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© Thomson Reuters 2024.Head of key Japan opposition party admits having extramarital affair
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And? So what?
dobre vam zajebava
ok so what now...why should we care...
Geeter Mckluskie
so what?
finally rich
This country is truly full of finger pointing hypocrite nosy people.
From all the "crimes", having an extramarital affair.... in a place where you're mocked for refusing to go with your coworkers to one of these hostess bars, fuuzoku, etc.
What woman would hook up with this loser?
He confessed to causing trouble. Stand down now sir before you are investigated further and have to deal with the full force of Japanese law.
LDP pressure tactics 101
One of the innegable realities of Japanese society is that men in positions of power are perceived with the right of having affairs much more naturally than women, even the revelation of having a second family with children have very little weight on the mind of the regular citizen, most just thinking "so what?"
But if a woman in power has an affair? then you can count on her career to be completely finished and for everybody to quickly declare a huge scandal.
So what does it mean for the tax cut plan? We shall see.
If your gonna make a bigger deal about your boy hooking up with a younger woman who is a model no less, over people in your group who are getting caught stealing money every week, tell me again why I should be voting you in?
A 30-year old model doesn’t sound very appetizing. Having an extra marital affair has nothing to do with his ability as a politician.
I'd hazard a guess the Japanese media "exposing" this story would have many married men and women in their ranks having affairs.
The only person he is answerable to - in a very big way - is his wife.
So. Good for him. Clearly getting something out of his relationship. And clearly his wife..cough…. Wasn’t?….. you know? ….. cough…….. oh! You expected your husband to live the life of a monk!
Maybe his wife has also had an affair in the past. Who knows and who cares in todays modern world.
I guess the other women knew he was married. His wife probably didn’t care. He was happy. Now the papers go and blow it all up. Remember the crimes isn’t the affair, it’s getting caught. And there is a reason he has an affair. He knows it! His wife knows it. We all know it.
Who cares!
Five Families
Going outside of ones Marriage is one’s own business and should not be made public.
It’s private.
Simon Foston
Abe234Today 01:54 pm JST
Lots of guesswork there.
MeiyouwentiToday 01:37 pm JST
39 years old. Not quite as icky as if she'd been 19.
Negative Nancy
We're a quarter of the way through the 21st Century. Why should we care about marriage like it is some sort of special magical thing? I hold the opinion that hanging around with younger women is the more natural and honest position than pretending you only want to be with your wife for the rest of your life. His social habits and the company he keeps have nothing at all to do with whether he would be a good politician.
Maybe he should resign as a husband, but if a love affair is what disqualifies you from being in politics than there would be no politics (might be a good thing). I would certainly rather have a person in office that had simply given in to physical temptation and had a love affair (especially if, say, things were not good at home and needed it emotionally and physically) than someone who has embezzled money, lied to the public, bilked them for more, and refuses to accept wrongdoing (like some current politicians), and/or worse.
Got a flyer in my mailbox last year with photos of my city's mayor walking into a love hotel with women that weren't his wife lol People assume it was made by the previous mayor(or his supporters) that he ousted.
iron man
it happens between factory colleagues, happens between office coworkers. so what. he did not bow and ask forgiveness from his wife??. that is the newsworthy bit.
Simon FostonToday 02:12 pm JST
Abe234Today 01:54 pm JST
Lots of guesswork there.
Oh totally!!!. But.....I'm not gonna judge the man. I'm at an age where I realise women have affairs, and men have affairs.
You can't protect the country if you can't even protect your spouse let alone your family. He should be severely punished.
He's a politician. In Japan. Of course he had an affair. It would be big news if he didn't.
Definitely should be removed. If you can betray a loved one you can betray anyone else. People with this type of moral compass should be avoided as should those who condone them.
If he's campaigned as some paragon of family values, and kept mentioning his wife and any children he has as representing him having insight or some personal moral virtue, then part of me thinks he might deserve this.
If he keeps his family out of politics and can make a speech without the words "speaking as a father" or "speaking as a family man", then its his private life and none of my business.
I would feel the same about a head of a black company saying "speaking as an employer" etc.
Again, so WHHHHAAAAT?!
Sleezy LDP revenge.
And Who DOESN"T !!???????
NO BIG DEAL, at least he admit it unlike the rest.
""Tamaki said he would ask his party members if he should resign as leader of the Democratic Party for the People DPP""
Why Resign?? your private romance lifestyle has NOTHING TO DO WITH what you do at work.
Isn't it interesting in Japan that people never apologize for their misbehavior.
They only apologize for the trouble that their misbehavior caused.
Causing "meiwaku" seems to be worse than the sin itself. It's a bit of a twisted view of morality imo.
It's almost as if it was only wrong because of the trouble he caused as a result of getting caught.
Jonathan Prin
What is the link between having an affair and being able to protect your family ???
Did he lose some bits in the process ?
Common sense has always been missing in Japan about sex, and so true the wrongdoing is never judged but only the "trouble caused". But what trouble is it outside his wifé' ?
Simon Foston
If there's nothing illegal going on the media should stay out of the private lives of entertainers, sportspeople and politicians. What they do outside of work is nobody's business but their own, their families' and friends'.
Clearly shows he has a poor lack of judgment
If he was a regular office worker his private life should be private but He chose to be a public figure so I have little sympathy for him
Now that his wife knows that he can’t protect her or the country what will she do. On the other hand the other women knew he was married besides being with a lawmaker what was her benefit. Does she carry on and continue playing second fiddle risking getting sued by the wife. Interesting how this will play out.
Aoi Azuuri
He is also one of far-right Japanese politicians who insist eugenics thought policy.
The theory goes that if a person will lie to their partner, they will lie to their electorate. But they all lie to the electorate anyway.
I have no problem with people dating across an age gap, paying for sex, charging for sex, same sex, bi, fetishes, promiscuity, onlyfans, whatever. But I don't approve of cheating on a partner. It is an abusive and deceitful act. Man up and separate or make an arrangement with your partner.
The tabloids probably have a stack of stuff on the opposition in a dusty cupboard. There has never been any value in using it, as they haven't been anywhere close to power in decades.
I think the theory in Japan is that publicly embarrassing your partner or your company is much worse than the wrongdoing itself.
Tim Sullivan
Genuinely puzzled by the opprobrium and sanctimoniousness as so many people in this country are doing the same thing :-) Let's face it -- cheating is part of human nature.
Legalizing polygamy would stop all the subterfuge.