A meeting between Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto and Makoto Sakurai, the chairman of Zaitokukai, a group that has repeatedly engaged in hate speech against Korean residents in Japan, ended after only 10 minutes when both men started shouting at each other.
The two men were seated at tables about three meters apart at Monday's meeting at the Osaka government office. At one point, Sakurai stood up and approached Hashimoto, but aides got in between the two men, NHK reported.
Although the meeting was originally intended to be a civil discussion, it quickly degenerated into a shouting match with both parties insulting each other.
Hashimoto told Sakurai and his group to stop their hate speech against ethnic groups. "We don't need racists like you here in Osaka," Hashimoto said. The two men kept interrupting each other before Hashimoto finally decided he'd had enough, stood up and left the room.
Zaitokukai organizes hate speech rallies and argues that the Japanese government should not grant special rights to Koreans living in Japan.
In July, the Osaka high court upheld a lower court ruling that its hate speech directed at a Korean school is unlawful. Zaitokukai had appealed a ruling by the Kyoto district court last October in which it was ordered to pay 12 million yen in damages after its members yelled abuse outside a pro-Pyongyang Korean elementary school in Kyoto.
Zaitokukai claims to have more than 10,000 members. Though attendance at their rallies has been limited to a few hundred people at most and they are far from becoming mainstream, similar demonstrations of nationalists targeting ethnic Koreans and other minorities have escalated over the past year in Tokyo and other cities, amid Japan's chilly diplomatic relations with its Asian neighbors.
Last year, in Tokyo's Shin-Okubo district, dotted with Korean restaurants and shops popular among South Korean pop-culture fans, hundreds of Zaitokukai members and supporters called Koreans "cockroaches," shouted "Kill Koreans" and threatened to "throw them into the sea."
There are about 500,000 Koreans in Japan - the country's largest ethnic minority group - and many are descendants of forced laborers shipped to Japan during its 1910-1945 colonial rule of Korea. They still face discrimination in education, marriage and jobs.
© Japan Today/AP
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for once, hashimoto is in the news for doing something positive. in this one aspect, i wish more japanese people were like hashimoto.
Comparing the physique of these two fighters, I'd say the trim mayor could outrun the bulging gut endowed ultranationalist if it came to blows, er, slaps.
It is perhaps relevant to realize that Hashimoto's own humble beginnings mean that the rightist mantra he espouses is a whole lot more than just "I hate foreigners". Moreover, his own background would make him one-step removed from the targets of the hate speech of Zaitokukai. You should also know that the Korean influence down in Osaka can pull a lot of political strings even without the vote.
I admire Hashimoto on this occasion for standing up to this pond life.
I have seen numerous statistics that the number of Chinese residents in Japan now outnumber Koreans by a considerable margin.
I have a question (not baiting at all). And, please, my Japanese ability, basic and subtle, is nil. Was the word 'racist', translated from Japanese literally? If no, what would be the proximate more-accurate English (if one exists).
If yes, would 'racist' be a correct word in Hashimoto's opinion? (I do understand his frustration and heated words, but..) My limited knowledge would think that using a Korean slur, by a Japanese person, like 'racist' would be something like a French Canadian calling an, English, other person a racist for not liking people from Arkansas. Or something like that.
Again, not to derail the topic into semantics… but any clarity to help me think about this in the right way?
Those statistics should weigh the ease of access to citizenship, after which people are no longer counted as foreign nationals.
harvey pekar
I can't think of one time I would've backed anything Hashimoto has said or done, but on this, yeah, I'd stand shoulder to shoulder in fighting this hate group.
Bruce Chatwin
I wonder if this will have any effect on his polling numbers
Sakurai is a real piece of work. I'm surprised Hashimoto let him go on as long as he did.
Not on Sakurai's part, it wasn't. He started off haranguing the press and then started laying into Hashimoto right away, addressing him as 'anta', 'omae' and 'kimi' - literally translated as 'you', but with very rough, loutish overtones. His whole language was impolite to say the least, he was obviously itching for a fight. You simply do not walk into a meeting with the mayor dressed in your shirt sleeves and start calling him 'anta'. And then berate him for not allowing fisticuffs. Twerp.
No. The words used were 差別, 国籍 and 民族 (discrimination, nationality, ethnic group). But then there's very little in Japanese that can be translated literally and retain the same feeling in English. Hashimoto basically told him to stop attacking folk on account of their nationality or ethnicity, and if he had a problem with the laws regarding the Korean special permanent resident system, to stand for government and try to get the law changed.
Thank you.
Respect to Mayor Hashimoto for standing up to a racist thug whose group target children - and call for the deaths of all Koreans - purely because they happen to be of a different ethnicity. It's not every day I would support something Hashimoto says.
I must say, I laughed watching this. That was very colorful.
Totally agree, this pile of pooh wanted a fight with Hashimoto from the beginning, we could see it as he started the whole thing haranguing with limitless arrogance the media staff.
I am not a supporter of Hashimoto but he did good at having a firm attitude towards this ugly moron. However, I would have preferred that he avoids to even talk to him. The thing that he could have done as a responsible public servant is to come with a couple of police officers, show up at the door, and just say arrest this guy.
It was pretty weird to see most comments on yahoo japan basically saying it was Hashimoto who came across as rude for being unwilling to listen and engage in discussion, whereas it seems clear it was Sakurai who started yelling and being very rude from the beginning.
Elizabeth Heath
Hashimoto being able to take the moral high ground for a change. Let's not forget his own history though. Sakurai and his chums are a disgrace. Nasty, ignorant racists.
What a piece of work, a true putz!
Might have seen our next minister complete with fan.
There are three pillars in Japanese policy toward Koreans: assimilation, expulsion and control.
What a display of fear and self-loathing from a bullying little pr@ck.
When Hashimoto challenged him to use the democratic process and get elected, he repeatedly claimed to hate politics. As we can see, he hasn't a leg to stand on, and knows it, hence the corner boy behavior.
I'm sure glad this man is getting more publicity. His other videos on Youtube show what a hideous person he is. I remember several years back when the Filipino couple were deported back to their home country but their 14 year old daughter was allowed to stay since she was born here. He and his gang decided it was a good idea to demonstrate and shout at the girl. These scumbags are nothing but cowards and bullies. One group that attack are children.
And it's all very easy to try and pick a fight with someone knowing full well that the security men would stop anything immediately. How about picking a fight with Antonio Inoki somewhere where noone else is around. After all, Inoki has been making exchanges with the North Koreans. Any chance a tub of lard would knock down Inoki?
And just what exact 'privileges' do the Zainichi get? Don't tell me, the right to stay here permanently. I hear they lose that right if they leave Japan and don't come back within a certain time - which makes them no more special than a PR like me. Or is that special privilege not having to submit their fingerprints and have their photo taken at Narita airport? Big deal.
Hashimoto happily descended to Sakurai's level. Not a surprise, but the great people of Osaka deserve better.
Yoshimi Onishi
I'm really disappointed with many of the comments here, especially with the ones praising Hashimoto for standing up to racists. Those comments are so shallow, superficial and ignorant of what he really stands for. Did you know Hashimoto himself has often made speeches he told the other guy not to make? Speeches like calling all the workers of the Osaka City government "termites." What's more, many acitive members of his political party have allegedly been associated with Zaitokuka, a well-known xenophobia organization. And the kind of language Hashimoto used was beyond appalling for a mayor. The people who have voted for him should all be feeling ashamed of themselves when/if they watch the video of the talk.
Mike Wyckoff
I have met a few of these characters over my long time here and they all deserve worse then they have wished upon the peaceful Koreans in Japan. I can't stand hatred of any kind, much less in a country I call home.
Thank you, Cleo.
Very interesting to watch.
He first set the tone with the media, picking on one after another.
Their timidity was telling.
I can imagine him in front of a group of believers/followers.
He knew exaclty what he wanted to achieve with Hashimoto, too.
I have the feeling that he is a failed Juku teacher and has honed his technique on children.
He has got it down pat.
He reminds me of an Austrian failed painted from 80 years ago and the trouble he caused.
Mike Wyckoff
Anyone else notice how shamefully he promotes his book at 6:33?
Is Makoto Sakurai even this guy's real name? I thought it was a pseudonym. Why would the mayor even be willing to talk with someone who hides behind an assumed name while spouting this nonsense?
Wow. Simply wow. What an utter d-bag. How can anyone take this asshat seriously? I never thought I'd say this, but Hashimoto is actually the good guy in all this.
Towards the end of the interview, Hashimoto did call Sakurai a "sabetsu-shugisha" - as close as you can come to calling someone a racist (literally "discriminationist"). It was interesting to see him immediately turn defensive: "Who're you calling a racist?" I half expected a reaction like "What's wrong with that?"
Zaitokukai should be placed on Japan's list of terrorist organizations. That being said, I agree that Koreans should not receive special rights in Japan. No one ethnic group should ever receive special rights over the rest of society. The Japanese government unfortunately has no problem doing so frequently with different groups. A lot of Japanese are u aware but Taiwanese also get special privileges in Japan which are not available to others. For example, they are permitted to drive in Japan using a Taiwanese driving license while the rest of us need an international driving permit. A minor thing, but the are several other examples of the Japanese giving special privileges to certain ethnicities of people. The practice should stop.
This is not true. They have special privileges other foreigners and Japanese do not have, which this group Zaitokukai is demanding abolished. And what is discrimination of marriage? If a white man wanted to marry a white woman in USA, is it a discrimination and the man should be punished?
What does this mean? He's been like that since the very beginning, very positive. His views on matters like comfort women and island disputes were beyond any fallacies. A very intellectual man like him should run a country like Japan, which have been under political attacks from China and South Korea. He have shown that racism is the worst approach to deal with the Zainichi Koreans while maintaining his character of a patriotic model. He is a Samurai. He is harmless to the weak and unarmed but a ferocious opponent to those who oppress . The real enemies of Japan are not those Zainichi Koreans but the governments of China and South Korea , and Hashimoto knows this very well.
While that guy, Makoto Sakurai, he really did acted like a bitch in front of media. He's in full cockiness and was acting like he owns the country. It was funny when he was sending Hashimoto home and Hashimoto replied that he should be the one to be sent home since he was stepping at the government office. LOL. Certainly not the typical person you can chat for a tea.
Jay Que
While anti Korean racism is reprehensible, that fact that there are so many pro Pyongyang schools for indoctrination of children, within Japan, is certainly troubling.
To have such heated discussion at all levels are needed in any country. It is needed especially in Japan, where protocols, ceremony, and pretense probably coming from false sense of pride and false sense of honor.
However, to have it in the open and exposed to the public at such high level is indeed very meaningful and satisfying for those of us trying to understand the true identity of our host country. It took a person of courage, Mr. Hashimoto, to even bring it up and participate in such an open and honest manner. Very few in Japan would have done that. It is especially so when he too had argued against some Korean propaganda against Japan and its past.
If he continues... he may be considered not just a politician, but also a leader. One must stand on one's principles.
I have seen very few here in Japan openly expressing his principles.
According to (English) Wikipedia, his real name is 高田誠 Takata Makoto. A rather ordinary name, wouldn't you say? If it wasn't go to be Sakura, it would have been Kiku or something else like that. When I first saw him, his face reminded me of the comedian Amano Hiroyuki from Kyaeen, but fatter and funnier! In some of his videos, he looks ridiculous in that old fashioned western garb.
I can't read all the Japanese properly, but does the Wikipedia article say that he is actually against laws combatting child pornography?
And please can you tell me what those privileges are? I keep hearing about them but I still don't know what they are?
Just out of interest, how long are they allowed to do this for? Is this permanent or what?
You know, I'm pretty mad that I can't work in Australia whereas New Zealanders can go there anytime to work without restrictions. I'm pretty mad Canadians can enter USA freely unlike, say, Europeans. I'm also mad that Irish people have special privileges in UK too! And blah blah blah. Can someone please tell me what the Zainichi Koreans have that others don't. I don't think they can vote, whereas any Japanese who has lived in Seoul or Hong Kong for a specified time has the right to vote in local elections without ditching their citizenship.
Oh puleeeez. Pass me the bucket.
Mr. Hashimoto was the same Osaka mayor who claimed the comfort sex slaves were prostitutes. Comfort women are considered propaganda only in Japan.
North Korean faction in Japan is a dying breed, as many followers over the years have fallen away, have either taken Japanese or South Korean citizenships. The last time I learned about them, they are less ideological and focus more on keeping Korean culture and language. Most of the North Koreans in Japan have relatives in North Korea (hundreds of thousands of ethnic Koreans were repatriated to North Korea in the 1950's and 1960's), and they are getting blackmailed into sending material aid to their relatives. The North Korean Zainichi in Japan are just as victim of geopolitics as anyone.
So in other words, both Sakurai and Hashimoto agree that Japan's enemy is China and South Korea. The only thing that differentiates them are that one guy advocates violence, but the other guy who's the mayor worry more about Japan's international reputation, and he wants Sakurai to stop embarrassing Japan in front of the world media (not that he didn't do the exact same thing last year when he claimed the comfort women were prostitutes). I really think people are reading way too much into Hashimoto as the good guy here. The racism problem in Japan is the last thing on Hashimoto's mind.
I saw the entire youtube video and with all the yelling by Makoto Sakurai, the chairman of Zaitokukai, a group that has repeatedly engaged in hate speech against all foreigners not just the Koreans as mentioned in the article, came off as uneducated and not surprisingly a common thug. He had no manners, political debate skills nor showed respect to the mayor or those listening or attending the meeting. The mayor should receive kudos for a least keeping his head and did the right thing by walking off rather than continue listening to senseless dabbling. What a waste of time and money. I understand that Sakurai wanted to make his point valid, but yelling the loudest is not the proper way of doing so. Besides Japan cannot be like North Korea and become a hermit. Most countries around the world are finding that its better to have a blend of cultures than just be by oneself.
Besides the value of meaningful and open debates on issues, there are many issues which were argued but not quite resolved and probably not properly covered by the media. I have a few questions which comes to mind from this article.
How well is the Japanese people, especially the children protected from "foreign" influence and subversion? What is the government doing about foreign interjection into domestic society and affairs? What is the people's reaction to foreign influence? What are the people doing about the foreign influence? Is it accepted? Then how? How much? etc.... etc...
What are key reasons and facts behind the arguments in the issues? Where is the history, the background, the rationale, etc. for each argument?
Obviously any news media has limited time and space. Obviously the story must "sell".
But there is a definite need for meaningful research and followup on any topic and issue. Isn't there?
What a loser this Sakurai is.
And weren't many of the ancestors of the Korean-Japanese population in Japan forcibly brought to Japan in the 1920s? Thinking the descendants should all now be sent back to Korea is as ridiculous as it is discriminatory.
Pukey, The most famous privilege is that they are allowed two official names, real Korean name and a Japanese name. And when they commit crimes in Japan, only Japanese names are used, not real Korean names. No other nationalities including Japanese do not have the privilege.
That was excellent entertainment!
The best Japanese news clip since Ryutaro Nonomura's hysterical crying.
Hashimoto started off riled up and then probably realised he'd better calm down. Seemed pretty cool then but not sure he's not a bit of racist himself.
Loved the way the racist dude said "Owari!" after Hashimoto had already walked out.
Surely you mean "if" they commit crimes?
tinawatanabe And when they commit crimes in Japan, on a per capita basis Japanese commit more crimes than gaijin do in Japan. it would be fair to say that in Japan, Japanese are more criminal than gaijin !?
What a loon case... How can the media keep a straight face?
Mike Critchley
Mostly I think Hashimoto is a dick in terms of his political views...but he rocked here. That cockroach Sakurai started off with a hugely disrespectful tone which Hashimoto took in stride...for a few beats until he got up and stood his ground and told him to f-off home.
But why they even gave that chubby mental deficient 1 minute of public attention is beyond me. But as choiwaruoyaji wrote above -- it had great entertainment value! :)
HAHAHA. How ignorant. Any foreigner, not just Koreans, can use it in Japan. All websites talking about the 2nd name says that all foreigners can use it. Read the below website of one local government, Moroyama.
Yes, he did set the tone, and the response of the media was telling, but not in the way I think you mean. In the first place, the 'media' in the room were made up of mainly cameramen - it's their job to record the news, not to get into altercation with it. And secondly, by letting him go on and on, pacing up and down, railing on about how the media should only take his picture when it suits him, they allowed him to show the viewers exactly what a small-minded, thuggish, ignorant little bigot he is. And that was before he even sat down and started his 'discussion' with Hashimoto.
I would have preferred it if Hashimoto had maintained the high ground, but he was doing no more than matching the tubby one in tone. It was amusing when, after addressing Hashimoto as 'anta' and 'omae', tubby objected to himself being addressed as 'omae'. Hashimoto showed him up for an uncouth, uneducated, narrow-minded idiot.
About the question of whether what Hashimoto called Sakurai should be translated as "racist"
Starting around 16:15
hashimoto:お前のような差別主義者な、大阪に入らないな(your kind of "discriminator", we don't need in Osaka)
sakurai:なんで差別主義者か教えてくれるな?(why do you call me a "discriminator"?)
hashimoto:民族を一口にして喋るな(don't speak about an ethnic group in one word = don't generalize about an ethnic group)
Discriminating against an ethnic group is commonly called "racism" in English, so yes "racist" is the correct translation.
Kobuta Chan
Makoto Sakurai and Zaitokukai’s members are shame of Japanese society and Japan. Makoto Sakurai is psychopath. I don’t know about Hashimoto but he has showed true leadership of peoples of Osaka by confronting against racist psychopath Makoto.
Peoples never should attack on particular ethnic group. If Zaitokukai’s members have some of kind of problems with Zainichi Korean and then it should be between him and that person but not between Japanese and Korean. I understand some Zainichi Koreans are loyal to S. Korea or N. Korea and they grudge against Japanese peoples for cruelty during WWII. Even some Zainichi Koreans called Japanese as dog. The hatred will change nothing between two ethnics.
There are many misunderstanding between Japanese and Zainichi Koreans. We must move away from past and need to respect each other. Also Zainichi Koreans should show more respect and loyal to Japan where they are living now. Zainichi Koreans should take naturalized Japanese citizen because they born and live in Japan. Most of them never live in South or North Korea except visiting. No one can take away their Korean ethnic identity from them whether your naturalized Japanese citizen or S. Korean citizen. However, permanent resident can not get what all the rights Japanese citizens were granted in country’s Constitution. Koreans from S. Korea think Japanese Government has oppressing against Zainichi Koreans in Japan. It’s wrong. All naturalized Japanese citizen Zainichi Koreans have same right as Japanese peoples. If you’re not citizen and then you do not have same right as citizen have. Most of countries barred non citizenship from voting in local, state and federal election. The permanent residents have no right for voting in election.
Also Japanese peoples must change their view on Zainichi Koreans. We are human and no one is perfect but we can make world beautiful and enjoyable place. We all need to correct incorrect perception about each other. Government need to do more for Zainichi Korean peoples in Japan.
Chris Keyes
While I completely stand by Hashimoto's response, I question one thing: why did this meeting take place? It seems to me that it's possible Hashimoto knew it would be a fight and this was basically a publicity stunt. I admit I could be wrong, but it seemed a bit staged to me...the way the desks were set up, the way they immediately launched into a fight...I think Hashimoto is very shrewd, and going into this he knew he would come out smelling like roses.
That said, Sakurai is a douche.
Notice Sakurai has his book beside his desk.
Check the Amazon site, his book is again NO.1 best seller. LOL.
Sakurai makes racist comments for the sole reason of getting attention. Any response, even negative ones give him exactly what he wants. Sakurai's plan is to recruit more people who shares his views and spread his hatred through out Japan and best way to do so is via media exposure (for free...) Although people should keep an eye on this guy... Govt officials and News Media shouldn't give this guy any time in the World.
As I proved in my previous post above extracting quotes from the dialog at 16:15, this JT translation is syntactically speaking absolutely 100% correct - with the assumption that the English definition of "racism" includes "ethnic discrimination", which it does. The average genetic makeup of Koreans is measurably different from the average genetic makeup of Japanese, even though Koreans are the genetically closest group in the world to Japanese. But racists don't care about that - to racists the difference is much more important than the similarities.
Another separate issue is Hashimoto's semantic use of "racist (ethnic discriminator)". In this discussion Hashimoto referred to racism as defined by the court in the hate speech cases, so he is at least committed to recognizing racism as defined by the courts (so far).
However, for Hashimoto racism obviously does not include "mandatory assimilation" through abolition of "zainichi korean" status, as Hashimoto is currently calling for such abolition. It is probable that for this very reason, Hashimoto called a press conference with Sakurai, to be able to call for "mandatory assimilation" while at the same contrasting himself with Sakurai who is truly an extreme racist. (Anybody here familiar with "Mutt and Jeff"?).
Sam Trumbull
The video of Mayor Toru Hashimoto and Makoto Sakurai is priceless.
Michael Karolewics
This Hashimoto guy just needs to STFU! Seriously....Nobody wants to hear his mouth running. I go for the Korean guy; you know why? Hoshimoto said one thing "We don’t need racists like you here in Osaka,"...WHAT BS! You know how many places I as an American here can NOT go into? ALOT! And Osaka has some...way to contradict your self...
Did anyone actually expect anything different to happen?
We need idiots like this to remind us what normal is.
Never, ever, in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would take Hashimoto's side on anything!
After 19 mins of that I was relieved when the video ended and Sakurai's constant jabbering was silenced. How wonderful if he could be silenced so easily in real life.He really sank to some depths there.
Having Korean Japanese in-laws I can see the hurt he causes everytime he opens his putrid little mouth.
Are Koreans really a separate ethnic group? J-hubby (KJ-hubby) tells me that originally the Japanese Emperors were from Korea...
Yes, I know! Hashimoto is a very sexually appealing guy, a very handsome politician. That gained him fans in South Korea and China.
Yes! What's the title of his book? I am interested. Anyone know?
Wow I wished that little racist lilttle Kim Jun look alike approached me with his racist attitudes it would be RIP just like the two thugs who tried to take advantage a what they thought was a helpless foreigner I folded one little over like a paper bag and kicked the crap out of him well his buddy ran like a dog with his tell between his legs while his buddy was screaming Yuta! n
Sakurai, your new BFF (whatever meaning you like!)
Is that all??!!!! Kasier says otherwise so why don't you provide proof that non-Zainichis aren't allowed to do this? It seems to me you're the type of person willing to believe foreigners would going rioting in Tokyo in the event of a natural disaster or that there's a conspiracy by the Zainichis to take over and rule Japan.
I think the ability to vote in general elections (which I said is possible for many foreigners in places like Seoul, Hong Kong and well as many places in Europe) is just a bit more important than being able to pick another name. Sorry but I think you really are scraping the bottom of the barrel in order to vent your anger.
Fat, loud, sweaty, ugly, rude and ignorant, yet this creature still attracts thousands of followers. What Japanese characteristics does he think he embodies, I wonder? He certainly isn't following a traditional Japanese diet. Imagine if the country were full of people like him: is that what his half-wit supporters really want?
Yoshimi Onishi
Hashimoto never misses an opportunity to promote his image in front of the camera. And this time he just wanted to play the good guy and hopefully to reason the other guy not to do it in Osaka. But he couldn't keep his cool and let out his true character. And as a result he failed abysmally on both accounts.
Sakurai is clearly an imbecile and Hashimoto did put him in his place, but I wonder why Hashimoto even bothered with meeting Sakurai.
With theOlympics a few years down the track the central govt should nip this sort of thing in the bud now. Not a good look for Japan in the eyes of the world
wtfjapan, I was not talking about gaijin crimes. But since you ask, I checked. In Heisei 18, Japanese 265,000 crimes, Koreans 12,015, Chinese and Taiwan 16,046. Why do you think Japanese commit more on a per capita basis?
Kaiser90 I checked your link, and it seems different from what Koreans in Japan (Zainichi) have. Koreans' Japanese names are officially registered, and police use their Japanese names. When other nationalities including Japanese commit crimes, their real names are used.
Jay Wilson
Why can't Japan just deport the pro-North Koreans?
Because it's not illegal to be pro- North Korean
But that all said, the North Koreans in Japan came to Japan before the Kim regime existed. They aren't particularly affiliated with the regime.
Fanning himself with a folding fan (sensu) and railing at the mass media by name in front of him is interesting to see. He even had it filmed and put on YouTube without editing for all to see in detail and let the existence of Zainichi Koreans' privileges widely known. Mr. Hashimoto should not have used the word "Omae-na" when addressing his interlocutor, which degraded or perhaps betrayed himself thus not giving a good impression to the audience. But true, Abe may be gloating over the scene backstage as what the three dudes are aiming is almost one and the same thing.
I found it interesting to see how quickly and comfortably Hashimoto stooped down to the verbal level of the goon. Clearly that is a level on which he is very comfortable. It would have been much more impressive if Hashimoto had kept his cool and stayed formal. As it it, it sounded like a domestic argument between two chimpira.
Hey Tapi0ca.
He did use the word racist. In one example he said:
"お前みたいな差別主義者はな、大阪にはいらない” "Omae mitai na sabetu-shugisha wa na, Osaka ni wa iranai" "We don't need racists like you here in Osaka"
And well, going to an elementary school for koreans and screaming things like "trash belongs in the trashcan" and "go back to Korea" is most definitely hate speech and it would be appropriate to label Sakurai as a racist. Because if that isn't racism I don't know what is...
As a someone with long experience with Japan but not having actually resided there for quite a long time so I am not familiar with the persons but I am reminded of what blatant bullying still is tacitly accepted. I would've thought that Hashimoto's status as Mayor and as a political player and formally represents the constituency qualified his arguments well enough, and this was his only advantage but instead it was like a school boy shoving match. That he should have risen above the raw language and even if only qualified as form might've done it in of humble speech though in context would rather be condescending and that quietly delivered would articulate with resonance. Then left with dignity. Instead it was it was a silly match of haughtiness. Sakurai needless to say is an oaf with a serious insecurity problem that is going to get him in serious trouble one day I'd be prepared to wager. Hashimoto is savvy enough to make a pawn of him and might even hope to shroud his own views under the pall of Sakurai's blatant racism , flexible enough at least to temper his own views in favour of the broader good, despite that his position is more about garner voter favour and being the good guy; pity he comes across as a thug.
BTW Well answered #CraigHicks
He told Sakurai that his pejorative rants against Koreans was trashy or "kudaranai." Was this a play on words by Hashimoto? An ancient Japanese name for a part of Korea is "kudara," after all.
It doesn't seem like Sakurai got that .....
While I don't much like Hashimoto, it was good to see him take on this fat lout about discrimination and state that people like Sakurai had no place in Japan. He is correct. And seeing Sakurai, who was the first to say "omae" followed by "anta", fly off the handles when Hashimoto said, "Omae urusai!" was priceless. Hopefully this further empowers Hashimoto to make laws against hate speech in Osaka and outlaw the crap that Sakurai and his group of cowards engage in.
Hashimoto is no saint -- and certainly no 'samurai', as some people suggest -- but he's got it right this time.
Christopher Glen
Hashimoto and Sakurai - the denier of the existence of "comfort women" vs the advocate of discrimination again Koreans. In other words, the pot calling the kettle black