Japan Today

Hashimoto cancels trip to U.S.


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“Traveling to the United States under the present circumstances will not bring any merit and will cause difficulties for local people,” he said.

Quite so, the people in the US don't want to talk with politicians who are infected with foot-in-mouth disease, it's contagious.

16 ( +18 / -2 )

in addition to reputation Hashimoto lost Y1,800,000.- in cancellation charges.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

....will cause difficulties for local people

99.9999% of the "local people" in the US, if that is who is referring to, have never heard of this man, can't locate his city on a map of Japan, and couldn't care less about this Asian politician's backward opinions. Even Kim Jong Un is a punchline, and he is a lot worse than this trainwreck. On the other hand, I'm pretty sure no politiican or businessman would want to be photographed with this guy. I assume the whole trip was intended to be a photo-op for Hashimoto since I fail to see what he could possibly bring to the table in visits with the SF/NY elite.

17 ( +18 / -1 )

He also retracted advice he gave to U.S. military commanders in Japan, urging them to allow their troops to use the country’s licensed sex businesses as part of what he called a crime reduction strategy.

Licensed sex industry? Does he even know what he is saying? And here I thought he was a lawyer?

6 ( +7 / -1 )

coward doesn't want to face the music outside of this vacuum called Japan

16 ( +22 / -6 )

in addition to reputation Hashimoto lost Y1,800,000.- in cancellation charges.

You have to have a (good) reputation in the first place to lose one. oh and odds are it's the City of Osaka that was footing the bill for his plane fare and trip as well. "Official" business.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Hashimoto said his words were misunderstood, but they weren't. His mistake was using his words to reveal what he really thinks, which isn't fixed or made better just by apologizing for the words themselves. It's kind of interesting that conservative Japanese politicians are prone to gaffes when they let spill how little regard they have for women or women's rights. Hashimoto should do the right thing and resign.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

The Korean papers are reporting otherwise. It's being reported that Japanese papers reported Hashimoto decided to cancel the trip, but in truth, the Americans told him they won't meet with him. He got dissed, and this is his way to salvage his pride.

6 ( +17 / -11 )

But he still insisted that Japan’s wartime soldiers were not unique in brutalizing women.

Statements like this only come off as seeming to draw a moral equivalency when there obviously isn't one. Regardless, he shouldn't cancel his trip over it. It's isn't like anyone is going to forget another in a long line of stupid comments on this topic by a Japanese politician.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Most people are not too shocked by Hashimoto's lack of "international sensitivity" because chances are he just doesn't care. That Hashimoto makes such comments in the public eye is a probably a result of him feeling embolden by a down economy in which nationalist movements thrive. Hashimoto seriously needs to understand the concept of slavery, but in true right-wing mindset, it's not likely to happen because they do not think they are wrong.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Wolfpack: You really are going too far, how dare you call this man a politician :-)

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Hashimoto didn't cancel. He got rejected. What a sad way of trying to save face by lying.

It is in Hashimoto's interest not to leave Japan. His little safe haven allows him to run his mouth off to corrupted ideals. That won't roll outside of Japan.


11 ( +12 / -1 )


2 ( +4 / -2 )

“Traveling to the United States under the present circumstances will not bring any merit and will cause difficulties for local people,” he said.

Not to mention the fact that this idiot is meant to be working for the people of Osaka. If he can't focus on that job, he should step down.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Lets hope the voters of Japan come to their senses, this man represents a world view that hardly exists and isn't compatible with the modern global economy.

He and Ishihara are an embarrassment for not only Japanese but any one that calls Japan home, the are simply relics of a bygone age, which wasn't so rosy at all.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

The Korean papers are reporting otherwise. It's being reported that Japanese papers reported Hashimoto decided to cancel the trip, but in truth, the Americans told him they won't meet with him. He got dissed, and this is his way to salvage his pride.

They did report that the Americans didn't want to meet with him prior.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Nothing against the Korean press here, although I do believe they will be biased against Hashimoto after all the garbage he has spewed, however I would like to see something from the US side corroborating what they are reporting.

Then maybe the Japanese press, namely the newspapers that Hashimoto doesnt get along with, could report that, and toss a bit more egg on his face.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

He should quit already. I can imagine his tear filled gomenasai speach on TV already.

2 ( +3 / -1 )


He should face the music.

.... but I don't think anyone would want to meet him....

5 ( +7 / -2 )

They already said yesterday on the news that he had stated he'd cover these cancelation fees from Osaka city taxes. Meanwhile, at another part of the city, someone is probably starving to death. And another public facility is closing due to lack of finances.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

They already said yesterday on the news that he had stated he'd cover these cancelation fees from Osaka city taxes. Meanwhile, at another part of the city, someone is probably starving to death. And another public facility is closing due to lack of finances.

Well said! One can only hope that the people of Osaka get pissed off enough to either tell him to shut up or push him to resign. I wonder if they had the chance to read his statement from the foreign press conference and his comments about "human rights"?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

The Korean papers are reporting otherwise. It's being reported that Japanese papers reported Hashimoto decided to cancel the trip, but in truth, the Americans told him they won't meet with him.

According to Mr Kim.............

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Toru when you go outside your little hamlet and start to play on a bigger stage, you have to watch out what you say. Let this be a painful lesson. Sometimes people with some schooling end up with no common sense and say idiotic things. So watch out what you say on the international stage, you may be booed off if the world audience think you are a complete country bumpkin.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

he's going downhill!

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Can someone find an article in Japanese that has his original quote in it? I'm not defending Hashimoto , I just want to see his exact words .

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Huashi too is sure not doing anything to make Japan look any better at all. Isn't it time for him to step down and resign! As it looks now, no matter how many apologies he makes, the words that he said can never be taken back in any way.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Love this article from the Christian Science Monitor which reported, "his would-be hosts in the US had refused to give final approval for his planned visit". I also find the comments below it interesting.


-2 ( +3 / -5 )

'“Traveling to the United States under the present circumstances will not bring any merit and will cause difficulties for local people,” he said.'

No doubt he blames them, too. Coward. In any case, I would hope he's not at all welcome any place abroad.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

If he really cares about the people of Japan he will resign sooner rather than later!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Hashimoto is an enemy against women. Any self respecting woman would be disgusted.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

COWARD!! Not easy to have to hear the truth!!! No doubt there would be many unpleasant words spoken to him, but none would be so demeaning and hurtful as the ones he, himself, uttered!!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

he's going donwwwww!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

What part of his job as Osaka mayor required this fool to travel to the US in the first place? It's about time big mouth shut his trap and got on with his job. The only time he needs to talk in public is to discuss Osaka issues and what he is doing as mayor. If he wants to go back to clowning around on TV he should resign as mayor.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Some thoughts.

This is the first vaguely smart thing this politically inept fool has done so far.

I agree he is a coward not to stand for what he clearly believes.

If this is a measure of his commitment to his beliefs, then even his right wing buddies should see that he is simply an opportunistic politician trying only for his own personal benefit. But then we knew that much already.
1 ( +2 / -1 )

This guy is a jerk and he has exhausted his political capital, there is only one way forward for him and that is downward! Hope he can take Ishihara with him.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

I was disgusted when I saw the news last night saying he's gonna use Osaka's zeikin to pay for the Y1,800,000 cancellation fee. What a jerk! This whole thing is his own wrongdoing. He should use his own money! If I lived in Osaka, I would be beyond pissed off cuz I am not paying city taxes to cover the mayor's mistakes!!

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Hashimoto cancels trip to U.S.

Excellent idea ! Those who might "recognize" him, may also own guns...

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Ishihara stayed in office for ten years spewing crap like this. Hashimoto is not going anywhere.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Veterens groups was initially sending letters in to the SF Mayors office showing outrage over Hashimoto's statements. "Osaka's Mayor does not deserve the honor of an official visit to the United States". With womans groups and asian-american organizations also chiming in to the Mayor's office.

"...the international firestorm created by the Nippon Ishin leader's remarks that Japan's "comfort women" system had been necessary at the time has infuriated human rights groups and the U.S. State Department, which called Hashimoto's remarks outrageous and offensive...That view is shared by the San Francisco mayor, and despite the schedule Osaka announced, Lee's office says the Hashimoto meeting has not been confirmed."

"Osaka and San Francisco have a sister-city relationship dating back to 1957, and mayoral delegations have visited each other on numerous occasions over the years. The San Francisco-Osaka Association condemned Hashimoto's remarks last week..."Mayor Lee is disappointed and offended by (Hashimoto's) statement..." said Francis Tsang, a spokesman for the mayor."

6 ( +7 / -1 )

i'm glad he got rejected in the usa. trying to save his ass like my ex lol

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Hashimoto had no choice but to cancel. It seems as though he beat the SF Mayor to the punch. Imagine the embarrassment and loss of face had San Francisco canceled his visit instead. And if no one cancelled his trip and Hashimoto went to the States the whole visit would have been about the comfort women, Hashimoto's insensitive remarks which could then easily lead to Abe's recent remarks and an unrepentant Japan.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

This guy is a jerk and he has exhausted his political capital, there is only one way forward for him and that is downward! Hope he can take Ishihara with him.

Even Ishihara is staying out of the fray on this one. One can not forget that Ishihara has been a politician for longer than Hashimoto has been alive I do believe and knows when to keep his mouth shut, particularly when it's not him that is in the eye of the storm.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

hashimoto = chic chic CHICKEN!!!!

0 ( +1 / -1 )


Hashimoto decided to cancel the trip, but in truth, the Americans told him they won't meet with him

The two statements are not mutually exclusive. He cancelled his trip BECAUSE the told him they won't meet him.

No big conspiracy of the media. Sheesh.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Chickened out....good. It would have been a wste of money and another PR disaster. Maybe a good time to go back to Osaka and do some REAL WORK in YOUR ACTUAL JOB for a change.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Now he just needs to cancel his employment!

2 ( +3 / -1 )

San Francisco and New York are hardly role models. Not even the safest city in the US, Plano Texas, comes close to the safety of Osaka, especially when comparing the crime in the news: rape, which is 200 times more prevalent in Plano. http://www.prweb.com/releases/2012/5/prweb9440439.htm

I think he should visit somewhere that would provide insight on how to better run his city instead. It is difficult to find any foreign that comes close to the safety of Osaka (which is yet the most dangerous city in Japan) but Seoul comes close, and its economy is booming.

One of the many things I admire him for saying is that the Japanese government should find out and make it clear whether the comfort women were sex slaves or not, to to what extent. I believe he means it and that should make him welcome in Seoul but alas, very few people (other than him) are ready for the truth.

-8 ( +4 / -12 )

Nice to see a conservative Japanese on the receiving end of a "Chotto Muzukashi". It is just too bad that officials from SF could not have done so in person, tooth sucking and all. That would have been priceless.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

“Traveling to the United States under the present circumstances will not bring any merit and will cause difficulties for local people,” No, I am sure that it would only cause difficulties for yourself considering you have such extreme views, open your mouth before you speak, and are an "educated" idiot.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Despite what cynics will say, he serves at the behest of the people. He won't step down but could be forced out if enough people demanded it. However, I haven't seen any outrage by the Japanese people, in particular women. So, he'll continue to serve the great people of Osaka and may one day ascend to a higher office.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Is the guy a compulsive liar or does he just bend the truth? He didn't cancel his visit at all! His invitation was cancelled by the US cos he is an outspoken right-wing loon!

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Get your daily Hashimoto news on JT!

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

The media is too modest. I think he officially stated on the record "He wants to legalize prostitution." He should be barred altogether from traveling to the US with his offensive comments. Luckily Japan and the US have a strong relationship. He should resign or be disbarred.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

What's wrong with legalizing prostitution?

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

The man seems not to understand his place. Mayors - even of such large municipalities as Osaka - have the single purpose of improving the living standards of those who pay their salary. Sanitation, traffic, crime, education, tourism, business - these are of the purview of Hashimoto, not national policy, and certainly not interpretation of historical events.

The purpose of Hashimoto's trip was to introduce and advertise Osaka and the Kansai region to America. He has now failed spectacularly at this. I don't live anywhere near Kansai (though I used to) so will not be in any way affected, but others will. Let us hope even conservatives note the damage this man is causing to those he purports to represent.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

No Nevada Bunny Ranch for him I guess. Too bad, would have liked to see the Fox News interview with him to see how much one's foot can enter a persons mouth.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

What on earth have San Francisco or Plano to do with the issue of sex slaves? Is the US government or the local governments of the aforementioned cities forcing the local female population into camps to work as sex slaves? The point here is that some arrogant snotnose, like so many here in Japan, don't want to learn or hear the truth because they think it reflects badly on Japan. Actually, they should first try to fathom why Japan actually went to war in the first place. Last year I watched the World at War on Discovery or something, first in English and later they showed it once more in Japanese, which was interspersed with some blabbing by Japanese "historians" and they blamed the war squarly on the Unites States. They also mentioned that the Imperial Army was heartily welcomed while invading Burma. That couldn't have lasted very long for they raped and murdered to local population there as well. Maybe these fools watched the movie the Burmese Harp where Japanese Imperial soldiers are depicted as a poem chanting bunch on the run from British soldiers intent on killing them. Anyway, there are documents unearhed in Tokyo, there are eyewitness account of Japanese soldiers that were actually there and engaging in these atrocities. There are witness accounts of women having to have endured this humiliation, the ones that made it out alive anyway. But no, here we have some fellow taking all these accounts into question. Why? Is that what they teach children in school here? Even Abe makes us believe he is sincerly apologetic towards "comfort women". Maybe. But I do remember, that during his first stint as PM, he also aplogized about comfort women and at that very same time, 40 or so law makers took out a page wide advertisment in the Washington Post, denying everything. It did not happen. Not even occasionally, not at all! Did he ever admonished them? If so, I didn't hear about it. Were these women lying? Well, they are all dead now, but I did have an uncle, who went to Indonesia just before the war with his young family, a wife and two litle kids. He ended up slaving away at the Pekanbaru railroad on Sumatra, the equivalent of the Burma railroad, and his wive ended up in a prison camp with all the consequences young women had to endure at the hands of their Japanese captors. He and my aunt survived, but the children perished. I have never once heard my aunt uttering a single word. Not once. Now I understand why. Oh yes, when my uncle met my Japanese wife, he was not belligerent as you might have experienced her, you know, being mistaken for American and all that. If he ever had any animosity towards Japanese, he sure as hell didn't show it. Instead of fearing this issue might reflect badly on Japan, take some responsibility you fools, instead of coming with unfounded and childish arguments like "they did it too". Japan never did, at leat not voluntarily. All they do is whining about the atom bombs and their overlords having hanged some 1,000 socalled war criminals, with an airof like it was unjustified, unknown of the fact that the Japanese people at the time themselves, having had to endure what the Tojo regime inflicted on them and Japan, clamoured for far more to be hanged than just the 1,000 or so that eventually were offed at the wrong end of a piece of rope. They should take a damned flame thrower through the ranks of these idiots for a change.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

we korean dislike and hate him forever.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Upgrayedd, the problem is that too often women are trafficked into even legal prostitution. And there are considerable social issues to consider that would result in problems.

Keep in mind that no level of protection can guarantee that no disease is spread as a result of prostitution. As long as it is illegal it is quite limited. But if it becomes fully legal, it will be even more available and more socially acceptable over time. Thus increasing the risk of Joe average bringing home something terrible to Jane average and driving up social health costs over time.

Moral issues aside, the practical ones are a good argument against it.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

He is a coward.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

WhatMeWorry has a point. Where's the outrage amongst Osaka voters? His poll numbers are way down, but there ought to be a mob of women with torches and pitchforks waiting for him.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I agree with tkoind2 but the question of prostitution is controversial. Some people oppose it, some do not.

The question of rape however, is unopposed. No one supports rape. Even rapists know that rape is wrong. As it stands with the Japanese governments' avoidance of the issue, many people, including forzaducati believe that the Japanese "forced the local female population into camps to work as sex slaves" --- that the Japanese government not only condoned, but carried out rape. If that is the truth, Japanese politicians should be down on their knees in apology, and they should not be welcome in no American nor Korean cities until they do so.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

He's not really welcome anyway if he refuses to listen to historical facts.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Probably wise. No need to start WW3 just now.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I am so glad that the US dares to stand up against this guy and dis-invite him. However he has his supporters on the issue of comfort women, so not all Japanese are against their ancestors past behavior.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Mr. Hashimoto is not saying it was necessary. This is a modified malicious by Asahi news paper.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tqffmz7zuWE&feature=player_embedded The video of this, cause the "comfort women" became a problem is presented.

Twiter remarks of Mr. Hashimoto is cut intentionally, I was transferred to the whole world at amazing speed. This has been done in an organized manner. Japanese conservatives have suffered from liberal organization antisocial of this domestic many years.

Whether, I want you to understand that.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )


we korean dislike and hate him forever.

great! that's something you now have in common with the majority of japanese people!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

The article is kind of wrong. Forcibly drafted? Japanese government denys this...

0 ( +2 / -2 )

As I understand it, he denies the testimony of those who were forced into this depraved life in order to maintain discipline in the (Freedom Loving, can do no wrong) Japanese Imperial Forces. Then blames misunderstanding while maintaining his stance on the Issue. With historical evidence (what occupied country has a good tail to tell about Japanese occupation) would with any serious research not uncover brutal cruel killings and rapes on a scale and duration, that for once gives him a point, Japan was the best at this. Any comparison to other countries is a moot point, yes these things did occur but certainly not state sponsored ( nazis killed ) and not directed by a Government department. Even with testimony of former soldiers the denial continues. The fact is very well known,researched and beyond debate. But not within Japan that is the problem. Flaunting ignorance must be, is becoming a flag of stupidity that is being waved over Japan as a sign of strength. There is a falk in the road...continue this blind stupidity Or be the bigger man

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I am personally saddened by him not going to the USA.. Think of all the copy that would be drawn if he did! :) And the Japanese nationalists would have learnt a thing or two about western womens pressure groups!! What is a poor blogger supposed to do now? :( Can we get a petition going to encourage him to go? :) that might work! peace

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I find people on here hypocritical because the U.S soldiers used brothels requested by the U.S military to J- government when they were in Japan. http://images.china.cn/attachement/jpg/site1004/20110610/000cf1bdd0220f5c0dcd08.jpg

Also Korean soldiers used comfort women during Korean way and Vietnam war.

I find people on here very hypocritical...

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

forzaducati....I'm sorry but it's very hard to read a wall of text. Please use paragraphs and put some space between them!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I like the way he says "My trip would be a burden on those places". Yes that's right Hashi-babes, they can't handle your greatness. You're not willing to apologize or sincerely take back your words so it's their fault, they can't handle you.


-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Japanese conservatives does not imply that claims the justification of war. I counter that propaganda to demean Japan unfounded.

It is advertised in the comfort women issue, and the comfort women to the women of Korea 200,000.

I am available to refute logically.

At that time, Japan has decided to war in order to secure resources such as oil. She became state battle with the United States military. Behind the scenes, that 200,000 people also abducted the women of Korea, to be transported to the front line, such as improbable military. If there is such a margin, such as war would not have happened. (One has not been found instructions and other documents to transport, the fact of human 200 000)

There was a massacre of 300,000 people also Nanjing, China has claimed.

This is also the same is true. It does not have the automatic rifle, soldier of 10 005 thousand people in just one month, to also kill 300,000 of the human it is impossible. Japan at the time, had a hard time in the transport of fuel and ammunition. Such a thing is impossible.

You can not afford to leave descendants, a record that has been distorted like this. Thus, conservatives Japan has raised voice. This is not a nationalist.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

“Traveling to the United States under the present circumstances will not bring any merit and will cause difficulties for local people,” he said.

If translated properly, this just summarizes the enormous ego Hashimoto has.

He would not cause any discomfort to anyone, simply because nobody wants to meet with this insignificant little bug. The embarrassment would just be for him and this is the only reason IMHO for this cancellation.

I am for freedom of speech, but not the way he is abusing it!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Hashimoto names are never on USA news, Right now, USA is too busy to report Tornado aftermath. I asked one Japanese expert about Hashimoto in Las Vegas. She told me, " Bridgestone is named after Ishibahi changed his name of Stone Bridge to Bridge Stone" My daughters stopped me to question further to Japan expert people. Even N. Korea's Kim's name hasn't been mentioned at CNN (3 channels) at all. He could come to USA if he wanted. Maybe Osaka did not allocate travel expense? Or maybe he could not find an interpreter? Tornado and Tornado in USA,

0 ( +0 / -0 )

He is a coward.


You said up top no-one knows him. Well, sure, but you can bet once his pic gets all over the news w/him evading clumsily these issues, everyone will know who he is in a flash. Because you know he will be asked in the press conference, and however he answers the bkground will be reported. And it will be a big international problem for Japan.

Kind of disappointing he isn't going, in a way.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

forzaducatiMay, Hashimoto insulted the American soldiers in Okinawa by practically saying they are problem rapists, so they need to use prostitutes and leave the good Japanese girls alone. You don't think that would offend Americans who are defending Japan from China? The US also has a strong women's rights movement, you don't think they would have been offended by what he said about women (doesn't matter whether they really were prostitutes or not)?

What on earth have San Francisco or Plano to do with the issue of sex slaves?

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

“Traveling to the United States under the present circumstances will not bring any merit and will cause difficulties for local people,” he said. [[[[[[[[[ which local people? Osaka or some cities in USA? Some people heard Osaka, but not his name. He is not visiting makor cities in 50 States in USA, I'd bet.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I wonder what he thinks to himself when he wakes up in the morning. Time to sleep in Mr. Hashimoto and don't bother coming to the office again...ever!!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

"in addition to reputation Hashimoto lost Y1,800,000.- in cancellation charges."

I hope from his own pocket, not from peoples taxes

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Scared of assassination, chicken.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Personally, I am sorry that the mayor cancelled his trip.

His remarks did not strike me as offensive as they are ignorant. Thanks to the time I spend on Japan Today, grossly ignorant comments no longer offend me.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

It would be interesting to ask the Japanese Emperor what he knows about that. He is most likely the only one with very deep facts knowledge.

That would close for good this discussion and helps Japan to move forward with its neighbors!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

T_rexmaxytime writes

The article is kind of wrong. Forcibly drafted?

Cricky writes

The fact is very well known, researched and beyond debate.

Were the comfort women forcibly drafted? Is that beyond debate?

Reputable news agencies such as AFP, whom we trust for telling us the news, the facts about the world, are stating, without mitigation, that Japanese governments in living memory, deliberately, systematically and with a callousness unparalleled in human history, carried out the mass rape, of 200,000 women, organising this horror daily over a period of years.

While most Japanese politicians skirt the issue, if AFP is right, then we should have seen and still be seeing Japanese politicians prostrate themselves in abject and prolonged apology whenever the issue is mentioned, whenever they meet victim nations.

Indeed this is not just an issue for politicians. This is not about "disliking" Hashimoto. If Hashimoto is a liar, or even if Hashimoto is just a mistaken imbecile, if this is the truth, that the Japanese did this radically abhorrent act, then as someone that has chosen Japan as home and to have Japanese as family and friends, I feel strongly that I should and will apologize, profusely, for choosing to relocate to a country with such inhuman brutality in its recent past.

I think that the Japanese think that this issue is just going to go away, 'flow with the water,' but it is not. That the Japanese government carried out deliberate, mass, systematic rape is going to become, if it has not already, "beyond debate".

0 ( +2 / -2 )

timtak May. 30, 2013 - 05:00AM JST While most Japanese politicians skirt the issue, if AFP is right, then we should have seen and still be seeing Japanese politicians prostrate themselves in abject and prolonged apology whenever the issue is mentioned, whenever they meet victim nations.

Here we go again. Japan paid to South Korea $500 million to settle the WWII case with South Korea in 1965. The South Korea Japan agreement covers the entire atrocities that Japan committed during that time. Now, if you are a South Korean goverment, and you won the case, and settled for $500 million, are you going to ask Japan almost 50 years later and say "well, we didn't cover everything, and you need to pay more"? Why don't the Japan goverment step and and say the case was settled, signed, sealed, and delivered and no more. Maybe there is more to this story.

Japan saids the agreement compensated the entire issue. Now South Korea is saying it has not. Somebody is not telling the entire story.

Just read the treaty.


Article II 1 The High Contracting Parties confirm that the problems concerning property, rights, and interests of the two High Contracting Parties and their peoples (including juridical persons) and the claims between the High Contracting Parties and between their peoples, including those stipulated in Article IV(a) of the Peace Treaty with Japan signed at the city of San Francisco on September 8, 1951, have been settled completely and finally.

It says all claims have been settled COMPLETELY and FINALLY. Both sides signed of their claims. If some claim is found after the sign off, it is too late and the claim is void.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Why not call Hashimoto's bluff? Yes, it is a good time for the US to clear up the darker side of the occupation, and apologize as appropriate.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

@Open MindedMay. 30, 2013 - 12:09AM JST wrote

It would be interesting to ask the Japanese Emperor what he knows about that. He is most likely the only one with very deep facts knowledge.

That would close for good this discussion and helps Japan to move forward with its neighbors!

Leave Emperor out of Hashimoto talks.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Here we go again.

Here we go where again? Japan gave Korea a lot of money and they agree that reparations had thereby ended. So what is your point?

But let us consider reparations. In 1965 the comfort women had not yet been accepted nor addressed by historical research. On the basis of a subsequent study, the Kono statement of 1993 includes "The Government study has revealed that in many cases they were recruited against their own will, through coaxing coercion, etc., and that, at times, administrative/military personnel directly took part in the recruitments. They lived in misery at comfort stations under a coercive atmosphere." This was worded in such a way as to conform both to those who accept the "facts" and those that deny them. Note that while it accepts that "administrative/military personnel directly took part in the recruitments" it does not affirm that the Japanese government took part in the "coercion" which occurred in "many" cases. And the fact that this statement does not affirm Japanese government coercion is mirrored in fact that the Japanese government did not make any further reparations in the light of this new study/statement.

Irrespective of reparations, it would not change the alleged truth that the Japanese government committed deliberate, systematic, gang rape daily for years, upon "200,000" women. And if this is true, as our newspapers now tell us, any Japanese politician coming to Korean or American Cities should surely be utterly unequivocal in apology for these "facts," and utter rejection of these acts -- and that includes at the very very least, accepting them as fact.

And yet, these facts are hardly addressed and when they are, both Abe and Hashimoto have called them into question. Are they facts or not? What are the facts? Hashimoto represents Japan abroad so at least surely, Hashimoto is right to ask that the government makes its position clear.

In New York a moment to the comfort women was erected last year inscribed with the words "In memory of the more than 200,000 women and girls that who were abducted by the armed forces of the government of Imperial Japan 1930's - 1945 known as "Comfort Women." They endured human rights violations that no peoples should leave unrecognized. Let us never forget the horrors of crimes against humanity." Then the New York Assembly passed a resolution honouring this monument on the 7th of this month.

As a representative of Japan going to visit New York, should Hashimoto have laid a wreath and bowed before the monument (surely the least he could do if what it says is true), or should he have asked respectfully that the the New York assembly rescind their resolution?

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The coward.

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U.N. report criticizes Japanese politicians' remarks on 'comfort women'


was on the front page of my Asahi Newspaper today. In response to the UN Hashimoto's two recent tweets hit the nail - or the question - on the head.

“The focal question is whether Japan abducted comfort women on the will of the state or not. The primary reason why the comfort women issue remains unresolved is because the Kono statement leaves the point obscure."

“So far, many Japanese historians and politicians, mainly those of the Liberal Democratic Party, have denied that. But that denial has been directed toward the Japanese people. Can they make the same denial toward the United Nations and the world?”

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“Traveling to the United States under the present circumstances will not bring any merit and will cause difficulties for local people,” he said.

My God who does this guy think he is?! If I asked 100 people on the street i San Francisco, 99 of them would answer "Hashi-who?" And the one who had heard of him because he used to teach English in Japan would shrug and say "Sorry - have to go - attending a charity drive for the Tornado victims."

He is not coming because he wont be protected from difficult awkward questions here, and someone may actually argue with him to his face. Coward

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A fuss about an inexperienced young political fellow, forgetting what he said, tripping over his own shoelaces? Or fuel for yet another bitter 'Nasty Them versus Good Us' or 'Good us versus Nasty Them' .... t r i b a l .. rant? Mericans versus Jps goodies and baddies puh-leeeeze!

"Mr Hashimoto claimed on Monday that he had never endorsed the wartime brothels but had merely described the thinking of military commanders at the time. He called the use of comfort women, many of whom were recruited in Japanese-ruled Korea, “an inexcusable act that violated the dignity and human rights of the women”. The explanation appeared to conflict with Japanese press transcripts of his original remarks, which quote him as saying that, given the stress and danger experienced by soldiers in battle, “anyone can understand that the comfort women system was necessary”. Mr Hashimoto further undermined his credibility by saying that US soldiers on Okinawa should use the island’s “adult entertainment industry” in order to reduce incidences of sexual assault on local women. He apologised for that remark on Monday but stood by a number of other contentious assertions, including that Japan had been unfairly singled out over the comfort women given that other countries’ armies were also guilty of sexual abuses" (Financial Times).

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See, he is still on the stage. No doubt he even would be a premier someday. And many others too. Shame on so called democracy. Hard to understand Japan and Japanese.

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