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© (c) 2014 AFPJapan hits back at China for criticizing Abe's remarks
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Abe did say that he wanted Japan to take a leadership role in Asia, and increase its security obligations. So, I expected China to protest that.
However, he also called for the end of the disputes (without naming China) peacefully, and with respect for international law.
I suppose that means calling on nations to follow internationally accepted rules is a provocation to China. Good to know.
Does China realize how their top PLA officers and Foreign Ministry officers look to the rest of the world with their ridiculous childish comments? I mean, I don't think they're even trying to sound credible.
Japan’s foreign policy is primarily based on one and only one issue – to counter its giant neighbor. Nevertheless so far such policy has gotten Japan nowhere except more execrations and more disarray.
Abe has not made any productive and constructive impacts with Japan’s three immediate neighbors since starting his tenure. In fact, Japan relations with Russia, China and S.K are apparently worse off than a year ago.
Is Abe blind or he is absolutely no idea about his image in the world ?
How ridiculous and laughable for Abe to believe he might be a credible leader in Asia to lead given his notorious records? (i.e.According to Abe’s solemn testimony, Fukushima Daiichi is under control.)
Case in point, during an interview given by Wall Street Journal in early 2013, Abe told the reporter he was keen in being leader to lead Asia. Well, Abe spent tons of energy and time to tour 10 ASEAN countries with check-book and promises, Yet, when Abe hosted ASEAN summit in Dec. 2013 in Tokyo, not a single country from 10 ASEAN countries was showing its willingness to be led by Japan, and the joint-statement said all.
Here is an intersting news: Abe called Narendra Modi, the new indian prime minister, invitings him to visit Japan. But Modi did not invtie Abe to visit India. Instead, Modi invited China's Xi to visit India This may give an indication how Asian countries think about Abe's Japan.
For now, Abe can keep dreaming on his Asian leadership while the US will continue to be the leader now and in future in Asia.
I think Abe's policies are succeeding in terms of Japan maintaining it's territorial integrity. The PRC knows too well that it's not going to get away with any 'nine-dashed line' bollocks in the East China Sea so they go to the South China Sea where the opposition is weaker.
They should have pretended to be asleep during the speech. Then ask what's for lunch.
I kid, diplomacy, etc, etc.
Still better than China.
He added:
Why is it every time I read this I get a picture in my head of Daffy Duck jumping up and down with arms flaIling shouting "SHOOT'EM NOW!" "SHOOT'EM NOW!"
China doesn't care what they say about who anymore. They've modernized and built their armed forces to highly offensive capabilities, far exceeding any 'defensive only' needs. China as well has built highly technical and operational cyber warfare capabilities which they have been using now for years with great effectiveness. This is why the Chinese Generals bluster and bluff, the PLA is itching to go to a limited war with anyone to 'prove' they are the big kid on the block that needs to be respected and listened to. So they will keep behaving like bullies until someone swings back. But in the end, it will backfire on China, and China will suffer serious consequences. Asia needs to unite against the growing Chinese threat, which is real. China see's the 21st Century as theirs and the World to rule under them.
bpsitrep JUN. 03, 2014 - 10:26AM JST
Many Asians do not like China is getting more assertive and confrontational. On the other hands, Asians are addicted to China growth and economic opportunities too. They are more interested in milking the cash cows of Chinese tourists, oversea investment and selling their goods and service to the huge market of China. Asia is not Europe which can found the NATO within overnight.
Syria and Iran has demonstrated they did not need to be intimidated with the touch words of " Do not cross the red line". If the global police lost the respect and credibility with WMD fabrication, it will never become the honorable and decent policeman again. Instead of intimidation an touch talks, US should block the PRC ships which are causing the problems. Asian nations want to see the demonstration of US commitment of Asia pivot theory. The first drop of blood should not come from Asian nations. It is the responsibility of the pioneer of Asia NATO.
The definition of China means the middle kingdom in English translation. Ancient China had heavy influence over east Asia with calligraphy, art and craft, cuisine, tradition, celebration and custom. Ethnic Chinese populations are dominating the economy of their adopted nations. Unlikely PRC will not become the Mongol empire which can conquer the large segment of the world. Besides that they have no Genghis Khan who was the military genius.
and what is provocative about that? no reference to china. obviously china believes it was directed at them since they know they are NOT respecting the rule of law.
Could both countries grow up and stop behaving like children on the school ground?
Nhan Thai
lol ! china pretending like they are so gentle ! do not ever trust the Pretender ! lol !
Yes indeed, but did Modi exchange tweets with Dear Leader Xi!? Abe sure won the stakes on that count.
China has licenced to say and to act in whatever manner they like and no one else have this right. Thrown a tantrum if thing don’t go their ways. How childish? If you behave like a child you should be treated like a child.
There's only one country that needs to grow up and stop behaving like the big schoolyard bully. All of Asia and the world know who that is.
Certainly don't want to be accused by a furious wang ^_^
This is where Japan still has a long way to go.
You said your piece, US said its piece. And there is no question Japan coordinated with US on targeting China. So when the Chinese is pointing that fact out, its simply reiterating a fact.
What Japan needs to learn is when to talk and when to stay quiet and either ignore or pretend to ignore. There is no question the Chinese came prepared to pick a fight in a British forum still following the rules of engagement led by the West. China achieved its goal by basically turning the table and crushing all the ambiguity and obscurity set force by precedence. US also achieved its goal by pointing the finger directly at China without any ambiguity.
What Abe said can be regurgitated by any foreign leader or academic in any circumstance or forum. Regional peace, respect of international law... blah blah blah. What is that? Who in the world cares about languages like that?
That was the point by China. Its basically saying Japan should just let the big boys talk shop because whatever you're saying is simply echoing on what Hagel already pointed out. And if you want to say something, be direct instead of acting like a clown murmuring static talking points that can be fit in any circumstance. Another word, be a man, instead of a child.
Even with this supposedly hit back at China, Japan still missed the point. The point is everything is already white hot, everything is on the surface and no more diplomatic bs. This is a military forum, headed by DOD and PLA. Not the State department or foreign ministry. This is supposed to be straight forward, no non-sense bs. Japan still can't get over its traditional way of expression and keep on insinuating the obvious. That's what you got smack in the face.
I think only Japanese and the commentators here think this is some minor crap.
Well, its not. China is telling you to be a man or stfu. Literally. And you guys still didn't get it. That's why you don't hear any response from the DOD or the State department. from US. They knew and anticipated this type of response.
The more important speech should be from Fu Ying, not Wang. She's the one the Chinese specifically sent out. I guess no one here caught it. Which says a lot.
The entire world does. Other than China.
There is a saying" 恼羞成怒 " turn angry (and hit back) from embarrassment and shame; extreme shame turns into anger (and hit back), and this is it...Japan hits back.
Read below what the " third " media commented;
Participating in the Shangri-La Dialogue, representative of the Indonesian military, a reporter from" Global Times", said Abe openly "backup" US-Japan as the cornerstone of security order in Asia is only a " wishful thinking ."
He said, the U.S. and Japanese levels of economic development, political system and culture are not the same with many, whereas China 's level of economic development and culture are much closer with ASEAN and countries around. Thus, Cornerstone of Asian security order "to do away with China" is for sure not possible.
Moreover Abe boasted he wanted to send destroyers and other armaments to Philippines is a very distasteful and disgusting act in the eyes of the public.
" Voice of Russia " on the 2nd June 2014, quoted words from an expert in from Far East Institute of the Russian Academy, Puff Leah Kennedy Branch, said " the United States and Japan, wanted to take advantage of the Shangri-La Dialogue to criticize , but among the small countries trailing behind were Vietnam and Philippines only , other ASEAN countries do not utter a word on China , therefore, the attemp U.S. and Japan to establish anti-Front failed at the meeting. " And "The failure U.S. responded to the plight of China's rise reflects in the balancing strategy by the Southeast Asian countries, too"
Bloomberg commented that Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia Defense Minister at the forum, acknowledged that China's influence is inevitable , though in expressing concerns about the South China Sea issue, were still emphasizing the importance of keeping a close relationship with China.
Director of the Russian Center for Political Studies and forecasting, Vinogradov on " Voice of Russia " commented that Americans can not compete with China in economic and trade fields in this region , they will do everything possible to heat up the Asian military and political tensions, that is the only means to curb the region's lead in China integration process.
The entire world can careless about this. Heck, a majority of Japanese citizen, Chinese citizen, US citizen, Viet, Flip...etc. don't care. They would rather care for how the economy is doing, how the social policies are doing, and what's for dinner.