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© KYODOJapan arranging to shoulder $3.3 billion in G7 loans for Ukraine
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Japanese politicians, since the time of modernization (some even before modernization), have mostly had deep ties to Zionists who make money by starting wars all over the world.
You seem to think the US belongs at the negotiating table for a war in which zero American troops are participating. Why is that? Putin needs someone to pull pranks on him?
Because it is true despite the wishes of some posters.
Are you under the impression they they have no other investments?
Defeating fascist Russia is a priority. If a few get rich for doing their patriotic duty of arms production, then that is the price we must pay.
Ukraine is fighting for their independence so they can't surrender. Russia should not have started a war of aggression if they wanted to keep us all safe from MAD.
Ukraine can’t win. Waste of money. Tell NATO to go home before they kickoff a nuclear war.
Please send and donate more money to various countries, except to Japan itself.
Send more money until the Yen completely de values, and the inflation will be the worst in Japan's history.
"Arms manufacturing is 3% of US GDP. Time to come up with alternative explanations".
Here it is :) The same refrain, the usual suspect.
Blacrock, Vanguard Group and States Side are the top US hedge funds which control most of the money circulating in financial markets, from VISA credit cards (currently bien investigated from Japanese authority), to the Osprey helicopters based in Okinawa hated by the localo population. These companies are profiting from the terrible ongoing wars and instability, and it does not matter whether you sustain Ukraine, Israel or Taiwan. This is not the point. When US decides to support Kiev does not send money to Ukraine, but gives money to their own industry to build new weapons, in case it is not clear.
You seem to be under the impression that relations will be normalized soon or ever.
Arms manufacturing is 3% of US GDP. Time to come up with alternative explanations.
I'm not sure what ranking you are using but guess who would have to be ranked above them?
How do you explain Ukrainians sitting in beaches in Vietnam and Thailand presently whilst there is a war in?
How do you explain the high end Ukrainian plated cars being driven around Monaco and S France?
How do you explain the ongoing high level of corruption in Ukraine where officials siphon off funding?
Give it a go and tell me why Ukraine is in the top ten most corrupt countries in the world?
They aren't giving it to Ukraine as cash Ukraine could freely decide on how to spend is it?
This would come as products and services that will be provided by the lending countries?
If that's the case then this is very beneficial to the lending countries. The bigger the amount they lend the better since that represents the amount of business they'll be getting providing materials and services to Ukraine that will be paid for by Russia
The decision from Japan’s Premier Kishida of forking out this huge amount of money shows the incompetence of political class in Japan and the level of subservience to Washington.
Billions of dollars which will simply go to Blacrock, Vanguard Group and States Side, which in order control the major weapons manufacturers in America. How do you explain the recent record high of Wall Street despite these conflict and the instability on a geopolitical level?
It is not just just Ucraine, think about Gaza, and how these wars could end rapidly without the support of US Congress. This is utter deceitfulness from America, and the real problems of Japan, starting with young families who are craving for more support from Tokyo government, and elderly care facilities who needs assistance. And a peaceful world for their nephews, not war rhetoric or scapegoats.
Sounds nice yea but, where is this money going?
Wasn't Ukraine pretty high in the corrupt politician rankings?
I'd rather have Japanese companies directly involved instead, as then we have a better idea of where the pork barreling goes.
Or how about no ?
So, Russian money is being stolen to give loans to Ukraine?
That’s bound to make the Russians trust the Americans and the Europeans.
Meanwhile the Ricky of Ukraine slum it in Monaco and France.
OB one
Where is all that money going? That means more taxes for us!!? It’s hard enough to survive already food prices gas prices , now you want to help another nation before taking care of your own now that’s crazy..
This is the dumbest thing Japan could ever do.
The measure of killing the terrorists trying to blow the country up.
For the people P&Ming about helping Ukraine, this is ¥2600. Ain't going to save anyone's pension but if spent wisely can keep Russia out of everyone's business for the foreseeable future.
Kishi, shoulder your OWN people first..
Solve Japan's problems first..
Stop doing stupidities..
Stop acting like a US lackey..
It appears that South Korea was wise enough to avoid this folly.
Please lower my National Health Insurance payments, city-prefectural taxes, property tax, vehicle tax, shaken and pension and then maybe consider "shouldering $3.3 billion in loans" to Ukraine. Fix the problems at home first.
. . . With all the loans from western countries, and now Japan, what is being done to ensure that the country will use the funds for better purpose, and what measures will the country take to ensure future economic stability of its own country . . . ?
Kishida is as incompetent as Biden, who mistook Zelensky for Putin, but the direction of supporting Ukraine is correct.
Can a country that abandons other countries be helped in times of crisis?
The answer is no. 3.3 billion dollars? Let's stop providing welfare benefits to foreigners right now to save money. That should save us more than 10 billion dollars a year.
Japan is the country with the largest debt in the world, second only to the United States.
Unfortunately, it is unlikely that the country will become like Argentina. The revival of semiconductor technology will once again bring huge profits to Japan.
The yen's depreciation will continue to accelerate, and inflation will rise gradually. It all depends on how companies respond.
Where does all this giving money to Ukraine lead to? Do you think Russia will ever give up? They could go on forever. Isn’t this money just thrown away?
Waste of money.. when is really need it here..
Tyrants never ever compromise, there strategy is always to dominate, through a clandestine methodology to lull into a false sense of security.
Taiwan Ukraine is a heart beat away from capitulation whilst the G7 "fiddles".
That is until the G7 realise, that the cost appeasement brings unthinkable consequences.
Wick's pencil
If the USA did nothing in 2014, Ukraine would still be intact today and 100,000's of its men alive.
If American President wanted, really really wanted, the war would long be finished.
instead, they make all Ukrainians and the President Zelenski look like beggars each time and draw more irritation from other helping countries.
those who have clear minds and eyes long understood this bitter truth.
Wick's pencil
Yeah, I'm sure the Russians will appreciate the theft of their assets.
Japan should stay out of this conflict. There must be something in it for Kishida himself.
Mr Kipling
Good obedient vassals doing their duty.
Oh, I see! So if the USA did nothing, Russia would totally stand down? How did you come to know so much about global politics?
This money does not come from Japanese tax payers, but from seized Russian funds. Well done, Japan.
Meanwhile people at home cannot afford to raise families due to family tax credit cuts -- which of course the government had to do because there's just no money. And of course they need to raise taxes because people aren't having kids and aren't spending money (they don't have). Pension fund going to disappear, social security stretched to the point that the government is floating the idea of raising the retirement age to 70 or higher so they don't have to pay as much back, etc. So, thanks for using our money on this just to look good.
Joseph Tan
War and Aggression has no place in this modern world, but sadly, USA still think they can do what they like.
If China's economy rises sufficiently to allow it to function without international sales and consequently invades Taiwan and, as the fearmongers would have us believe it, Okinawa, Japan ain't going to be able to do a thing about it as it'll be bankrupt.
Yes, when you vote in the next election.
Quo Primum, the G7 creating by there own actions, or lack of, the very framework, the lack of resolve that leads disputes conflicts to world wars.
World War Two, the lessons forgotten, ignored by a generations soaked in greed
War never simply happens occurs by accident, war develops festers over a period of time from a refusal to act when a belligerent predator senses fear, the smell of blood.
No half in, half out, confront Putin before it is to late.
Quo Primum, war is knocking on all our doors, because EU/UK/US governments lacked the leadership to deter Putin. The Minsk agreements invited Putin to invade.
Don't we get a say in this?
Quo Primum
How to say "we should pursue policies that will drag us closer and closer to World War III" without the inconvenience of having to use the actual words.
There are no good logical reasons why Japan, the U.S., or pretty much any country in the West should care so much about who controls some nondescript windswept chunk of land in a relatively small slice of Ukraine.
Emotional and virtue-signaling reasons, maybe, but not logical ones.
Quo Primum
Gazillions of dollars, yen, euros, etc. being dumped into the bank accounts of what consistently ranks, year after year, as one of the most corrupt governments in the world.
Foreign policy based on pure emotion and social-media emojis that reek of virtue signaling? That's not leadership. And it's certainly not furthering peace -- it's only enabling war.
The citizens of many countries in the world should be able to claim Zelensky as a dependent on their tax returns. This is getting ridiculous.
Ukraine is a subject of intense interest for Japan due to its similarity to a possible CCP invasion of Taiwan. Making the conflict international sets a precedent that could well benefit Japan in future - not to mention altruism.
Ukraine need unequivocal support, the advance weapons systems, full navy, full air, ground, logistical superiority, intel.
Not endless G7 summits, the preposterously ludicrous complex loan programs, the conferences, the meetings, the promises of future pennies, the constant stalling.
All the G7 members are totally out of their depth, out smarted, out played, humiliated, by both the Governments of China/Russia.
Cowering behind treaties, appeasers, waving a white flag.
Japanese government could draw on a past where honour truly meant, rectitude, courage, benevolence, respect, honesty, honour, loyalty, wisdom, care for the elderly , emphasizing obedience/authority.
President Putin believes totally the G7 are weak ineffectual group of cowards lacking the backbone, spineless.
You know what they say about a "straw man" argument.
The June G7 summit agreed to back a US proposal to make a $50 billion loan to Ukraine backed by frozen Russian assets. The US initiated the plan and Japan, as always, obediently agreed to participate.
I am all for stopping Putin in his tracks, but Japan should have nothing to do with this war it is on Europe's soil NATO nations need to step up and solve this mess one way or another.
There are several options on the table and one of them is to keep on fighting till the bitter end as war mongers desire, the rest of the world want's to see a peaceful negotiation and an agreement that will protect Ukraine borders and sovereignty, guess we have to wait till Trump takes over.
Tell us more of this CoNsPiRaCy theory, Comrade.
Anyway- good for Japan. The solidarity toward free Ukraine is absolutely correct.
The US is orchestrating Fukushima, Noto, and the transportation network in Japan? Interesting theory.
Japan taxpayers are still paying a surcharge for Fukushima reconstruction.
NHK reports that six months after the earthquake the Noto peninsula faces a "long road" to recovery.
Japan's rail and bus transportation system is overcrowded and pressed for money.
And what is Kishida and the LDP busy doing?
They are busy arranging a huge "loan" to Ukraine that will likely eventually be paid by Japan taxpayers.
And of course the United States is orchestrating all of this. And Kishida says: "yes, yes, yes".