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© KYODOKishida, Iran's president-elect agree to deepen friendly relations
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I thought Kishida was all about ' strongly opposing any change to the status quo by force and unwavering support for the rules-based order'?
Iran's government and policies do not seem very representative of that.
What country has Iran invaded ...ever...?
Sh1mon M4sada
Oil and $$$ transcends all else. Just leave Japanese tankers alone.
Excellent, better relationship with BRICS member..
The decadent circUS of west went out of fashion...
Good positive step, but Kishida speaks out of both sides of his mouth. The U.S. will frown upon any deepening ties to Iran, then what are you going to do Kishi?
Well done Mr. Kishida, and I hope that the two nations will work swiftly on bringing an end to the Genocide in Gaza.
Japan and Iran had strong ties in the past and I hope it gets better with the new leader.
Good to see Japan forging it's own path in this!
The US has lost all credibility as a "supporter" of the rule of law
Is the president in the picture having a heart attack or is this a shot of him in the, "I'm a lonely boy" video?
maybe Kish should try that with the Japanese population, first?
I would absolutely love to read more about the Japanese government going around shaking hands and deepening ties and relationships everyday.
Ricky Kaminski13
I’ve never understood Japans ‘special’ relationship with Iran, even way back in the day buying telephone cards from Iranians in Ueno park, there was thousands of these touts hanging about with what seemed to be time on their side. ( Very ) long term expats will remember.
They have or at least had in the past, enjoyed some sort of special arrangement here. It’s actually a positive thing for Japan to have the ears of the Iranians as I’ve always believed Japans destiny is to play the middle man for peace. if anyone can shed some light onto this special Iran/Japan relationship would be much obliged. Always wondered. Aussie we had our beaches, koalas and sister school relationships, what was their gig? Oil?
Unfortunately, the reality on the ground and the current state of the world means the chances of Kishidas onegai to them , expressing his high hope for Iran to play a more constructive role towards the peace and stability of the Middle East, ( unless of course he is happy with the complete destruction and annihilation of the Jewish state that is ) will be just more empty rhetoric, almost making the Japanese PM seem out of touch, naive and almost child like.
Iran has A LOT less blood on its hands than the US...Fact!
"Annihilation of the Jewish state " just a zionist trope Ricky.
More "hasbara " rubbish.
How does the only nuclear power in the region, supported by the only super power on the planet get annihilated ?
Israel policy on it's occupied territories more danger to it as a sovereign state {UN rulings, flight of capital, unemployment, business numbers shrinking, tourism dead,etc } are more problematic...and all self inflicted.
The days of crying "poor Israel " are gone, long gone and wont be seen again.
asusa tabi
will the friendship include japan supporting iran with high tech for their drones? so they can be used by putin in ukraine, by houthis in yemen, by hamass, etc etc.
I dont think Iran needs help from anyone developing drones.
Kishida has been in office for how many years now and has never met Xi Jinping for a summit. Abe visited China before the pandemic. Kishida lacks the courage to invite Xi for a reciprocal visit.
The China/Japan relationship is the cornerstone for peace and prosperity in East Asia.
That's great but as long as Iran promotes terrorism, it is going to be difficult balancing act for Japan to follow.
Lots of countries have proxy groups fighting with that countries assistance.
When America does it, the groups are called "freedom fighters "
When non American countries do it , the groups are called "terrorists "
Alan Smithee
Politics aside, I hope it leads to lower prices for Iranian pistachios (they're delicious).
Freedom fighters don't lob missiles at third parties when they still don't control their own country as Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Houthis don't.
GuruMick have a lot to learn about "proxy groups " either funded by the west or others.
Look at how the unrest in ,say, Libya, was created and developed, using the subsequent unrest as a pretext for a NATO bombing campaign.
Now we have a failed state in Libya...much more dangerous to the west than Gaddafi
It the west had "proxies" in Libya, the government would already have been formed under them. We don't mess around.
"What do you me WE " ?
The west wants oil...that's all.
Correction : "What do you MEAN we "?
The set of countries you think the Houthis are allowed to target. This may include everyone.