Japan Today

Takaichi joins race to be next PM; outlines 'Sanaenomics' policy


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“Sanaenomics” — just rolls off the tongue, doesn’t it?

27 ( +36 / -9 )

Takaichi is known as a heavy metal fan

She has my vote!

-48 ( +16 / -64 )

"Should she become prime minister, Japan would move even farther to the far right with her pre Second World War mentality, even worse than former Prime Minister Abe."

Hope so.

-49 ( +11 / -60 )

Yep. More print and spend. Just what the country needs.

18 ( +22 / -4 )

“Sanaenomics” — just rolls off the tongue, doesn’t it?

I'm looking forward to getting my Sanae-no--mask in the mail.

26 ( +32 / -6 )

She has your vote because she's a woman.

Lowest bar you can set.

Doesn't matter if she's qualified, doesn't matter her party anymore, only qualification that counts, being a "Woman".

27 ( +38 / -11 )

Regardless of PM, Japan will still be reeling from *Aso-nomics: *The NEXT 2-5% consumption tax increase is imminent to pay for the Olympic debacle; the much-hyped “need” to increase the size & powers of the military; and, the on-again, off-again, on-again, tried & failed Covid ‘policies & measures’ of the last 21 months.

9 ( +14 / -5 )

Another rightist Jiminto one.

Yeah sure,that’s what the country need.

The one state party reign.

24 ( +29 / -5 )

Though Takaichi is a fresh first time candidate, her policy line is a typical, obsolete LDP old school. She won't make it this time (but has nothing particular to lose).

19 ( +22 / -3 )

Heavy metal fan huh ? Hey Sanae, name three heavy metal bands.


20 ( +24 / -4 )

"As we prepare for unforeseen risks, we may have to start reviewing legal frameworks that would enable us to implement so-called lockdowns," she said.

Nope. You lost my vote. I called it before: the LDP is using this crisis to change the constitution.

23 ( +27 / -4 )

@Monty she’s known as a fascist. Fortunately, you don’t have a vote.

39 ( +44 / -5 )

Don't vote her. If you want a continuation of the Abe debacle then do the dumb thing and put her in.

24 ( +28 / -4 )

whoever 'wins' this contest, I expect an all-time low voter turnout in the next general election.... even lower than usual that's to say. not that our illustrious leaders care, they'll just go on with their political theatrics.... just like everywhere!

9 ( +12 / -3 )

There is no way LDP Faction heads would go there. And public opinion does not matter in this at all. It’s up to the same old men as usual to dictate who will be PM. It’s not an option poll.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Takaichi joins race to be next PM; outlines 'Sanaenomics' policy

Meaningless catchphrase check. More of Abe's neoliberalization and regressive taxes.

"As we prepare for unforeseen risks, we may have to start reviewing legal frameworks that would enable us to implement so-called lockdowns," she said.

Check the date...Now, she is considering lockdowns? The LDP have something to learn when it comes to disaster capitalism. Maybe they hope another round of GoTocan rev up virus transmission for a constitutional revision in 2022 and then a strict lockdown when they can finally proclaim that is the reason for victory over coronavirus?

9 ( +12 / -3 )

 'Sanaenomics' policy

Give me a break. I know J politics are crap but this is a new low!

I'm looking forward to getting my Sanae-no--mask in the mail.


12 ( +16 / -4 )

 expect an all-time low voter turnout in the next general election.... even lower than usual that's to say. not that our illustrious leaders care,

OF COURSE they care!! They want low voter turnout as it makes it easier for them to win. The more apathetic the public the more votes and seats they fill in the lower and upper houses. Of course the LDP will always win the election- this is a done deal. Its just about how fascist they can be as they run the country into the ground.

7 ( +13 / -6 )

Sanaenomics = Abenomics…in other words she’s a puppet!

14 ( +18 / -4 )

Vaccine czar Taro Kono has also reportedly expressed an intention to run in the LDP leadership race.

Making it look fair and balanced, but the apparent czar will get the nod. Surprised Abe isn't floating around yet.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Please no! She’s a rabid far right nationalist. She’ll send Japan into even worse relationships with the neighbours.

23 ( +28 / -5 )

She is super bad news!

XXXXenomics........how ""original"" not SUPER FACE PALM!!

She is a nutjob!

10 ( +15 / -5 )

Not one of the candidates has said anything close to

improvement of life for workers

creating a happy society

wage increase, pension increase

sorting out the pension mess

lowering tax

stopping the stupid multilayered systems of paperwork

revamping the education system

NO it’s Nippon Kaigie No1 change the constitution

All of them, voters are blinded.

25 ( +29 / -4 )

A japanese version of Thatcher, the iron lady, God help Japan if she gets in, expect everything to go backwards

2 ( +12 / -10 )

A divisive figure even within the party, Takaichi strongly opposes apologies for Japan's wartime past and has fought against allowing married couples to have different surnames.

She is a regular visitor to Tokyo's controversial Yasukuni Shrine, which honors war dead including war criminals, and is a flashpoint in relations with South Korea and China.

Yikes, hopefully a hard pass from the voters.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

" She is a regular visitor to Tokyo's controversial Yasukuni Shrine, which honors war dead including war criminals, and is a flashpoint in relations with South Korea and China."

She is not the best choice out there.

I wish someone in Japan with a new ideas would run for Prime Minister.

Someone young with talent.

A leader.

But who?

10 ( +14 / -4 )

Yep. More print and spend. Just what the country needs.

And it doesn’t matter whether it’s LDP or the opposition; either way they both want to spend 30 trillion yen more, even though spending already exceeds 100 trillion in non Covid times, while tax etc revenues only bring in 65 trillion at record highs.

More of Abe's neoliberalization

She isn’t proposing any neoliberal policy that I can see? It’s all big government spending and new central authority powers.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

A female PM in Japan? There’s more chance of a unicorn being the next PM

7 ( +12 / -5 )

God help Japan if she gets in, expect everything to go backwards

it is and will continue that way anyway

5 ( +9 / -4 )

It seems the main objections here are 1) she's a patriot of and for her People and not afraid to say so, 2) she may have the strength to actually do what is necessary to mitigate the deadliness of the COVID threat to her People, 3) that the failed policies of her mentors will absolutely determine her own path. My only interest is what her policy may be vis-à-vis Article Nine and the viability of Japan's future without it while under the thumb of the U.S. who would use Japan as a proxy for aggression in the Western Pacific. Regardless of the past dance she has had to do to achieve her position, there can be no predicting what she will do when she becomes The Boss and needn't kowtow to the sensitivities of the males anymore. Japan needs a new direction and she is the ONLY 'new direction' in sight. Time for a change, Japan, and what other change presents itself?

-23 ( +1 / -24 )

expect everything to go backwards

That's the direction far rightists around the world want; for them 'progress' is a negative. The far right want to return to mythical days of yore, they prefer regressing.

The LDP have been largely unable to shift out of measures used in the bubble years, 40 or so years ago.

But as long as the voters elect politicians who are related to political families that have long controlled the country and push their grandparent's' policies, do not expect much to change.

9 ( +14 / -5 )

A japanese version of Thatcher

Apart from her gender, I don’t see that.

Is she bashing socialism? All this extra spending profilers makes me think not. More Abe style big government spending, comparing her to dear Thatcher would make the great lady roll in her grave.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

I'm sorry but genuine question, what has she done to merit a candidature for the election? Or are they just playing the gender card?

13 ( +14 / -1 )

She’s one of Abe’s cronies? Pass.

14 ( +16 / -2 )

Seriously? A female prime minister of Japan? That'll be the day.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Kono will be the one.

She has hardly any support and is a fake carrier politician.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

I might have liked her when she sported pink hair, rode a motorcycle and listened to heavy metal ! Now, not so much. None of the four likely candidates for PM are offering anything even halfway innovative in terms of economic policy. If two decades inflationary monetary and fiscal policy hasn't succeeded in turning around the deflationary pressures on the Japanese economy more of the same isn't going to do it. It is just making the national debt larger. Japan needs young workers so businesses can expand output. With Japan's demographic trends the only way to do that is to attract immigrants. That implies some major societal changes that will make many Japanese uncomfortable. Taro Kono mentions a need for immigration but would he have the nerve to make it happen? The rest of his policy ideas are just more of the same.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

I hope the Japanese public remembers that other political parties are available for their votes.

60 is not quite old enough to have lived through the golden age of heavy metal. I say this because there was a big trend to do "live in Japan" albums. Made in Japan, Tokyo Tapes, Unleashed in the East etc. and there must have been a good scene here. Thrash is okay but overall 1970s metal trounces 1980s and everything since.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

Woo boy...

New Cabinet ministers' pasts coming back to haunt Abe

Sep 10, 2014

One week after Prime Minister Shinzo Abe reshuffled his Cabinet with an eye to the future, the past is coming back to haunt him: Revelations of controversial past statements and actions by his newly appointed ministers are drawing criticism abroad.

In a photo that appeared online Wednesday, new Internal Affairs and Communications Minister Sanae Takaichi is pictured with other politicians in a full-color ad in the magazine Tokyo Seikei Tsushin endorsing a 1994 book titled “Hitler’s Election Strategy.” Takaichi had only the year before been elected to the Diet as an independent.

A spokesman for Takaichi’s office confirmed on Wednesday afternoon that the photo was of her, but said she had no recollection of the book or of promoting it. 


5 ( +7 / -2 )

Japan has been attempting to play both sides for too long. Trying to appease rival nations who want nothing less than to see Japan annihilated hasn’t worked, and has further emboldened them.

Perhaps a drastic swing to either side, complete capitulation, integration, and cooperation (left), or refusal to bow to emotional blackmail while strengthening national defense (right), is what it takes to shake Japan out of its doldrum.

If she is a metal fan, she would be familiar with the phrase, “we’re not gonna take it anymore.”

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

Definitely a better choice than Suga. Go for it!

-14 ( +0 / -14 )

Copynomics ... how unimaginative can it get?

7 ( +11 / -4 )

Takaichi is known as a heavy metal fan and is said to have played the drums as a teenager.

How can this inconsequential sentence just be dropped in, yet there's no reference at all to her questionable past links to extreme far-right groups?

9 ( +13 / -4 )

Even as a woman she won't be getting the feminist vote. She and her policies are very much anti women.

Her views are ... Ladies, get married, take your husbands name, stay home, have babies and shut up.

22 ( +26 / -4 )

The most positive things about her seem to be that she likes heavy metal and used to have pink hair. Everything else seems to be a big negative.

Why does the article not mention that she is in Nippon Kaigi? Why is there no explanation of what Sanaenomics is?

It seems Japan has become a theocracy controlled by a religion, Nippon Kaigi. Belonging to that sect seems to be a requirement to be prime minister or any other government minister.

The big question is not who will be the official PM, but who is the de facto PM. I say that because I have lived here a long time and can remember when even though PMs kept changing the LDP and consequently the government was in fact controlled by Kakuei Tanaka even when was no longer even an official member of the LDP.

14 ( +16 / -2 )

She's a weak man's idea of a strong woman.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

And she raised the possibility of allowing stricter anti-virus measures in Japan, which has so far avoided blanket stay-at-home orders.

Sounds pretty awful to me. Just another authoritarian.

enjoyed riding a motorbike. But she gave up the hobby after becoming a lawmaker, apparently worried that getting into an accident could affect her work.

Couldn't have made it much worse.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Mr KiplingToday  09:24 am JST

Even as a woman she won't be getting the feminist vote. She and her policies are very much anti women.

Her views are ... Ladies, get married, take your husbands name, stay home, have babies and shut up.

Seems she doesn't listen to her own advice.

Taku Yamamoto: He married Sanae Takaichi, a fellow member of the House of Representatives, in 2004. They agreed to a divorce in July 2017, with Takaichi citing differing political views and aspirations as the reason for the divorce.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

I don't think so...

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Nationalist?? She is a fascist! Woe for Japan if she is made PM.

13 ( +18 / -5 )

Taku Yamamoto: He married Sanae Takaichi, a fellow member of the House of Representatives, in 2004. They agreed to a divorce in July 2017, with Takaichi citing differing political views and aspirations as the reason for the divorce.

Lol. You shouldn't press your political views to your family. So don’t talk about politics at home. I agree

3 ( +8 / -5 )

I hope the Japanese public remembers that other political parties are available for their votes.

Did you look at the Clown Edano's CDPJ 7 manifestos recently?

-7 ( +5 / -12 )

No to Takaichi! as if the neighbours don't hate Japan enough... she will literally start a war!

11 ( +16 / -5 )

Unpleasant hard-core rightist.

Just what the LDP ordered…,

10 ( +15 / -5 )

@Simon, @fxgai,

Yes, Im just making a joke regarding how criticism of any female favored by a certain political persuasion is ad nauseum answered with the “threatened by strong, capable women” line.

In fact Im not a fan of Takaichi, her love of heavy metal notwithstanding.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Japan's enemies welcome Abenomics and Abenomics 2, since this is the fastest way to bankrupt Japanese government.

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

Seems she doesn't listen to her own advice

Do as I say, not as I do. Par for the course for the LDP.

11 ( +14 / -3 )

I am not sure whether she would ultimately be preferable to Kono or Kishida, but I think that the reflexive catastrophizing over her Nippon Kaigi affiliations and whatnot may be a bit myopic. He had numerous personal flaws and made some missteps, but I think that a general continuation of Abe's policies and attitudes could be beneficial.

I think my only concerns would be on her statements regarding press freedom.

I will say, the note about her rock-and-roller days is charming, if a bit irrelevant.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

No thanks, this hypocrite wants to be first FEMALE PM in Japan. When same time supporting male only succession, traditional woman role etc. Did she lost her uterus on the way or her views apply only to other women but not to her?

8 ( +12 / -4 )

Thatcher is doing the opposite of turning in her grave.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

During a previous stint as minister, she sparked concerns over press freedom when she warned the government had the right to shut down broadcasters seen as politically biased.

So another authoritarian candidate wanting to control who can speak.

And she sucks a geopolitic

She is a regular visitor to Tokyo's controversial Yasukuni Shrine, which honors war dead including war criminals, and is a flashpoint in relations with South Korea and China.

Misogynist to boat

has fought against allowing married couples to have different surnames.

"Sanaenomics" plan

And an adept of : the rules or the peasants do not apply to us the elite :


第3号 平成22年3月10日(水曜日)

[...]○鈴木委員長 次に、高市早苗君。

○高市委員 自民党の高市早苗でございます。[...]

Bonus trash : Hitler fan and neonazi selfy buddy.



=== No, thank you !

3 ( +9 / -6 )

If she now also includes some of the important other candidate Kishida’s programmatic thesis that we could read about today, she indeed might be the number one choice instead of him. Well, doesn’t matter, I’m unasked and not eligible to vote anyway…lol

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Japan has never had a female prime minister

It's high time for women power ! (Provided they don't talk too much in the meetings) I guess!

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

No surprise - jarheads endorse a fascist. Nothing learned while serving. Except obeisance.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

Michael Scott "no" meme

Our world does NOT need more fascism!

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Think the image is just contrarian RJ and no true service was ever rendered

-2 ( +1 / -3 )


More like Snake-anomics, as in snake oil.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

So, your policy is to use a failed policy abe ended up not wanting to talk about? You’ve waited all your life for this opportunity, and that’s all you’ve got? Next..

0 ( +3 / -3 )

MarginallyUninformedToday  11:00 am JST

I think that a general continuation of Abe's policies and attitudes could be beneficial.

Why? I don't recall Abe ever achieving anything meaningful, such as any "third arrow" reforms, but he certainly managed to antagonise Japan's neighbours and make himself look either crooked or incompetent with the corruption scandals that occurred.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

For a change, why not elect a woman to be Japan's new premier?

Perhaps that may cool down the male warmongers for the time being..

-20 ( +0 / -20 )

Should she become prime minister, Japan would move even farther to the far right with her pre Second World War mentality, even worse than former Prime Minister Abe.

She sounds like one of the ol' boys, except she's a girl. No for me.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Asiaman7Today  06:48 am JST

“Sanaenomics” — just rolls off the tongue, doesn’t it?

Did she take out a page from the book of 'Reaganomics'?

enolagayToday  07:31 am JST

Heavy metal fan huh ? Hey Sanae, name three heavy metal bands.

Well, Japoan has Loudness which I remember from the 80s. They made some inroads in America, made it on MTV. Then there's the pervert's fantasy Babymetal which I just don't care for at all. Boris is considered to be 'metal' to some, I just think they're innovative, cool and whacky. That's three 4 ya. Japanese at that.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

She has my vote!

You missed again your chance to not write a totally silly post. Congratulations.

For a change, why not elect a woman to be Japan's new premier?

The fact she is a woman does not matter. She is literally insane and hence have no business to lead this country. I don’t care she is a woman.

8 ( +12 / -4 )

Did she take out a page from the book of 'Reaganomics'?

That's what Abe did with his BS Abenomics.

She's just copying, Abe who copied Reagan

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

Nobody knows who will be elected as head of the LDP and eventually prime minister. But if there's always a discrepancy between popularity of candidates within the LDP and that in society at large, a direct election by general voters should be given serious consideration.

Japan's current system of electing prime minister remains to be revised and modified. As is, Japan's democracy isn't a bon-a-fide one.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

I love the idea of a female PM for Japan, however, this woman’s nationalistic views are no different than your typical 90 year old Japanese man politician.

She will keep Japan in the past at a critical time when Japan needs to pivot to become relevant again on the global stage.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

This is a "GREAT IDEA", just like all the "Other" ideas in Japan. Sadly Japan is not ready for a female to be in charge, let alone someone who is not 1000 yrs old.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Nibek32Today  01:23 pm JST

I love the idea of a female PM for Japan, however, this woman’s nationalistic views are no different than your typical 90 year old Japanese man politician.

So what's wrong with that? Japanese aren't allowed to be nationalistic while their neighbors in China and South Korea are drunk on nationalism? Neither of which have a Peace Constitution.

1 ( +14 / -13 )

OssanAmericaToday  01:38 pm JST

So what's wrong with that? Japanese aren't allowed to be nationalistic while their neighbors in China and South Korea are drunk on nationalism?

You're saying that Japan should be allowed to be as bad as they are?

Neither of which have a Peace Constitution.

How long do you think Japan would continue to have a Peace Constitution if Takaichi and her ilk had their way?

-5 ( +9 / -14 )

She is a true nationalist, just what this country needs!

-1 ( +12 / -13 )

Simon FostonToday  01:44 pm JST

OssanAmericaToday  01:38 pm JST

So what's wrong with that? Japanese aren't allowed to be nationalistic while their neighbors in China and South Korea are drunk on nationalism?

You're saying that Japan should be allowed to be as bad as they are?

They haven;t been bad for 76 years. Maybe you mean a bad as China is now?

Neither of which have a Peace Constitution.

How long do you think Japan would continue to have a Peace Constitution if Takaichi and her ilk had their way?

Probably at least as long as your lifetime. Even Shinzo Abe made clear that he wanted only the second paragraph of Article 9 amended to recognize the existence of the JSDF. He insisted that the first paragraph, which prohibits Japan from using military force to settle disputes, the portion which we call the "Peace Constitution" remain intact.

Constantly pointing at a Japanese historical boogeyman is a not so clever way of distracting from territorial expansion, subjugation and genocide today.

4 ( +12 / -8 )

Something about her makes me uneasy...

1 ( +6 / -5 )

It appears that Sanae has had some work done. She has been eyeing the PM position for sometime and will say and do whatever it takes to cover her bases and to get the votes.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

A divisive figure even within the party, Takaichi ................. has fought against allowing married couples to have different surnames.

She was married for 13 years from 2004 to 2017: did she change her name to her husband's surname?

5 ( +8 / -3 )

All of what she said and what she is saying sound something that we should ponderate...Oh yeah?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

A couple of things

1: will she have a back bone as other blokes dont seam to have one.

2: deliver what she promises?

3: stop or reduce corruption with bigger fines?

4: initiate a national sex offenders registar?

5: start a program for mental health issues, to help people suffering from...?

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Just another mindless 'Nippon Kaigi' far-right and ultranationalist drone. She'll be devoid of independent critical free thinking.

Out of interest, is Sanae Takaichi trans gender?

-10 ( +3 / -13 )

OssanAmerica (Sep. 9, 01:38 pm JST)

Neither of which have a Peace Constitution.

Does the U.S.? Besides, Japan's peace constitution is coming apart at the seams by the U.S., that forces unconstitutional treaties and agreements upon Japan to fight international wars along with them.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

And if you are out on the street walking for exercise, whom do you think the police will pull over for questioning first? Yup, same as the first to get pulled over for riding a bicycle.

"As we prepare for unforeseen risks, we may have to start reviewing legal frameworks that would enable us to implement so-called lockdowns," she said

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Against the constitution. Is that ok?

"As we prepare for unforeseen risks, we may have to start reviewing legal frameworks that would enable us to implement so-called lockdowns," she said.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Grow up and get real little woman.

Suga is better,

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

In the SHORT TERM, which is what most only see, she may seem an undesirable candidate for all of the fantastical reasons laid out like sardines in oil here. BUT, her election to PM would open the door to an entire new pool of untapped talent in the Japanese world, Japan's women. We have seen for too long how poorly Japanese males of the political class have managed Japan and most voices here who have commented before have probably complained about the 'good ol' boy' networks, cronyism, all the usual carping. Here is the first REAL opportunity to CHANGE that.

And without appearing to be more 'male' than the males, how could she have managed to reach a point where she could actually have a chance of even entering the race? Politics is a looong game and she has had to play it to get to this point, to win the 'approval' of enough of the establishment to even be allowed to compete. No one can predict her policies once she is free of having to please the males.

Staying in the same place has been the politics of Japan for too long and sometimes we must take a step into the future of 'issun saki wa yami...'. But that requires courage and imagination which, it seems, are not the main characteristics of the thoughts we see here.

And the carping about 'gender' ignores a fact well established long ago in science, to get to this point as a woman, she almost certainly has to be way brighter than the males around her. And intelligence in leadership is Japan's most necessary need at this time of ever more complex international relationships and unexpected difficulties (see: COVID). It's time to let go of old prejudices and do the 'new' thing, to be BOLD even if the boldness is just having good sense.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

OssanAmericaToday  02:05 pm JST

They haven;t been bad for 76 years. Maybe you mean a bad as China is now?

Now or any other time, you seem to be okay with it.

Even Shinzo Abe made clear that he wanted only the second paragraph of Article 9 amended to recognize the existence of the JSDF. 

You actually believe anything that Shinzo Abe says?

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

She is off to a great start sporting such a fake face! Must be totally trustable!

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

She was married for 13 years from 2004 to 2017: did she change her name to her husband's surname?

Apparently she did ... and she didn't.

According to a piece she wrote on her website, she officially took her husband's name, on the koseki record and other official documents; but it was her husband (the one whose political stance she couldn't cope with?) who insisted that she continue to use her maiden name in her political activities.

A bit of having yer cake and eating it, if you ask me.

https://www.sanae.gr.jp/column_detail337.html (In Japanese)

her election to PM would open the door to an entire new pool of untapped talent in the Japanese world, Japan's women

If/When she makes a mess of it (nothing personal, all Japanese PMs seem to make a mess of it lately) it will shut the door on female advancement for at least half a century.

to get to this point as a woman, she almost certainly has to be way brighter than the males around her. 

Hardly an insurmountable hurdle, I would have thought. Just look at the competition...


9 ( +13 / -4 )

The question is who is most qualified to be a leader of Japan.

A leader that can bring positive change and unite Japan with the international community .

To question the candidates performance because they are female is unfairly sexist.

Anyway name one prime minister of Japan that actually was able to achieve what they promised.

The currently democratic system if you can call it that,makes it difficult to achieve anything promised by any of the prime ministers.

Time for a change Japan your system and laws are messed up.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

So what's wrong with that? Japanese aren't allowed to be nationalistic while their neighbors in China and South Korea are drunk on nationalism? Neither of which have a Peace Constitution.

Your logic of saying Japan should be free to do it because other countries do it is rather a warped and dangerous way to run a country.

do you really need me to explain why?

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

BUT, her election to PM would open the door to an entire new pool of untapped talent in the Japanese world, Japan's women.

Perhaps, but Takako Doi occupied a prominent position in Japanese politics back in the 80s and 90s. So the door has perhaps always been open, if only a little.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Plans to become Japan's first female Prime Minister......? You'd have thought that Koike may have piped up by now to stake the claim for this, after all, she's far higher profile.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Not her , nothing new, just a repeat of abe. Japan have no more time or money to waste for repeated policies that are nonsense.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Nibek32Today  05:03 pm JST

So what's wrong with that? Japanese aren't allowed to be nationalistic while their neighbors in China and South Korea are drunk on nationalism? Neither of which have a Peace Constitution.

Your logic of saying Japan should be free to do it because other countries do it is rather a warped and dangerous way to run a country.

do you really need me to explain why?

Yes. Please and enlighten us which country is not nationalistic today. possibly with definition of nationalistic you have in mind.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

Let's look a little more closely at the notion that Takaichi Sanae is a "nationalist." Often, a nearly equivalent word is "patriot," meaning one who loves his/her country. A true nationalist or patriot wants to make their country better: a good standard of living and quality of life for the people; improvement of education not only to make the country competitive technologically but because students' minds need to be broadened, so they can live life to the fullest; protection of the environment to be able to live more harmoniously with nature; basic freedoms so that people can choose the life they wish to live without harming other people; honest politicians who take public service seriously, not thinking they are exempt from the rule of law; and peaceful relations with other countries, resorting to armed force only when necessary for self-defense.

If Takaichi became prime minister, would she pursue these sort of goals to make Japan better for its people? I doubt it. She seems - in the manner of many shallow-minded Japanese people - nostalgic for Japan's wartime totalitarian society, which caused great suffering for Japan's neighbors. She wants to amend the constitution, perhaps to make it a replica of the Meiji Constitution. She's in there in a big way with the Liberal Democratic Party's plutocracy. Don't expect "clean" politics. Remember Abe and the Moritomo scandal.

Will she make Japan better? I doubt it. She's a woman. Who cares? So was Eva Braun, the companion of someone in modern history Takaichi greatly admires.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

What the heck is wrong with amending Article9 whereas there's no countries with such constitutional norms around you? Especially CCP's China officially threatens to make Japan as the 1st exceptional nuclear target、

and South Korea never skip military drills every year around Takeshima?

What the heck is wrong with doing the best and whatever possible to recovering the abductees?

What the heck is wrong with mourning the war dead at the very place where the war-dead themselves had promised with each other " We could return there anyway. Let's meet at Yasukuni"

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

Sanaenomics has the tone and ring of salmonella, at least fiscally, monetary, economically.

There is no underlining policy that governs the actions taken covering the systems setting interest rates and budget proposals.

That before you have to stumble over the fact Sanae Takaichi is a toxic right wing harpy

1 ( +2 / -1 )

"As we prepare for unforeseen risks, we may have to start reviewing legal frameworks that would enable us to implement so-called lockdowns," she said.

This statement is enough to sound the sirens at full pelt.

Can you seriously imagine the social mayhem of a lockdown in Tokyo/Yokohama high rise rabbit hutch's....

It appears to be beyond Sanae Takaichi comprehension.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

I wonder if half the people here posting can actually vote in Japan? The reason being is everyone is posting what they want and that is a perfect candidate that they are not going to get. Its all the same, nothing is going to change. It is the way it is!!!

2 ( +3 / -1 )

kennyGToday  06:55 pm JST

What the heck is wrong with amending Article9 whereas there's no countries with such constitutional norms around you? Especially CCP's China officially threatens to make Japan as the 1st exceptional nuclear target、

and South Korea never skip military drills every year around Takeshima?

With all the hard-right nationalist politicians like Abe and Takaichi wanting to set the clocks back to the 1930s, whitewash history and arm Japan to the teeth I don't blame them.

What the heck is wrong with doing the best and whatever possible to recovering the abductees?

Nothing. Except when you know or suspect they're all dead and are just keeping up the pretence of trying to rescue them to win votes.

What the heck is wrong with mourning the war dead at the very place where the war-dead themselves had promised with each other " We could return there anyway. Let's meet at Yasukuni"

Anyone who thinks politicians like Takaichi go there to mourn the war dead with all the media watching them is very naive.

1 ( +5 / -4 )


Good question, I have a vote, but to what conclusion, where is the ideological option within the National Diet  which reaches ideologically across party lines, that deems my vote irreverent.

The old boss is essentially the new boss, with the same policies. until the the whole ship sinks.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

MartimuranoToday  06:06 pm JST

Plans to become Japan's first female Prime Minister......? You'd have thought that Koike may have piped up by now to stake the claim for this, after all, she's far higher profile.

She can't. She would need to get re-elected as a Diet member and re-admitted to the LDP. No way that could happen before a general election in October.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

You can view Sanae Takaichi approaching from the time it takes to visit Tokyo from Nagoya.

In the wake is Yuriko Koike, hiding in the shadows biding her time.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

The one element, politically missing, is deference.

Respect for the electorate.

The belief that all will bow, kowtow to whatever is served on a plate without question.

The next generation better get there head on the right way up and vote.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

itsonlyrocknrollToday  10:05 pm JST

You can view Sanae Takaichi approaching from the time it takes to visit Tokyo from Nagoya.

In the wake is Yuriko Koike, hiding in the shadows biding her time.

I don't know why people keep bringing up Koike. She's a busted flush when it comes to national politics, and she's not even eligible to be leader of the LDP any more.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

I would like to remind people that LDP do not just want to amend article 9. They want to amend the whole Constitution including making it easier to get further amendment :

Chapter X


This chapter provides for conditions to achieve constitutional revision. Amendments to the constitution shall be initiated by a majority of both houses of the Diet.


For more information about modification :



There was also other drafts proposed (japanese) :


1 ( +1 / -0 )

Simon Foston, Yuriko Koike is not remotely eligible.

However don't under estimate Koike political ability, almost chameleon like, to foster a methodology to garner the means to make a short term change of public opinion.

Enough to focus the attention LDP factions

0 ( +0 / -0 )

This is interesting.......

Young Japanese lawmakers call for free vote in LDP leadership race


1 ( +1 / -0 )

Japan's current system of electing prime minister remains to be revised and modified. As is, Japan's democracy isn't a bon-a-fide one.

Yes it is. Japan has a parliamentary system where the leader of the party holding a majority of the seats in the lower house of the national legislature serves as the Prime Minister. It might be the only house of the national legislature if the nation has a Unicameral legislature such as New Zealand. A PM chosen from the majority party in the legislature is the most common form of elected representative government. The PM is also the elected representative of a legislative district, just like all of his or her peers in the national legislature. Directly electing a PM would turn the office into the equivalent of an elected President separate from the Legislative branch. You could then have a situation where one party controls a majority in the Legislative branch while another party controls the Executive branch. There are good and bad points to both systems but directly electing a PM would fundamentally change the form of government Japan has.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

All the debate here as if she has any chance AT ALL of winning the party leadership and thus the top job - c'mon, people, she's a woman!!!! She stands about as much chance of winning as I do of growing wings and flying. It's Japan....

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Simon FostonSep. 9  09:22 pm JST

kennyGToday  06:55 pm JST

What the heck is wrong with amending Article9 whereas there's no countries with such constitutional norms around you? Especially CCP's China officially threatens to make Japan as the 1st exceptional nuclear target、

and South Korea never skip military drills every year around Takeshima?

With all the hard-right nationalist politicians like Abe and Takaichi wanting to set the clocks back to the 1930s, whitewash history and arm Japan to the teeth I don't blame them.

Ridiculous. setting clocks back to the 1930's? How? Also what part of history or how exactly are Abe and Takaichi whitewshing? It is not Japan or they whitewashing but that CCP China and both Koreas are fabricating history isn't it.

What the heck is wrong with doing the best and whatever possible to recovering the abductees?

Nothing. Except when you know or suspect they're all dead and are just keeping up the pretence of trying to rescue them to win votes.

So you believe what North Korean leaders say by returning someone else's ash rather than Japanese leaders say. No wonder.

What the heck is wrong with mourning the war dead at the very place where the war-dead themselves had promised with each other " We could return there anyway. Let's meet at Yasukuni"

Anyone who thinks politicians like Takaichi go there to mourn the war dead with all the media watching them is very naive.

Try to be a politician at national diet having a ultimate goal to become PM, then you feel you cannot ignore or even want to mourn the war-dead from bottom of your heart.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

 It is not Japan or they whitewashing but that CCP China and both Koreas are fabricating history isn't it.

As much as I consider Japan to be a friend and ally today, major elements of the LDP and their political and social allies to this day refuse to fully acknowledge the aggressive nature of pre-WWII Japan nor will they admit to the frequent barbarities committed in the Emperor's name by the IJA. Likewise the full truth of Japan's aggressive pre-WWII actions are not taught in Japanese schools. To the extent Japan fails to fully atone for its wartime past it feeds the narrative of its several enemies in the region.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

kennyGToday  04:44 am JST

Ridiculous. setting clocks back to the 1930's? How?

Have a look at Nippon Kaigi's agenda.

Also what part of history or how exactly are Abe and Takaichi whitewshing?

Are you being deliberately obtuse?

It is not Japan or they whitewashing but that CCP China and both Koreas are fabricating history isn't it.

Is it? I think all three countries are at it, personally.

So you believe what North Korean leaders say by returning someone else's ash rather than Japanese leaders say. No wonder.

When did I ever say that? It's extremely disingenuous to assume you know what other people believe, not to mention bad-mannered. It's little wonder Japanese nationalists have a hard time convincing others of their views with such rude, patronising attitudes. In any case, I certainly don't believe anything Shinzo Abe says.

Try to be a politician at national diet having a ultimate goal to become PM, then you feel you cannot ignore or even want to mourn the war-dead from bottom of your heart.

That sentence doesn't bear much close scrutiny but basically looks like a trite, melodramatic platitude of the sort that LDP hacks are always coming out with.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Simon FostonToday  08:44 am JST

kennyGToday  04:44 am JST

Ridiculous. setting clocks back to the 1930's? How?

Have a look at Nippon Kaigi's agenda.

Here this is HP of Nippon Kaigi and it must be easy for you to point which part of it's agenda are setting clocks back to the 1930's.

Also what part of history or how exactly are Abe and Takaichi whitewshing?

Are you being deliberately obtuse?

I know you are just dodging my question. I ask you again, What part of history, and how exactly are they whitewashing.

And this is a typically disingenuous response.

So you believe what North Korean leaders say by returning someone else's ash rather than Japanese leaders say. No wonder.

When did I ever say that? It's extremely disingenuous to assume you know what other people believe, not to mention bad-mannered. It's little wonder Japanese nationalists have a hard time convincing others of their views with such rude, patronising attitudes. In any case, I certainly don't believe anything Shinzo Abe says.

Then your 2nd sentence starting with "Except...votes" totally unnecessary because none of both Abe or Takaichi officially mentioned they believed the victims had been already dead unless you **disingenuously assume you know what they personally believe as such,** especially when 5 elder victims who had returned were still all alive now

Try to be a politician at national diet having a ultimate goal to become PM, then you feel you cannot ignore or even want to mourn the war-dead from bottom of your heart.

That sentence doesn't bear much close scrutiny but basically looks like a trite, melodramatic platitude of the sort that LDP hacks are always coming out with.

It is clearly you yourself** *extremely disingenuous to assume you know what other people believe, LOL*

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

itsonlyrocknrollSep. 9  11:08 pm JST

Simon Foston, Yuriko Koike is not remotely eligible.

However don't under estimate Koike political ability, almost chameleon like, to foster a methodology to garner the means to make a short term change of public opinion.

Enough to focus the attention LDP factions

Koike's political ability didn't impress me in the run-up to the 2017 election. She had her chance with Kibo No To and she blew it. I doubt if the LDP factions will be paying her much attention.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Here this is HP of Nippon Kaigi and it must be easy for you to point which part of it's agenda are setting clocks back to the 1930's.


1 ( +5 / -4 )

The Mouth of Abe.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

"Sanaenomics" ...?

... and that, dear reader, is where I stopped reading.

As the least of a bad lot, Kono strikes me as having more potential, whatever faction he may be from. For years, he was calling for pragmatic immigration policies, which is a sign of an acceptance of reality. Definitely a start for Japanese politicians. It would be refreshing not to have a robot, or some idiot who spouts whatever garbage is fluttering through his empty head at that moment. Or imagine the kind of female politician who gets as far as the leadership race - the ultra right types who believe 'action' equates to holding up a clenched fist, or peeling slogans off a cardboard signboard, or wearing a city bureacrat's work jacket.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

'Sanaenomics.'  One aspect of a doomed cause is silliness. Giggle away your troubles as medical disasters pile and social and economic become a mess. I am assuming that Sanae Takaichi, an ultra-nationalist and caretaker of the lost cause, is trying to be both cute and funny. She is neither. She is an ignorant person who ought to know better at her age that 'Sanaenomics" is baby talk.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Please no! She’s a rabid far right nationalist. She’ll send Japan into even worse relationships with the neighbours.

It's not Japan that's ruining diplomatic relations in Asia, it's China, NK, and SK.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Simon FostonSep. 9  10:49 pm JST

I don't know why people keep bringing up Koike. She's a busted flush when it comes to national politics, and she's not even eligible to be leader of the LDP any more.

Quite so. She tried once before to become leader of the LDP and failed miserably; Aso won.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

None of these current candidates. Too much copying and too much promises.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

"Sanaenomics" is baby talk. She may not be the worst the LDP has to ofter.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I miss the good old patriarchy. Ever since woman got involved in public life, the world has gone mad.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Sanae Takaichi. An admirer of the Third Reich's fuhrer. Which is so far beyond the pale, it is to the right of right-wing. Those advocating her election purely because she is female, best take a look at that which she embraces. A rather foul ideology. Which is to be kind.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Some people just don't like change but I think the women can do a better job. Not only will it bring change in politics but a change in culture where women will be looked upon more than just a housewife.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Kaimycahl -

The discussion is who is the most appropriate candidate not who can actually vote.

Try to be more optimistic and non- judgmental.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Not to mention your constitution was made by foreigners because Japan waged war on foreigners.

Thats if Japan actually wants to be a democracy and be respected in the international community.

Obviously you don't know how many of the commenters on here can vote otherwise you wouldn't ask.

And obviously change is coming otherwise there wouldn't be an election.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

she looks like a fierce school principal. :p

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

The poor taste in not only copying Abenomics but not realizing it doesn't work with her name is enough for me to not vote for her. If I could vote, that is.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

If I was an arms dealer, I'd be lobbying for her. Police weaponry - batons, tasers, tear gas, restraints and body armour - to enforce lockdowns and some serious military kit for any wars she starts.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Good to see, nothing but 'coherent' objections here pretty much summed up by:

I miss the good old patriarchy. Ever since woman got involved in public life, the world has gone mad.

Unless, somehow there is sarcasm here...

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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