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© 2012 AFPIshihara formally launches new Party of the Sun
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That photo is a good choice since voting for these "old rebels" would further their goal to take one big dump on the nation.
Cue Rage against the machine music.
It's comin' back around again, This is for the people of the sun! It's comin' back around again.
It's comin' back around again, This is for the people of the sun! It's comin' back around again.
I'm surprised Ishihara showed up after getting put in his place by Tanaka Makiko last month.
Interesting photo, i thought i was taken inside orthopedic clinic.
or at least showing some senior citizen low impact exercises.
@Some14some Either that or an internist's waiting room judging by Hiranuma's pose and Ishihara's expression.
This would be great news if Party of the Sun was a new Manzai team and sketch comedy group. The photo would support this, as well.
Unfortunately, it's funny...but not 'ha-ha' funny.
From the caption: "prepare to stand up"
I'm intrigued. What do these preparations involve?
Anyway, a Mishima quote seems appropriate on such an occasion:
"he had never looked forward to the wisdom and other vaunted benefits of old age. "
Akemi Mokoto
Good god I hope this man never sees public office again. PLEASE don't elect that fool again.
Party of the Sun--clearly referencing the reactionist nationalists of the rising sun past. Japan doesn't need war-mongering nationalists to rise again! With the armchair populace this is a dangerous path!
Why doesnt this guy retire already.
Give your country a favor. Please retire already!
Yes! At last! I will vote this guy for sure. A hope for better Japan.
i expect hiranuma,i dont expect ishihara,
Between this joker, Hashimoto, and Abe primed to become PM again, Japan is becoming a scary place.
Many foreigners hates ishihara-san,for futile reasons but we have to admire him, because even at 80 years old he felt compelled to help his country again. Ishihara-san is a man of great courage and honor, therefore,he deserves our respect and admiration.
Stephen Knight
Actually, given his ego, I think he's mainly referencing the title of one of his own books....
I actually question the degree of his serious commitment in all this. While chances of teaming up with Hashimoto seem gloomy at best, he went forth to give his word that a collaboration will be in place prior to the election. He is one hell of a reckless figure, but a smart one nonetheless. He is always calculative in the often controversial remarks he make. Thus the ways things are going suggest that it may be more of the guys surrounding him primarily his friends in this new party who have pushed him to take the stand at this time. Previously he had an excuse with his son possibly leading the LDP, but that is no longer the case. His new excuse for eventually stepping down may be his failure to team up with Hash, where he can put all the blame on Hash after all the love calls he has been openly sending out thusfar.
Its about time that Ishihara retires into the sunset......
I don't like this photo, because it seems to have been purposely edited. This seems is a very common practice when you do not like someone!
Issa: " Ishihara-san is a man of great courage and honor, therefore,he deserves our respect and admiration."
Ishihara is a moron, a bigot, mysogynist, and all around clown who should NOT be allowed in politics due to the danger he brings. As for not liking the photo, it's a very natural pic, and not one of him shaking his fists. It's also very representative of what he stands for -- crapping all over the nation.
Anyway, I notice he's already desperately searching for coalitions.
Issa1, I agree that the photo is in very poor taste and was selected to put these two in a bad light.
As to "courage and honor":
What evidence do you see as to Ishihara's honor?
I'll give you courage. That can easily come with a pathological sense of self-importance. And/or madness. In his case it may simply be failure to forsee consequences that leads to his "courage", aka recklessness. He takes a stand on the Senkakus and the economy of Japan contracts.
Yeah! Well done! (That's sarcasm)
I'd rather have common sense and principle, than that sort of "courage" and I see no honor AT ALL. But I'm open to hearing your thoughts.
Ivan Coughanoffalot
The photograph looks like it should have been used to illustrate yesterday's story about fart-reducing underpants.
Respect him for his age, admire him for what has done, fine.
But PLEASE don't vote for him or his cronies.
Ishihara is a rude, nasty old man who should be arrested for corruption (Shin Ginko bank, spending Olympic bid funds on his family etc). He deserves nothing but contempt.
The guy is 80 what does he expect to be able to do?
These guys need something to keep them occupied in their old age.
I hoping he makes a few frog-like sounds & then is gone!
Haha, that is the funniest thing I have read all week. He has courage, yes - but for all the wrong causes. Honor? There is no honor in anything he has done - on the contrary his policies and actions have made Japan a worse place to live for many, many people. He deserves no respect, nor admiration. What he needs is a kick up the arse into a retirement home, never to be seen or heard of again.
For Tokyo? I doubt it.
Stand by for numerous gaffes in the coming months offending the following categories; foreign residents of Japan, women of all ages, Ishihara's moron son, China, South Korea, USA, cats, parrots and Noda.
Let me guess. You got this from Debito, right?
Thomas Anderson
He has no courage... he was in hiding the whole time when the whole Senkaku thing was getting out of control. He has yet to take any responsibility for his actions.
Thomas Anderson
Ok issa, how did Ishihara make Japan a better place? By doing something utterly inane and stupid like proposing to buy the Senkaku islands, making the situation even worse? What did he exactly achieve? What has he exactly done for people? Can you name me some things?
This guy, Hiranuma, a son of a war criminal, is an out-and-out old conservative guy. I can tell you, there's NOTHING liberal about this guy.
"No voting rights to the resident foreigners." "All politicians should visit Yasukuni." "No Empress." "Damn human rights law." "Never let the Emperor visit China or Korea." "No comfort women in the war time."
Why "Party of the Sun"? Call it "The National Front" or something.
Could of swore he was conducting press conferences during that time. And why does he need to take responsibility when it was the owner who wanted to sell the islands to Tokyo?
Ishihara has balls. Something that DPJ and LDP lack.
Yes, but I suspect he has also lost a few marbles.
I admire Ishihara's determination though. He's ok when he exercises it against the ever-powerful bureaucrats and pusillanimous politicians.
If his determination is used for some nationalist causes, it'll bring us utter disasters.
Can't we have a determined liberal leader???
Typically, this kind of nationalist party has no serious economic policies or ideals, because many old nationalist leaders in Japan really focus on politics and have little knowledge of economics or economy. They don't have economic advisors around them, either. Top economists are more or less liberal, believing in fewer regulations, good international relationships, better corporate governance, the central bank independence, and so on. These guys will have none of them.
I'm sure these guys will bring nationalism into international trade and macro/micro economics, promoting, "Buy Japanese goods, chuck imports." Protectionism will be their trade policy. As for domestic economics, they might promote state capitalism, through thicker links with the major companies and subsidies.
David Wagner
The sun also sets...
Jan Claudius Weirauch
I think this party will be his unofficial retirement as telling the world to retire would be "weak" but not being elected anymore just bad luck. I expect it to become quiet around this old geezer after the election is over and nobody speaks about him. As for example: I know Japan has a communist party, but it's almost never in the news headlines, almost if it never existed.
I suspect they are wearing that special underwear we read about yesterday.
They shoud call it the retirement party!
Reminds me of an old book he penned with Akio Morita, " A Japan that can say NO!" I think was the title....raving on about how Sony will always remain unbeatable and Japan is the paragon for the world. 15 years ago when I read this book - which I later added warm water to and used to wipe my backside - I thought this guy has got a real nasty inferiority complex. What is even more worrying is that Japanese people voted him in.... which means....... I can't say it clearly or little miss politically correct moderator will spank my wrist!
My worry is that people (probably those 'old rebels') WILL actually vote for this old nationalistic fool and his party, if only to show their discontent with the current administration. Dangerous.
They should include pictures of their wives so we can see what family is involved too.. how much influence does he REALLY have to get elected as P.M....and will he cont. to amplify the xenophobic, ultra nationalist, far right , the japan that can say no, sentiments....if so I'd rather watch it on CNN from outside Japan.. tourist beware...
Inspire younger rebels? WTF is this old fool on about? It is because of nationalist views like his that Japan is in so much shit. Put this old wanker in a retirement home and shut him the hell up, please!
Party of the Setting Sun might be better. hopefully the yoof of Japan are wiser than to believe this senile old lunatic's opinions.
I understand that these right wing nationalist ideals are recently popular among populace. There are many, many things I admire and respect about Japan and her people. Sorting things out rationally is no where on the list.
Ishihara is great at attacking the weak and defenseless like most political right wingers, he spouts off on a xenophobic,nationalist platform which appeals to the uninformed History shows that this way leads to the dark excesses of the animal brain being stimulated to produce chaos.....
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaw! Or Waaaaaaaaaaah! Either way: WHAT a joke. BUT take it seriously, you never know.
Nothing "new" about it.
The new standup comedy duo.
Japanese people think Ishihara is helping Japan. The truth is, he only helps himself. His ambition to be PM has cause Japan nothing but trouble these past years. Look at the recent attempted "purchase" of Senkaku and the fallout from all the companies doing business with China? What's the plan now Ishihara? Bang the drums of war further while ignoring the real problems of Japan (that is aging and debt)? Time to step aside, because the chances of you becoming the next PM is about the same as you becoming a smart person.
I wish Ishihara got out of his old conservatism and embraced a new conservative attitude, by which I mean things like, smaller government, useless public work scrapping, free trade promotion, radical tax reviews, tough but friendly diplomacy, respect for human rights, more international cooperation, and so on, as an alternative to the amateurishly liberal DPJ. Then I would take him more seriously.
Sunrise, sunset.
I hope someday Japan will rise to be a much better place. It already has a lot of pluses over a lot of countries, but some of the minuses are so difficult to swallow, and while one hopes that things will improve, along comes this person and others like him who have so much potential for destruction.
As for the comments about courage and honor, maybe it's just cultural differences that make it hard to appreciate. If I am not mistaken, around 1930, the history of Musashi was revived and exaggerated, and with it came the indoctrination that said that it was honorable to die fighting for your lord. So, if one considers that this kind of doctrine is part of this country's culture, then it makes sense that some Japanese will think highly of someone who is willing to make a stand, more so if it means paying the higher price. Oh, fighting the barbarians until we all die and our country goes down in flames, such a glorious thing!
Jesus :(
Ewan Huzarmy
Is this a scene from the new 'Terrance and Phillip' movie ?
hmmm... launch of Party of the Sun is concurrent to the rising Golden Dawn of a failing Greece.
Does he have any actual policies?
Do any of them have policies?
Or do Japanese just vote for the ones with the prettiest posters?
If any country would appreciate Terrance and Phillip it would be Japan.
Mike Bird
Rebel against what exactly???? For "Old Ways' read 'Dark ages'!!!!!
Elbuda Mexicano
So funny! This old goat saying that the Komei party too is too old and useless?? Hahaha!!! Just like the right wing snake in the grass that he is, showing he real colors! Dirty old right wing smelly old goat!
Those chairs look too small.
Children's Tea Party?
//Party of the Sun
I wonder if their party flag is going to resemble, by sheer chance, another Japanese flag - the one guaranteed to annoy the rest of East Asia?
What happened to "Sunrise Party"?
"champion of nationalist views"
And the main cause of plummeting sales of Japanese cars in China.
LDP, DLP, Hashimoto? Ishihara?
I'm actually glad I DON'T have the right to vote. What a choice!
This happens when a nation gets told over and over again they are no good. That forever they need to hold their heads low with shame. It is a rebound effect of sorts. While I would never vote for him or his party understand why someone would vote for them. Every time there is a story about Japan and Korea or China there is the same message. It reminds people of Japans wrongs to them, bash. So gentle readers this is coming about due to constant Japan bashing.
Aren't you the Hashimoto supporter? He's also a right-wing snake.
No, it's coming about because of ineffective politicians in the DPJ and LDP as well as revisionist history that denies things like comfort women, Nanking, Unit 731, etc.
There is something very mixed/double/ambivalent about Ishihara. On the one hand he says he wants to shake things up, but on the other I have not heard a new policy from his mouth. He is into big government and yet wants to control the bureaucrats (while employing more of them?!). On the one hand he is "nationalist" but on the other he is always using English words in his Japanese, and gives the impression of wishing to aspire to the old leave Asia, become Western ( 脱亜入欧) camp. I don't understand. What does he stand for?
Hashimoto on the other hand does seem to have something new (in Japanese politics) to say - balance budgets and reduce centralised spending. Integrate at the regional level.
Ishihara wants to return to the glorious days of the early 20th century, when Japan was becoming the most modern nation in Asia. People like him are still sore over losing WWII and desperately try to justify Japan's actions during the war. That's why they keep denying all the war atrocities. At the same time they have no compassion for Chinese, Koreans, etc because they think Japan is superior to all other Asian nations.
Times have changed though. The other Asian nations are catching up and Japan will have to deal with it. Ishihara needs to step down.
Do they have gas ?