Japan Today

Japan gov't mulls raising tax-free income threshold from January 2026


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Ward tax ,insurance ,pension will wipe out most of one's earnings ,income tax at 10 % is nothing to worry about

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Reduce the consumption tax to 3-5 % would be a big help to us but will they do that ? No they won't .

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

all Smoke and mirrors. The poor will pay more they always do.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

2026 is too late! The people and low income part-timers struggle now!

I wonder why Japanese are not rising voices and not openly demonstrating?

It hurts not only the immediately affected by limiting their income but also families that try to supress earning not to pass the threshold.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

While lifting the threshold will reduce annual tax revenues, DPP leader Yuichiro Tamaki, a former Finance Ministry bureaucrat, has argued increasing people's disposable income will boost consumption, leading to higher corporate earnings and tax revenues.

All the people who already make well over 1.03 million will get to keep more too, for doing no extra work, so it’ll be a lot of tax revenue gone, for which the extra cash in pockets of these low income workers will have to make up for in extra consumption.

I wonder if Tamaki will resign as an illiterate if the tax revenues don’t increase as he imagines. It’s a classic narrowing of the tax base, so not great policy on the surface.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Tax-free income, what's that? They deduct already from smallest lump sums, 10.21%. Ok, in theory I could apply for a repayment in a tax declaration, but then who pays the paper, printer ink, postage stamps or commutation costs if they order one to explain anything at the regional tax office? Nobody, that makes it even more expensive or exceeds the received money. We live in very harsh and confusing times. This global forensic is not anymore my world nor a world I would show any engagement or activities above necessary minimum or obligations. Stay the hell away from me with all those current and future developments.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

“Tax-free income, what's that? They deduct already from smallest lump sums, 10.21%. Ok, in theory I could apply for a repayment in a tax declaration, but then who pays the paper, printer ink, postage stamps or commutation costs if they order one to explain anything at the regional tax office? Nobody, that makes it even more expensive or exceeds the received money. We live in very harsh and confusing times. This global forensic is not anymore my world nor a world I would show any engagement or activities above necessary minimum or obligations. Stay the hell away from me with all those current and future developments.”

I submit my taxes on my iPhone - analog is cute though.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

FFS just do it instead of this continuous ‘mulling’!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

This political issue is deceptive to distract public eyes from fundamental issue that wages of full−time workers is still oppressed despite labor shortage by small increase of wages of part-time worker.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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