himself for the demand to pay even more under SOFA. Trump's election vic was the worst thing that coulda happened to Japan. Just wait. That and a whole lot more will be coming this way.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

the u.s. military is not in japan to protect japan, they’re in japan for u.s. influence in asia.

japan has 53,000 troops.

south korea has 28,000 u.s. troops.

germany has 35,000 troops and spends 1/10th what japan does to support u.s. presence.

heck, there are 17,000 civilians plus dependents working there.

the u.s. military overseas is just a big vacuum cleaner of money for the u.s. defense industry.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

JJENov. 7  10:42 pm JST

Yes, as per legal agreement with various countries.

What gives Tokyo the right to complain about others hosting troops, which is exactly what it does?

Both parties to the mutual defesnse treaty, the US and Japan have the right to complain or seek amendments to the agreement as it is "mutual". In fact both nations have the right to even terminate the agreement if they so wish on 12 months advance notice.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

the u.s. military is not in japan to protect japan, they’re in japan for u.s. influence in asia.

After WWII concluded the US reduced its troop strength in South Korea to only 500, primarily instructors. The South Korean military had no tanks or modern combat aircraft. Then North Korea attacked and US and South Korean forces were pushed all the way back to the far end of the peninsula around Busan and Ulsan. North Korea very nearly won that war. The US learned a hard lesson from the Korean War and determined never to be caught out again like that. Better for all to be forward deployed in strength such that no adversary wants to attack. For all the whining and foot stomping here, deterrence is better than what happens when you are perceived as weak and easy pickings. Deterrence is far less costly that the wars that result when effective deterrence does not exist.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Consider the South China Sea. China’s campaign of bullying and coercion against the Philippines continues unabated, and despite closer alliance ties with Manila, Washington still lacks either the instruments or the resolve to counter China’s actions.

Neither is the case. The US has asked the Philippine government multiple times to be allowed to intervene on their behalf citing the US Philippine defense treaty. In every case the Philippines have refused US assistance, preferring to deal with China on their own.



The US actually wants to become involved protecting Philippine interests.


1 ( +1 / -0 )

and China building the world's largest navy.

it’s mostly comprised of coast guard vessels not blue water ships.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

But experts warn that attempts to amend the pact could backfire with the Republican president-elect critical of allies he says are not paying enough for U.S. security support.

Is Japan not paying enough?

0 ( +9 / -9 )

I suspect Japan will soon be paying a lot more to host the Americans and buying a lot more military kit from America. Some of which might even be delivered.

Any changes will be Trump's decision and in his favour. That's how he works. European nations will also have to pay a lot more or switch to NATO Lite for the next four years. Trump will work out what European nations should be paying and reduce US spending accordingly. In Japan, he will expect to operate the US protection racket at a profit.

The Afghans couldn't pay, so he signed off on the process of handing them over to the Taliban.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

The United States should welcome, not oppose, a government in Tokyo that wants to make the U.S.-Japan alliance more equal. That's exactly what we want in this extremely dangerous time. We need true partners, not dependences. 

By Elbridge Colby, who was Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy and Force Development


0 ( +0 / -0 )

FosToday 03:23 pm JST

Diplomacy in Asia is totally kidnapped by the US military-industrial complex which incites geopolitical tensions through the constant hype of the "Russian menace and the "China threat”. 

Russian invasions and Chinese bullying are real.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

FosToday 03:40 pm JST

Wall Street on all time high is real,

And has nothing to do with the 1% of US gdp that is arms manufacturers.

and so are the profits of the top 5 arms manufactures, all Americans.

We have an alliance to supply. This is a good thing. Next 5 are all Chinese.

You can check it day after day, despite the geopolitical uncertainty. The Middle East catastrophe is an embarrassment of greed and lack of humanity, but is very real. Nearly 70% of Gaza war dead are women and children, UN says.

And the almost $90 billion in weapons sales shipped from US to Israel since the beginning of the year are a real disgrace.

And the war on Ukraine is a disgrace for China/russia. More dead there than in Gaza.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

FosNov. 9 06:22 pm JST

The Asian continent does not need American warmongering policies,

They don't need China or russia's mongering but here we are.

Japan does not need the greedy interests of American corporations - it was the outcome of the elections after all (no need for the Japan government support of US military equipments, more assistance for tackling real social issues)

Sources that the campaign mentioned payments to the US at all (which don't cover expenses).

, the world does not need the US administration destabilizing governments around the globe.

They don't need russian invasions either.

And first of all US citizens do not get to decide what is best for Japan, this is Asia, nor North America. I think this is the main point which needs to come across. What is happening in Ukraine and Middle East is not something that can be forgiven.

So hold both the US and China/russia to the same standard.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Somebody needs to catch up with Geography class :)

China = Asian continent, good relationships and business with neighbor countries, including Japan, economy grows without tensions 

USA = North America, stay there please, no need for the warmongering in Asia, where it does not belong, culturally and from any moral stance.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

 @Keita Nakamura

Did you write this story? I can say with certainty every word written here is purely speculative. 

If Japan forces can be an asset. They will be used. No reason at all Japanese self-defense forces cannot be put to work like South Korean forces. Side by side. No reason at all. 

We are guests in Japan and in South Korea. Here to support the National defense of the region. Not run it. 

Its about teamwork with Trump. Stop stoking what may and may not be. 

Time for a collective assessment and strong posture. Diplomacy first. 

The threat to the region is great like never before, China is the main threat. North Korea the other. And now that Trump is POTUS elect. More clarity will be disclosed and put forward, rather than the Democratic smoke and mirror agenda we have dealt with in the last four years. 

This is not January 20, 2017 – January 20, 2021 When Trump was in office. The situation is not the same in the APAC region. Dems left Kim and Xi unchecked for 4 years. China’s Navy has grown exponentially.

-1 ( +7 / -8 )

Ignore the Idiot returning to the white house. Arrange changes and updates when the Americans dont have a liar and criminal in charge. Thats what will be best for everyone in the region.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Trump of America

Trump or America.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

the u.s. military is claiming that civilian workers in japan are going to die because the lack of healthcare for them. why not pay for japanese health insurance and get cheaper monthly premiums and better healthcare than the military healthcare system provides at 1/10th cost?

the japanese healthcare system makes a mockery of u.s. healthcare in service and cost.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

MeiyouwentiNov. 7  06:24 pm JST

Will Trump ever allow Japan to have its own nuclear weapons so that it can protect itself from the nuclear armed neighbors? Highly unlikely.

You buy the chocolate cake and he'll let you do anything. Unless he gets wind that national security experts love it. That could be a problem.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

deanzaZZRToday  12:43 am JST

It has been suggested that the USA did just that leaning on ROC/Taiwan and ROK to stop nuclear weapons programs back in the 1970s or 1980s I believe. Obviously both have the scientific and industrial capacity to build them.

This was prior to NK getting nukes and China building the world's largest navy. Got to hand it to the US for promoting peace, though.

It is not up to Trump of America. The couldn't stop NK, Israel, Pakistan or India from getting nukes, none of which the US wanted originally.

I will take this opportunity to point out that the USA stationed military personnel on the Island of Taiwan as late as 1979.

And that was a very good thing. There at the behest of the legal government.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Larger point with Japan hosting US forces is they pretend they are "defensive", which is a sly lie.

They are offensive troops using Japan as a springboard to project power in Asia and globally to violently enforce the whim of US Empire which reaches around the world.

As such, Japan is culpable and basically and an accomplice in global US military adventurism, including invading and assaulting countries, not to mention the war crimes that follow.

Tokyo pretends it is innocent of these charges. It isn't. It is a cog in global US warmongering. The foreign legions it hosts represent a danger to Japan's neighbours in particular and the world in general.

They need a good, long, hard look in the mirror before criticizing others.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

JJEToday  05:09 am JST

Larger point with Japan hosting US forces is they pretend they are "defensive", which is a sly lie. 

They are offensive troops using Japan as a springboard to project power in Asia and globally to violently enforce the whim of US Empire which reaches around the world.

As such, Japan is culpable and basically and an accomplice in global US military adventurism, including invading and assaulting countries, not to mention the war crimes that follow.

Just as well that russia started the war crime to end all war crimes such that we no longer have to worry about lesser events.

Tokyo pretends it is innocent of these charges. It isn't. It is a cog in global US warmongering. The foreign legions it hosts represent a danger to Japan's neighbours in particular and the world in general. 

They need a good, long, hard look in the mirror before criticizing others.

No one believes Japan would exist for more than a few months without US troops or nukes.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Desert Tortoise

Today 09:22 am JST

Consider the South China Sea. China’s campaign of bullying and coercion against the Philippines continues unabated, and despite closer alliance ties with Manila, Washington still lacks either the instruments or the resolve to counter China’s actions.

> Neither is the case. The US has asked the Philippine government multiple times to be allowed to intervene on their behalf citing the US Philippine defense treaty. In every case the Philippines have refused US assistance, preferring to deal with China on their own.

> https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/philippines-turned-down-us-help-amid-south-china-sea-tensions-military-chief-2024-07-05/

> https://apnews.com/article/south-china-sea-territorial-dispute-philippines-us-c7f22418e276d689c2dcacfed4d0a494

> The US actually wants to become involved protecting Philippine interests.

> https://news.usni.org/2024/09/12/u-s-will-do-what-is-necessary-to-aid-philippines-in-south-china-sea-official-says

So what exactly did the US offer?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Diplomacy in Asia is totally kidnapped by the US military-industrial complex which incites geopolitical tensions through the constant hype of the "Russian menace and the "China threat”. 

Behind the growth of arms sales, the US has created or intensified conflicts and crises in different regions of the world, forcing other countries to increase their budgets and buy US weapons to better serve the interests of the military.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Wall Street on all time high is real, and so are the profits of the top 5 arms manufactures, all Americans. You can check it day after day, despite the geopolitical uncertainty. The Middle East catastrophe is an embarrassment of greed and lack of humanity, but is very real. Nearly 70% of Gaza war dead are women and children, UN says.

And the almost $90 billion in weapons sales shipped from US to Israel since the beginning of the year are a real disgrace.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

The Asian continent does not need American warmongering policies, Japan does not need the greedy interests of American corporations - it was the outcome of the elections after all (no need for the Japan government support of US military equipments, more assistance for tackling real social issues), the world does not need the US administration destabilizing governments around the globe. And first of all US citizens do not get to decide what is best for Japan, this is Asia, nor North America. I think this is the main point which needs to come across. What is happening in Ukraine and Middle East is not something that can be forgiven.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Recalling a U.S. military helicopter crash on an Okinawa university campus that happened in 2004 when Ishiba was defense chief, he said he had wondered whether Japan was "a sovereign state" as U.S. forces sealed off access to the site to retrieve the chopper wreckage with local police unable to conduct their own investigation

Lol what's there to wonder about

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Fine. But Japan is not obligated to do squat. That is a huge difference.

Japan legalized "Collective Defense" in 2015 allowing for the JSDF to come to the assistance of US Forces if they are under attack, even if Japan itself is not attacked.

Japan did famously dispatch minesweepers to the Persian Gulf two weeks after the war finished back in 1991.

In a carefully worded statement, the Government and Mr. Kaifu sought to explain that the dispatch of the minesweepers did not constitute an actual projection of military forces, but was merely an effort to clear up mines to protect Japanese ships transporting crude oil to Japan.


-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Peter NeilToday  02:09 am JST

the u.s. military is not in japan to protect japan, they’re in japan for u.s. influence in asia.

japan has 53,000 troops.

south korea has 28,000 u.s. troops.

germany has 35,000 troops and spends 1/10th what japan does to support u.s. presence.

Those troops aren't there just for Germany and Japan in no way shape or form is paying the whole cost of hosting US troops.

heck, there are 17,000 civilians plus dependents working there.

the u.s. military overseas is just a big vacuum cleaner of money for the u.s. defense industry.

Still 1% of gdp.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

American politician are generally insecure, especially Trump,you can get inside his head an exploit his insecurities

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

It has been suggested that the USA did just that leaning on ROC/Taiwan and ROK to stop nuclear weapons programs back in the 1970s or 1980s I believe. Obviously both have the scientific and industrial capacity to build them.

It is not up to Trump of America. The couldn't stop NK, Israel, Pakistan or India from getting nukes, none of which the US wanted originally.

I will take this opportunity to point out that the USA stationed military personnel on the Island of Taiwan as late as 1979.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Trump himself has criticized the alliance with Japan as one-sided, saying in 2019 that "if Japan is attacked, we will fight World War III...but if we're attacked, Japan doesn't have to help us at all. They can watch it on a Sony television."

He does have a way with words-That's why he gets the big bucks.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

He proposed stationing Japanese Self-Defense Forces members in Guam

LMAO Who want their colonies' military to stay on their soil

-4 ( +6 / -10 )

Yes, as per legal agreement with various countries.

What gives Tokyo the right to complain about others hosting troops, which is exactly what it does?

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Oh, I see.

It's just fine and dandy for Tokyo to have foreign troops on their soil as part of a bilateral pact.

But the same government was complaining about others doing the exact same thing.

How convenient.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

I love allk this Winning under Trump! Either country can end the agreement as the Philippians did in the past.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Dems left Kim and Xi unchecked for 4 years. China’s Navy has grown exponentially.

If I can expand on this.

Biden claimed he had China Checkmated.

At a basic level, this is a logical error in the context of countering China, US alliances are tools, not ends in and of themselves.

Consider the South China Sea. China’s campaign of bullying and coercion against the Philippines continues unabated, and despite closer alliance ties with Manila, Washington still lacks either the instruments or the resolve to counter China’s actions.

How about Taiwan, where much remains to be done to deter China from considering an invasion or a blockade – most experts agree that neither Taiwanese capabilities nor US posture and planning are sufficient.

Or look at economic statecraft, sorely needed if the US is to compete with China on trade and investment with Asian countries. The signature initiative of the Biden administration, the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework, was weak. It was never going to offer improved access to the US markets for Indo-Pacific countries. But that’s what the region sees as a priority. Even modest hopes of a digital deal collapsed in 2023 due to competing domestic political pressures in the United States. Thank you, Biden.

Biden should have ordered the chain of command here a shot across the bows of Chinese war ships. At the very least. Show a little spine.

So, Biden’s Asia policy has been strongest in areas of existing American advantage and alliances, defence and northeast Asia. Well, that’s half of it and good. It has been weakest in areas of disadvantage in redressing the military balance of power, Bidens approach, delivering economic statecraft, and influencing non-aligned countries.

POTUS elect will inject both strategies. It was Trump who eliminated the Caliphate of Isis.

China needs to be sent a message. Bullies get dealt with.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Enough of paying for "security". Kick them out and build your army!

-8 ( +5 / -13 )

There will be zero changes to SOFA that will in any way benefit Japan.

Japan will be lucky to keep the current quite reasonable agreement.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

Will Trump ever allow Japan to have its own nuclear weapons so that it can protect itself from the nuclear armed neighbors? Highly unlikely.

-13 ( +0 / -13 )

If Japan wants the U.S. to withdraw all its military forces from Japan, the war between Japan and the Axis countries won't happen but the war between Japan and the U.S. will happen

-15 ( +1 / -16 )

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