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Japan plans law to speed up overseas deployment of troops


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Japan plans law to speed up overseas deployment of troops


0 ( +0 / -0 )

According to the article,

The bills would govern the dispatch of Japanese troops overseas in logistical support of multinational forces or key ally the United States.

and Abe said

He wants the military to have the power to come to the aid of allies such as the United States if U.S. forces are attacked.

So, just for clarification, if an "ally" (read: USA) were attacked, Japan would only supply logistical support and not front-line troops?

Looked at separately from the constitution issue, it seems strange to pass laws to enable yourself to get involved in wars which are not your own, most countries try to get away from having to support the USA nowadays (look at the EU). It may also increase Japan's chances of reprisals by terror groups as Japan would be a juicy target given the population density & relative inexperience with such issues.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Japan plans to draw up a law to speed the deployment of troops overseas for peacekeeping operations and to support allies,

US needs more auxiliary troops ??

So just in time !!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

"The US is broke and cannot afford to fight wars, so it wants Japan to do them."

Japan is also broke, so I was thinking maybe the Chinese could step up to the plate here and secure the peace for everyone.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Unfortunetly there is only once the UN mentioned in this article, its all about US?

If this country would have an close alliance of some sorts with the UN, even the neighbours will agree to not only Korean blue helmets but also to a physical and not only a money diplomacy coming from JP.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

tinawatanabe: "smith, this is what US your country has been demanding for a long time too."

My country is Canada, so no. But good on you for proving that you jump the gun and generalize all the time, with things that are very often incorrect!

"Just yesterday weren't you proud that US was selling Japan a radar?"

Not one bit. I said that people who whine that the US military presence needs to be removed from Japan ought to be griping that Japan is constantly using US military technology in its presence, and that if they are thankful for US defense such as this they should not turn around and ask the US to leave. Again, you prove yourself unable to read and unable to reply without your own bias. I was not proud at all -- that's your knee-jerk reaction.

"And before that didn't you call Japan a new China?"

Yes, and they are -- at least that's what Abe is pushing for. None of that changes whatsoever with Japan pushing to change the constitution when no one wants it, does it? But as said twice already, you fail when it comes to basic comprehension.

"Make up your mind"

How about you relax and stop generalizing and undermining your own comments? You might see that I haven't changed my mind, or nationality, at all.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Way to go Japan! They're already on their 4th aircraft carrier. Every nation has the right to self-preservation and self-defense. Article 9 be damned, IMHO.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Yet sending soldiers into a foreign hot zone has been a major step in transforming Japan's defeat in the postwar years. It addresses the embarrassment of the Gulf War in 1991, in which Japan was asked to help underwrite the war but was told its troops weren't welcome. In a current atmosphere, Japan should play a greater role in world affairs. Japan contributed so much money and got so little recognition for it. Japan should develop a capability to strike first at any imminent threat. If you look at the $700 billion in annual defense budget of the U.S., it will not be sustainable in a near future, so Japan has to prepare for the changes.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

The only thing that worries me is the population structure. In a country where more young people are needed to do the work here at home than abroad because of immigration policy errors, i don't therefore think sending soldiers to fight and die overseas is a rational decision to make. The US has its own strength from people around the globe known as immigrants, so i think it can easily refuel itself, even in times of economic hardships, new ideas and strength continue to flows in. The US also does have the right to request more contribution from allies, as it is all about defending and promoting freedom, freer flow of information, and giving people abroad more chances to be able to succeed through their own efforts, not by being favored by some high ranking officials. But LDP should see the bigger picture here, realities of today cannot always be the same with past glories.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

@BertieWoosterDEC. 29, 2014 - 03:06PM JST

Puffthemagic, I don't like the photo with THAT flag. Scary.

Nor do I.


The flag is only a replica of Navy SunRise flag. When the flag with Red Sun with white underground start to appear, I willl worry for soldiers. The flag Japanese military govt forced young pilots to perform Kamikaze attack on Pearl harbor. Also flag that brainwashed Japanese until 1945.

Peace keeping in Japan and USA have different attitude. Japan had a slogan of Dai-Toua Kyo-Ei-Ken and WW II expanded to South East Asia. Hope Abe meant real peace, not invasion chance by Japan Inc.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Interesting ideas about the historical internationalism. Im wondering if Schrödingers cat is present in the arguments. Considering pax romana Bertie definitely have a point. The idea and the effective administration of it produced a long lasting peace among many tribes. But in the word administer lurks a level of meaning that Bertie may have forgotten, namely an absolute ruthlessness against anyone who opposed roman rule, sorry I mean roman peace of course. The situation with the modern world police, US troops, is tricky. Usually, I think, that the "police" shows up if there already is a mess of some kind. If the US and various allies would not interfere the mess would probably solve itself as history has proven, eventually. This is perfectly conceivable as long as no one cares about how a messy situation is solved. So if we in a developing Global society could accept the situation that Schrödingers cat experienced it would make sense to stop all police-activities. This is the point. Since we have started to follow what happens almost everywhere, and it seems as we do care what happens to the other, we can't just stand by and let things solve themselves. But its a tricky situation. I think a limited but a forceful capacity from the UN is the best option we could achieve in time. And sure if Japan could play a more significant part in such work it would certainly be welcome.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Abe will succeed in getting rid of the "post war regime" imposed by the Americans in order to create a beautiful country alliance regime imposed by the Americans. This is the stuff of Nobel Peace prizes.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Face it. Abe is a dictator. He doesn't have to revise the Constitution as he knows he can violate it with impunity. He does not care a jot for listening to public opinion. The only voices he hears are of his dead war criminal progenitors.

It is no longer a question of if Japan will be engaged in war but of when and how terribly. Unless Abe can be stopped.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

gokaiwo-maneku Dec29, 4:30 P.M. JST< I wholeheartedly agree with you. I have got the impression that Mr. Abe is among those Japanese politicians who have got a false sense of security thinking that Japan did not suffer a defeat in the last war, Japan did not suffer an unconditional surrender to the allied forces but that the war came to an end, which implies, as I get into his mind, that Japan was defeated by the US but did not get defeated by China, Korea and other Asian countries. This mentality translates into a dichotomy in the working of the Japanese mind vis-a vis China and Korea on the one hand and the USA on the other. Japan plays a subservient role to the US while with China and Korea, Japan acts very arrogant, giving a blind eye to the victimizer aspect of the wartime experience. What Mr. Abe tries to do by making it possible to dispatch SDF troops overseas on a permanent law would bear out this thinking on the part of Mr. Abe and his government, which has been left unmentioned, that the traditional Japanese governments headed by LDP are just a puppet government that gives top priority to serve the intersts of the US ay the expense of the Japanese people. This shows they are still in the grip of the occupier-ocupied mentality at work. Nothing but "back to the future"!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

That main picture caption is wrong, isn't it?

The Air Self-Defense Force uniforms are blue serge with blue caps and the JASDF flag is completely different and doesn't feature a rising sun. I believe the pic shown is of the Maritime Self-Defense Force with their white caps and rising sun-type of ensign.

I stand to be corrected but I believe the caption is wrong.

2 ( +2 / -0 )


I don't like the photo with THAT flag. Scary.

Nor do I.


2 ( +7 / -5 )

now being dragged back into pre-WII times by a man bent on restoring the 'former glory' of Imperial Japan.

smith, this is what US your country has been demanding for a long time too. Just yesterday weren't you proud that US was selling Japan a radar? And before that didn't you call Japan a new China? Make up your mind.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

cleo: "If this shameful law gets passed, when the first body bag containing a Japanese body comes home, Abe and his cabinet, and anyone else who voted with them, should commit harakiri en masse by way of apology."

They won't, though. They'll say, "How could we have known?" or even, "Shouganai ne", and then whomever is leader at the time, even if Abe, they'll blame it on predecessors and say it could not be helped -- they don't have the power to change such laws, and then everyone will vote LDP again.

7 ( +8 / -2 )

cleo Dec. 29, 2014 - 02:23PM JST

The sad fact cleo is Komeito has sold their souls to maintain their coalition status with Juminto and have forgotten the very principles that Soka Gakkai stands for. Without Komeito's, or shall we be honest Soka Gakkai's help, Abe couldn't have rammed through any of his controversial legislation and it will be Komeito's as well as Juminto's blood on their hands when Japaneses boys and girls die for the cause of so-called peace and security.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

He wants the military to have the power to come to the aid of allies such as the United States if U.S. forces are attacked.

Like they were 'attacked' in the Gulf of Tonkin? Like their fighter planes were 'attacked' by goatherds in the mountains of Iraq?

This is really not at all a good idea. Japanese boys and girls should not be going off to kill people at the behest of America. (Or at the behest of anyone else, but we all know it's America).

I hope Komeito hang in there.

How do you like them apples Abe?

It wouldn't be the 60-year-old Abe eating the stinking rotten apples or even his kids since he doesn't have any: it would be young people who signed up to the SDF, probably while they were still too young to vote, thinking they would be helping out in rescue efforts after natural disasters and the like. Certainly no one joins the JSDF expecting to go fight America's wars.

If this shameful law gets passed, when the first body bag containing a Japanese body comes home, Abe and his cabinet, and anyone else who voted with them, should commit harakiri en masse by way of apology.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

Deploying Japanese peace keeping force for natural disaster relief has no problem. However Japanese force will join the offensive mission in middle east will be inviting hostile and terrorist attack on Japanese home soil. Pig may be still pig whether it has lip stick or not!

3 ( +4 / -1 )

I must be the only guy in support here, but it is a good idea.

The reality of life is, Japan is critically dependent on the US for defense (as is most of the 1st World). In a sense, the Free World are protectorates of the United States. Which means, of course, that sometimes they just have to do the US' bidding, unless they want to be left hanging.

Since that's the fact of life, Japan might as well get all of what it can get from that path. Which means the goodwill of being a fast responder. The present process blocks that and in essence Japan gets the worst of both worlds every time.

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

Disturbing. Japan should never be allowed an military with the right to fight offensively. A defensive capability and a remit to assist in a humanitarian capacity is all well and good, but this does not bode well at all.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Here you go, peeps! You get what you voted for (or didn't vote at all and hence allowed in). Abe hasn't even 'convinced a skeptical public' yet but is already pushing forward his "beautiful Japan" pet projects. Way to go, Japan! Once a beacon of true peace for the constitution and refusal to participate in war, and now being dragged back into pre-WII times by a man bent on restoring the 'former glory' of Imperial Japan.

9 ( +13 / -4 )

Better arrangement is to deploy more JP troops in Okinawa to replace US army who could be sent to mentioned overseas locations, therefore US generals can command US soldiers much more easily and Okinawan would be happier that US soldiers leave.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

No stopping Abe, now he has a Popemobile.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Definitely Japan should be able to defend itself adequately. Each person and country have a right to defend their area.

Japan already has this right, and an extremely powerful self-defense force to do so. This article has nothing to do with that. They want to change their rights to be able to fight pre-emptively, rather than only in defense.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

The lesson still to be learned by the Okinawans is that troops absolutely do create peace.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

Definitely Japan should be able to defend itself adequately. Each person and country have a right to defend their area. Someone's mercenary? No way, if you can be powerful enough to block such requests.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

How about communication? I bet none of the J troops can speak English.

9 ( +11 / -3 )

I don't like the photo with THAT flag. Scary.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Abe taking steps to follow in his grand-pappy's footsteps. Very bad move.

13 ( +15 / -2 )

That mess in the Middle East was already there, centuries before the U.S. was even a country. Now, if you want to say "look at the mess that the U.S. trooos have exacerbated, then that's another story.

That's sort of true. The Middle East has always been a mess, but the US has royally screwed things up and made them way worse than they previously were. Saddam may have sucked, but he kept things stable. Now things are all messed up.

It's pretty easy for us to be arn chair generals from the comfort of out homes, thousands of miles away from the actio all safe and sound.

It's also pretty easy when the US went into Iraq uninvited, unsupported by the world, and for a manufactured reason that turned out to be a lie. The US will never live that one down.

6 ( +10 / -3 )

@Bertie Wooster- "Look at the mess US troops have created in the Middle East"

That mess in the Middle East was already there, centuries before the U.S. was even a country. Now, if you want to say "look at the mess that the U.S. trooos have exacerbated, then that's another story. While it now seems like Sadaam Hussein was a better ootion to ISIS, how do you think you would've liked to live under his or Assad's rule? It's pretty easy for us to be arn chair generals from the comfort of out homes, thousands of miles away from the actio all safe and sound.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

The amount of useless laws this government is putting trough is ridiculous.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Not imperialsm but Abeism or LDPism. How Japan will increase peace force? Which way? Hope not drafting. Enlistment can be used. Or Gender euality Peace Force? Must be thinking Robotic soldiers as Japanese have shortage in youngsters. Decreasing population has been big problem. Which countries are allied? Is this new direction is to help S Korea? Bit don't insult Japan and Emperor by calling Imperialism. Emperor just had speech to express his desire of Peace. This is Abeism. Often older people are insulted by some people that older people want wars. They were the ones who experienced B 24 air raid and A bomb. They hated wars than peace era younger people. Again, Emperor wanted peace. Don't call Imperialis, please. He has nothing to do with Abe's decision. Don't hide Abe's decision as if Emperor said/

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

This is the first step for Japanese army to becom a mercenary army at the call of the US. The US is broke and cannot afford to fight wars, so it wants Japan to do them. Soon, young Japanese will be dying in far away lands for the interests of the US 1%. It is so obvious. Well, we'll see how long Abe lasts when this happens.

8 ( +12 / -4 )

Wow bold move by the imperialist government of old, best way to calm down the people is to control them by force so rather than say speedy moves for economy this government is more concerned about military prowess, "peace" please only in name. Though I might say I like the cover up of using the US "The gradual expansion of the role of Japanese forces in global affairs came partly from U.S. pressure" hence the side bar talks between Abe and what was it the NK's used "monkey" Abe and this government are more interested in setting up a ministerial corrupted government that pry on the people like in the good old days and since no one is willing to stop them they push on ahead. In regards to a fellow poster's comments "Japanese military have been and continue to participate in UN sponsored peace-keeping operations in numerous places in the world" peace-keeping operations that also include military forward action. In other words "fight". hmmm not from a pacifist nation it shouldn't. Please understand before it's too late which it may already be the agenda is a global one not just about Japan. Other than China and Russia urging against globalization all the pieces have fitted in nicely according to globalists. Hence a bigger war coming.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Send them to fight the ISIS in Iraq, or send them to Afghanistan to fight the Talibans.

Great ideal by Abe.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

All the Empires around the world wanted to copy the Roman Empire. But people should know what happened to the Roman Empire...nobody learns from history.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Troops do not create peace. Look at the mess US troops have created in the Middle East, the "peace" created in Afghanistan by the Soviets and before them the British.

You obviously did not read the article; it talks about participating in peace-keeping operations, not creating peace.

Japanese military have been and continue to participate in UN sponsored peace-keeping operations in numerous places in the world.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Great, send them to W. Africa to support the Ebola ops there. Oh, while you're at it, we need boots on the ground to fight IS. No worries, it will only be on an advisory capacity, and as such, you will only be allowed to carry your side arm and must ask Tokyo for permission before you discharge your weapon.

How do you like them apples Abe?

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Troops do not create peace. Look at the mess US troops have created in the Middle East, the "peace" created in Afghanistan by the Soviets and before them the British.

There was a time in the history of the Roman Empire when there was great peace. It was called the Pax Romana. It was not a time of fighting, there was abundant trade, creation of infrastructure, roads, cities, harbours.

There is a lesson to be learned.

11 ( +21 / -9 )

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