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© KYODOPanel wants Japanese public to pay more for defense buildup
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"A government panel has urged the public to shoulder a heavier burden to build up the country's defense capabilities, effectively asking for tax hikes instead of new national bond issuances, sources close to the matter said Tuesday."
Told you! Cut all family tax breaks, cut all assistance for childbirth, increase costs of products, inflation, cut health care coverage... then ask the public to have more kids despite all that, and demand they pay for the defense of a nation that won't exist in 20 years because of all the costs involved. TIJ
All they do is take and take and take, until people have nothing left to give.
Mr Kipling
And all because the US can't compete economically with China so it intends to use military power.
Wake up Japan! Don't waste money on expensive weapons that will never be used. Your future is a playground for wealthy Chinese tourists.
This is going to work wonders for Kishida's falling popularity...
Sven Asai
A much more pragmatic and probably cheaper solution would be , of course also additionally to the already available defense systems, to equip every household with a machine or sniper gun. A potential enemy finally would have to put boots on ground here, especially as it is an island nation. And they’ll surely think twice if deadly fire could be expected out of every single house. If there’s less trust in people about misusing, then those guns could also be stored locked up at all nearby community centers, public offices, schools, hospitals and all such, given out to public only by authorized people and only in the real hot case. Costs the tax payer the price of the ‘family gun’ plus some initial training and from time to time refreshment lessons.
We are already paying and this is not the time for tax hikes. Increase company taxes by 1-2% to pay for it.
Yeah - have they thought about this when they've pork-barrelled the heck out of the Olympics? The most expensive opening ceremony in the history for some ladies wearing what looked like garbage bags to be dancing (as I don't think they've had anything else in there)...
How about they use all the money their planning to pump into the Sapporo Winter Olympics if they win the bid to this spending and leave us alone?
We seriously need a do over.
Talk about being out of touch with reality. There's nothing left to give - the govt has already taken whatever's left and wasted everything else. How about getting the money from j-corp? They've only been stealing from their workers for decades.
Taking money from Japan Poor Japan, learn to say no.
LDP business as usual.
And it's obvious who they'll buy the weapons from.
You vote LDP, you get LDP.
Last thing the world needs is the LDP with first strike capability. Last thing the populace needs is further taxation.
The panel should take the side of a cliff.
Raw Beer
Not needed. All they have to do is not go around picking fights with superpowers.
Nuclear deterrence still the best way to protect the borders, too bad the Big Boss will never allow Japan to build its own nuclear weapon.
The Japanese government should approve a plan to revive the national war industry but the Big Boss will never, ever allow it, instead the Big Boss will force the Japanese taxpayer to pay for overpriced weapons from the United States.
Cut government spending. Cut government workers salaries, trim the fat, get rid of the dead wood, cut politicians salaries and expense accounts by at least half and either make friends with the neighbours or hire people who can.
Which will stop any potential wage increases in their tracks, and not to mention the increase in costs will be born by the consumer.
(Spit my first beer of the night up here!)
Whomever sits on this panel have their heads in the sand. Bond issues are for the most part purchased by the Japanese government using public funds.
Better still this "panel" should be suggesting that the government divest itself of it's holdings in what were once government entities, such as JR, NTT, KDD, Japan Post and others.
I heard from a Japanese journalist who lives in the United States they will allow every nation in the world to have their nuclear weapon but they will never allow Germany and Japan to build their nuclear weapon.
Grotesque levels from Washington DC it will never change even more than 75 years after the end of World War II.
Abe’s funeral
Unification Church
Giving money to other countries before His
and yet the idiot leaders of Japan want the people who are suffering already from all the crisis going on in Japan to fork up the money for the
SDF who are only security guards where they are afraid to go front line in any war that has happened only a few years ago..waste of money who would they be fighting for when their own people will all be dying soon
I understand the unpleasantness of increased taxes, and I too wish that Japan could live in the mid-1980s when the GSDF was deployed to Northern Hokkaido to bottle up a Soviet invasion till the Americans come and the ASDF AND MSDF could worry about protecting the airspace and sea lanes and that’s about it.
But those days are gone, the PRC IS ramping up to take Taiwan thus cutting the straights through which almost all our imports and exports travel including fuel.
In addition China IS looking to dominate out to the second island chain which would render Japan a vassal state.
The country, in addition to close cooperation with regional allies, needs a stronger navy and air power component with a stand off force projection capability to hold adversaries’ targets at risk.
THAT is how we prevent war. I wish we could hold hands, sing Kumabaya and imbibe the drug of our choice - I really do, but that is not how it works.
Credible deterrent costs money and without freedom, social programs mean nothing.
I feel (and there are people of good will who will disagree) that this is an investment in the nation’s future and I think we have to be willing to fund it.
Yeah....increase taxes for a military buildup when inflation is at its highest in like 40yrs, people are still feeling the economic effects of COVID-19, and companies are dragging their feet about wage increases.
Japan's military defense should center around protection of the nation from aerial and naval threats. Highly improbable Japanese ground forces will ever be called upon. Infantrymen, tanks, artillery, etc should be cut and the money used to bolster air and sea defenses. Japanese ground forces are so small that they wouldn't be needed anyway and if they ever were, they'd hardly make a dent compared to other allies' ground forces. Reallocate the funds you already have and manage the military budget realistically and logically then you won't need more funds.
“Japan's fiscal health is the worst among major industrialized economies, with public debt more than twice the size of gross domestic product.”
Is that a problem? If so, increase the size of the GDP through economic growth. The public debt/GDP ratio will dwindle.
BertieWoosterToday 05:50 pm JST
Cut government spending. Cut government workers salaries, trim the fat, get rid of the dead wood, cut politicians salaries and expense accounts by at least half and either make friends with the neighbours or hire people who can.
I agree almost 100% with it.
Japan is bankrupt because Big Boss has made Japan his Cash Cow, Your favorite Cash Dispenser.
Stop wasting Japanese taxpayer money on ODA, UN, and all the wars the Big Boss gets into.
I remember that the ungrateful Kuwaitis didn't even put Japan on their thank you list, Ukrainian the same thing.
When the power of love is greater than the love of power, there will be peace.
Looks like my 23 year run in Japan may soon come to an end and will not include retirement after all…
I’m not wealthy I can’t imagine paying more taxes than I already do…
Michael Machida
Just send America the funds tax payers. Sheesh!
Lorem ipsum
So, if they're supposedly "urging" us, that means we can refuse, right? Right? Middle finger for them all the way, bloody cockroaches that they are.
Bruce Chatwin
Between 2012 and 2021, public works expenditures amounted to over 70 trillion yen. Public works expenditures of the government's general account budget in Japan for fiscal year 2021 amounted to over 8 trillion yen. The Shin Tomei expressway, being built for a rapidly declining population and a hollowed out manufacturing base, is projected to have a final cost of 7 trillion yen. Use the pork barrel public works funds for the military, if it must be done, but no new taxes.
i formed a local panel made up of a cross section of society, and their answer was if these missiles contain food? They are all for it. ….and blue plastic sheets. And this was a diverse group of people young(68) to mature (88).
aaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiToday 04:31 pm JST
All they do is take and take and take, until people have nothing left to give.
Japanese People should learn to defend the rights as French People. Go to Kasumigaseki and break everything.
Japanese People cannot lower his head and agree with everything these bureaucratic scoundrels from the Ministry of Finance do (Zaimucho)
War Mongers are on the move, exactly what the UC was promoting and now it is manifesting.
Sorry for the poor english, I meant go to Kasumigaseki and show those scoundrels at the Ministry of Finance how pissed off you are at them.
This is great news for the 60% of workers on part-time contracts earning minimum wage.
Mr Kipling,you need get an education about the US,the US economy is booming, because American economy is driven by survival of American ,in America it not a day goes by that an American either need something out of necessity,and always need to spend something for their survival
The US should downside it military spending,we have enough in our inventory or did thank to Ukraine,the budget should be slash at least 100 billion
The choice is not complicated. Pay more for self defense, or pay a lot to one's conquerors and overlords.
Ok, but let us just pay off the Tokyo Olympics and Abe's funeral first.
Then you'll get your first defense payment in the mail.
How does November 22, 2122 sound?
New taxes will never be popular with those who pay them.
Being attacked and destroyed in a war by an aggressor is also never wanted.
Dying or having family and friends die at the hands of invaders is to be avoided at all costs. Just ask Ukraine.
So options being limited, either find fat in the current budget that can be trimmed and transferred for defense, or increase tax on the richest to pay for the increased defense needs. The lowest income citizens should be exempted from new taxes.
I have no doubt in the coming years, Japan will need to be better armed for the likely conflict that draws nearer each year.
One thing the Ukraine conflict has shown is that power infrastructure is targeted, so all homes should be encouraged to become power self sufficient with solar power and battery storage. This will not be possible for everyone everywhere but if even 50% can be achieved, in war time it will greatly help the people exist with power no matter what. It would also be advantageous in the event of earth quakes and other natural disasters, and would lower the greenhouse emissions produced by Japan.
Peter Neil
Not needed.
China is not going to attack a good customer of goods.
North Korea is not going to attack Japan. It would be the end of North Korea at the hands of the US.
@Mr Kipling The US does not have to compete with China, remember the US built China they are still trying to catch up basically stealing they will go broke before they catch up with the US. The US has nothing China has but China wants everything the US has thats why mostly half of the Chinese who can leave the country leave, thats why they go to the US to study.
And all because the US can't compete economically with China so it intends to use military power.
Wake up Japan! Don't waste money on expensive weapons that will never be used. Your future is a playground for wealthy Chinese tourists. Are you serious? Are you asking a country to not pay taxes for weapons to defend themselves? LMFAO you are saying the Japanese people future will be a play ground for the wealthy Chinese!!! Your logic is warp if they don't have weapons to defend themselves Japan will not be a playground for the wealthy Chinese it will become part of CHINA!!!
@Eastmann If the US military was sent back home you will be crying UNCLE SAM where are you because North Korea, and definitely China would send the country to a brink!! China's aim is to conquer that entire area and if that is your wish it will be one last one!
u want money?send US army back home and stop fund them,than use these money for your "military buildup" morons!
Stephen Chin
Suppose each country in the world is a village where all villagers know and trust each other and, live a happy life togethetr. Now, when one villager begins to be nervous of, and distrust the others and, buys a gun to defend himself, his suspicions grow to infect his neighbour and other villagers. Nervousness and suspitions grow to infect all inhabitans of the village. And all villagers buy guns to defend themselves against the others, the happy village becomes unhappy. And kill each other.
@Yrral Where did you get your education? Let me guess the University of McDonalds? Do you really think the US economy booming? Where are you getting your Wired news from? LMFAO Americas need is fed by China's greed!!! So the greedier China is the more the US need is to stay ahead so we keep feeding them, eventually they will go broke. Speaking of an economy look at China's everything is backwards, unfinished high towering concrete jungles that are not finished. The banking system has collapsed because the government does not care about the people they rather buy off other countries and locked their citizens in their homes driving them to do swan dives. Everything about China is backwards if China was so great why are the people dying literally to get out. Don't hate the US remember they fed China and the sneaky little devils stole to enrich themselves. China doesn't want to be partners on the international stage because of greed and that will be their down fall!! the fat panda will fall and split his pants!!
Mr Kipling,you need get an education about the US,the US economy is booming, because American economy is driven by survival of American ,in America it not a day goes by that an American either need something out of necessity,and always need to spend something for their survival
The moral of this story is pay more taxes or live under communist control and pound rocks!! China is arming up, NK and now China is lobbing bombs near and over Japan all it takes is for one to go astray. Then what? there goes your nonpaying tax dollars!! This can very well happen China coming to the negotiation table with weapons in hand and Japan shows up with a bow and a plea?
To every action there comes an equally direct reaction. Bleed the people with more taxes for weapons we do not need and there will be blowback. Fewer families will have children, which means, among other things, fewer military personnel and likely immigration. There will be less luxury buying, from new cars to dining out. And finally the Japanese economy will go into a tailspin.
UdondashiToday 06:21 pm JST
and what would you replace the UN with if nobody paid for it? Can you think of anything better?
As for saying thank you to Japan for Kuwait. Japan did nothing, did they send any troops? Anyway jets ? Any tanks? Any trucks? Nope! Just candy while many other spent blood. As for Ukraine, they need more than just money at the moment. Apart from that Japan doesn’t have the money. Debt! Is the tax payer happy to give Ukraine money to fight? I doubt it! They can’t even give Ukraine the weapons it needs to survive and will leave that to everyone else. As usual! Sad but true!
Kaim,the combine GDP of California,Texas and New York is bigger than Japanese whole economy,the US total is about 21 trillion
The average foreigner think their is conspiracy against you by the US government too spend your tax dollars to sell you weapon,it cost the US taxpayers Money to base soldiers overseas,when they can be home with their family during the holidays,everytime you see an American service person,you should be thankful that he protecting you
Alan Bogglesworth
I want our tax money to go toward renewables
Well said, Peter Neil!
The cost will be passed on to Japanese consumers just as they have been to American consumers with the Trump tariffs. And yet trade continues to grow.
Place Import tariffs on anything from Russia, China, and should we even have them - NK
Forget a military arms build up, just send the money to the rogue state of the USA, ultimately that's what will happen anyway.
The last thing we need is a military buildup. Japan is in far less danger from Russia as it from the rapacious weapons makers and sellers. Do you want medical care and other social services cut or abolished? This is what a warfare state will do to you. Just look at the horror show of derelict medical and social care in the U.S.
Arms buildups create tensions and brings us closer to war.
No surprise here. The "masters of war" first make the people pay for arms and profits then they send them to die for more profit. Arming for war is a racket enriching the few and "pauperizing" the many. After watching how their treasure was wasted on the decades of Cold War, it's time more people woke up to this insidious bizness of an arms race because, as always, they'll end up paying the price.
Amidst runaway inflation (and "shrinkflation"), residents of Japan must pay more taxes so the gov't can buy more hardware from the US to feed its military industrial complex and prepare for war against whomever the US decides to fight? Is there really any wonder why Japan's birthrate is so low?
Careful, conscription may well be on the way with an arms buildup. And then Japan will get into a proxy war in partnership with the US.