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© KYODOG7 should declare 'no first use' of nuclear weapons: ex-Hiroshima mayor
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Interesting that Japan, a victim of nuclear weapons, objected the goal of a world without nuclear weapons.
And that US, the only country who used nuclear weapons, rejected "no first use".
And the bad guy here is... Russia? As they say, judge based on actions, not on words. Many countries make threats, but only one country actually committed the deed.
Ricky Kaminski13
Makes sense, after all the first use would be the beginning of end. Just need to convince those waging war, to take pause and realize the dangerous course being set out by the current geopolitical stratosphere. Cynics aside, Hiroshima is the place to do this, at least remind ourselves us of the horrors that the darker sides of our natures and collective psyches can lead us. Push soft power and engagement cause there's no use in being right if we are all dead! Dead in the most horrific sense of the word too. Anyone that's been to Hiroshima or Nagasaki can attest to this.
How long are we to fight our grandparent's war? Where are the sense makers? Where are the real leaders? Nows the time to show yourselves.
Am still a believer. Himajin all the people! Befriend thy enemies. By their deeds, ye shall know them. Good people everywhere!
That's right. When the US used atomic bombs in 1945 nobody knew the degree of devastation. Obviously at the time there was no anti-nuclear movement. Since then nuclear weapons have evolved to make those A-bombs look like firecrackers. And the U.S. has never threatened other countries with using nuclar weapons. Russia is alone in the world in that regard.
Mr Kipling
The whole point of nuclear weapons is the threat of use.
North Korea and Russia know that a war with the US will be prevented by its potential to use nukes.
G7 or whatever can sign whatever papers they like.
Sven Asai
Very strange. There’s surely something else to demand, namely the abolishment of all nuclear weapons and not only from G7 but from everyone who has got them, immediately and without exceptions.
Oh please, a pause to reflect on political realism here.
The Russian Government have threatened time and again to launch tactical nuclear weapons
The government of China is developing the next generation intermediate missile capability.
Would any nation trust either to sign a treaty and adhere to it?
'no first use'? Pointless wishful thinking while Putin and Kim are still alive.
Such a simple straightforward solution. We should be very concerned about any country that wouldn’t be willing to sign it sign it.
The US would never use nuclear weapons again - unless they were attacked first - because they now know thr devastating effects of a nuclear holocaust. This was certainly not known when they dropped the bombs on Japan.
Fascist Russia is the power constantly threatening to use nukes. They are the rogue state we need to be concerned about.
Second use?
“However, Japan remains in a policy dilemma when it calls for the abolition of nuclear weapons while at the same time relying on U.S. weapons for protection”.
Japanese politicians are just so useless. They say nice things but do nothing. NOTHING!!
Article 9 on the G7 isn't a bad idea, if we don't go crazy from China buzzing our borders ad nauseam
However this doesn't make sense right now with the war with Russia. Technically the strike has already occurred and the rebuttle has to keep occuring until Russia is either defeated or its economy runs out
the world should be concentrating on removing Putin
OK. So now we have a scenario where we forgo the proxy war and invade (only US troops, I assume. It always is) and now the Russian government must now surrender or defend itself with a nuclear strike.
What now?
As far as Russia is concerned, this statement from the G7 does not matter because Russia already nullified its nuclear treaties and its fleet is now armed with nuclear weapons for the first time in thirty years. NATO has provoked the Russian bear and them providing billions of dollars and military assets to Ukraine does not make our world a safer place.
The thought is nice but the reality is that it will never happen. The best course of action is for all Nation's that have nuclear weapons is to meet once a year and discuss the horrors of such weaponry and how to avoid them ever being used again. After taking Crimea, Putin promised there would be no more aggression against Ukraine. The World has seen how that turned out. Likewise with North Korean and missile test towards Japan, after the promises while President Trump was in Office, the missiles flew once again since Dementia Joe has been in Office. 'Declaring' a no-first use is a non-starter, great wishful idea, but will never happen. Government's change, people change.
Huh? How is Russia NOT fascist?
That is Putin's Russia described as accurately as it could be described. You tell us which part of the above you think is incorrect.
An important comment this one.
It shows, Common Sense, which is usually missing.
As I have said many times before, the one who initiates a nuclear strike (not in retaliation of a nuclear attack) will be the first country to be wiped out in retaliation.
While the nuclear "deterrent" only is effective to deter other countries with nuclear abilities from attacking with nuclear weapons first. We all know (I hope) the retaliation is what keeps them all in check.
That's the reality that the Putin Panderers don't like to address. Because they respect Putin, they want to front like nukes are a realistic threat, instead of suicide by cop on a national scale.
Samit Basu
China and Russia are not a part of G7 so any no-first use declaration will not cover them.
Although China has already pledged no first use, FYI.
As others have posted, "no first use" could mean that a country like China would not have to fear a nuclear strike from the US if it decided to invade Taiwan. It could give some countries a 'green light' to invade their neighbor if there is no concern over a retaliatory strike.