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© KYODOJapan's ¥43 trillion defense spending plan still insufficient: experts
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Should be 2% of gdp and I would even say should involve domestic production. Japan can be very helpful in increasing the number of missiles pointed at Peking if the latter does something stupid.
There is absolutely no need for this. Quit wasting taxpayers' money.
Japan's people money for the Japan's people, not for pirate US industry weapons..
Some is playing too much Risk..
At this point, they are one and the same. Japan needs to protect its people against the enemy, Russia.
Nonsense. Are you bizarrely arguing that Japan does not need to spend a decent amount in defending herself? In the most dangerous time for the world since 1945?
Must be wonderful living in a fantasy world.
Japan could have made a better use of its defense budget by deciding to develop its own cruise missiles rather than buying U.S-made Tomahawks designed decades ago.
Japan is developing it's own long range missiles, the type 12 advanced cruise missiles with a range of 1500Km to go online around 2026.
The US tomahawk missiles are merely a stopgap for Japan.
Mr Kipling
Fixed it...
Japan's ¥43 trillion defense spending plan still insufficient: Japan's master, the USA.
Spend the money on the elderly that desperately need it! After all, it was them who gave you the money in the first place
Money for business, the defense industry in Japan, that’s all it is. Japan should officially turn into a pacifist country, not the opposite
It's enough Kishida, you just haven't been spending smart. It's like a parent who is trying to buy the latest Mercedes Benz S Class but says they need more money to buy it even though they can afford the C class while the child doesn't get any new toys and has been sulking at eating the same bento for dinner for many years despite them being promised something good for getting good grades.
They couldn't even get the JSDF helos into the disaster area until five days after the earthquake, they're going to loosen the hair rules because of the shortfall in recruiting, and they don't have the discipline within the ranks and they think that just throwing money at the problem is going to help the defense of Japan? With the impending tax hikes, you can bet that any real gains in wages are going to be sucked right out of the population's pocket. Get LDP out of office.
It seems to me someone always says 43 trillion yen is insufficient, even 100 trillion, 150 trillion, 200 trillion still sufficient.
The usual, fallacious "US says; Japan does" line. The situation is, in fact, very different.
During the Trump presidency, Japan saw that the US may not be as reliable as it thought, if he (or someone like him) is in power. Trump has flat out just said that he won't defend NATO, and if he were in power and deems - in his own, mentally-challenged way - that Japan isn't paying him enough, he wouldn't defend Japan either, despite the concrete alliance.
Given this, Japan - like Europe and everywhere else - realizes that it needs to be able to defend itself in case the US goes back on its promises. Hence, this defense spending.
It's not a case of "US says; Japan does" - it's (at least, in part) Japan wisely making preparations in case the US doesn't do what it says it'll do.
With China, North Korea, and Russia on Japan's doorstep?
I assume you don't work in defense planning.
Unfortunately whether it be someone like or Trump or not, the US playing the role of world police is coming to the end and each nation will need to defend with less reliance on the US.
The reason why the US is doing what they are doing right now is to ensure the steady flow of US currency in the global market as the main transactional currency. This is secured through global oil purchase mainly done through the US dollar arranged through OPEC-US deal but the carbon economy is coming to an end with slow transition to other source of energy like Hydrogen which is not limited to regional reserves. When hydrogen becomes a majority, the US has little benefit acting as the world police.
Basically there is no such thing such as free lunch.
A total waste of our taxes to give a sense of “proud” to these old geezers sitting in Tokyo.
Japan has already a mediocre economy and use our taxes should go for welfare and modernize it’s economy as improve wages etc.
Yes, grabbing more taxes and more money from poor people, that's what the message that panel want to hint !
Yes, that's what I said. It was the whole point of my post.
Not sure of the reasoning behind your post. The other stuff you wrote about currency etc. is nothing to do with this article.
Yes, it does. It has excellent social services compared to many other countries, especially those in the region. And, for that matter, compared to the US, which is the country everyone seems to be talking about here.
Or, what it actually is: an investment that is needed to defend the people that pay those taxes from the aggressive countries that surround Japan.
Taxes work on a sliding scale. The poor pay less than the rich, and those with no income pay nothing.
If the Japanese people dislike the taxes they will vote for a party that changes them. Japan is a democracy, after all.
never enough to prepare a WAR. Kishida needs to pay for the exoskeleton for old citizen soldiers
About $500/year per capita for next five years. US spends about 5x as much per capita and does not have China next door...the numbers tell a story!
@isabelle: Japanese people dislike the taxes they will vote for a party that changes them. Japan is a democracy
NO! The political system of Japan has cursed the Japanese people that L.D.P. is the only party they must complied to obey and only a dozen of factions with a strange rotation they can choose but everyone knows there is a "Kingmaker", Aso Taro! The Japanese people has no say of who to lead the country ? And there is a blackhand behind curtains: The money from the Unification Church(U.C.)!
Japan needs to up its DRONE game, both air and naval, along with DRONE and missile defenses, submarines, etc. Seems with DRONES, many productive civilian applications, so some private sector benefits!
Alright alright…
Forgot to throw in a firm pledge, a plan to tackle and a fresh batch of "promise to will considers"…
everybody hold hands and its bobs yer uncle
Japan should get Nukes.
You need to be saying that to both China and North Korea. When two unfriendly neighbors continue to pour ever increasing amounts of their money into gaining more and better weapons, year after year after year. All while having no enemies planing to invade or attack them, then hard questions need to be asked.
Japan is asking those hard questions and does not like the answers. China has, since becoming the largest navy in the world, been using assets to out muscle nations in their own eez's to take fishing grounds and construct islands on submerged reefs in other nations recognized territories. They have also been ramping up such activities in Japanese territory trying to out muscle Japan around the Senkaku islands.
North Korea wants to establish itself as a nuclear power, and being as unstable as it is, is like giving assault weapons to the inmates of insane asylums. How safe do you feel living next door to that?
So yes Japan is expending more to keep itself as safe as it can, and a huge part of that is having the ability to give a very bloody nose to anyone that chances attacking you.
If Japans neighbors were not rapidly expanding their militaries for no good or necessary reason, then your assessment may have merit. But as they are making so many weapons of war it leaves Japan in a precarious position. Japan is erring on the side of caution and is conducting its own buildup to ensure its neighbors do not attack, and if they do, Japan can adequately defend itself. And by defending itself, I mean having the ability to reply to any attacker in force and on their territory.
Japan has no other credible option. Forced into this corner its only logical answer is to build up its own muscle, and show it off to deter potential aggressors.
It would be irresponsible and a disservice to the Japanese people to not shore up their self-defense forces to make Japan into a fortress.
What is the money being spent on?
Not addressed in the article.
What is the defense against an ICBM with a nuclear warhead, minutes away from Japan’s cities and US bases?
As far as I know Japan has no plans to build nuclear bomb proof shelters and therefore “defense measures” have absolutely no meaning.
What a waste of money. Any idea how much money we will able to spare to do other things if the military wasn't needed or least downsize to around 100k people. There is really not a lot of need for them. Quantity over quality at this point. Instead focus more on the drones industry. Is definitely a interesting market in the modern world.
Ricky Kaminski13
You can predict these sort of comments from the usual types who lack the abilities to see or comprehend the complex global power shifts happening and the various scenarios that could play out in the coming years. In my country of Australia the details and strategy to enhance naval capabilities were just announced yesterday too, and we heard similar voices of anger, contempt and cynicism from the usual 'No More War' crew who all tend to magically align in their various causes.
Look, no regional player wanted to see tensions rise in the Indo Pacific, but with a beligerant communist force with a hundred year chip on it's shoulders, acting out and flexing, the price of not standing up to them and pushing back could be disastrous. Everyone wants peace and free trade, but the only way to get it is through a position of strength and deterance. It really is that simple. How well the politicians explain that to the populace will determine their competency. Being exactly what the other side isn't, forthright, transparent and open is the way.
I too wish we lived in a world of shared values and common good will, but also see how far we are from that strangely elusive promised land. Hope is an emotional resource but so is feet on the ground preparation for the worst and pragmatism.
@Ramsey's Kitchen Everything is relative. If you move to Japan from the Philippines (for example) Japanese social services seem awesome. Just saying.
It boggles my mind that so many simply ignore public data over and over again.
Percentage of GDP spent on military by country (Wiki)
Russia 4.1% (certainly trending up)
USA 3.5%
India 2.4%
UK 2.2%
China 1.6%
There are multiple political parties that people can vote for. The DPP was in power from 2010-2012.
If the Japanese people choose the LDP (and I'm certainly no fan of them), so be it.
I would agree. It should join Pillar Two of AUKUS and upgrade all its defenses (and it likely will do at some point).
As a treaty partner Japan would naturally liaise with the US, but any strike would be decided by the Diet and its elected representatives.
Disagree if you want - that's your prerogative - but I would argue that Japan is doing well in terms of social care compared to the G7 and many other countries. It's certainly not perfect, but I'd say it's generally comparable to, or better than, anywhere apart from, say Scandinavia or Switzerland.
Have you seen, for example, the state of healthcare in the US? Or the UK cuts to social care and the NHS, resulting in huge waiting lists and even the re-emergence of Victorian era diseases?
The child support you mention is actually increasing in Japan, as was reported just the other day:
If you're unhappy in Japan (if you live here) you should probably move elsewhere... though you may be disappointed in what you find.
Not if it gets its defense posture right. However, if it doesn't, China/Russia/North Korea certainly would.
Bear in mind that China is already "attacking" in a gray zone sense - via encroachment on Japan's territory in the Senkakus, via cyber attacks, and via economic aggression. And Russia is occupying the Northern Territories, and also cyber attacking.
That's hardly the only support though, is it? Free doctors, dentists, medicines? Free/mostly free education? Free/heavily subsidized support for kids with special needs?
There's a lot more to it than cash handouts, and I stand by my assessment that Japan does relatively well on social care. If you disagree, fine.
As usual, all the know-nothing haters of America are out en masse. It would cost a country like Japan, with the new axis of evil triplets of Russia, China and North Korea a short ICBM flight away, probably 3 to 4 times what it spends now to plan, develop, test and put into service its own aircraft, ships, missiles, submarines, etc. Not to mention the training, feeding, basing and outfitting of troops. The U.S. leaves and your kids and grandkids get drafted into a standing military because the SDF is nowhere large enough nor capable of defending against the more than capable threats of those countries. All you computer keyboard warriors only have the freedom to keep typing nonsense due to the steady deterrent force the U.S presents. Facts.
For the most part I agree but it is all hands on deck to produce enough missiles these days.
No one can know what the true military expenditure of China is.
Well, when the experts being consulted all benefit directly or indirectly from having an inflated budget for defense it is hard to think they could reach any other conclusion.
The head of a Japanese Defense Ministry expert panel said Monday that the nation's planned 43 trillion yen defense outlays for five years from the current fiscal year 2023 may be insufficient, citing recent price surges and a weaker yen.
The spending plan is already much larger than in past years to address security threats from China's military buildup and North Korea's nuclear and missile programs. But the panel's head, Sadayuki Sakakibara, cast doubt on whether the government can strengthen its defense posture under the plan.
80 year old Sadayuki Sakakibara, has no experience or the remotest inkling to quote understand .......
The process of acquiring new defence and security capabilities and the process of maintaining existing capabilities.
I question the other panel members capacities/capabilities to secure or comment on the implementation of the defence procurement process. "Japan's ¥43 trillion defense spending plan"......
Consisting of scholars, former senior government officials and business leaders, the 17-member panel is tasked with advising the government on drawing up specific measures to boost Japan's defense capacities based on its three key documents updated in December 2022.
What possessed any notion that such a panel could possibly advise on such an undertaking?
A basic knowledge of the defense acquisition pipeline procedure, the cost supply base, complex supply chains is essential.
This is ¥43 trillion of taxpayers money!!!
The same process that selected the panel that advised on 2020 Summer Olympics?
The colossal waste of tax payer money, the accusations of bribery corruption.
Foresight that could have foreseen the risk of criminal court cases.
That saw fit to appoint the now disgraced ex-Tokyo Olympics chief Yoshiro Mori, that insisted this fool that subsequently created a global backlash on his remarks about women?
Hideomi Kuze
This "expert panel" is mere farce that gathering only person who want to thrust arms race. Greedy they intend to push arms race cost to general citizen despite highest ever profit and internal reserves of large corporations.
But Japanese general citizen who save even food expenses or utility cost by poverty cannot burden more cost to buy weapons.
LDP-industrial complex continue to victimize even health or the lives of citizen for their making money.
Told ya! This will always take precedence over the actual spending on domestic issues... you know, like the promised increases to families to encourage growth? Kiss all that goodbye.