Japan Today

Ishihara blames Tokyo 2016 failure on behind-the-scenes deals


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Ishihara blames everyone except himself.

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Why can't he just congratulate Rio De Janeiro and leave it at that?

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“But invisible dynamics were at play. It is a game that is very difficult to win.”

Someone please offer Ishihara some cheese to go with his whine.

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Fine, sportsmanlike example there, once again indicating why this place is unfit to host any major international event as long as this twitching crook remains in public life.

We lost, so foreigners must have cheated. Pitiful.

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15 billion!!! Get this guy out now!! Come on people of Tokyo.

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Tokyo doesn't need to host any Olympic Games anymore and in fact, only few residents supported for this bid. And now that the amout spent just for the bidding campaign was made public, a lot of people will burst to anger. That amout of money could help solve many problems of the city and it's another proof of "wasteful spending!" I think it's time for you to wake up Mr. Governor, forget about your own desire! And whoever the next governor would be, I hope he wouldn't bid for the 2020 Olympics. By that time, Ishihara is not on this earth anymore!!!

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The Olympics for fighter jets...this guy is dillusional. Sure, we all know the IOC is swayed by gifts, this has gone on for years, yet this time around Rio was the best choice on many levels. Very unsportsmanlike, Mr. Ishihara. Apparently you still don`t understand the basis of the Games.

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“Tokyo’s presentation was far better than the others,” Ishihara said at a press conference Sunday. “But invisible dynamics were at play. It is a game that is very difficult to win.”

This is totally wrong, it has stated MANY MANY times that Tokyo bid lacked heart and soul and was just a flat cold technical document. If they think their document was actually good then there is no hope for Japan.

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He should be proud for beating Chicago. But he chooses to be a sore loser.

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It goes to show that to win you need diplomacy. Neither Japan nor the US had what it takes to win a bid. Beside Ishihara seems a little hostile to foreigners. He is a contradiction.

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Tokyo should not bid for the 2020 Olympics. Let another city like Fukuoka bid again. The timing of the drunk driving incident by a city worker doomed that bid, but I think that it would make a great venue for the Olympics.

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It was interesting that all the speeches were done in English, except for Brazil's president Lula. Maybe some concepts could have been better expressed in Japanese. On the choice, we should consider that venues are not only given to countries, but also regions. Last olympic games were held 3 hours by plane from Tokyo. It is good that Latin America can organize the Olympics for the first time, and I see very unlikely that the games will return to East Asia before 2028 (Guessing 100%, I think 2020 may be for an Arabic country or Russia, 2024 for the US)

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This guy really is an idiot, blaming everyone but himself with his half-baked conspiracy theories. Rio had a better and won it fair and square.

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This guy is a loser. He disliked foreigners yet he wants an Olympic in Tokyo - well that will attract a lot of dreadful foreigners and then all he can do is whinge. Just congratulate Rio and be done with it.

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Rio won for quite a few good reasons, but none of the reasons this old twit is citing.

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"Behind the scenes deals"? Coming from the Japanese who are said to excel at these tactics (anyone heard some of the rumours about the Nagano Winter Olympics?), it is just laughable and a case of sour grapes. It is a game everyone plays to some extent these days I believe (and one of the reasons why I don't watch the Olympics much). But anyway, he should have congratulated the winner and bowed out gracefully ... but he chose to complain and will be remembered as a bad sport.

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That's odd, Japan played the game just fine to get Nagano, and even took the records into the mountains and burned them all when investigations into bribery prompted by the Salt Lake fiasco came looking for the Japanese game plan...

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So what he is saying, is that Brazil bribed IOC officials, and perhaps there was something better that could have been done to play the "back door deal game" so that Japan could have won this?

He's pretty much saying that next time Japan will have people on the inside and will bribe the bejeesus out of IOC officials or voting members.

Ishihara should resign immediately...

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I've been thinking and this becomes more annoying with time! Maybe Tokyo is not yet mature enough to have the olympics again. Today while at narita airport, just outside arrivals gate at the forex counter I saw an old british man being asked for his passport to check his visa by 2 police things. I mean come on. He's just cleared Immergration!! Why the check? Well I know why, this is japan, a xenophobic, highly corrupt nation who can't be bothered to stop child porn, racism and political corruption just to name a few things. To top it all we have this nasty piece of work called ishihara who is blatantly racist in charge of this city... Last word. Beijing just had the olympics so let someone else win it, bow gracefully and say congrats and try again next time.

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This mayor sounds like a racist bigot. Why doesn't he just crawl back into his hole?

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Things didn't go his way and so it must be because others are better at offering bribes than he is? Classy. ...Not.

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japan's bid for the olympic are doomed from the beginning because this racist tokyo governor and tokyo or any other japanese city should make another bid for 2020 games because i think it will be a straight fight between asian continent and north american cities. japanese cities biggest rival for the 2020 games will be indian cities like new delhi and mumbai, in my opinion. anyway, kudos to rio and i will definitely be there!!

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hahahaha squeeze a few more tears out old timer. just give up and play golf or something.

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Well, if Ishihara is accusing people of under-the-table backhanded deals he should show proof. Or be quiet.

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Japanese sports officials must become more adept in dealing with the inner workings of the International Olympic Committee

This means you cant just bribe then like in Japan. You have to bribe them and then convince the outside world that there were no bribes.

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hmmmm... one lesson to be learned should surely be don't have contempt for those you would like to win over to your cause

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“Young hot shots have to go into the core of the IOC or we will always be considered outsiders.”Ishihara said. Now see how it feels you old racist jerk. When you blast foreigners at every opportunity these comments get out. The people you consistently complain about have friends everywhere. Unlike Japanese who rarely maintain real relationships. Blame everyone but the backward country you live is the reason you didn't get your dream. How many people does Japan let in to this country on humanitarian needs? How open are businesses? How easy is it to communicate with a majority of the worlds population, speaking any of the recognized International Languages (which Japanese isn't) And let's not start about what you would do in the event of an earthquake? Going to round up all the athletes because you are afraid they might riot because of the response, or lack of, the rescue crews. Hahaha. I am so happy today. See everyone in Rio. (And seeing that most of the Brazilians have been kicked out of their contract jobs, at 7 eleven plants, car plants, and basically any hard labor plant in Kanagawa and Shizoka, I am sure they are going to welcome Japan with open arms to their Olympics. Congrats Rio! You deserve it!

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Classic Ishihara. Of COURSE the other countries must have bribed the IOC to win! What a loser. At 77, I doubt this man will ever realize the truth of things before he dies.

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This rightist, racist, clown of a governor was the major reason for Japan's failure on the 2016 Olympics. Also the fact that independent polls commissioned the by the IOC showed that the vast majority of Japanese citizens, including Tokyoites, opposed the Olympics bid. Only Ishihara and his real estate developer cronies were pushing this thing.

Ishihara also neglects to mention that IOC officials closely questioned him as to why foreign visitors to Tokyo would be fingerprinted and biometrically screened as potential terrorists and Japanese not, given the historical fact that all terrorism or related terrorist acts in Japan have been committed by Japanese.

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'On the possibility of Tokyo bidding for the 2020 Olympics, Ishihara said it is up to the will of the people. “I believe the people in Tokyo still want to host the Olympics,” Ishihara said. “Someone has to respond to the wishes of the people.”'

The 'will of the people' was COMPLETELY against Tokyo vying for the 2016 Olympics when Ishihara brought it up in 2005, and they will be even MORE against it now, after 15 billion wasted. What it comes down to is if this man will, once again, put his own interests first and go against everyone else.

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Go easy on Ishihara here, he learned his lesson well. After New Zealand was awarded the 2011 Rugby WC Japan moaned and whined on about the “old boys network” and proceeded to bluster it’s way into finally getting the 2019 Rugby WC. Ishihara is simply repeating that tactic. Whether you like it or not is beside the point, it worked once, it just might work again. I for one find the method childish and unproductive in the long term. Japan should consider its international standing more carefully before pointing fingers at victors and award winners.

Ishihara does have a beef also, I just don’t agree with the way he is going about getting answers. In short, he should simply ask the IOC to explain, in detail, the final votes. This Olympic bid was Japan’s to lose. They had the highest scores coming out of the preliminary rounds. They also outscored Rio in 10 of 11 categories at the time. To finish in third and not even make the final round is shocking.

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I've been thinking and this becomes more annoying with time! Maybe Tokyo is not yet mature enough to have the olympics again. Today while at narita airport, just outside arrivals gate at the forex counter I saw an old british man being asked for his passport to check his visa by 2 police things.

Narita is in Chiba and those are Chiba Prefectural Police Officers. Immigration Inspectors are Federal Government inspectors. None of them are Tokyo Government employed.

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What a sore loser! All he had to say was something like... "We gave it our best shot and lost." So easy.

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A lot of you posters sound really happy!

Tokyo’s presentation was far better than the others

I don't know, but the speeches in English given by the Japanese athletes sounded awful. No feeling, whatsoever.

The 77-year-old Ishihara said Rio’s win was the result of an internal struggle between former IOC president Juan Antonio Samaranch, who wanted Madrid to win, and current IOC president Jacques Rogge who wanted the games to go to a region that has never hosted them before.

Sour grapes. I'd be willing to believe that had Madrid won, but it didn't. What was funny was that Tokyo got less votes in the second round than in the first. I wonder what happened.

“Prime Minister (Yukio) Hatoyama’s speech was much better than Obama’s, whose speech seemed to be just for granted whereas Mr Hatoyama’s speech had substance,” Ishihara said.

Once again, I don't know because I didn't hear them, but is Ishihara an English speaker, all of a sudden? French is the other official language at the Olympics. I'd love to hear Ishihara give a speech in that language (a speech which includes lots of French numbers).

In short, I think Japan lost because Tokyoites were not enthusiastic enough and word got round how xenophobic both Japan and Ishihara really are. Well, Ishihara, you now won't have to deal with foreign hooligans like you did in the 2002 World Cup.

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The with him or they who went to Copenhagen was they cannot express themselves clearly to the representatives of IOC because they have problem about English.

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He makes it look like that Japan knows nothing about the art of bribery! Its just too funny.

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Is that a cultural thing always blaming something else when you lose ?? Happens all the time in this country.

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Its idiots like this that will keep the Olympics from coming to Tokyo and solidify Japan's image as a nation of xenophobic racists! While other world leaders congratulate Rio, Ishihara (in true Japanese form) blames Tokyo's loss on "behind the scenes dealings" and insults the leaders of the competing nations. The IOC was smart to ban visits by members to candidate cities to eliminate the chance of bribery! Ishihara would have had his cronies stuffing fat envelopes of cash into every hand it could find that had a vote! At least Primi Minister Hatoyama reacted with the respectful dignity expected of a world leader by offering his congratulations.

Read the sequel Ishihara .. "An IOC that can say NO!"

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It's interesting to see how the foreign community in Japan is reacting to this old knob head's comments, but I wonder how the Japanese are reacting to them. Sadly, I fear they are agreeing with him. I can hear a chorus of Kimigayo in the background.

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I blame Nagano for getting the Olympics in 1998. I also blame Atlanta for 1996 and Barcelona for 1996. For these reasons Japan, the US and Spain did not get the Olympics AGAIN.

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I agree with Disillusioned...... my bet is there are a lot of Japanese heads nodding in agreement with him. Japanese are naturally the best at everything, and its only cheating by foreigners that stops Japan winning at everything.

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i was gonna trash talk this fool as well, but i think everything that needed to be said is here. hope this idiot resigns.

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The outspoken Ishihara, a driving force behind Tokyo’s 2016 bid, even took a swipe at U.S. President Barack Obama.

“Prime Minister (Yukio) Hatoyama’s speech was much better than Obama’s, whose speech seemed to be just for granted whereas Mr Hatoyama’s speech had substance,” Ishihara said.

How dare he! He must be a racist to "even" take a swipe at Obama..


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lol, old fool

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Good to know alphawolf doesn't get it

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I was pretty surprised by Hatoyama's speech. After hearing a lot on Japanese tv about how good his English was, he sounded extremely average when he gave it. He sounded more monotone than having any "substance".

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On the possibility of Tokyo bidding for the 2020 Olympics, Ishihara said it is up to the will of the people.

i.e. vote him in again and you are voting for another bid at the Olympics?

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How dare he! He must be a racist to "even" take a swipe at Obama..

Of course he is...a racist, xenophobic and fool but i think too that many or a majority of Japanese are in the same wave.

"Japanese are naturally the best at everything, and its only cheating by foreigners that stops Japan winning at everything."

Thats the recent (10 years) wave of Japan.

And i am living in Tokyo, i am not in the 70% of the posters of JT.

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It is good that Latin America can organize the Olympics for the first time

Mexico City hosted in '68

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I blame the people who are trying to stop Ishihara from cutting down the dangerous child-eating forests.

2009: At a Tokyo IOC Press Briefing Governor Ishihara dismisses a letter sent by leading environmentalist Paul Coleman regarding the contradiction of his promoting the Tokyo Olympic 2016 bid as 'THE GREENEST EVER' while destroying...the forested mountain of Minamiyama, ...Tokyo, by angrily stating 'Just a foriegner, does not matter'. Then on coninuted questioning by investigative journalist Hajime Yokata, [Ishihara]stated 'Minamiyama is a Devils Mountain that eats children.' Then he bizarrely went onto to explaim how forests left untouched 'eat children' and inferred that Yokota san, a Japanese national, was betraying his nation by saying 'What nationalty are you anyway?' This outburst was [recorded on film][2] and turned into a video that was sent around the world as the Save Minamiyama Movement[3] realised the Governor's achiles heels was the so called 'GREENEST EVER OLYMPICS' (WIKI)

Clearly, the IOC peope were afraid Ishihara wasn't cutting down the child-eating Devil-mountain forests fast enough to provide a safe sporting environment.

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video here



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What a contrast between Obama's concession speech and this man's. Why won't he just congratulate Rio?The world is listening to him. I doubt if under this racist, japan will even get an under 17 event. Someone tell him to watch Obama's response to their verdict

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Maybe Ishihara would do well to look in his own backyard if he is looking for reasons for not being selected. I mean, did Tokyoites or the Japanese in general for that matter really want the Games. If there was a ground swell of support at local level I must have missed it. Having lived in a city that was selected for the Olympics, I have witnessed the excitement of a city populous supporting and celebrating a common goal. I would suggest to Ishihara that Japan has other things on its mind at the moment - and I am afraid that sentiment carried through to the IOC selectors.

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Badge213 at 7.19 commented,

I've been thinking and this becomes more annoying with time! Maybe Tokyo is not yet mature enough to have the olympics again. Today while at narita airport, just outside arrivals gate at the forex counter I saw an old british man being asked for his passport to check his visa by 2 police things.

"Narita is in Chiba and those are Chiba Prefectural Police Officers. Immigration Inspectors are Federal Government inspectors. None of them are Tokyo Government employed."

Narita is the international airport for Tokyo. If tourists or other visitors are coming to Tokyo they come through Narita, where they will be fingerprinted, photographed, and then after clearing immigration and customs it is possible that they will be stopped in public areas of the airport, around the train and bus departure areas, and questioned by the police. This, to my knowledge, does not happen in any other country. Perhaps Japan, and Tokyo in particular, doesn't really want foreign visitors.

Moderator: Back on topic please. Narita airport is not relevant to this discussion.

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Ishihara is such an idiot. It's gotten to the point where I constantly see the general public shaking their heads whenever he says anything. The Japanese public is already angry with him for the failed Shin Ginko project. Now they are angry with him for this "pet project" of his. After all, it was only he and he alone who wanted these Olympics. I can already see a lower percentage of public support for his proposed 2020 push. Only 50% of the Japanese public supported a Tokyo Olympics in 2016 and I'm sure even less would support one in 2020; especially if Ishihara is pushing for it.

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I wonder why there are no eggs thrown at this guy whenever there is a chance to.

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Too much pissing and moaning about how it's not fair and the other side ain't playing fair, duh! Ishihara... accept the fact that you're beaten and lost.

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Tokyo Gov Shintaro Ishihara blamed his city’s failure to win the right to > host the 2016 Games on behind-the-scenes deals, saying Japanese sports officials must become more adept in dealing with the inner workings of the International Olympic Committee.

lol! You would expect such comment from this buffoon wouldn't you!

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"...and I would've gotten away with it too, if not for those meddling kids and their dog."

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Sure, let's blame the IOC abnd "backroom deals" rather than just plain admit failure to win anyopne over to Tokyo hosting the games. After all, it can't possibly be that Ishihara is viewed as a racist and a bigot, and tends to blame Tokyo's problems not on his own inept leadership and corruption, but on foreigners.

Really, this story doesn't come as a surprise. Governor Ishihara has been blaming others for his own and for Tokyo's failings for so long that this is a predictable response form him. When we throw out the facts -- such as South America never having hosted the Olympics, and Rio having a pretty darn good bid, let alone the welcoming spirit that Brazilians tend to have for foreigners -- its easy to point fingers at shadows and phantoms, such as "back room deals". Let's blame a foreign entity for supporting and followoing shady deals wehn there isn't a shred of verifiable or even unverifiable evidence to prove usch claims, all the while extolling the "virtuousness" of the JOC and its bid for the Games.

And does anyone want to knwo the sad and tragic thing about this accusation? The citizens of Tokyo and of Japan will believe it enough to re-elect this joker back into office for anothger term. Pathetic to say the least. Thanks for beign a sore loser, Gov. Ishiohara. If you ever lose a Tokyo Governor's election, it will be tellign to see how you portray such a loss....

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Ishihara may be a racist and a loud mouth but he is telling the truth when he says that things in the IOC are rigged. As for his "lack of sportsmanship" stuff sportsmanship people think the IOC is some kind of sacred cow and I'm happy at least someone will speak their mind.

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How dare he! He must be a racist to "even" take a swipe at Obama.

Sarcasm is hard to portray on the internet.

I'm sure there's some Democrat frothing at the mouth to hear that the "Great Saint" has been criticised, who will scream "racism!"

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I don't understand why he still governs one of the largest cities on the planet.

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Seems to me that Ishihara is the primary reason for Tokyo not being selected to host the olympic games.

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Everything is "rigged." IOC rigged??? Wow, that's a new one, you fascist Ishihara. Nobody is implying the IOC is totally clean, get real. But for Ishihara to always blame others and the world and other cultures etc etc etc, and never admitting he screwed up in his grand visions and that he hold values that are not compatible with today's globalization is drawing the line. You can see this in people's reactions to all his failures, not the the olympic bid. Would any of you vote for this racist to welcome you and your fellow citizens to his racist vision of the olympics? Don't think so. As for the U.S. - U.S. lost because the "U.S. is seen as always scheming to negotiate everything behind the scenes." But still, as many cannot deny, we lost because the world is sick of us Americans, no matter how good Obama is and no matter what the excuses are. Ishihara is facing the same crowd. And he will face more resistance not just from the world, but from his own local supporters and voters. Besides, I hardly met any Japanese citizen who is that passionate about hosting the Olympics!! (oh, no, more gaijin will pour into our homogenous pure nation and mix with our pure Japanese blood... etc. etc. ) Where on earth did Ishihara get the idea the most Tokyo citizens or Japanese are fervently behind his Olympic bid???????????? Geezus, this guy is sounding like a cult figure. It is one thing to voice your honest opinion. It is another thing to say everything was rigged against your cause etc.

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I remember as a child I was taught to shake hands and praise my opponent, win or lose. It's called 'sportsmanship' and I haven't seen a whole lot of it recently from anyone related to the Tokyo Olympic bid.

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You don't have to look much further than the video Nessie posted to see why they lost, Ishihara's attitude to foreigners is so out of date. By behind the scenes he may well be alluding to people telling the IOC about his plans to pour concrete over mountains.

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Yikes, just re-read my post above, and must apologize for all the typos. At any rate, I agree with the majority of the postors here who say that Ishihara is a sore loser, and a racist. I'll grant you too that the IOC isn't totally clean (but then again, what sports entity is totally clean?), but, as others have said, to blame the loss of the Games Bid on everyone else but yourself is pretty low, and certainly worthy of being called a sore sport. The reason, Gaijinocchio, that Ishihara is elected and re-elected is because there are enough Tokyo-ites who believe the same way he does who will vote him back in every time.

Personally, I think Tokyo needs to give up their bid to Fukuoka or Osaka....really any city other than Tokyo because of Ishihara: this racist bigot doesn't deserve such a feather in his cap. He is always quick to blame foreginers for Topkyo's, Japan's, and the world's ills, but will ot take blame upon himself when he fails....

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Ishihara is a typical example of one of these Japanese people who think that the world owes them something. Let's get one thing straight. Japan will never, ever get the Olympics with that xenophobic power hungry ex-novelist in charge. The reason why is simple. Any basic research on Ishihara's past by members of the IOC will unearth gems such as those racist comments about the French and his hinomaru flag-waving trip to Okinawa. Not exactly fitting for the Olympic ideal now is it. Get rid of Ishihara Japan, and move the host venue elsewhere, and you'll stand a good a chance as anyone.

Ishihara said Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva made “daring promises” to African people

There he goes again. He has a real fear of anyone non-Japanese (try to watch the ego-craving tv drama of his life story, all fighting with US servicemen, and you'll understand).

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15 billion yen? Who keeps giving him access to money?

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Ishihara said. “Young hot shots have to go into the core of the IOC or we will always be considered outsiders.”

I wonder whether he sees the irony of this comment.

“I believe the people in Tokyo still want to host the Olympics,”

What does he mean "still"? They didn't want them this time. At best, there was extremely lukewarm support among the Japanese for the games (good to see that ordinary Japanese people have their priorities right!). I think opinion polls were putting support at just over 50% in Japan, the lowest of the final 4 bid cities. The Japanese Olympic Committee then pulled out a figure of 80% support which was obviously fake and nobody believed it anyway.

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What McEikaiwa did that girl go to painfully speak like that? She looked and mumbled like a zombie.That by itself put off the IOC members realising that no-one speaks real,proper English in Japan,so better to go party in RIO,if nothing else.

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Ishihara may be a racist and a loud mouth but he is telling the truth when he says that things in the IOC are rigged. As for his "lack of sportsmanship" stuff sportsmanship people think the IOC is some kind of sacred cow and I'm happy at least someone will speak their mind.

usaexpat, of course the bidding for hosting the Olympics is rigged ! Do you think we are that stupid ? And the Japanese are the masters of throwing money around to buy votes. The truth of the matter is that Rio and Madrid did a much better job at it. So Ishihara, sitting up in his Tochomae ivory tower and governing one of the most corrupt local governments on this planet, should shut his hypocritical mouth. And you shouldn't show support for such blatant hypocrisy.

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Agree, stealth_one - the gymnist(?) girl who spoke looked like she was reading form a teleprompter, or had spent weeks memorizing her little speech: hardly natural. That turned me off of tokyo aklmost as much as seeing Gov. Ishihara up there trying to be cordial to all the foreigners around him....


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The racist/fascist Ishihara speaks again! This time, the loudmouth has made serious allegations against leading players on the IOC. Now, if I was one of them, Id be taking this racist bigot to and International Court for slander. There is no end to the ravings of this lunatic. He is trying to move the blame for his own failure onto others. Everyone else is to blame except him. What a joke this man is. He is dead wrong when he said that Tokyos video was the best - it was dead and lifeless, and featured a caucasian woman "athlete." No doubt that was to try to cover up all the racist and xenophobic remarks that he and his cronies have made over many years. It was not a good portrayal of Japan, and was half-hearted. The other presentations were much better- especially Rios. There was LIFE in the Rio presentation, and it was much simpler that the Tokyo one, which was all fur coat and no knickers. Rio deserved to win. Sorry to say it, but Tokyo didnt, this time.

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Ishihara sets up a bank to bleed public money to his crones. The bank folds at great profit to his friends and great expense to the public.

And he has the nerve to whinge about questionable behind-the-scenes deals?

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they all know what the game is, like Japan didn't use all the tricks in the Nagano Games, isn't Tsutsumi still in Jail? Didnt the original Salt Lake committee get disbanded for their own bribe scandal? it is Rio's / Brasil's time and that is that i don't see Japan getting its time for the games in a long time

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Ishihara's big mouth could very well cost Japan for a while to come. "Grace" has no meaning in the Ishihara world.

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Are there no real journalists in the Japanese media? A real journalist would ask this clown some hard questions like "Didn't your blatant racism contribute to Japan's failure to win the Olympics" or something to that effect. Watch him wriggle out of that kind of question... But seems like there is no courage and the media just buys what he is selling likely...

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"It is a game that is very difficult to win"

Like all the Olympic sports.

"when US troops beat him while he was a kid"


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hey ...here's a new book idea for you: "The Japan that can't take no - for an answer".

Let me see. Hmmmmmm Rio Brazilian girls.... sunshine beaches OR Tokyo? - yeah that's gonna be a hard choice right there.

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Lots of good comments here. let's wait until Ishihara says the next stupid remark to comment again.

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I heard this talk on Saturday afternoon, that Tokyo had the superior bid and so there must have been something underhanded going on, so I assume this must have been promoted in some of the media even before Ishihara said it. But it is just spin, trying to cover up the fact that a few hundred million was spent on a bid that had zero chance of winning. There was no way the IOC would come back to East Asia eight years after Beijing, and everybody knew that. All three Asian summer Olympics have had some kind of political statement behind them, and without one there was no reason for them to come to Tokyo. Issues of time difference and European and American TV rights were always more important. The bid was a complete waste of money, and Ishihara is just trying to divert attention from that.

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The IOC that can say no!

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If Japan wants the Olympics, there is a sure fire way to get them. Not Fukuoka, Osaka or Tokyo, put Hiroshima forward. As a city of peace, it would be unbeatable and it would be tough for any city in the world to out a more emotive case forward.

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Ishihara said it was Japan's dream, but did he know, that it was HIS dream and most of the people in Tokyo didn't even want it?????? Now he's made people in Tokyo (Japan) mad by spending such a large amount of money and not only he couldn't accomplish anything but also making the whole country embarrased for blaming the Tokyo's failure on something else? Time for him to retire.

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winners don't brag and losers don't complain. Oh, wait this is Ishihara. nvm..

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I agree bgaudry that shima would be the best bet for Japan and maybe then a sitting prez could show up under the guise of the Games.

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The Japan that cant think. This really is an example,hopefully the last of incredible lack of planning and insight into the ways of the world outside Japan.Imagine a campaign based on Tokyos multi cultural diversity led by Portugese, Sri Lankan and Brazilian (eg) citizens of Japan. Must surely have had a better chance. Agree that the rascists old fool has cooked Japans chances of getting the Games for several years.These IOC dudes (and their sons who inevetably inherit their positions) will not forget Ishihara`s ridiculous criticisms for a while

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bgaudry: "If Japan wants the Olympics, there is a sure fire way to get them. Not Fukuoka, Osaka or Tokyo, put Hiroshima forward."

Hmmm... tempting... but Fukuoka has slightly better facilities as the main hub of Kyushu (aside from Nagasaki, but that's largely military), and with it's air and ship ports. They aren't that far off, so it should be easy enough for the athletes to visit Hiroshima, and who knows? maybe if a venue needs to be distant from the main venues they could do something in Hiroshima. Another problem with doing the Olympics in Hiroshima is construction; to my knowledge it's quite hard to build in Hiroshima because of all the landmarks and what not.

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This will continue to get worse for Japan. As time goes onward every other nation will have increasingly mixed race citizens in their presentations, but Japan will not...ever. The appeal of going to Japan is approaching that of a museum, not an Olympics.

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“Tokyo’s presentation was far better than the others,”

And the smell from the toilets of the Japanese delegation smelled better, too, I'm sure.

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Ah all the comments were a nice read.

About re-election, I remember reading somewhere that he has no intention of running for another term after his current term ends in 2011. So hopefully he'll either resign before this or worst case he'll be phased out along with analogue broadcasting in 2011. Either way its good that he'll just be remembered for his failings as governor. Even with the Olympics in Rio it won't make much difference to the viewers watching it from home in Japan... Japanese media like to zoom in and stay focused on the Japanese athletes exclusively so its easy to forget that its an international event anyway. It might even be worth creating a Japan Olympics with only home grown competitors taking part, more gold medals will be won this way and no complaints from all the foreign fearing locals.

Congratulations Rio!

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I hate it when the host country only shows its own athletes. Not very sportsman like. I remember watching a baseball game late at night and thinking that was great, until they ended the broadcast in the 7th inning in a close game!? Turns out they were only broadcasting the Japanese pitcher, not the game! Ridiculous. This is not in the spirit of sport.

Japanese media has done very well lately (ie: Golf too) in embarrassing itself in showing that the rest of the world does not matter. There was more than just Ishihara responsible here for failure.

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"“Tokyo’s presentation was far better than the others,”

And the smell from the toilets of the Japanese delegation smelled better, too, I'm sure."

How is this off-topic, mods? Have you never heard the expression 'think one's s%&t doesn't stink'? Evidently, Ishihara thinks that's the case of Japan and the Japanese delegation.

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does anyone have a link for the gymnast girl's disastrous speech?+I've heard a lot about it - none of it good - and I'd like to make my own mind up.

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does anyone have a link for the gymnast girl's disastrous speech?+I've heard a lot about it - none of it good - and I'd like to make my own mind up.

Yeah there is a link in google if you spend about two minutes looking for it.

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Yeah there is a link in google if you spend about two minutes looking for it.

Really? In Google, huh? Couldn't you have just posted the link rather than a smarmy comment, seeing you're an expert 'in google'?

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I am no fan of this clown, but given the IOC's track record, he's probably right. Still, it's pretty hilarious that a Japanese politician, and a member of the LDP at that, would complain about backroom deals. Irony truly is wasted on Japan.

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ishihara = clown = idiot = psychiatric hospital

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I agree with sf2k, museum indeed.

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So where is his plan to get back all the money he wasted?

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