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Japan needs strong gov't to handle China: media


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Japan needs govt to handle Japan and a strong alliance with USA to handle rest of the world including China.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

‘It is impossible to pursue serious diplomacy with Japan.’”

Uh, duh. Talk about a recognition of the obvious. Japan has been a joke internationally for years, going back to when Koizumi left office. And with the highly-fractured Diet that is likely to emerge from the up-coming election, with the vote split between so many parties, the hope for a "strong" government is just wishful thinking. And, unfortunately, as these territorial spats with SK, China and Russia are just going to take energy and focus away from where the new government should place priority -- addressing the shrinking economy/aging population and massive public debt. As I have said before, the fat lady may not be singing, but, IMO, she is humming VERY loudly.

6 ( +6 / -1 )

If the Yomiuri thinks that the LDP and Abe, with his record of revisionist history, is the man to solve the dispute with China, then they are truly fooling themselves.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Thanks Media for telling us what to think.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Japan certainly needs someone who can see for himself and make his own decisions that benefit his country.

It doesn't need yet another US sycophant.

It needs someone who can stand up and make a speech without having to read it.

Is there such a person?

Would he stand a chance of getting in?

0 ( +3 / -3 )

The problem is that the Japanese "system' does not groom indiviudal to be leaders . . . . . it's a group culture . . .and as a result, given the current stakes, Japan's balance can tip towards a strange kind of nationalism - - -

1 ( +3 / -2 )

CNN GPS had a special on Japan/China territorial dispute today. US State Dept. is very concerned that the next surprise may not be from Iran, Israel, the unexpected surprise may start from Japan/China territorial dispute escalating to war. Japan and China need to do everything to avoid this in good faith.


0 ( +2 / -2 )

Thanks Media for telling us what to think.

Indeed. The media is as corrupt and irresponsible as the politicians and bureaucrats. "Rumors" on the internet are often more reliable. In that regard, Asahi, Yomiuri, NHK, et al. bear their own responsibility for the condition in which Japan finds itself.

6 ( +6 / -1 )

taro67Nov. 19, 2012 - 08:51AM JST

US State Dept. is very concerned that the next surprise may not be from Iran, Israel, the unexpected surprise may start from Japan/China territorial dispute escalating to war.

But...Japan has nothing to fear, right? The Americans will provide for their protection


-1 ( +0 / -1 )


Not assuming anything, only relying on the statements of both the US and Japanese governments. Of course, that act comes with it's own risks as does, apparently, sarcasm on this site.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Japan needs brave leader with integrity that can truly and sincerely apologize for the atrocities Japan have committed against Asian countries in the past. Make it denial of these atrocities a crime, like what Germany is doing. Then, and only then will the wounds between Japan and the Asian countries will finally heal.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Can someone please tell me why the Chinese never nationalized the islands if they own them as they say they do? I see that they have now lost their collective minds and are now acting like little children, taunting the Japanese instead of proving their case like normal people, thus gaining the support of the whole World in support of their cause to claim ownership of the Islands.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Yes, do not assume anything and you do not count on anyone any country.

It seems to me that Japanese and Japanese media are not well aware the situation is not getting better, it is getting worse. That's one of the reason Obama is in the South East Asia for negotiation with China and Japan.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Don't see the point in reporting what the local media is calling out for not to mention the lack of meaningful substance in what they are calling out for. People should rather keep a closer watch on what the politicians and parties are actually saying and thus frankly believe this article is an unfortunate example of misguided journalism.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

The mass-circulation Yomiuri Shimbun blamed the Democratic Partys numerous cases of mismanagement on its insistence on ending bureaucrats decades-long control over policy making.

As a result, bureaucrats have passively waited for orders while important information failed to reach politicians, the conservative daily said in an editorial.>

That's right. Leave everthing in the hands of bureaucrats, with the politicians as a sideshow...

3 ( +3 / -0 )

I see the media is doing what it does best, trying to influence its readers into making up there minds for them. The media is supposed to be non political, but we all know thats a myth. The problem is the media. They are the ones who stoke the fire,they are the ones with an agenda. The powerful influential owners control the media, and they decide what is in the publics interest, they have the ear of all the worlds leaders, and thats scary.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

How can anyone say Japan's government isn't strong? Look at all the experience they've got! Almost everyone serving in the Diet has already been a Prime Minister, or minister of something or other for at least a year ... okay a month, .... okay, a few only a week or so. On top of that, look at all the historical experts and world class intellectuals among them ... Ishihara, Abe, just to name a few! There's so much strength here the rest of the world has fallen to it's knees (and soon they'll be rolling on the floor laughing!)

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Ronald F Stark Nov. 19, 2012 - 10:18AM JST

A perfect setup for a puppet government of, say, a global superpower, wouldn't you think?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

taro67Nov. 19, 2012 - 10:26AM JST

Ronald F Stark Nov. 19, 2012 - 10:18AM JST

A perfect setup for a puppet government of, say, a global superpower, wouldn't you think?

LOL, I left here for Fukushima on 3/20. I recall I had to deal with Japanese media and American media. American media was telling the truth from the beginning on Fukushima nuke leak while Japanese were the last ones to know. Japanese media lied to Japanese all the way with no shame.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

globalwatcher Nov. 19, 2012 - 10:40AM JST

Well, sure...the American media was reporting on the problems of another country. Do you believe that they are equally honest and unbiased about American politics? If you do, I should warn you that you are being deceived just like the Japanese people.

That said, my comment to which you replied was about Japanese politicians, not the media. So...

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Only Ishihara can handle it.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

taro67Nov. 19, 2012 - 10:46AM JST

globalwatcher Nov. 19, 2012 - 10:40AM JST

Well, sure...the American media was reporting on the problems of another country. Do you believe that they are equally honest and unbiased about American politics? If you do, I should warn you that you are being deceived just like the Japanese people.

That said, my comment to which you replied was about Japanese politicians, not the media. So...

I was implying both. The best solution is to read all other world news as much as you can to see what they are saying. But it is up to you.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

taro67Nov. 19, 2012 - 11:25AM JST

I was implying both

So, you're saying that both the American media and the American government are open and transparent and does not lie to the public? How's that Benghazi video uprising working for you? Are you ready to go to war against Iran and do you really know why? How about all of those banking bailouts? What about all of those taxpayer subsidized solar companies going out of business? Americans would get better information on what's happening to them by reading Der Spiegel and the Times of India than the NY Times or the Washington Post. And certainly more than listening to the mouthpieces.

Benghazi case has been closed, period. Speaking for other issues, I would like to explain, but it is irrelevant for this topic.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Benghazi case has been closed, period.

Really? And the American public knows everything about it....or simply everything that they will be allowed to know? I don't think we've heard the last of it.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

@ JackinMilwWI

"Can someone please tell me why the Chinese never nationalized the islands f they own them as they say they do?"

Just to clarify your statement if China owns the Island then it is not necessary to nationalize them Just like Japan owns Okinawa then it is not necessary to nationalize Okinawa.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

@ realmind

" Only Ishihara can handle it"

Yep I am sure he can handle it only to take Japan back to the Dark Age.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Really Asahi, as if. You're the ones posting "polls" about 90 days into any new term showing a loss of confidence.

You can't be the engine of disunity then complain when Japanese aren't stable voters

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Why are the "media" saying anything? They need to report the news not tell people what to think

3 ( +3 / -0 )

obama is attending the summit for war not for trade

WRONG, Obama is evaluating to set up US Embassy in Burma to normalize diplomacy before pouring economic assistance.. He is talking with Junta leaders today encouragiong the political reform to democracy. His objectives are to set up more aggressive trade ties with the S.E. Asian countries for US job growth. Since both China and Japan are attending the summit, he wants to talk with them hoping both countries can avert the tension. Again, Obama is not beating drums for war. This is a global site, and I would like to get it streight.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Why are the "media" saying anything?

One newspaper wrote an editorial. It is hardly proof of a media takeover.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

This is a global site, and I would like to get it streight.

You're just talking your (and Obama's) book. Not to offend, most everyone here has a position to espouse. That said, you might be too overtly Obama to sell your message effectively. Obama is actually no better than Noda or Wen or anyone else.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Rather, Japan needs a "for the people" government to find new policy to handle it's relationship with all countries. Why focus on just China? If anything, Japan should be most weary of the US, which is the country that dropped two atom bombs, fire-bommed many cities and has occupied Japan since 1945.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

taro, I am one of campaign teams in my state (swing state everyone was paying attention to) for Obama. I am retired from teaching and I am glad he has sold me good. I am proud of that.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

taro, you have missed all my objectives I was implying to you. Why do you take everything what Japanese media is saying? They have already lied to you after Fukushima. Hope the Japanese media is NOT telling you how to think. Yomiuri Shimbun is a right winger newspaper tied with Keidanren, LDP.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

globalwatcher Nov. 19, 2012 - 01:45PM JST

Read my earlier comments. I despise the Japanese media for being mouthpieces for the government rather than protectors of the public. But it is also a mouthpiece for the US in many areas of interest (military, nuclear, foreign policy, etc.). That said, the American media is the mouthpiece for the US government and the liberals in particular (my observation as a somewhat disinterested bystander, except as it relates to Japan). Obama is just another politician. He is not a particularly good one as he seems to represent only half the population. At least in Japan, politicians screw everyone equally.

As for the Yomiuri, it has past ties to both right-wing and left-wing US administrations since the war. Who knows if its ties to US propaganda agencies are still intact. But, I dispute your right-wing slant. They are pro-American military, pro-major business, pro-Japan/US alliance, much the same as Bush and, now, Obama.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Yomiuri wants LDP to suceed. It is for a big business. Abe's economic slogan is to take a country back. That's a copy of US GOP campaign slogan. Sounds pretty good to your ears, but where did Japan go? It is just a rhetric and Abe wants to take you back to supply economy that failed Japan. He is urging BOJ to print more Yen. He is out of his mind. That will make Yen to be a worthless paper and the middle income Japanese and business will be forced into poverty. Only one benefit from this is a big exporting business backed by Keidanren.. I can talk about economics 24/7. This guy has already convinced me he will tank Japan deepen into recession beyond repair. You mark my word on this. He is not for the 100%.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

He is urging BOJ to print more Yen. He is out of his mind.

Have you noticed that Obama's Bernanke has been doing the same for 4 years? The US is following Japan down the road to economic oblivion under Obama using the same formula of stimulus, subsidies for politically-favored industries, higher taxes, deficit spending, massive debt, welfare, and monetizing the currency. Can you not see this? I'm not sure I want to talk economics with you for 10 minutes if you cannot see the damage being done to the US by these policies. America is in economic decline and Obama is doing nothing to stop it. Japan survived on exports for two decades because the global economy was on a debt-fueled bubble expansion. Unfortunately for the US (and Japan), the global economy is too weak to support the 1st and 3rd largest economies on exports alone.

In that regard, Japan would be better off to cast away America and deal with China and the rest of Asia which has the potential to replace the West both from a competitive advantage standpoint and a growing consumer base. Obama's push for free trade and the devaluation of the USD are acts of desperation, not revival and certainly not innovation.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

taro67Nov. 19, 2012 - 02:37PM JST

He is urging BOJ to print more Yen. He is out of his mind.

Have you noticed that Obama's Bernanke has been doing the same for 4 years? The US is following Japan down the road to economic oblivion under Obama using the same formula of stimulus, subsidies for politically-favored industries, higher taxes, deficit spending, massive debt, welfare, and monetizing the currency. Can you not see this? I'm not sure I want to talk economics with you for 10 minutes if you cannot see the damage being done to the US by these policies

I am well aware of that. We did not have a choice, and we were ready to go off the cliff to the 2nd Depression in brink of eyes. Japanese could go off the cliff with us too. I can talk about all of this, but I am afraid that MOD will delete my post as it is off topic. .

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The media says Japan needs strong leaders who will stand up to China and Korea. Then everyday they have Hashimoto and Ishihara on TV.

Maybe there's a message in there.....

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Japan does not need politicians that can be told what to do by newspapers.

1 ( +1 / -0 )


Japan does not need politicians that can be told what to do by newspapers.


And Japan doesn't need news media that present the news they are told to present, and omit the details they are told to omit.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

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