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Israeli envoy says Japan should be vigilant with its aid to Palestinians


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Make sure to let know them how that region changed from time to time.


4 ( +13 / -9 )

For context, Palestine as part of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency receives about $2-3 billion in aid annually from various countries around the world. The largest donor of which is the United States who has provided Palestine with almost $900 million in aid since Biden became President and $9 billion since 1994. As recently as Jan '23, Secretary Blinken was in Palestine pledging to donate another $50 million.

Since 2007, the EU has institutionally provided the Palestinian government with €750 million and member states have individually donated about €2 billion. There was talk this week of cancelling a further €700 million in aid but some members complained so the EU backtracked on that.

All this pales in comparison to the $260 billion (inflation adjusted) subsidies that the United States has provided Israel since 1943, the most of any country to receive aid from the US.

For even more context, Rahm Emmanuel's father was a member of the militant Zionist group Irgun that was responsible for the King David Hotel bombing that killed 96 people in 1946, including 28 British who were stationed there. The attack was initially blamed on Palestinian terrorists as Irgun disguised themselves as Arab workers but it soon became apparent who was responsible. 

So yeah... giant grain of kosher salt with what the Ambassador says.

8 ( +12 / -4 )

Free Palestine

6 ( +14 / -8 )

I am afraid that the theme of "the world against terrorism" has become more dominant, obscuring specific issues/difficulties lying between Israel and Palestinians, and consequently making it difficult to seek sustainable solutions in the region. The continued occupation and sufferings of Palestinians will be only exploited by the extremists.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

There is zero evidence that development aid goes to Hamas. The EU got their knickers in a knot about this exact issue recently and were forced to backflip.

This is at best a misguided attempt to punish the majority for the actions of a minority - and at worst a brazen attempt to brand an entire race of people terrorists.

Either way is wrong.

Despicable way to think.

8 ( +13 / -5 )

In addition to not supporting Hamas, Japan should stop trading with Russia, fish and second hand cars etc.

3 ( +10 / -7 )

My question is what was Hamas thinking? Did they think Israel would sit back and say, oh well. one for the Gipper?

3 ( +11 / -8 )

JJEToday  06:33 pm JST

This is at best a misguided attempt to punish the majority for the actions of a minority - and at worst a brazen attempt to brand an entire race of people terrorists.

Hamas is not a uniformed military. They exist among the civilian Palestinians and they launch their attacks from among the civilians, effectively using them as a shield. This is not a military tactic, it is a terrorist tactic.

Israel has no alternative but to secure Gaza completely, and the suffering that the Palestinian civilians there will have to endure was brought on to them by Hamas starting a war.

1 ( +14 / -13 )

Cohen is dishonestly and purposely trying to conflate the Palestinian people and Hamas.

This is part of a 25 year plus effort domestically and now they want it to go international. They want to bury the UN Two State Solution (UN resolution 194), the concept of pre-1967 borders and normalise the unilateral policies that have led to this.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Biden has lost the Arab and Muslims vote in America, meaning they will not vote Republicans,but sit in the sidelines,while Biden cannot afford to lose the Michigan Arab vote,larger than Jews,the US is a chief enabler of Israel fail policies, Biden is begging Qatar to bail him out,like the weak ineffective he is ,he has precided over one mess of his own doing,their is not overhelm support of Israel in America

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

Lots of Arab leaders are supporting the Palestinian, because they do not want too be sacrificed lamb for Israel Google Arab News Google World Wide Support Of Palestine

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

Whilst the Hamas attacks are shocking and 100% wrong, the people of Palestine need help. And the chief reason they need help is the policies of the Israeli government. It has been killing Palestinians (including countless civilians), bulldozing their homes, and blockading them for years, and it has been repeatedly condemned by the UN and many countries.

But as I said on another thread, unfortunately the Israeli government twists any condemnation of it into "anti-Semitism." This is completely dishonest: one can be anti-Israeli government, and not anti-Semitic. The two are not linked.

I will repeat that the Hamas attacks are wrong, but Israel is far from an innocent party in this. It has perpetrated equally awful deeds, and consistently over decades as government policy.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

Japan Has the Right to Do What It Does To Help Palestinians.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

CuteUsagiToday 07:16 pm JST

My question is what was Hamas thinking? Did they think Israel would sit back and say, oh well. one for the Gipper?

I think they were probably thinking "The Palestinian people have nothing left to lose. The Israeli government has been killing us, literally and figuratively, for years. We can either roll over and accept oppression, or fight back."

If I were in a similar situation, I'd rather fight and possibly lose, than meekly surrender.

To be honest, it's shocking that the Israeli government in particular does what it does to the Palestinians, given the very sad history of the Jewish people. Of all the countries on earth, one would expect Israel to understand that you should not persecute a group of people based on their religion.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Free Palestine.

10 ( +13 / -3 )

Israel's ambassador to Japan said on Thursday that his host country should be "vigilant" and look at what Hamas was doing with the aid it extends to Palestinians.

And while the "vigilant button" is pressed, Japan should also be vigilant with any assistance or help is gives Israel. Both sides have a history of aggression and crimes carried out against each other. The ledger is heavily in Israels corner for having committed the most crimes, killed more people and a continuing history of land theft and displacing Palestinians from their homes.

The shock of this horrific attack by Hamas is still fresh and raw. They have done themselves little favors with the barbaric murders of innocent civilians and would have benefited from limiting their targets to active military personnel. As expected the Israeli response is over the top and out of all proportion with wholesale destruction in Gaza along with the war crime of halting food, water, medicines and fuel for power generation to 2.6 million civilians imprisoned inside Gaza with no way to leave. This include the international citizens who happened to be caught out in Gaza when the attack began.

Initial support for Israel will falter as it carries out worse atrocities than Hamas. Officials in my own nations government are on record as saying that all of our people support Israel but that is simply no longer true, after decades of abusing their advantages in military strength and persecuting Palestinians, the mood has altered with many now understanding that the people of Palestine have been basically abandoned by the international community and suffocated by successive Israeli governments, they have no light of hope for their future as things sit at present.

The way Hamas has gone about this has certainly gotten recognition and attention, but they hurt their cause by not limiting their targets. They will not go quietly into the night and disappear as a people. They exist and this long ongoing issue must come to an equitable resolution, and will only do so with international pressure on an Israel that simply plans to outlast the Palestinians and eventually take all of their land from them.

So while I abhor the violence against civilians, I do not support Israel or the continuing persecution they foist on Palestinians. I support a two state solution. Two states with equal rights, not one dominating and dictating to the other.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

""Israel's ambassador to Japan said on Thursday that his host country should be "vigilant" and look at what Hamas was doing with the aid it extends to Palestinians.""

How Ironic, the same goes to Israel too, the U.S. Japan, and the rest of the world should also be VIGILANT and STOP supporting the occupation forces of Israel, Aid money being spent to build more JAILS , separation WALLS, and illegal settlements on Occupied and STOLEN Palestinian land defying every UN resolution.

7 ( +8 / -1 )


Israel must end and give up the concept of OCCUAPTION to establish a state called Israel.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

This religious war started in 1947 go figure, and it will never end. There has been a time when there were "Agreed Settlements" but take the "A" out and you get "Greed" perhaps from both sides and that's the problem there is no solution. One side feels the other side is getting more of the pie and the other is getting less. When there is an argument no one listens or communicate they just react based on pent up anger.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

No aid to Palestinian terrorists.

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

First they steal their land, then cage them into the Gaza, now they tell the world to stop aid for innocent civilians. No wonder Palestinian terrorism is still thriving.

Anyone who wants to watch an independent and intelligent debate about this crisis should watch last nights Newsnight on BBC. Israeli ambassador to the UK constantly being reminded by a great Newsnight journalist that air strikes and rocket attacks on the Gaza will continue the risk of terrorism to Israelis for generations.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Be careful Japan, you may be helping Hamas and other Palestinian terrorists without realizing it, be very careful with refugees too...

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Hamas militants breached the border fence…, the Israeli military has said.

This is why media reports on the fighting in Israel need to be taken with a grain of salt. They expect us to believe that the Israeli military refers to Hamas as “militants,” and not as the terrorists Hamas is.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Great post by nukkuheddo.

When Russia took white Ukrainian land the whole world supported white Ukraine. When Israel continued to steal land from brown Palestine the whole world turned their backs on brown Palestine.

Are we that racist?

Years ago...you could go into any hotel lobby in the States on St. Patrick's day...and there'd be a guy collecting for the IRA...a fish-bowl stuffed with money...

Is it because they're white?

Is it because the US fought it's battle with the British for independence?

Is it because the Isreals fought their battle (by terrorism) against the British?

What Hamas has done is unforgivable of course

But we turned a blind eye to it when those terrorists where white - didn't we?

2 ( +5 / -3 )

nukkuheddoOct. 12 11:34 pm JST

Are we that racist?

Years ago...you could go into any hotel lobby in the States on St. Patrick's day...and there'd be a guy collecting for the IRA...a fish-bowl stuffed with money...

Is it because they're white?

Is it because the US fought it's battle with the British for independence?

Is it because the Isreals fought their battle (by terrorism) against the British?

What Hamas has done is unforgivable of course

But we turned a blind eye to it when those terrorists where white - didn't we?

Could it also be that Islamic fundamentalism has been far more indiscriminate in its violence and mysogyny?

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Wrong! Give the Palestinians more money and allow them a state! Stop stealing their land and treating them like animals and Hamas will disappear !

Free Palestine!

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Free Palestine from hamas first

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

The UN has voiced concerns that the millions in Gaza are not being allowed the basics to live and is attempting to provide humanitarian aid.

My guess is that Israel will prevaricate on this matter causing hundreds of thousands to die.

Hamas has been called out for the hundreds recently killed but Israel will pale those numbers into insignificance…

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Netanyahu has given about 1 billion dollars to Hamas over the past few years. Now I wonder what that was for?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

isabelleOct. 12  08:43 pm JST....................................Great comment, thank you :)

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Hamas is not a uniformed military. They exist among the civilian Palestinians and they launch their attacks from among the civilians, effectively using them as a shield

That's exactly what they do, hide among civilians and when Israel hits these terrorists, play they victim card that Isarel is killing civilians, on there own they have no chance against the IDF, none...

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

It has been killing Palestinians (including countless civilians)..

No, only terrorist type Palestinians, these types off-course use civilians as shield, and with the left aligned media (now changing) play the victim when Israel attacks them, the Palestinians under Fatah are all living peacefully and doing fine economically, they have learned to co-exist and look forward, Hamas with its Jihadi styled ideology will never ever live peacefully.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

I do not support Israel or the continuing persecution they foist on Palestinians.

Do you support Hamas' goal to eliminate Israel? Palestinian Arabs have been persecuting Jews since before the creation of Israel--Hamas makes note of this in their constitution.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

mrtinjpToday 02:38 pm JST

No, only terrorist type Palestinians

You've got to be kidding with this comment.

The Israelis have been bulldozing regular citizens' homes, shooting regular citizens (including kids), and indiscriminately shelling the Palestinian territories for years.

The Israeli government has even announced the committing of war crimes as policy, with its "no electricity, no food, no fuel" siege:


0 ( +2 / -2 )

Collective punishment. And we are all supposed to just shut up and watch.

Those Palestinians caught in the crossfire, what could they have done to stop Hamas? Especially the children. and how do they excape when all borders are closed?

Thats the question we should ask all those foreign diginitaries flocking to Tel Aviv to dance to Bibi's music.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

It has been killing Palestinians (including countless civilians), bulldozing their homes, and blockading them for years, and it has been repeatedly condemned by the UN and many countries.

The Israelis have been bulldozing regular citizens' homes, shooting regular citizens (including kids), and indiscriminately shelling the Palestinian territories for years

At-least post something authentic, now Israelis have been bulldozing Hamas activity homes, shooting Hamas terrorist only (they though hide with the public resulting in civilians caught in the crossfire), and indiscriminately shelling the Hamas strongholds. If there was no Hamas types, none of this would have ever happened, you know that right.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

mrtinjpOct. 13 11:26 pm JST

At-least post something authentic

If you are not willing to open your eyes to Israeli government crimes, I really can't help you any further.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

If you are not willing to open your eyes to Israeli government crimes, I really can't help you any further.

Nah, no comparison to Palestinian Arab crimes.

Stop aid to Palestinian Arab terrorists.

They burned babies alive. They use their brother Palestinian Arabs as human shields.

Forget about that sick group, just as you would an empty plastic bottle you throw in a trash can.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

One minute until the deadline!!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

"At the same time, the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip is becoming more serious day by day and we are closely monitoring the situation in the region with serious concern," Matsuno said.

That is deja vu. As always, Hamas hides behind the civilian population, which inevitable is killed when Israel blows up Hamas bunkers. How many times have we seen this movie before? And the Western press and Japanese politicians always buy into the islamist slogan without questioning it.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )


The Israeli government has even announced the committing of war crimes as policy, with its "no electricity, no food, no fuel" siege

That is another slogan we always here, but why is nobody asking why Hamas, which runs Gazah, is not providing electricity, food, fuel and water for its citizens, expecting it to be supplied from Israel, which they are at war with?

Meanwhile, Hamas has endless resources to build bunkers and rockets; should those ressources not be used for the population instead?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )


Hamas has been called out for the hundreds recently killed but Israel will pale those numbers into insignificance…

Yet another slogan we always here and nobody seems to question. Terrorism is not a tit-for-tat game. Hamas killed about 1000 random people in Israel and abducted a few hundred random hostages. Are you seriously suggesting that in response, Israel should kill 1000 random Gaza residents and abduct another couple of hundred as hostages? And that would settle the issue? If not, please stop repeating this slogan.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

ZaphodToday 03:20 pm JST


The Israeli government has even announced the committing of war crimes as policy, with its "no electricity, no food, no fuel" siege

That is another slogan we always here, but why is nobody asking why Hamas, which runs Gazah, is not providing electricity, food, fuel and water for its citizens, expecting it to be supplied from Israel, which they are at war with?

All of the crossings are closed. There is literally no way to provide electricity, food, fuel, and water unless Israel allows it. Saying "they should have thought of that earlier" is not going to fly with the Hague.

Meanwhile, Hamas has endless resources to build bunkers and rockets; should those ressources not be used for the population instead?

But the world we live in is that it is not and I am skeptical Hamas is going anywhere.

1 ( +1 / -0 )


-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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