Japan Today

Japan rejects China's proposal for easing tensions over isle sovereignty


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Can't blame Japan for rejecting the "idea" as giving in to it would give the impression that China actually has a claim to the islands.

Possession is nine-tenths of the law!

21 ( +25 / -4 )

Rejected peace ? What is Suga doing ?

-30 ( +2 / -32 )

Chief Cabinet Secretary’s remark was obviously a government’s attempt to ease the public outrage over Foreign minister Motegi’s sheer incompetence during his Chinese counterpart’s visit to Japan. Motegi just stood beside Wang, wearing an inscrutable smile, while Wang raged on and on claiming that the Senkakus belonged to China. Motegi should be replaced with someone more sensible.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Rejected peace ? What is Suga doing ?

Well Japan can offer the same bargain for Hainan island.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

Wolfpack said "Well Japan can offer the same bargain for Hainan island."

It had been done 90 years ago.

-20 ( +1 / -21 )

Japan rejects China's proposal for easing tensions over isle sovereignty

as it should. Japan must increase her military strength and speak the language that the Chinese understand:

Guns and more Guns.

6 ( +13 / -7 )

Chief Cabinet Secretary’s remark was obviously a government’s attempt to ease the public outrage over Foreign minister Motegi’s sheer incompetence during his Chinese counterpart’s visit to Japan. Motegi just stood beside Wang, wearing an inscrutable smile, while Wang raged on and on claiming that the Senkakus belonged to China. Motegi should be replaced with someone more sensible.

He let the Chinese foreign minister make a complete ass-hat of himself. Why is this objectionable?

8 ( +11 / -3 )

Rejected peace ? What is Suga doing ?

What is Mr. Suga doing? Applying the lesson taught the world, minus Akie apparently, by Neville Chamberlain. Rolling over for a dictators demands didn't buy anyone peace did it Akie. It whets the dictators appetite to ake more and guarantees war.

16 ( +17 / -1 )

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi had suggested fishing boats from both countries be kept away from the uninhabited islets in the East China Sea and only government ships be allowed to sail near the islands to "make sure suspicious boats don't enter sensitive waters."

Suspicious boats are Chinese ones. Soldiers are disguising in fishermen on boats.

13 ( +14 / -1 )

Poor Xi the Pooh has had a tough week. Vietnam, Philippines, India, and Taiwan have told him to go pound sand too. The CCP is quickly learning their empty threats have nobody shaking in fear outside their imaginary borders "from ancient times".

16 ( +18 / -2 )

I've heard Communist Chinese have a weird idea. They think China means the center of the earth so it belongs to China from the beginning. Any territories they want apply to "from ancient times".

13 ( +14 / -1 )

quiz: what three strategic blunders did Suga make since became PM ?

hint: 1, 3, 4.

-22 ( +0 / -22 )

"Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi had suggested fishing boats from both countries be kept away from the uninhabited islets in the East China Sea and only government ships be allowed to sail near the islands to "make sure suspicious boats don't enter sensitive waters."

This is the super strategy of China to invade most of the neighboring nations land and see... So far China did not play that game with Japan. Now after Biden's support they started to play trick with Japan too..

8 ( +9 / -1 )

@ Akie

"Rejected peace ? What is Suga doing ?"

China does not understand the word "Peace".


10 ( +11 / -1 )

WiseOneIn Kansai said "China does not understand the word "Peace"."

Hahaha, how many wars did China start to conquer others in history ?

-17 ( +1 / -18 )

Don't budge a cm when dealing with the Chinese.

13 ( +14 / -1 )

Xi appointed himself leader for life. So did Stalin.

15 ( +15 / -0 )

Good Job Japan!

Stand against this, all the time lying, never respect human rights, bullying all nations around them, Country!

16 ( +17 / -1 )

Sometimes I read here how nice China is...

Then why are so many people from China living overseas?

Why do so many people trying to leave China?

If China is so nice, why they don't stay in China?

8 ( +12 / -4 )


Insulting and telling the truth is different.

13 ( +14 / -1 )

Chinese childish proposal.

It's not a doll my dear it's an island of Japan.

12 ( +13 / -1 )

Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato told a press conference on Thursday that the proposal is "unacceptable," adding the islands are "without doubt Japan's inherent territory from a historical viewpoint and under international law."

No, they're not. The islands were captured by the US after the end of the war, and then given to Japan for purely political reasons without even consulting China.

99% of average Japanese people couldn't give a damn about these islands. Even the ultra nationalists don't really care about them. They're just an excuse to hate China, and to give them netouyo's something to get excited about.

-15 ( +4 / -19 )

 it would give the impression that China actually has a claim to the islands.

Clearly they do have a claim to the islands, otherwise this wouldn't even be a subject of discussion.

-16 ( +0 / -16 )

The Chinese I'm sure will probably just laugh it off. I mean what can Japan really do to them, with all those restrictions the Yanks had put on the Japanese armed forces? This'll just give way to more Chinese encroachment on the Senkakus with neither Japan or its supposed protector, the US unable to do anything except for the usual lip service.

-13 ( +0 / -13 )

No, rejecting China’s aggression.

I don't see any aggression from China. I see aggression from the United States and its regional vassals. It's not China that has military bases all encircling the United States. It's not China that has troops in over 80 countries around the globe. It's not China sanctioning countries left and right for refusing to obey them. It's not China going around the world threatening and bullying countries to stop trading with America. It's not China that is currently involved in dozens of wars. It's not China that has a foreign policy doctrine of regime changes. It's not China that funds terrorist groups in the Middle East. How dishonest can you get? Seriously. The US is now synonymous with regime changes, wars and false flag operations. Nobody in the world trust the US govt. mantra of "spreading democracy".

The only territorial dispute in which i would agree with the Japanese side is their claim over the Northern territories of Hokkaido. The rest of their territorial claims are a result of their whitewashed version of WW2.

-13 ( +4 / -17 )


so you think the islands belong to china because you hate the US. That’s the same US that beat Japan and saved China in ww2. oh, were you talking about regime change?

9 ( +10 / -1 )

China thought they could pull a fast one on Japan, instead all they got is eggs on their faces.

Japan is not some weak South East Asian country that they can bully at will.

13 ( +14 / -1 )

Mods woke up and went to work...

It is sad to see again the Strong Censorship from the CCP...oh sorry...from JT.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Clearly they do have a claim to the islands, otherwise this wouldn't even be a subject of discussion.

The Chinese can whine and stomp their feet all they want but those islands are not theirs and never will be. The US had to fight a bloody war across the Pacific to defeat Japan, a war Mao and the Communists largely sat out except to tell the Japanese where Nationalist forces were, hoping the Japanese would whittle down Chiang Kai-sheks forces before the Soviets came in and swept the Japanese away for them. The US, UK, Australia and Chiang's Nationalists did all the heavy lifting to defeat the Japanese. The Communists often aided the Japanese so to heck with them. The US occupied Japan until 1955, by which time the North Koreans had invaded the south and China joined in on the side of the North Koreans and Soviets and thus were America's sworn enemy. So the US returned those islands to Japan along with many other former Japanese islands and eventually the whole Ryukyus. Tough luck for China. China has no legitimate claim to them and the US should help Japan protect them from the Chinese.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Hahaha, how many wars did China start to conquer others in history ?

Several wars with the Koreans in past centuries going back to the 4th Century Gojoseon-Yan War. They invaded Japan at least once in between their wars with Korea. They invaded Tibet in 1950 and invaded Vietnam in 1979. In 1984 they took several islands in the Spratleys from Vietnam. As far back as 111 bc the Chinese invaded and conquored Vietnam (Nanyue Kingdom). Around 40 AD there was another invasion of Vietham in the Han suppression of the Trung sisters. Following that was the Sui-Ly War or third domination of Vietnam by China and there was later the Ming-Ho War and the subsequent Tran Resistance. The Lam Son Uprising would eventually force the Ming out of Vietnam in 1427. Hundreds of years of attempts by China to conquer Vietnam. If you listen to the Koreans you might hear them complain about China illegally occupying "sacred" Korean soil on Mount Paektu, or they will say Kim Il-sung gave it away to China for supporting them in the Korean War.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

@ I lovecoffee

no aggression from China

you must be joking !

Hong Kong crackdown, building islands out of nowhere & building military bases, threatening Australia with sanctions if they don’t do what China demands, building in Bhutan territory & starting fights with India .

Not to mention sailing their warships into other countries waters because they claim it’s their territory.

Is that enough aggression for you ?

11 ( +13 / -2 )

What is the point of further discussion and negotiation when one party rejects outright any probability of compromise? All talks seem futile..

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Motegi should be canned. Kono Taro would be so much better suited for the job.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Diaoyu/ Senkaku is 170km from Taiwan coast, more than 1000 km from Japanese main island, no counting illegally annexed Ryukiu islands. Diaoyu / Senkaku has been administered and fall under jurisdiction of Yilan county, Taiwan for centuries. It's best that Japan return this island to Taiwan authority.

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

Kazuo Shii, Secretary of the Japan Communist Party, blasted Wan Yi for his proposal that only official government ships be allowed in waters surrounding the Senkaku Islands, disproving private fishing boats,  sometimes of suspicious nature, to fish there, according to the Nov. 26 Sankei Shimbun.

Shii said China is mainly responsible for the current tensions in the area and complicating the matter by trying to change the status quo by force.

I want to propose a forum to discuss, not negotiate, the Senkaku issue thoroughly at a civilian level be held as soon as possible before it goes beyond anyone's control.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

I can say without a doubt this could be the starting point axis point of a possible naval war.

One false move on either side, one slip up. One warning shot over the bow of a ship. And its on. No way Japan is giving up these islands. No way China is giving up. What we have here is a good old fashion WWII like standoff. All I can say is there must be something really worth having around those islands. This not over fish. This is over some major natural minable resource.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

All I can say is there must be something really worth having around those islands. This not over fish. This is over some major natural minable resource.

Oil and gas most likely but do not discount the value of a fishery to the Chinese. They have depleted their local stocks badly and have to send ships all over the world to satisfy their demand for fish. Chinese fishing boat crews attack South Korean fishing boats both in international waters and inside South Korea's EEZ. They have been run out of the Argentine EEZ too. I think the Argentines even sank a big Chinese fishing vessel inside their waters.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

> AkieToday  07:43 am JST

Rejected peace ? What is Suga doing

Notice how not immediately going with the suggestion from China in appeasement, Japan is all of a sudden rejecting peace? So what, it’s war then Akiesan?

pretty simple stuff.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Once again China attempts to get Japan to cede something, this time fishing around Senkaku. Japan has fishing rights around these islands, China does not. China's "solution" is no solution at all.

Japans solution is for Chinese ships to stop sailing around and fishing in Japanese waters.

China rejects Japans peaceful solution. Why does China want war? Is Xi crazy?

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Please let civilian people GOTO Senkaku freely for sightseeing or just fun. That would be a strong proof about sovereignty. There remain former residents' graveyard, to which surviving family and relatives deserve to pay visit (can be a valid and irresistible reason)

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Just imagine this, someone come to your house and proposed to you, that only you and him or her can enter my property and no one else without our permission. What? This is my property and you proposed this insane idea to me. What the? 

What is next; want to go inside my house as well?

 “Give them an inch, they will take a mile. Give them a foot… in the A*@...they learn to avoid you! “

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Clearly they do have a claim to the islands, otherwise this wouldn't even be a subject of discussion.

Really now? Just because you say it, doesnt make it true!

5 ( +5 / -0 )

evian1Today  11:30 am JST

It's best that Japan return this island to Taiwan authority.

That should be discussed after Taiwan declares itself a sovereign nation and is so accepted by China. Otherwise giving anything to Taiwan is just giving it to China.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

What people writing here don't seem to realize is that when Japan normalized relations with China in 1972, the two country's agreed to shelve the question of the ownership of the islands until the governor of Tokyo, Ishihara, at the prompting of the American rightwing Heritage Foundation declared unilaterally that they were Japanese.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

This is China's super-strategy to conquer several nearby nations on land and sea... China has not played that game with Japan so far. They started playing tricks with Japan now after Biden's help, too.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi had suggested fishing boats from both countries be kept away from the uninhabited islets in the East China Sea and only government ships be allowed to sail near the islands to "make sure suspicious boats don't enter sensitive waters."

What a clever idea! In case Japan agreed with China's proposal today, the vicinity of the Senkaku Islands would be swamped with hundreds of Chinese warships within a few days.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi had suggested fishing boats from both countries be kept away from the uninhabited islets in the East China Sea and only government ships be allowed to sail near the islands to "make sure suspicious boats don't enter sensitive waters."

It is disgusting.

Japan will have expected sucha suggestions, though.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Example: Look at the Spratly Islands, located off the coast of the Philippines and Malaysia. This region has been claimed by both of these nations as well as China, Vietnam, Brunei and Taiwan. ... This is due to the islands' rich marine ecosystem, gas and oil deposits, and ideal location for military strategies.Jun 4, 2013.

Now: In addition to piling sand onto existing reefs, China has constructed ports, military installations, and airstrips—particularly in the Paracel and Spratly Islands, where it has twenty and seven outposts, respectively. China has militarized Woody Island by deploying fighter jets, cruise missiles, and a radar system.


9 ( +9 / -0 )

I earnestly propose a forum at a civilian level to discuss, not negotiate, the Senkaku issue be held as soon as possible before the situation gets worsened beyond anyone's control.

Some may counter this by saying it's not the time to engage in such leisurely talks. 

Do they think the Chinese authorities only believe force is justice on the international scene, citing the Opium Wars in the 19th century and the subsequent subjugation and partial colonization of the country?

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

venzeToday  11:18 am JST

What is the point of further discussion and negotiation when one party rejects outright any probability of compromise? All talks seem futile..

If I claimed your house is mine what exactly is there to discuss or negotiate? A "compromise" only works in favor of the thief - China.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Why ??? Not 50 and 50 ???

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

I hope that Japan has already sent its elite troops to patrol the Senkaku Islands.

If not, Japan must be careful that China might send its commandos to invade the Senkaku Islands without any warning. Once they successfully establish a military base on these islands, without the intervention of the US and the determination of Japan, it is very difficult to take them back.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

As long as the CCP rules over China and it's people, they must never be trusted. The CCP has had decades to become a better government, allow the Chinese freedom to choose their leadership and other basic human freedoms to grow, and show themselves as a responsible leadership (We still remember clearly the actions the CCP took that lead to the COVID 19 pandemic....) on a global stage. They have failed utterly.

China under the CCP wants respect on an international stage, but does extremely little to deserve it.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

agree with winnie the pup’s mistress in distress here Japan shoundt b bother a bit about China leave that job to India India alone will teach China a very good lesson

1 ( +1 / -0 )

OssanAmerica (Nov. 27|06:10 JST),

If I claimed your house is mine what exactly is there to discuss or negotiate? A "compromise" only works in favor of the thief - China.

Discussion and negotiation are different kinds of interlocution between individuals or a group of individuals. To rephrase definitions given by a dictionary:

Discussion is consideration of a subject for mutual understanding of the subject. Negotiation, on the other hand, is an act of conferring with another or others in order to reach an agreement.

I'm proposing here to hold an unofficial forum to freely discuss the Senkaku issue for furthering mutual understanding of the issue among us.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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