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© 2014 AFPJapan slams Korea-China proposal to jointly mark end of war next year
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Rather than lashing out, Japan should be pressing for a commemoration of the war's end held jointly by China, South Korea AND Japan, as part of a greater move towards national reconciliation. Remember the iconic photo of Germany's Helmut Kohl and France's Francois Mitterand holding hands in 1984? Just imagine how powerful a photo of Xi, Park and Abe, hand-in-hand, could be...
The story title and first paragraph are not the same. [Jointly mark the end of the war] is something that's done globally, and perfectly acceptable. [Jointly mark Tokyo's wartime wrongs] is just designed to stir up the same old hatred between all parties involved.
Whatever their intent are they can never catch up with Japan and its allies...
That's kind of like saying France fought against England in WW2 because of the Vichy regime ^^;
It’s true that East Asia is still divided by the memory of war that had torn it apart. When Japanese politicians pay tribute to the Yasukuni shrine, they are also paying tribute, whether they intend to or not, to an imperial order in which Japan violently controlled its neighbors. Every year, over 150 Japanese politicians goes to Yasukuni to pray in front of 14 Class A. Maybe the ill advised Japanese politicians action of going to Yasukuni speaks louder than words and the perception by the neighboring countries are interpreted as insincere apology. That era is over and Japan’s economy is shrinking and its population declining as both China and South Korea rise in power and stature. But as long as Japan’s leaders continue living in the past, they will struggle to prepare their country for its future.
With so many millions of Chinese who died during the war and lie buried under China's soil, it would be arrogant or foolish in the extreme to suggest they should not mark the end of WWII -- based on a current economic or political system.
The comments on Taiwan brought back a memory from the 1970s when I visited the island. In a casual conversation with some military people, I asked how they would feel if the PRC was attacked by Russia or some other invader. They unhesitatingly asserted that they would be ready and willing to join with the PRC to fend off anyone who attacked mainland China.
So Abe do stuff like a) attending Yasukuni despite fierce protest, b) doubts the legitimacy Japan's aggression & crimes c) announces to withdraw past apology and now d) wants to re-arm Japan... what can you expect the response be from China and Korea??? It's clear that ABE is the one who's digging the past repeatedly creating a feeling of animosity and hostility so he have a reason to defend Japan from foreign conflict. Look carefully what ABE has done regarding foreign relations so far and see where he is leading us by re-arming Japan...
If Japanese leaders can continuously visit Yasukuni and pray where there are Class 1 criminals, why can't China and SK remember the anniversary? In fact there should be combined effort by all Asian countries who suffered under Japanese hands to mark the occasion. Actually Japan can defuse everything by joining the occasion and move on with the chapter of shame.
This is the type of utter nonsense that are being peddled by the Japanese right wing. And they actually believe it.
This is a great event. A joint commemoration by two countries that did not exist in WWII and didn't fight Japan who making WWII Japan bashing official policy, even though the countries that actually fought or were occupied by Japan have gotten over it. Both nations are disregarding he peace treaties hey signed with Japan in 1965 and 1972 respectively, and conveniently ignoring some historical facts. I would just like to know how many South Koreans were killed by the 250,000 Chinese troops that entered the Korean Peninsula to help their ally North Korea in 1950. I would like to know how many Chines deaths was Chung Hee Park, President Park's father responsible for as an officer in the infamous IJA Kwangtung Army.
Japan should just join and say "True, we #$_ked up in the past. But now we want to work for a better future for the current and coming generations." Thou then, China and the South would probably say "you're not invited to this party".
They will continue to attack Japan in WW2 theme for the future of my self. Why do they do it ? People who do not know it is too much. LOL
The reason is simple. China is "for the invasion", South Korea is "for the Money" .
Korea was must pay back the 138 trillion yen to the IMF. Deadline for it was in December of last year. The IMF(U.S.A) and South Korea was expect loan from Japan at last year. However, in order to deny this from the economic situation in Japan, it was worship the Yasukuni Shrine of Abe at the end of last year. As a result, South Korea is no longer able to request the assistance to Japan. (for the pride of South Korea)
When China begins to claim sovereignty over the Senkaku Islands, it is after of investigation the Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East in 1968 of (ECAFE). This investigation study had been suggested to oil and natural gas are buried into near by Senkaku Islands. They wanted them since 1968. Motion of all anti-Japanese to order to execute them, it is information incitement to do reduce the country of Alliance of defend Japan. For this purpose in all the world, Anti-Japanese movement has been carried out on an ongoing basis in the ally of Japan mainly.
Do not forget that it by the instigation of the information, the Philippines kicked the U.S. military Support. For this reason, Philippines Islands has been invaded by China now. How long South and North Korea is continue the puppet of China? ,,,forever ? I think this situation will such not change for the time being to get half of the Pacific Ocean by China.
I can't understand how this could a thumbs down
C'mon Japan let it go. Infact send them nice messages. U.S. is celebrating independence day, similarly India/Pakistan will celebrate in August and British govt always sends greetings from London. Accept the history and let it go. Focus on future. You should send some planes showering flowers (+ve gesture) or something like that.
the artocle stated Japan on Friday hit back at China and South Korea, calling suggestions that they could jointly mark Tokyo's wartime wrongs "utterly unhelpful", as tensions over history shift alliances in East Asia.
.China and S Korea began this idea. You should suggest China and S Korea to let it go.
Japan: Show me the evidence WWII is over. Show me the evidence. Where is the evidence? Lol. Typical Japanese immature behavior.
Masaki Miyamoto
From the point of view of Japan, in Korea and China, there is no appeal.
Japan was selected ASEAN and India as a market alternative to China.
Japan will go of increasing corporate and capital from China.
SecularBeast, S.Korea never said they will take up on XI's proposal, and are politely dancing around it. Please read the relevant articles. I think Japan is just upset that they're getting left out in the latest new economic deal between the two countries which is estimated to start from $12 billion, and will become much more valuable in the coming years, as S.Korea gradually takes over Japan's economic pie in China. S.Korea already has a $80 billion annual trade surplus with China, and that share of the pie is expected to get much more bigger at the expense of Japan. And that is real reason why Japan is really angry.
Soooo...all the nations who actually fought the Japanese (e.g. UK, USA, Australia) don't celebrate the end of the Pacific War; but the two parties who contributed nothing to the defeat of Imperial Japan (i.e. the CCP/PLA and Korea) celebrate it? Will the CCP and Koreans invite KMT veterans (who actually fought the Japanese) to the festivities, or the Koreans who fought with the Japanese?
The proposal came from the Chinese leader Xi, the Koreans on the other hand, think of this as putting them in a difficult position between China and the US, according to Korean editorials.
According to editorials, Korea puts great importance on US-Korea alliance, but also at the same time, know the importance of economic ties with China, so they do not want to offend China. Korea's China oriented shift is because of China's direct and aggressive courting of South Korea. Japan is making China's job in this easy, because of Japan's right wing shift, including the increase of military buildup, redefining Japan's WWII history putting Japan as a victim while erasing Japan's wartime wrongs, and revising Japan's peace constitution which allows Japanese military to become an aggressive military power. Korea is afraid that Japan which glorifies its past military history, will once again become an aggressive military power who will use the military in territorial conflicts like the Dokdo/Takeshima territorial conflict.
True, true, true.
Based on the nature and degree of the atrocities, there only needs to be only one permanent official statement. There may need to be many reaffirmations of that statement, especially when someone in any kind of public or private position of responsibility issues their own statements that are perceived to undermine the official statement. Part of the permanent statement -- the very thing that makes it permanent -- is the declaration that it will never be rescinded or made subject to review. (And there need to be swift and certain legal repercussions for anyone within Japan who attempts to undermine it.)
Regarding comfort women, Japan must acknowledge and accept that the system was entirely Japan's responsibility, and that it failed to properly ensure that each and every woman volunteered herself to it willingly, without force or coercion, and that verifiable processes were not in place to ensure all women were properly cared for at all times and that no woman was mistreated. Failing that responsibility, Japan accepts the claims made against it.
Additionally, Japan has to commit to never repeating its actions, or engage in any activity that would raise genuine concerns that it has not learned the lesson which require the apology in the first place.
GW -- brilliant post. All it would have taken was FOR ONE LDP PM, to have the guts to stand up and say that any LDP-associated politician who speaks in a manner that tries to equivocate/rationalize any of Japan's war crimes and the historical apologies will IMMEDIATELY be removed from the LDP, and this whole thing would have died. Instead we have Abe appointing special committees to research the comfort women apology. Japan's poisition with its NE Asian neighbors is well-deserved.
All Japan needs to do to lower tensions is teach what it did in WW2 in schools, stop going to Yasukuni/remove war criminals from it, and go back to the agreement in the 1970s that Senkaku's ownership be postponed. Learn from Germany, stop hiding behind losing "face" and be honest.
All 3 countries are indeed behaving like brats as they are well know to do.............
To be sure China & SKorea are taking all this to the extreme, but anyone who says they didn't see this kind of thing coming from about 20+yrs ago simply hasn't been paying attention
The saddest fact in all this is Japan has had many many decades to diffuse this WWII stuff & CONTIOUSLY decided to NOT do anything hoping all would be forgotten...........................weeeeeell I guess that idea (as I have long predicted) aint working worth a damn, so now what Japan, what ya goin to do???
More of the same I suspect, sad sad sad as Japan could have nailed this coffin shut way back decades ago.
While what SKorea & China are doing I despise I am not surprised its happening, Japan is reaping the seeds its has sown for decades, simple as that
Pro-ROK propagandists are fond of repeating this idea like it actually means something. You tell me jerseyboy, what would you like the Japanese government to do? The Kono statement (one of dozens of similar statements) was issued back in the mid nineties. In the twenty or so years since then, on a bi-weekly basis, the ROK government has been bringing up the issue of women forced into prostitution during WW2. I think the Japanese government is legitimately baffled as to what the Koreans require. They tried ignoring the ROK rhetoric. They tried paying compensation. They tried apologizing. They tried pointing out that legal treaties and documents have already been signed concerning these matters. Yet nothing changes the constant drumbeat of bellyaching emanating from the ROK. Under those circumstances I think it is only logical for the government of Japan to investigate the issue more thoroughly in order to see if anything might have been overlooked that could possibly lead to resolving this issue once and for all. I mean they've already tried everything else.
And as for Japan announcing that ROK was involved in crafting the wording of the Kono statement - this is the right thing to do. After dozens of apologies have been "judged" not good enough, why wouldn't you seek input from the people who are always criticizing your "insufficient" wording. It was an attempt to get it right. I would think you would applaud this move, but no, the fact that you would find fault with it instead shows that you have no objectivity whatsoever on this topic. Furthermore, the fact that ROK is "infuriated" only shows that they are embarrassed that the entire world now knows they helped craft the apology and then turned around and said it wasn't good enough. Kind of makes them look foolish in the eyes of the international community, but the facts are the facts, why hide them?
Regarding the content of this article, I don't have a problem with ROK and PRC making a spectacle of their end of war celebrations. If only they would confine their WW2 talk to once a year events marking the end of hostilities, you'd never hear a peep from me on the subject. The problem is that neither country can ever stop talking about WW2. Its a 365 day a year topic for them, which totally cheapens the significance of any ceremonies they might conduct to mark legitimate anniversaries of WW2 events.
One thing I do have a problem with is Mr Xi's decidedly smarmy attitude. This character is a real danger to world peace. I guess Park is so unpopular in her own country these days that she welcomes the visits of any "friends" no matter how oily they may be. She may be fooled by Xi, but as the quote below from the Washington Post shows, the rest of the world is not fooled for a second when it comes to the communist agenda.
Strangerland, Though you keep insisting that the relations with China were at all time high until Japan purchased the islands, the truth is that incidents like the one in 2010 happened year after year and after every such incident the Chinese government canceled its participation in every major trade event held in Japan. My company has been on the receiving end of all this play so believe it or not, the all-time high relations had began rapidly deteriorating several years prior to the purchase of the islands.
Whatever China says. Any Koreans here?
Korea says they have a lot of evidence regarding "sex slave". I'm still waiting for evidence from Korea. I don't care what Korea believes, it means nothing to Japan. Outside Korea and communist countries, history is not ideology nor belief nor political but fact finding. Facts are established by evidence. We are not trying to forget. We are trying to get rid of Korean belief based upon no evidence, and find facts. That's what the "review" did which Korea didn't like.
Korea, we are still waiting. I can help here, just give me one, Japan's sending 200000 girls to war zone during WW2. That's what Korea says. Prove it. Let's start from there. WW2 history knows Japan's capability regarding logistics during the time. You can't lie. Evidence please.
While it's true that there was an incident with the coast guard and a Chinese fishing vessel before the purchase of the islands, you can leapfrog back and forth with 'but they did X first' all the way back to the war.
But the fact is that relations with China were at a high until Japan purchased the islands in 2012, at which point everything blew up into the current controversy that we are currently experiencing. There was no need to purchase the islands, they were already Japanese owned, and even with the controversy with the incursion by the boat, it didn't have a large impact on Chinese-Japanese relations. It was the purchase that triggered the conflict.
I am with China ans South Korea on this one. Whine all they want but this something the Abe and LDP can do nothing about.
I only worry that there are people in Japan who might get off on learning about Japan crimes against humanity.
"A small but vocal cache of the political right, including Mr.Abe, continues to cast doubt ,cl aiming that the brothels were staffed by professinal prostitutes." I have got a sense that it would be closer to truth to say that a majority of the Japanese people on the street are influenced by or leaning toward the rivisionist take on the last war-- a witness to the shift to the political right re-enforced with Mr. Abe coming to power, which I would put down to their ignorance/lack of the accurate knowledge of the past history going more than 100 years when Japan annexed Korea. This is where the textbook inspection system put in place since the end of the war should come in. There is the course of study for every subject area for primary and secondary education set forth by the Education Ministry, according to which the textbook inspection is carried out. I have gotb the feeling that the course of study for history is not entirely free from the rivisionist perspective of whitewashing the unpleasant aspects of the past history involving Japan's relations with China, Korea, and other Asian countries. Now that the Abe Administration is determined to delete the"neighbouring -countries clause from the course of study that requires that Japan's past relations with the countries be taken into account in putting together a history text book, I am afaraid there is no way young Japanese can develop the right historical conscipusness vis-a vis Asian countries.
Sam Trumbull
@ra19arcinas43 Please get over over your Cold War Era thinking. South Korea has shown over and over again that she is a reliable American ally.
South Korea has assisted the US by sending troops and/or providing logistics to EVERY American led military expedition since the end of the Korean War -- not even the UK, France, Canada, and Israel can claim this fact.
Association of Returnees from China
No. They were previously privately owned by a Japanese citizen. Ishihara, the former governor of Tokyo, suddenly got the great idea that he was going to buy the islands with a group of investors. So the government, in order to prevent this, stepped in and purchased the islands themselves.
The Chinese never had anything to do with it.
It wasn't a hypothesis. It was based on observations of having lived here coming up on 2 decades.
I'm curious, does anyone know if China was, openly or covertly, making a bid to buy the islands? That would quash your hypothesis, don't you think?
Actually, there was a period of 4-5 years before the DPJ purchased the Senkakus, in which Japan-China relations were at an all-time high, and there were almost none of these issues coming out of China. Then the islands were bought, tensions ran high, Japanese politicians started spouting off, and China started reacting like a baby.
The initiating factor here however was the purchase of the islands, and the Japanese politicians spouting off trying to re-write history. If they had left the islands as-is, and the politicians could keep their mouths shut, there would not be any problems.
Sam Trumbull
@splksgt96JUL. 05, 2014 - 02:32PM JST
Why is Japan digging up a war long over by "re-examining" the KONO statement.
Why is Japan digging up the pains of a war long over by insisting on visiting the YASUKUNI SHRINE when grandmothers and grandfathers that were victims during WW2 are still alive today?
Sensei 258 "...this is not the same Japan it was then..." Sensei-san: Have you ever heard of a guy called Shinzo Abe?
The rationale is clear. China, which had fairly positive relations with Japan until the late 1980s, made a strategic decision after the Tiananmen Square riots to demonize Japan – to focus the Chinese populace away from demanding representative democracy and human rights. It increased this effort after Shintaro Ishihara forced the previous DPJ government to purchase the Senkaku islands in Sept 2012. Anti-Japan sentiment serves as a convenient distraction for the Chinese government to rampant corruption pervasive throughout society, and furthers its narrative that historically China was plundered and humiliated by foreigners, furthering nationalism, and the view that the Communist government is the sole protector of the state and China’s “dignity”. China is now engaged in a full-fledged strategic information campaign against Japan.
With South Korea, the reasons are somewhat similar – like China, relations with Japan, while never friendly, were business-like during the period of SKorea’s dictatorships. After democratization in 1988, SKorean politicians learned the invaluable tool of “scapegoating” to distract voters from the various scandals that frequently occur. Like clockwork, any time some senior official or office was charged with corruption, the President would fly to Dokto (Takeshima) to have his picture taken by the SKorean flag and rage against Japanese. There is also an economic component – SKorea media outlets know that a sure-fire way to sell newspapers or attract eyeballs to websites is to criticize Japan.
I have to say though that this article is somewhat inaccurate – the reporting I’ve seen has primarily Xi pressing to jointly mark the end of the war; Park did not immediately agree to a joint commemoration, saying only SKorea would conduct a meaningful event.
China is about as communist as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is democratic.
CGB Spender
Suga is a great guy, I like him. He's always well tempered, keeps a cool head, is pragmatic, and he looks like a tired old oyaji nevertheless.
On and on they go, spinning on their merry-go-round of hate. At the end of the day it will be China and SK who are made to look petty and foolish by dwelling on a war that happened three generations ago.
Taiwan, most of ASEAN(Philippines included), even Australia and U.S., like very much to be represented by both C & SK on "digging up"...these enermous job against Japanese denial.
Which of the above mentioned had no lives LOST due to the invasion?
Muting doesn't necessary mean acceptance.
Shame on you South Korea aligning with shameless arrogant Commie China. Who invaded you during the Korean war ? It was NK and Commie China. Who save you ? It was the US and Allies. SK aligning with Commie is betrayal of US and allies. I support JAPAN forget SK....
"Why is it always China and Korea digging up a war long over?"
If Japanese deny or downplay their history, savagery, it is no longer of the past matter. Unrepentant Japanese are bringing their past to become a present matter.
China and South Korea should work together to educate Japanese.
This is all geopolitical. South Korea is siding with China because in a war, China could destroy it whereas japan couldn't. Japan is antagonizing China to build its military because one: the US wants it to and it still sees itself as the chosen Asians. China for its part is responding in kind to japan but it is looking to expand its territory at least in the south China sea. Everyone is out for themselves and will align accordingly. What japan doesn't understand is that it is America's shield and will be the first screwed in a war with China and the koreas
Why is it always China and Korea digging up a war long over? You never hear any complaints from Taiwan. Singapore or even Australia. No wonder alot of previous neutral Japanese are now anti China and anti Korea. Hey, the war is over. Get over it! And guess what ? You LOST! Get over It !!!
What a total waste of energy by Korea and China. They just look petty and foolish everytime they dredge up long-ago conflicts.
*Jay WilsonJUL. 05, 2014 - 08:52AM JST
Strangerland: Japan can believe that all it wants, but the fact is that if China and S. Korea decide to make them diplomatic issues, there is nothing Japan can do about it. So Japan should deal with these diplomatic issues, rather than burying it's head in the sand and saying 'no, I don't wanna talk about that' like a spoiled child.
Just like there is nothing China and South Korea can do about Abe visiting Yasakuni or stationing radar on the Senkaku Islands.*
No! Abe knocked on cold doors from both C & SK and will be on this status if he does not give a damn while U.S. does.
C'mon Japan let it go. Infact send them nice messages. U.S. is celebrating independence day, similarly India/Pakistan will celebrate in August and British govt always sends greetings from London. Accept the history and let it go. Focus on future. You should send some planes showering flowers (+ve gesture) or something like that.
The question is what is the motive behind all this? Just to piss off Japan, that is a big price to pay.
This is awfully misleading, making it sound like as if most of Japanese believe every Comfort Women volunteered to work in the militaly brothel. Japan know there are sufficient documents to believe a lot of them were sold by their parents and some were obducted by Korean agents, hence the word "professional prostitutes" is not accurate to describe what Japanese believe.
StrangerlandJul. 05, 2014 - 12:12PM JST
I read the similarity in thinking and writing between Japan and China. Chinese and Japanese think in loops like a knitting, not in linear like us. You understand this similarity if you read a best selling book of " Joy Luck Club" by Amy Tan.
Korea has a long, long tradition of being dominated by China, so it comes as no surprise. They're just doing what comes naturally to them.
I've tried pointing out to Japanese people about how the culture and people are more similar to China, than they are to the US and other western countries, and while some of them can understand, most of them think it's a ridiculous comment.
'Are these three countries going to grow up some day? Do they even have that idea? Right now, these Asian countries act like immature kids, lobbing insults back and forth and doing their best to provoke each other. Japan probably considers itself to be the more mature of the three, but this place is just as hopeless.'
Anyone who's spent any time in these countries can't help but notice just how similar the mindsets are while all three are at great pains to tell you how unique they are. I squabbled with my brother and sister when I was a child too.
August 2015 is going to be an...interesting month, provided Abe is still Japanese PM (he probably will be) and Park is just as much an embarrassment then as she is now. I don't recall there being such high tensions in either August 1995 or August 2005 (the 50th and 60th anniversaries of the war's end). The difference now is the China-South Korea rapprochement, an inevitable development due to increased economic ties but one made worse by Park's craven desire to distance herself from Japan for one reason and one reason only--the perception that her father was a pro-Japan lackey.
You would think that being seen as a pro-China lackey in South Korea would be a problem, given the fact that North Korea owes its continued existence to China and nothing else. China could pull the plug on North Korea the way the USSR did so on the Warsaw Pact countries in 1989, but it won't owing to a desire for a buffer zone in Korea. Moscow adjusted itself to the reality of Poland, Hungary, & Co. turning democratic and embracing Germany and the USA because the USSR was in a severely weakened state and collapsed itself in 1991.
Someone should remind Park that there is no Chinese Gorbachev on the horizon. Kim Jong Un can threaten Seoul only because of Beijing's tolerance. She's a democratically elected leader who ought to realize that Xi Jinping thinks democracy is for lily-livered suckers. Abe's not exactly fond of the messiness of democracy in Japan, but at least give him credit for accepting its rules and norms.
Strangerland Jul. 05, 2014 - 11:43AM JST
*The more you want others to forget, the others will find more ways and occasion to remind you to remember.*Well said Strangerland. Japan would be best advised to heed it's own advice and stop picking apart past history unnecessarily and making it an international issue is utterly unhelpful for building peace and cooperation in the region
But Japan doesn't want to forget, they want to re-write.
The more you want others to forget, the others will find more ways and occasion to remind you to remember.
This is truth of things.
I just want to ask :"WHO is STUPID?"
WW II. USA won against Japan. China did not win against Japan. Japan invaded everywhere in S, E. Asia, Philippine, Vietnam etc seem that they want to live in future. Just S. Korea and China united to convince Japan to go back to WW II mentality? They couldn't convince Puttin? I think it will be wise if USA pull out soldiers from S Korea so that soldiers will be safer.
Knox Harrington
Are these three countries going to grow up some day? Do they even have that idea? Right now, these Asian countries act like immature kids, lobbing insults back and forth and doing their best to provoke each other. Japan probably considers itself to be the more mature of the three, but this place is just as hopeless.
You hit the nailed on the head, but IMO South Korea under President Park is no longer part of that alliance. She has turned South Korea's back on the United States and Japan in favor of joining Communist China.
The United States government should open it's eyes and rethink it's strategy for the region. Leaving forces in South Korea is dangerous. If war were to breakout South Korea under Park would most likely side with Communist China. Those troops station there would be in danger of being attacked by Park's forces.
It is high time that the United States wake up and realize that it is unwanted in South Korea. Time to leave South Korea to whatever fate awaits it.
Dolphin Burgers
China and South Korea's forgetting will begin with Japan's remembering.
Besides, if this is not the same Japan, it was a different Japan that did the crimes. So Japan should ask to join in to condemn that different Japan. But no. Japan is complaining as if its the same old Japan and they don't want to own up.
Ask yourself if Germany is having this sort of trouble. No? Well its not because Germany lodged a protest.
Counter argument;
Bruce Miller
Remember: oil and territory are the prize here, for either China or South Korea! P.S. Japan's American made reactor fiasco is still slowly unfolding. Energy crisis approaching for Japan? China has a Thorium LFTR solution, America cannot offer? Canadian CANDU? My Question: Will Putin's recent Petrol deal with China, which unites the Pan Asian Empire and deals in Chinese Yuan, not U.S.Dollars affect Japanese energy situation?
I hope China and Korea NEVER shut up about Japan's wartime atrocities and continued denial concerning them.
China just does not stop does it? Continuous never ending garbage it comes out with month after month after month, it is like a mad rabid dog that needs to be put out of its misery.
All it does is slag off at Japan about every little thing, nothing positive has emerged out of any china men's mouth for a long time, just vitriol, hate, rhetoric and the need to talk rubbish at every chance.
Enough already china, the more you spout the more childish and pathetic you look and become.
Move forward or just shut up china.
No wonder USA approve Japan and N Korea gets friendly. Then USA is glad Japan is going to work on collective defense. Because there are too many problems in USA, CNN Fox finally had someone commenting about benefit of Abe and Japanese constitution. China and S. Korea getting friendlier and friendlier. Maybe if N Korea behave good, USA might get out from S Korea and back up N Korea.? China deserted N Kprea and loves S Korea now.
Shin Ra
This is just more smoke and mirror on China's part to divert attention from their expansionism in the South China Sea and South Korea is playing the part of their lap dog. China today has become what Imperial Japan was back in the early part of the 20th century and the Koreas are quickly becoming their Manchuria. There's a lot of talk from Japan, but it is just talk and without nukes, which China HAS, there really isn't much to worry about from them. China on the other hand is constantly reinterpreting their boundaries and antagonizing their neighbors. So who are you more worried about? The bully with nukes or old dog that has a loud bark?
I think the purpose of this revisiting old grievances in emotional terms isn't to somehow get help or justice to victims and their families. These politicians in all 3 countries have self-serving motives of drumming up nationalism and support in their own countries and distracting people from issues that are making these politicians unpopular on their home turf, everyone doing their best to come out on top in the balance of power. Each wants to be the "best" country in Asia. That's all.
If the rest of the world didn't care, there wouldn't be any debate on the issue - because no one would care.
I agree.
oldman: "The Chinese and SK governments remind me of grade school kids and their petty little dramas."
You left out one government: Japan. You know, the one with the guy who is the grandkid of a war criminal and single-handedly deleted references of sex-slaves from textbooks, bragged about it, and still to this day says they were all prostitutes. The guy who visits Yasukuni SOLELY to antagonize China (and he said he would visit if China did not come to the table for talks!). The guy who wants to 'review' an apology to basically make it moot. The guy who has succeeded in getting permission to revise Article 9 of the constitution DESPITE the majority of Japanese being against it. Yeah, that guy, and that government. You're right about the sandbox thing, but to pretend Japan is the parent standing outside the box and supervising would be absurd. They are right there with the others, flinging mudpies. It's just that in this case it's just words, while what China and SK are doing is very real and will have very serious consequences.
Aventurado Volt
The topic here is not the reports delivered by China about the War Crimes... the issue in here is the fact that China takes over their wanna claim territories over their fake territorial claim propagandas...
Jay Wilson
Just like there is nothing China and South Korea can do about Abe visiting Yasakuni or stationing radar on the Senkaku Islands
When a people have no vision for their future, the dig up the past. So Korea's economy is close to being on the skids ( aside from perhaps Samsung and Hyundai) and China's bubble has burst....................... It's a good way to deflect their peoples discontent - - only temporarily. ....................... Triangulation is a maladaptive coping method and ultimately backfire.
Japan can believe that all it wants, but the fact is that if China and S. Korea decide to make them diplomatic issues, there is nothing Japan can do about it. So Japan should deal with these diplomatic issues, rather than burying it's head in the sand and saying 'no, I don't wanna talk about that' like a spoiled child.
Joy Sasaki
Same old books....
BertieWoosterJul. 05, 2014 - 07:26AM JST
Why care for China and Korea's eyes while rest of the world doesn't think so?
Everyone, do not get sucked in to China's objectives, that is, to break South Korea, Japan and US Military Alliance. China wants a free pass in the Asian Sea.
Unfortunately South Korea is playing with a dangerous fire here.
FYI, South Korean currency has been appreciated too fast too much recently while US is pressuring China to appreciate its currency by July 2014.
Sebin Iglesias
South Korea should be more concern with their territorial integrity since they are in the same continent as thouse who are unwilling to accept mediation from the UN on territorial disputes
This is the whole point.
With Abe and the full backing of the US military, it IS becoming the same.
At least in China and Korea's eyes.
One can see their point.
As opposed to Abe's unilateral "picking apart past history unnecessarily" with his recent "examination" of the comfort women apology, and the pronouncement that SK was involved in the framing of the Kono Statement, which infuriated SK. And the report's thinly veiled attempt to throw doubt on the Korean womens' testimony.
"The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget." Thomas S. Szasz (Hungarian psychiatrist)
The Chinese and SK governments remind me of grade school kids and their petty little dramas.
Both the Chi-comm and SK governments (as well as their anti Japan supporters) have been repeatedly embarrassed the past years in their attempts to undermine Japan. The 1965 treaty between SK and Japan showed that the SK government was the one that refused to individually compensate their own citizens, despite Japan offering to do so. China did not give two cents worth about the islands they are now obsessing over, until potentially valuable mineral deposits were found in that region, then all of a sudden they're whining that they owned the islands all along.
The historical record shows that both countries have little basis for their harassment of Japan, so they go back to the ever reliable "WW2 atrocities card."
Gee, our attempts to shame Japan have been failing from a historical and legal standpoint, so let's go back to WW2 and that'll rally the world against those evil Japanese!
Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic.
Haven't we marked Japan's "wartime wrongs" enough already? Time to move on people, this is not the same Japan it was then.
“Any attempt by China and South Korea to coordinate in picking apart past history unnecessarily and making it an international issue is utterly unhelpful for building peace and cooperation in the region,”
Yeah, you really 'hit back' there, Suga.