Japan Today

Japan-Mekong strategy aims to boost quality infrastructure


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Smells of exploitation and corruption.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Our tax money paid for those shirts

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Shame Japan is helping Mynamer, as a Japanese I am shocked to know we are helping such a dictator who massacred her own people..

3 ( +4 / -1 )

I see this direction of action promoting 'regional amae' which I once read a scholarly paper about. Japan's neighbors are fully acknowledge and each member brings their own needs and wants to the Mekong-Japan Summit, forming attachments and business relationships that can promote healing from past attempts that had bitter endings.

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Kenji FujimoriOct. 9  04:15 pm JST Shame Japan is helping Mynamer, as a Japanese I am shocked to know we are helping such a dictator who massacred her own people..

I didn't realize that Burma's military junta was headed by a female general.

ASSK is no more in charge of Burma than I am. Yes, she's lost all her credibility and made some amazingly stupid statements regarding the Rohingya, but she's not running the country.

On topic . . . the Vietnamese will gladly partner with their one time oppressor. Anything to help keep the Chinese at more than arm's length.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

can we play spot the dic tator? i count....

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

concrete rules!

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