Japan Today

Japan, U.S. express concern at China-Vietnam maritime dispute


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Just another example of what is to come, Communist China is taking Asia on a road trip that will lead to another world war.

17 ( +24 / -7 )

Another example of China's "peaceful" rise.

19 ( +25 / -6 )

Hopefully China's diplomacy alone will be enough to resolve this conflict.

-12 ( +4 / -16 )

China's moves are a sign of expansionism. Beijing still wields the biggest stick in the South China Sea. China should exercise restraint and take no action that would escalate tension in the region.

23 ( +24 / -1 )

Chinese officials will avoid reading the news for an entire week

15 ( +18 / -3 )

Actually I dont trust either Japan or China. Japan will see this as an opportunity to expand its forces overseas, with the possiblity of bases in Vietnam, creating a new order in the pacific with naive welcomers in the U.S.

China will continue to ride the wave of Japans "fear" of China and become more aggressive.

Once this fatalistic dream by the nationalist in Japan has been realized, then there will be a conflict. For all those who are hooraying Japan as the new "peacekeeper" in the region, they are uninformed fools. The Chinese are reacting to what they foresee coming. The way to counter this is to contain the nationalist in Japan and bring China into the talks etc instead of ignoring them. This was the policy before this regime but suddenly its all been reversed

Now China, a close cultural brother to Japan, will refrain from using logic (as japan does) and react, with equal reaction from Japan.

-25 ( +6 / -32 )

Just another example of what is to come, Communist China is taking Asia on a road trip that will lead to another world war.

Seems to be where this is all leading. Very unfortunate, but China (like North Korea) thrives on outside conflict to keep its citizens from toppling their government.

21 ( +22 / -1 )

"Once this fatalistic dream by the nationalist in Japan has been realized, then there will be a conflict."

petals: What is this "fatalistic dream"? Although Japan would like islands returned from Russia and South Korea, it isn't in control of any of these islands. It only controls one disputed island chain. And China claims the ENTIRE South China Sea (in addition to territorial disputes with India). So which country is causing the most friction and more ambitious to expand?

17 ( +18 / -1 )

It seems that Chinese regime is becoming emboldened by Russia’s Ukrainian move.

However, besides of harsh criticisms, there is little rationales for the US to rush in and defend Vietnam at this point given current American national sentiment on wars not to mention the US and the West are having a handful -facing the unfolding crisis in Ukraine and the unpredictable Putin.

Vietnam and China fought each other in 70s and 90s, they might be able to find a way to settle the conflict themselves without outsiders’ involvements and bloodshed.

Japan should take cautious measure and thus encourage dialog as any Imprudent moves may bear long term ramifications for Japan.

-11 ( +3 / -14 )

What these incidents with Vietnam and Philippines shows is that China has not clarified the stance regarding South China Sea issues and they have no clear blueprint for its actions or understanding of what its true interests are in the region. China has taken some contradictory actions in the past few years. They have strengthen its military but simultaneously been developing more active diplomatic relations. There are many proponents of a more belligerent stance, but there are also people in China arguing vigorously for more liberal foreign relations. In a short term, the popular sentiment favor assertive strategic goals, but Chinese government understands its own limits in terms of military power and ability to enforce law at sea. Hopefully, there is a possibility of a more flexible Chinese stance in the future.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

EthanWilberMay. 09, 2014 - 08:18AM JST However, besides of harsh criticisms, there is little rationales for the US to rush in and defend Vietnam at this point >given current American national sentiment on wars not to mention the US and the West are having a handful -facing >the unfolding crisis in Ukraine and the unpredictable Putin.

Best not to confuse the American public's desire to avoid long lengthy land involvements against unidentifiable adversaries and short quick air sea confrontations against a clearly defined enemy in their backyard.

5petalsMay. 09, 2014 - 08:00AM JST Actually I dont trust either Japan or China. Japan will see this as an opportunity to expand its forces overseas, with the >possiblity of bases in Vietnam, creating a new order in the pacific with naive welcomers in the U.S.

The world has no problem with Japan but they all see China as the biggest threat to peace in the region. So you are saying that the U.S. government has been "naïve" for the last 64 years?

9 ( +14 / -5 )

Japan, please don't act as a peacemaker, you also did to other nation before. mind your own country.

-23 ( +3 / -26 )

Ossan, "Best not to confuse the American public's desire to avoid long lengthy land involvements against unidentifiable adversaries and short quick air sea confrontations against a clearly defined enemy in their backyard.."

Wishful thinking again; here is the reality: Obama did not order a quick surgical air strike on Syria on his line drown on the sand, you think he will do it to American largest business partner. Please don’t forget Putin is going to visit China in two weeks, White House has no desire to alienate Chinese and thus push Russia and China together for Vietnam (Vietnam war has left huge and undeniable deep scar on American national psych.)

"The world has no problem with Japan but they all see China as the biggest threat to peace in the region. So you are saying that the U.S. government has been "naïve" for the last 64 years?"

About your theory of threat, for your information, The US does not see China or S.K as threat the same way as Japan does, Why ? here is an possible answer.

Mitsuharu Akao, an assistant professor at Osaka University. recently said “As China and South Korea increase their presence in the political and economic spheres, Japan is being criticized for what it did during World War II. At the root of the latest trend is a feeling that such developments are a threat.”

The US is a practical country unlike Japan which is becoming its own prisoner of ultra-Nationalistic sentiments.

BTW, please don't waste your time.

-14 ( +1 / -15 )

Ethan Wilbur, How does Syria have anything to do with an air-sea conflict? Nobody, US or Japan sees S.K. as a threat. What are you even talking about? You are the one wasting everyone else's time spouting Chinese propaganda disguised as semi-intellectual academic argument.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

China, that fat schoolyard Bully, will get slapped by many hands.

10 ( +15 / -5 )

China mistook the name "South CHINA sea".

13 ( +14 / -1 )

Let the world nuke each other to Hell, Mother earth could sleep in Peace, to recover for the next few million years.

We humans are just here temporary like rental, we don't own mother, we abuse what she give us, time for her to take back what belong to her and be damn with the human animals

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Well China did supply N. Vietnam with supplies and expertise during that war over 40 years ago. Perhaps an exchange was made.

Who put that Vietnamese boat in MY water? Why does MY water have a Vietnamese boat in it?

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

How to win friends and influence people, Chinese style!!!

10 ( +12 / -2 )

Neither the first known written language of Sumerian culture in Chinese, nor Adam & Eve? For sure, the first drop of water from asteroids during earth formation not yet claimed by communist China! Just look at the map, it shows how shameless, selfish and greedy China can be. World body must resolve all these nonsense claims by all nations. Just disregard the rhetoric, if serious war break out; China will be in check and deserve as most bullies should get.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

MarkG: Who said that sea belongs to China? Never Have a look again on map of this maritime dispute where Chinese ships attacked Vietnamese patrol vessels and where a deep-water drilling rig is being located

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Another nation that needs to fight or die. The Peoples Republic of China will claim the entire South China Sea and then the country of Vietnam as well. There is no way the rebellious provinces of The Republic of China can fight all of the Asia countries at once. They can not attack Vietnam, China, Japan, etc except one at a time. So it is up to the peaceful nations of Asia to resist the communists at all costs. This is another fight of be dominated. Fight or become the communists slaves, there is no other choice. Sink the oil rig and its escorts and then deny doing such. The Peoples Navy of Vietnam has improved Kilo class submarines.

Lastly we all know how the Chinese communists want to invade the peace loving people of Vietnam. They had done so as recently as 1979. So again to Vietnam it is to fight of be the communists slaves.

12 ( +14 / -2 )

Still more Chinese shenanigans...now with Vietnam...My goodness, what creeps!

4 ( +5 / -1 )

China is breaking her own rules of communism which decry adventurism and opportunism. Mao's little red book is no longer being followed. Because of internal conflict, patience is no longer an option. WWIII is coming. The dragon will be slain but it will require an arrow to the weak point, ala Smaug; The leadershipThe entitled privileged old men who pretend to work for the people whilst enriching themselves and their families according to the tenets of Confucius. The same old regime except the emperor is in a mausoleum and the eunuchs rule in his name.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

So it is up to the peaceful nations of Asia to resist the communists at all costs.

@ Yuri - umm, sorry to tell you, but Vietnam already IS a communist, one-party state.

3 ( +5 / -2 )


However, besides of harsh criticisms, there is little rationales for the US to rush in and defend Vietnam at this point given current American national sentiment on wars not to mention the US and the West are having a handful -facing the unfolding crisis in Ukraine and the unpredictable Putin.


Looks like you missed the boat. Or boats.


You can see how "disgusted" the locals are by reading their comments after the article. Yesterday's enemy is today"s friend.

Speaking of which,


Don't let 23 links at the bottom of the page deter you from whatever it is you are doing. I'd be curious to know but I think I'll drink another coffee instead.

Mitsuharu Akao, an assistant professor at Osaka University. recently said “As China and South Korea increase their presence in the political and economic spheres, Japan is being criticized for what it did during World War II. At the root of the latest trend is a feeling that such developments are a threat.”

Worked there. Never heard of him. Funny considering he's reached the grand heights of an assistant professor at a place, actually 3 campuses, crawling with them. Turn over a rock, oh look, there's another one.

The US is a practical country unlike Japan which is becoming its own prisoner of ultra-Nationalistic sentiments.

And yet, Japan hasn't fought anyone for 70 years. How do you define "practical"? Actually, don't bother.

BTW, please don't waste your time.

You go first.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Don't get me wrong, but China will keep doing this because as the world map says "South China Sea" and "East China Sea" , the seas has their name, All countries around this Situation , should change the name map as the Korean made books in USA to change from Sea of Japan to East Sea, (sarcasm)

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I Hope the Vietnamese stomp a mud hole in china!

4 ( +6 / -2 )

@ All

All people should be clear on these so called disputes water area. For thounds of years but recently decades these area are belong to China, and even in the year 1949, when China claimed them again, no aspect speak against this.

So who is trying to occupy whose territory?

But reading the upper comments, I am speechless.

-8 ( +3 / -11 )


Communist China is taking Asia . . .

I agree with you to a great extent about China's belligerence and the consequences it may have if left unchecked. But we need to drop the "Communist" tag already. China is not communist and hasn't been for some time now. If we want to use a label, China's an oligarchy. I know "Oligarchic China" doesn't have the same dramatic ring as "Communist China," but it's also insulting to the intelligence of the average reader here to so blatantly pander to fears and insecurities that all but faded with the fall of the Berlin Wall. Commies, Pinkos, and Reds aren't in charge in China anymore. Shameless opportunists are.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Nope after the US withdrew from Vietnam, the Vietnamese kicked China's ass because the Chinese thought Ho Chi Minh was against the US and was pro-Russian and Chinese, instead of seeing him as a nationalist, the Vietnamese have never liked China, they're on better terms with US than they are with the Chinese or Russians

4 ( +7 / -3 )

The plan before with China, when the worlds attention was on the middle east, was wishful thinking that China might migrate slowly towards democracy. Capitalism was taking root, but now they have become aggressive and nationalistic. China is very complex, and most of its people dont care about the goverment. Most dont even have bad views about Japan, at least the ones I have met, but I get a lecture weekly from Japanese about how horrible Chinese .

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

I refer to my comments on an article last week, predicting China's aggression toward the weaker countries Vietnam and Philippine, when the US and Japan declared strengthening ties helping to upgrade naval surveillance capability for SE Asian countries..

I am very concerned now after reading lots of crazy world domination comments from young Chinese nationals on Youtube about this coastal violation incident. Many have no idea about the destruction and suffering of wars. Many think conquering the world is the game they can play on the computer desktop, just simply unbelievable.

The young Vietnamese nationals seems to have a better restrain, and some expressed their country's desire for a peaceful mean of negotiation, and war appears to be their last choice for survival. I guess this explained why they always managed to kick the invaders out of their country in the past. Some Vietnamese expressed their country's desire to taking on the peace maker role in the new world order. Admirable and positive attitudes I would think..

Some comments from the Vietnamese nationals refer to the US/Japan alliance is an option they need to seriously considered after this coastal violation from China. My personal opinion is Vietnam would be able to face China aggression alone if they have similar military hardware as Japan. May be the US and Japan do not need to get involve directly, but helping with the modernization of the Vietnamese army and navy would be enough to keep China in it's peaceful place.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Arr your base are berong to us!

2 ( +4 / -2 )

china, making friends

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Wishful thinking again; here is the reality: Obama did not order a quick surgical air strike on Syria on his line drown on the sand, you think he will do it to American largest business partner.

Intervening in a civil war is hardly comparable to intervening in an international war. America's biggest problem is that they try and fix a country once they've defeated them. It worked to some extent with Japan, but that's probably the last time it worked. From the Korean War on, it's generally been replacing one ruthless regime with another. If the U.S. would get it out of their heads that things have to be better after they leave, they'd be much more willing to wade into something like the Syrian Civil War.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Time to rename the "South China Sea" the "East Viet Nam Sea" and see what China thinks of that.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Japan is exercising mature and moral thinking, and I agree. whether its a ploy to win hearts and minds or to take advantage in some way is beyond the point if what they are saying is right. China is encroaching everywhere in Asia. These Asian nations should rise up and invade from all sides, with hopefully Tibet leading the charge.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Although U.S. claims they are not trying to contain China, U.S. intention of Asian-Pacific region is to achieve a balance in favor of the U.S. and that was the main goal of recent Obama’s Asia trip. But this might be a unbalanced approach since it favors countries that have disputes with China, so China is forced to seek a counterbalance by being more assertive toward countries that they have conflicts. The U.S. rebalancing strategy in the Asia-Pacific region also is aimed at achieving a strategic balance between China and Japan that will prevent war between them but also prevent their reconciliation. U.S. objective is to keep China and Japan divided.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

America will do nothing to confront China personally for if they did they would lose an open line of credit that allows them to borrow money from China.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

Bear27840May. 10, 2014 - 04:21AM JST America will do nothing to confront China personally

Few months ago, two US B-52 bombers flew over the disputed Senkaku/Daiyou islands, "in a direct challenge" to China's new air defense zone.

6 ( +6 / -0 )


While I agree with you that the PRC has abandoned all similarity to a communist state, we need something to call them that expresses our true hostility to becoming Chinese slaves. My understanding is the people in Hong Kong call them "locusts" and the people in Taiwan call them "commies". I, for one, hope that "commie" registers with enough invective to get a reaction from the 50-centers.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Dear CCP,

Despite the fact that you can do what you want in your own country, (enjoy it while you can because it's catching up with you domestically too and your days are numbered), you cannot do what the hell you like everywhere else.

Your country is fast becoming a pariah nation. Your own people respect you less and less each passing day. You are your own worst enemy.


The rest of the world

6 ( +6 / -0 )


I hope your confusing Hong Kong with Beijing. Beijing IS Communist! Beijing runs the show in China! Not Hong Kong. So stop trying dilute the spirit of what those folks really are. You may take it down a notch however and deem them Socialist, But in the end they wind up being the very same thing.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

The term "Communist China" needs to be updated to "Fascist China".

2 ( +3 / -1 )


Wrong! They are not even close to "Fascist". They are Communist! They mean entirely different things. Completely separate ideological views.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

superbird1May. 10, 2014 - 11:09AM JST @OssanAmerica Wrong! They are not even close to "Fascist". They are Communist! They mean entirely different things. Completely >separate ideological views.

No superbird it is you who is wrong. Communist China has evolved to the extent that while it considers itself "communist" it has diluted the structure somewhat through the incorporation of capitalism to the extent that we wouldn't be wrong in calling China "socialist". And since the late 1990s, China has swapped out "communism" for "nationalism" as the adhesive to keep the people together. So we could accurately say that the Chinese are now, in the 21st century, "National Socialists". Remember what we used to call National Socialists in the 1940s? This isn't about academically absolute definitions, it's about the behavior pattern of an entire nation.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

I do enjoy these little spats now and then, but you are simply twisting historical fact. Trying to interweave the past ideologies with the present. It just doesn't work. They are indeed still communist with the guise of "fascism" They haven't evolved as much as folks would like to give them credit for. Same attitude, Same oppression, Same China!! Just with slightly more sophisticated weapons. They are a cancer that needs putting down for the greater good of humanity. And trust me, Someone is going to do it because the world doesn't have time for this kind of crap anymore.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Here goes hypocrite China playing the bully game. Well, since commie Vietnam used commie China's help to kick US' ass back then, commie Vietnam must repay the debt by quietly being bullied by China for years to come. China will continue to bully VN and others because it can. The US should just be quiet because it has no teeth. Making empty threats is a waste of energy.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

It is time for Japan to take on the responsible leadership role in the region. Just see pass the ugly ww2 past and try to stop the ww3 in the near future is your new wold order mission.

When China has finished up with a chain of coastal violations in the region, Japan will be seen a living Saint when compare to the irresponsible china by the regional countries. So pick your regional deputies like Australia and India to coach your allies well for the regional security tasks.

8 ( +9 / -1 )


I suspect you may be confusing communism for something else. A socialist government that has nationalized all of its production capcity in all sectors, then redistrubuted the proceeds of people's labor equally across the board is absolutely not what China is today. It made some very good strides towards becoming that in the 50s and 60s, ultimately killing some 20 million fellow Chinese in the process, but it hasn't been that for a very, very, very long time now. It bears meantioning that we no longer live in the 1950s, and the communism you seem to think China embodies is as dead as Joe McCarthy.

You seem to think that employing the word "communism" is the best way to generate the kind of alarm, revulsion, and disdain for China's current international exploits that society would usually reserve for (dare I say it?) Nazis. But it's an ignorant, Pavlovian interpretation of a political system that in theory isn't nearly as evil as you would (and Joe McCarthy, bless his precious soul) would like the world to believe Unless, of course, if you're a champion for unfettered capitalism. In which case, yeah, communism might very well scare the bejeezus out of you. But China isn't that either. And I won't even touch the absurdity of you somehow believing "communism" is leaps and bounds worse than facism (again, see "Nazi Germany"). You use the word "communism," but don't really seem to know what it means. So how about you just stop using it?

Besides, if China were that evil anti-capitalism devil you and so many here still seem to think it is, what exactly do you make of Hong Kong, US$25 cups of Starbucks coffee in Beijing, the proliferation of iPhones throughout Chinese major urban areas, the widening income gap not at all unlike what most industrialized nations in the West are suffering, and what may very well be the single greatest IPO ever when Chinese Internet giant Alibaba makes its first foray into U.S. investment markets?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )


Once again you have wasted your time trying to convince me that china is the "Dudly Do Right" of asia. 3 Paragraphs worth of pinko propaganda. I am indeed a Capitalist.

From Wikipedia: The country is ruled by the Communist Party of China (CPC), whose power is enshrined in China's constitution. The Chinese electoral system is hierarchical, whereby local People's Congresses are directly elected, and all higher levels of People's Congresses up to the National People's Congress (NPC) are indirectly elected by the People's Congress of the level immediately below. The political system is decentralized, and provincial and sub-provincial leaders have a significant amount of autonomy. There are other political parties in China, referred to in China as democratic parties, which participate in the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).>

So, There you have it. As to my being afraid of communist? It isn't fear. More like disgust. No man/woman big or small will EVER dictate to me how to live my life. The one life i have been given by whatever circumstances in our vast universe. I'll pray if i want to. I'll sleep with who i want to. I'll watch what i want to. I'll go to whatever web page i desire. MY LIFE IS MINE!!! It does not belong to ANY government. And i'll live it or terminate it as i see fit. So now you can either pretend to be ignorant as to why I added this last paragraph, I'm sure others know. Or we could just agree to disagree.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Granted, the Chinese regime’s tactics in disputed water are regrettable and detestable, and the world community should encourage China to work on political solutions in territorial disputes with its neighbors instead resorting to use force. But, the covet - expect the US to be the “white knight” to rescue Vietnam or any country for that matter by fighting a war with China, is merely wishful thinking.

There is an unrealistic wish often expressed and longed by many ultra-nationalists from nippon that American should spend its money and shed blood for realizing their sinister nationalistic dreams, but, there is a small problem: the Americans are neither stupid nor blind. When it comes to wars or economic growth, after a decade of wars, the US knows which one to choose when push comes to shove. Syria, Iran and Ukraine are perfect examples that have shown that the US is extremely reluctant to use its military might to solve international conflicts before deploying other means such as sanctions and negotiations beside the closed doors, first.

A dose of American history, the Vietnam War cost the US 58,000 lives and about 350,000 casualties. As a direct result, the US Congress enacted the War Powers Act in 1973 which requires the president to receive explicit Congressional approval before committing American forces overseas. (Although technically American president can still send American troops to foreign countries, it becomes very hard sell in today’s political climate of America)

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

/But, the covet - expect the US to be the 'white knight' to rescue Vietnam or any country for that matter by fighting a war with China, is merely wishful thinking/.

The Chinese regime knows that and that why it behaves it such a irresponsible way toward Vietnam. More importantly Vietnam knows that and always insists on diplomatic means and self reliance for protection. Meanly learning from China invasions from the past, including 1979 border war when big brother China invaded them just to foster a better tie with the US for economic aid. Vietnam current stand is admirable but probably won't work well when dealing with big brother China's wild west behaviors at the moment. Perhaps we can understand the reluctant nature of Vietnam to consider US-JAPAN Alliance as a mean of protection.

The Chinese regime should learn from the border invasion lesson of 1979 when Vietnam was isolated from the rest of the world by the US embargo at the time. Even so they managed to repel China invasion from the north, and liberated Cambodia from the genocidal Polpot's regime in the south. Just imagine what Vietnam can do now when it comes to survival and sovereignty protection with the full support of the world.

I believe Vietnam needs help to modernize her armed forces for self protection, not a direct involvement and that is a safer way Japan and the US and the rest of the free world should consider that as part the new regional security plan. I am very certain now we can rely on Vietnam to take on a Peaceful Role in the New World Order from her past experience of wars.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

EthanWilberMay. 11, 2014 - 08:17AM JST There is an unrealistic wish often expressed and longed by many ultra-nationalists from nippon that American should >spend its money and shed blood for realizing their sinister nationalistic dreams

Ultra Nationalists in Japan are an insignificant looney bunch who drive around in black trucks and annoy everybody. Ultra nationalists in China start with the CCP government, the leaders of the PLA and folks like you. As for "sinister nationalistic dreams": we are witnessing China's sinister nationalistic dream of talking over the entire South and East China Seas at the expense of smaller Asian nations, a point made rather clear if you read the article. Who but a supporter of fascist China would be bashing Japan on a thread about China and Vietnam?

4 ( +6 / -2 )

“Ultra Nationalists in Japan are an insignificant looney bunch who drive around in black trucks and annoy everybody.”

Ossan, I would disgree with your assessment about the numbers of ultra nationalists in Japan. The fact of matters is that both Japan and China are hijacked by significant numbers of ultra nationalistis right now. In a larger sense, Abe and Xi are the linchpins of ultra nationalistic followers who outnumbered of the cool heads in these two countries. As the result, Not only they lead thier countries on the wrong track but also jeopardize the peace of the region

As you my aware, the US expressed its disappointment regarding Abe's ultra nationalistic move last Dec. (Abe's Yasukuni Shrine visit allso drew stinging criticism from international community as well)

-4 ( +0 / -4 )


One, I've only actually addressed you directly once on this thread. So, no, I haven't "once again" tried to convince you of anything. Also, it's not a matter of convincing you or not. That China gradually abandonded communism is a point of fact that is scarcely disputed by anyone in the know -- or under the age of 60.

Two, I've made no effort whatsoever to convince you that China is the "Dudley Do-Right" of Asia (you're dating yourself with that 1960s reference, which may explain a lot about your singular pigheadedness on this point). Far from it, I've characterized China as an agressive, belligerent oligarchy that killed 20 million of its own citizens in the pursuit of "true communism." Not exactly the stuff of warm, fuzzy bedtime stories.

I'm not sure why you provided a snippet of a Wikipedia article other than to point out, *"See? Wikipedia says the Chinese call themselves Communists." I certainly hope that's not why you did it, because if so, it's abundantly clear you're in no mental state to debate this topic. Which I'm more than inclined to believe after that last bizarre "Braveheart" freedom rant.

We could indeed to disagree, but that would require a bit more effort on your part to actually comprehend my previous posts.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Expressed concern? This sentence:“唯恐天下不乱”-(anxious to see the world in disorder; crave nothing short of nationwide chaos; desire to stir up trouble; desire to see the world plunged into chaos),... .. is best to describe these 2 nations, and the other small pawn.

What businesses do they have over there?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

We come to the aid of our allies. We do not fight wars for them. Once China invades any part of Japan, including the Senkakus, then the US will engage, assuming that Japan has taken the bull by the horns and is trying to protect itself.

If Japan acquiesces to a Chinese invasion of the Senkakus without fighting back, then the US will assume that Japan has OK'ed the process...without requiring the US to act, since we hold no position on the sovereignty of the Senkakus.

We're with you, but we're not in front of you. If you fight, we will fight with you.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

/We're with you, but we're not in front of you. If you fight, we will fight with you./

Good to hear the truth from America !. Use the same logic to convince Vietnam to join the US-JAPAN alliance then you will get a positive response.

Japan, the time to act is now!. Helping to modernize Vietnam's armed forces give you a Sword of a Dragon to preserve peace in the region. Vietnam values friendship and loyalty. You can see how they've been supporting Russia in good and bad times since the Soviet era !.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Nothing will come out of it.

US is simply doing its due diligence on making sure it takes care of all sides.

Why don't anyone pay attention to which COMPANIES are helping China on building these platforms, underwater pipelines, and offshore drilling techs?

Guess which US companies that are STRONGLY supported by the congress and senate are profiting off China on these offshore drilling. Guess.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Concerned? Not their business. Only self-interest.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

it would be drilling close to the Paracel Islands—which are controlled by China but claimed by Vietnam.

All sides know that Paracel Islands belong to Taiwan(ROC) after WWII, and actually it's Japan who returned sovereignty of Paracell islands to Taiwan due to 1953 Peace Treaty between the ROC and Japan, witnessed by the US. Vietnam is only a samll pirate, who wants to rob something belong to others! When this pirate ever own Parcell? from France or the US, no mention to time before that when they needed protection from Chin dynasty.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Yeah rite !, China and Taiwan are being bullied and robbed by the little Vietnam. China fishermen are robbed, their boats sunk and some got killed by those giant Vietnam maritime surveillance ships. Big brothers china are powerless to do anything about it and needs help from the US and Japan to fight off Vietnam:). Sure the world can see it clearly now. Such a magnificent play of crying wolf :)

4 ( +5 / -1 )


There is an unrealistic wish often expressed and longed by many ultra-nationalists from nippon that American should spend its money and shed blood for realizing their sinister nationalistic dreams, but, there is a small problem: the Americans are neither stupid nor blind. When it comes to wars or economic growth, after a decade of wars, the US knows which one to choose when push comes to shove. Syria, Iran and Ukraine are perfect examples that have shown that the US is extremely reluctant to use its military might to solve international conflicts before deploying other means such as sanctions and negotiations beside the closed doors, first.

You could say the same for SK but I do not see the SK is having a problem nor trying to resolve it.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

China exposes it's devious and dangerous expansion plan in this case by create a dispute matter in a non-disputed coastal zone of Vietnam. Positioning the oil rig 80 miles into Vietnam's 200 miles exclusive economic zone is just a mean to legalize the ridiculous china's nine dash line.

You can compare this with a scenario when your good neighbor needs more land for expansion, but won't want to buy, simply moved the property boundary fence into your land when you are on vacation, and then demand a negotiation on your return !. How clever is that of China, LOL. Japan should watch out for the same trick from big brother china.

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EthanWilberMay. 11, 2014 - 10:19AM JST As you my aware, the US expressed its disappointment regarding Abe's ultra nationalistic move last Dec. (Abe's >Yasukuni Shrine visit allso drew stinging criticism from international community as well)

The United States was disappointed because the visit would give South Korea a reason to whine, counter to U.S. objectives. The US State Dept statement declared that we recognize that Abe visited to pray for peace.

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Can you imagine a scenario in the future, in which the USA, Japan and other countries have to ask for permission from China before enter or pass through the South China Sea?

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