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© 2015 AFPJapan, China hold first security talks in 4 years
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Yes more "Pivoting" as the PRC has never proven itself to be worthy of trusting. Just more and more opposition to its neighbors and to freedom internally.
Loh Chee Leong
Yes, it is time to have security talks for prolong peace in this region.
On the other hand hope no more illful and disgusting "Pivoting" (which in actual fact a chaos creating process), just let those that are sincere enough (AIIB+some G7 members) to have more time and space to help the world, to grow steadily and peacefully, with the recomendation of the "1 belt, 1 route" projects, win to all !
Only one of those countries does this:
Everytime there is an article about China, self proclaimed foreign experts on China who can't even read Chinese and whose knowledge base consist of Western media like to write mini essays proclaiming China's true, malevolent intentions.
Paul Vulaj, maybe you are confused. If “China has only one intention, to steal even the tiny islands that have never belonged to them,” the situation would have been reversed and China would have built a station on the islands by now. China put the islands dispute on the shelf for decades and we hardly heard about it until a couple years ago when Japan decided to drag it off the shelf. Japan even lied about having a verbal agreement to shelve the dispute until Britain confirmed that the agreement did exist. Why lied about it unless Japan is guilty of stealing the islands from China, and that’s not the only lie either. Now, many major European countries, starting with Britain, have trusted China enough by joining China in establishing AIIB, and you know who will be sitting on the side line? Of course, it will be Japan. Many countries took advantage of defenceless China in the past and the worst one was Japan. But China is no longer China of the past where you associated the word “communist” with distrust. China today is so advanced in so many fields and it’s on its way to become a developed country in the near future. Chinese people are now able to travel the world and they learn, and help boost tourism industries all over the globe. Trust is shown when China has brought prosperity and happiness to many countries. China is the only country in the world that has trade ties virtually with every country in the world. You see China has no real enemy that is why it’s called “middle kingdom” where every country is connected to it. So, there is really no reason not to trust China.
Tohka, glad to hear that “Xinhua is a laughable source of "truthful" information.” I always read with an open mind and always compare sources to find out the truth if there is any. I’ve found some western and Japanese media are even worse.
Xinhua is a laughable source of "truthful" information, let alone any "news service" affiliated directly with the CCP. I hope these talks actually produce results, instead of more "patriotic" chest thumping for the domestic masses, but I am still wary of the PRC in these talks as they have shown over the last few years that if they can take something for free, they will. It's very easy to claim "historical rights" especially when the boundaries keep getting moved by them. What next? "Historical rights" to Okinawa, and perhaps the Korean peninsula from a "long lost map" from over 1000 years ago? When is this land grab going to stop??
Even most Chinese themselves know for a truth that "facts" coming from places like Xinhua have little or no credibility.
Paul Vulaj
No matter what Japan does, China has only one intention, to steal even the tiny islands that have never belonged to them. Do not trust them any farther than you can throw them!
Yup. Japa has been requesting htis for years now. And the U.S. has made it clear that it's a necessity to avoid incidents. But China has been refusing to move forward, probably too busy whining about Imperial Japan 70 years ago and stealing territory from their smaller Asian neighbors.
.."Hong pointed out that the Diaoyu Islands and its affiliated waters are extended beyond the sheet line of the map in the form of 'border break', serving as powerful evidence that the Diaoyu Islands are a part of China..."
Yeah. That makes sense. (NOT)
According Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei, 1969 map proves Diaoyu Islands belong to China.
Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs just released a map from PRC in 1969 indicating "尖閣群島” (Senkaku Islands) on their official map.
Pg 21.
@OssanAmerica There is the issue of setting up hotlines. It is disgraceful that hasn't been done yet, and guess who was holding it up.
Japan, China hold first security talks in 4 years
Emperor Xi lost his propaganda war against Japan and in an effort to save face he is forced to play nice with Prime Minister Abe. No, he couldn't force Prime Minister Abe and Japan to kowtow before his royal regalness. So now he has to find a way to make it seem as if he won his propaganda war.....So his surrogates wag their finger in public while smiling and bowing in private.
All that wasted time and nothing to show for it must be hard to swallow for Emperor Xi.....
I wonder if President Park and her fanatics are starting to feel Communist China's leaders cold shoulder?
Speaking of South Korea, President Park will soon be forced to follow Emperor Xi's orders and reluctantly fall in line and agree to play nice with Japan.
Must be hard to swallow ones words and forced to eat crow.....I expect that both Communist controlled China and it's tributary state of South Korea will try some new and improved war of words against Japan......
Where is Emperor Qubilai when they need him?
If only those storms and the Kamakura Shogunate wouldn't have halted his invasion plans todays Asia would have been different!
But, I for one am glad that we have the Asia that we have today rather than the Asia that could have been!
What is there to be asking? China is seekig strategic dominance in the East and South China Seas. It sees the United States and it's alliances as the biggest obstacle to attaining that goal. Everything Japan is doing is to simply further the US alliance and support that obstacle. The only issue to be discussed is whether China is prepared to tell it's PLA/PLAN hotshots to avoid taking any provacative action which may intentionally or unintentionally cause a conflict.
The idea is to avoid dangerous misunderstandings. The more each country knows about the military activities and strategy of the other, the less chance for miscalculation that could lead to conflict.