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© Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.G7 leaders likely to focus on war in Ukraine, tensions in Asia at summit in Hiroshima
China GDP is bigger than the G7 minus the US,
This Russian invasion and war has been terrible. The resolve of democratic nations, not only in the region, but across the world, has been reassuring. A few dictators cannot spoil life for the rest of us. I hope the vast majority of nations continue to stand strong against these warmongers and their enablers (yes China, that means you too).
Re: the photo. Every country has its nutters.
you do know Ukraine had a US backed coup against its democratic government, has banned opposition politicial parties, banned independent media, passed laws to arrest any citizen who is against Kiev’s mandates, bans speaking Russian and Russian culture, and now banning elections under the martial law rules. And then there is corruption, but that happens in most democratic countries, so I guess that is acceptable.
While national media focus on G7, Japan try to use the timing to increase utility bill just this week by 40%.
Is that supposed to mean something? I mean I suppose it means the EU better start ramping up its defense budget. In any event China (33 trillion) isn't that much bigger than the EU (25 trillion).
I do know Russia had an obligation not to recognize the new government if it believed that. I also know that since Russia tried to criminally wipe Ukraine off of the map, Ukraine has had to live under very tough martial law conditions to throw out the terrorists.
It is the method of governance in nondemocratic countries.
But isn’t the U.S. for freedom and democracy?
Thats not what this summit is about; it is to garner more commitment in supporting the Ukraine War. Japan will be asked to open its wallet again.
The US is too occupied with this war and can’t fix its problems at home.
The protestors’ sign says to “Smash and grind the Hiroshima G7 Summit into pieces.”
Taiwan are you from a democracy,are from Taiwan that was under military rule one time
Oh the irony, these protesters obviously have no idea of their own history. Japan was the textbook definition of an imperialist country. Yet thanks now to the system in place, it allows them the RIGHT to protest, which they never would have had as they probably would have been shot and killed if it was today!
No one can say that they do: 141 countries condemned Russia's invasion of Ukraine and told it to get out.
I am an American, just like you claim to be. It is of no consequence what Taiwan when through in the past when it is a clear democracy now.
Russia set another benchmark for oil exports, there is quite a mystery around the 2 missing Ukraine generals, there will be no "spring offensive" as Russia has been eliminating Ukraine offensive capacities, countries like Poland are pushing Ukraine to make peace and there is now talk of pushing Zelenskyy out of power from both within Ukraine and from some neighbouring countries.
NATO needs to make some sort of peace ASAP before the proxy cannon fodder in Ukraine is defeated.
dang our Canadian Imperialism.. the hockey, the maple syrup, it's all ours
Aly Rustom
The G7 includes the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Canada and Italy, as well as the European Union.
Why does the G7 include France, Germany, and Italy, as well as the European Union when all 3 countries ARE IN the EU?
Biden is no way of solving the budget deficits,now he has becoming delusional about reaching an impasse, Republicans are getting crazier , everyday, American can force a solution by taking their money out of the banks,and let the system collapse,before it collapse with their deposit in the bank
I'm guessing there might have been a few more protesters, but the people who actually work and have jobs couldn't make it. The protest was most certainly in the afternoon, right after they rolled out of bed.
And OECD have bigger GDP than BRICS cicUS.
A country is pretty much inseparable from its government. At least one without an ethnic or linguistic background behind it. You're either loyal to it or you aren't.
True, but in Japan everyone who wants a job has a job. Can China say the same thing?
The G7 better the US to get its house in order.
No, its call prudent.
Because if one of those countries left the EU, they would still be in the G7, just like the UK. The same can't be said for Holland.
Aly Rustom
I get that. But the EU is not a country.
Three goals
Absolutely. I think those protesters are very naive. They seem to not know history. There was a person called Hitler who caused havoc due to a policy of appeasement.
Good idea for G-7 to find pathway to stability; global economy continues to grind to halt while inflation remains elevated due to massive G-7 money printing & deficit spending, except for China with far higher growth/3x approx. & far lower inflation/1% approx.
China's LOVING it, global stability leadership, economic growth, no crazy proxy wars risking WWIII and general destabilization of other counties. Every country in global south looking to China, as G-7 exporting inflation with their central bank money printing as well.
1.5+ billion Arabs signed on to China's Arab peace and reconciliation, NOT G-7 chaos, OPEC bypassing USD when transacting with China now, first time in history. Record growing amount of African economic activity now bypassing USD as well, trends CLEAR.
G-7 best think twice, Europe's recession deepens by day as food & energy inflation and shortages remains punishing, while they're raising taxes. Good from bad to worse fast as Ukraine stalemate day by day leads to failed state status and Ukraine refugee crisis etc.
Another rabble. I hope the police have checked their rucksacks and shoulder bags. Also they should photograph them without their face masks, note their ID then swiftly remove these protestors from Hiroshima. It might sound harsh but in light of what has happened in this country since ex PM Abe's assassination last summer I think a lot of Japanese would agree.
The European Union has a per capita income of USD $39,940 (and that includes countries such as Bulgaria), while that of the PRC is $11,188 - less than a third.
China has a very long way to go to catch up with the West, and with a rapidly aging economy and stubbornly low birthrate, its economy is feared facing a crisis similar to Japan's in the '90s.
A wild and very unfounded comment.
1.5+ billion Arabs????
The Arab population is 456.52 million. Not all Arabs agree with each other. Saudi has the highest number.
Waiting for the mandatory lecture of the G7 masters of the universe about a "rules-based-order", which translates as unchallenged US hegemony.
The G7 is a desperate attempt to prevent a multipolar balance of power emerging from the unipolar world that has largely existed since the end of the Cold War. It will fail like their sanctions.
You have asked this questions several times. You know the answer. Maybe some others here do not. Japan will not sign the treaty because Japan would look hypocritical as Japan hosts many American warships and planes that are nuclear weapons delivery capable.
Joe Blow
I've always wondered what G7, G20, etc. protestors hope to accomplish.
The resolve of democratic nations
No, it didn't. There was a popular uprising and the president ran away to Russia.
The prospect of another nuclear attack has been crystalized by nearby North Korea’s nuclear program and spate of recent missile tests, and Russia's threats to use nuclear weapons in its war in Ukraine. China, meanwhile, is rapidly expanding its nuclear arsenal from an estimated 400 warheads today to 1,500 by 2035, according to Pentagon estimates.
This one paragraph alone presents the struggle ahead to secure any move or form to stem nuclear proliferation.
In China, Russia, North Korea, Iran the photo above......
Protesters gather near the Atomic Bomb Dome ahead of the Group of Seven nations' meetings in Hiroshima, on Wednesday.......Would led to brutal public reprisals.
1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre an example, etched in history, just to demand a basic form of democracy
No set agenda?
At the very least these protesters could move on and take root outside the Russian and Chinese Embassies.
If peace and nuclear disarmament is truly there political agenda.
Those two countries are not part of what they call g7 imperialist summit
Good to see Japanese in the pic concerned over risk of Global Chaos and War, seems people of Austria feel similar concern/see below, their big NO to NATO.
One interesting view on Ukraine, NATO, etc. is fairly recent polling in Austria, neutral country in Europe like their neighbor Switzerland. G-7 not very persuasive regarding their joining NATO, safe bet they've got educated viewpoint and their self interest in mind.
Source; Public opinion on the war in Ukraine (
Why is that good?
Austria owes its post-war existence to its neutrality. It would be like doing this poll in Japan about joining NATO. Doesn't mean anything about countries that don't have hangups about their militaries.
Means NATO not making the case, year + later, Austrians have a MORE educated view on this matter, LESS interest in US NATO proxy wars, especially Ukraine.
That's what it means, Austrians expressing their democractic rights to free speech and opposition to NATO, SMART
Source; Public opinion on the war in Ukraine (
1( +1 / -0 )
For most globally who want stability, war's not the answer. That would include Austria above, seems their view highly educated being so familiar historically and geographically.
For those that prefer US NATO led Wars and Proxy Wars, stability definitely not needed.
China's tapping into this Growing Global Stability Sentiment and doing it WELL.
The protesters are primarily calling for "no nuclear war!", alongside "No G7 imperialist summit!"
I am not sure in what order but I assume the threat of a nuclear war in upper most in there minds.
The danger of escalation in Ukraine that bring forth the prospect of the use of battlefield tactical nuclear weapons is upon us all.
That is the crux of my suggestion they could protest where the dangers of global conflict lay.
Despotism may lack political subtilty, however from A to B it's results are sooner rather than later
Ian, deep down we both know or suspect the G7 is more a talking shop, back slapping, media show of unity.
It may also be a shallow hollow attempt of a sticking plaster to create an appearance, illusion of stability.
God I hope I am wrong.
I have am hobbled by cynicism, a lack of trust.
It's good to have dreams. Thanks for sharing it.
In a dictatorship, yes. In a democracy, the roles are reversed. The government serve the people.
NATO is a defensive alliance. Hence they are a force for stability in the world.
NATO isn't led by the US and there are no NATO proxy wars.
NATO aren't fighting a proxy war. If you want peace, you need to talk to Putin.
The keyword is was.
As for the definition:
*Imperialism is the practice, theory or attitude of maintaining or extending power over foreign peoples, particularly through expansionism, employing not only hard power, but also soft power.*
Love the headline photo!
Imperialism sums it up pretty well...
North Korea, Iran, and China arming Putin's illegal war in Ukraine.
The EU agreed on a document today about how much compensation Russia will have to pay for its destruction in Ukraine and it will seize Russian assets to pay for it.
I hope too we are wrong.
Best to prepare, this might not end well.
This G7 conference could herald a political watershed.
Will despotism prevail, through the failure of this so called G7 to recognize the need to act.
?? It's literally a bunch of nutters. You can find them with similar signs outside the white house every day.
Good thing it is a long flight from Washington to Hiroshima. Biden can have a nice nap, a bit of apple sauce, and be ready to take on the world.
The focus should be on peace- getting the Ukranians and Russians to the table. Already aid to Ukraine is more than double the Russian entire defense budget. Time to turn off the tap, especially the US. The Europeans need to start paying the bills if they want the war to continue.
Nothing wrong with a nap on a long flight before a meeting. I’d actually recommend it.
Air Force One has its own president's bedroom. He can have a full sleep, not a nap.
Dango bong
these protestors are jobless nut jobs. Why protest a summit. Protest Russia, not the normal countries...
All these meetings of G7 G20 or whatever makes absolutely no sense. Nothing gets achieved. More taxpayers money just wasted. The war in Ukraine is not going to stop because of these summits. The only country that has the power to stop this war is China. US is getting weaker by the day while China is getting stronger. Biden was even forced to cancel his Quad Summit in Australia because of domestic issues. The world is becoming a much more dangerous place because the so called most intelligent people who lead countries cannot fix anything. What a waste of time.
Just because we have some hostage taking going on in Congress does NOT mean the US is getting weaker. Stock market is up. Inflation is down. Not at war.
Then the facts on the ground should show Russia being defeated.
The US should want to see a successful end to this war: we've been fighting Moscow for 100 years and it is no time to surrender now.
Keep seeing this.
What is a legal war?
A war of legitimate self defense. E.g. the US invasion of Afghanistan since the US was attacked from there and the Taliban refused to do anything about it.