Japan Today

Japan to mobilize $1 billion to help nations around Ukraine accept refugees

By Tetsushi Kajimoto

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Just as long as it's not Japan.

-2 ( +22 / -24 )

Can't improve the lives of our own people but billions for the Ukraine issue!

-3 ( +17 / -20 )

How much will go to Russia?

Most are unaware that the country hosting the most refugees from Ukraine is actually Russia.

-1 ( +16 / -17 )

Paying someone else to do what you should be doing.

-8 ( +15 / -23 )

Japan will help refugee where international spotlight is currently on, other refugee won't lucky as Ukraine refugee.


-6 ( +9 / -15 )

The new funding also will be used to facilitate investment by Japanese firms in those countries

"also".... LOL

12 ( +14 / -2 )

One is instantly reminded of the liberation of Kuwait. Diplomacy by check, but Japan doesn't have the financial muscle it used to have.

Paying someone else to do what you should be doing.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Western weapons manufacturers must have made billions in the Ukrainian war. Nov they expect Japan to clean up the mess and foot the bill.

-3 ( +10 / -13 )

Help your own country first old man

0 ( +13 / -13 )

Most are unaware that the country hosting the most refugees from Ukraine is actually Russia.

Aren't they like Ukrainian child hostages being brainwashed into becoming Russian? You know, what Putin has as arrest warrant out for? Surely even the Russians wouldn't try to get money from Japan for that. Surely. Never know though.

-3 ( +8 / -11 )

The new funding also will be used to facilitate investment by Japanese firms in those countries,

What's left of the Ukraine is being privatised and sold off to American companies such as Blackrock. A lot of the prime agricultural land has already been sold. Ukraine is now a Western debt slave - the Japanese government is just attempting to grab its own slice of the pie.


Cargill, Dupont and Monsanto bought 17 million hectares of Ukrainian agricultural land in 2022. 17 million hectares is more than all the agricultural land in Italy.


2 ( +12 / -10 )


Today 07:30 am JST

Paying someone else to do what you should be doing

Despite the fact I don't support more money regarding Ukraine and especially for Europe seeing it is so keen of supplying more and more for the war instead of pushing a diplomatic solution, Europe can foot its own bills.

But Here is reality.

Even if Japan opened up freely to Ukrainian refugees, few would bother coming especially if they have already in an EU country.

Why come to a place you know little about, have little chance at getting a good job, you need not only learn a very different language but also a very complicated writing system.

8 million refugees are outside Ukraine, 3 million are in Russia (many prior to the 2022 invasion), the other 5 million are in Poland 1.5 ~2 million, Germany 1 ~1.5 million etc...

If those 5 million in the western countries over 1 million have already applied for permanent residency without plans to return.

This not planning on returning isn't limited to Europe, Canada will take in nearly 700,000, nearly 200,000 have already arrived and 80% of those have applied to remain permanently.

So with the choice of EU and Canada, does anyone really think any significant numbers of refugees from Ukraine will come here to Japan?

-1 ( +6 / -7 )


Today 07:44 am JST

Most are unaware that the country hosting the most refugees from Ukraine is actually Russia.

> Aren't they like Ukrainian child hostages being brainwashed into becoming Russian? You know, what Putin has as arrest warrant out for? Surely even the Russians wouldn't try to get money from Japan for that. Surely. Never know though.

Actually we do know, Ukraine claims that since the 2022 invasion between 700,000 and 900,000 refugees are in Russia.

Russia claims 900,000 to 1.1 million.

The UNHCR says 2.9 to 3.1 million Ukrainian refugees are in Russia.

So if both Russia and Ukraine agree that since the 2022 invasion only around 1 million fled to Russia, that means the other 2 million fled between 2014 and 2022 not something the west likes to admit.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

Oops, after all the ‘fun’ there’s suddenly an invoice in the letterbox? That’s really not to be expected. lol

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

What's left of the Ukraine is being privatised and sold off to American companies such as Blackrock

Well you can start by blaming Russia for this idiotic invasion, but we know that won't be happening.

0 ( +7 / -7 )


Today 08:30 am JST

Suzuki made no mention of additional sanctions against Russia ...

> More hypocrisy from Japan. They say they'll support refugees fleeing Russian brutality, while at the same time buying Russian gas and seafood (in record amounts), and selling the Russia cigarettes through a Japan-owned company. Sickening hypocrisy

Is that any different than Europe?

Go check out how much Europe is still buying, since the start Russia hasn't cut the flow through Ukraine and is selling via Ukraine same as before the invasion.

And Ukraine takes its cut.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

factcheckerToday  07:30 am JST

Paying someone else to do what you should be doing.

This is probably a better alternative to trying to force Ukranians to live in Japan.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Before Russia invaded Ukraine, the European Union was highly dependent on Russian energy resources. In 2021, EU countries imported 155 billion cubic metres (bcm) of Russian gas, which accounted for about 45 percent of total gas imports.

The EU has vowed to quit Russian fossil fuels by 2027, and replaced around two-thirds of Russian gas last year. But while Moscow slashed pipeline gas flows, deliveries of Russian liquefied natural gas to Europe increased last year - to 22 bcm, up from around 16 bcm in 2021, according to an EU analysis seen by Reuters.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

I noticed the consistency here if people not liking facts.

The facts on refugees are easily available, but pointing them out gets people upset.

The fact that few if any Ukrainian refugees are going to want to uproot themselves from Europe and come to Japan were they have zero language skills, zero job opportunities, just upsets people that want nothing more than to complain about Japan.

Most here like or at least are capable of living in Japan.

Most here came voluntarily and understood what they were getting into ( well to a point) and most can return to their country any time.

Ukrainian refugees most will not want to come this far, most will wish to remain at least near other Ukrainians in Europe, most can cope with at least one other European language even if it is English.

So stop the fake outrage towards Japan as much as I don't like the money going, Japan will never be a viable destination for refugees from Ukraine so if Japan has to do its part with money then it is better than doing nothing.

-2 ( +7 / -9 )

Japan is a terrible choice for refugees. The vast majority of Japanese don't want any foreigners in Japan, let alone refugees. Also, what's a Ukrainian going to do here? Work on an assembly line with the Chinese and Vietnamese slaves (sorry, "trainees"!) for 980 yen per hour before taxes?

-12 ( +9 / -21 )

This is probably a better alternative to trying to force Ukranians to live in Japan.

Force? Who said anything about force? A welcome hand for victims and refugees of unsolicited war is all that would be required. If Japan doesn't want to meet its obligations to refugees with substantive, home-based help then it should not have signed up to the relevant agreements to do so. Simple. Right now it it is in the spotlight and needs to show some willing but doesn't really want to do so. Call me cynical but this is Japan to a tee.

-11 ( +5 / -16 )

Japan is taking the right action to support countries around Ukraine that have taken refugees like Poland with more than 1.6 million.

Russia has nearly 3 million but won't receive any help.

Some Ukrainians who fled Russia’s war ended up in Siberia. It’s unclear if or when they’ll return home.

"The United Nations estimates more than 2.8 million Ukrainians have taken refuge in Russia over the past year. Some – largely those who could afford it – have transited through Russia to other countries in Europe, and many have even made it back to Ukraine. "


The refugees were from the territories of the Donetsk People's Republic and Luhansk People's Republics taken over by pro-Russian separatists since the Russo-Ukrainian War. Most refugees have headed to rural areas in central Russia.

There are also the tens of thousands of abducted Ukrainian children taken to Russia which is a war crime that Putin has been charged with.

Russia’s fake refugee haven


0 ( +5 / -5 )

Alfie, you hit the nail on the head. That is what Western wars about. Plundering and enslavement through onerous loans from IMF and World bank.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

MoonrakerToday  09:03 am JST

This is probably a better alternative to trying to force Ukranians to live in Japan.

Force? Who said anything about force? 

Seems to have gone right over your head. My response was to a post suggesting that Japan should "take in refugees" on a par with European nations. Which, as others have correctly pointed out, is unrealistic due to linguistic and cultural differences. An Asian nation like Japan is not a highly chosen destination for Ukranian refugees. Hence, Japan assisting them into accepting European nations makes more sense than "forcing" them to come to Japan. Get it now?

1 ( +7 / -6 )

The farce of EU not buying Russian gas and oil.

India is now the number one provider of petroleum products to Europe.

Where is India getting the oil? Russia!

So Europe can say "we stopped buying from Russia, but all they did was shift to a middle man India.

Either way they are buying Russian oil.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

My understanding is that refugees can indicate preferences for a country of refuge. Sure, more will chose Germany or Poland, for example. But Germany (for example) only has so many slots. Through this process Japan will become more popular a choice.

Some will want to come outright, because they like anime, have some romantic notion of Japan and Asia, or simply want a challenge. Employing some of these men and women with Russia language and cultural skills in the JSDF makes a lot of sense.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Employing some of these men and women with Russia language and cultural skills in the JSDF makes a lot of sense.

LOL! Yeah, that'll happen!

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

What's left of the Ukraine is being privatised and sold off to American companies such as Blackrock. A lot of the prime agricultural land has already been sold. Ukraine is now a Western debt slave - the Japanese government is just attempting to grab its own slice of the pie.

So many Ukrainians have been sacrificed, now they lose more land?

0 ( +2 / -2 )


Today 09:03 am JST

This is probably a better alternative to trying to force Ukranians to live in Japan.

> Force? Who said anything about force? A welcome hand for victims and refugees of unsolicited war is all that would be required. If Japan doesn't want to meet its obligations to refugees with substantive, home-based help then it should not have signed up to the relevant agreements to do so. Simple. Right now it it is in the spotlight and needs to show some willing but doesn't really want to do so. Call me cynical but this is Japan to a

As I and others have clearly pointed out, how many Ukrainians are actually willing to come here?

Here is an example of where Ukrainians are unwilling to go outside Europe.

Canada long known as being very open to refugees has committed to taking in 700,000 on a fast track basis.

Despite the 9 million strong ethnic Ukraine community in Canada having prepared million of dollars in resources, support systems, travel expenses (private and government), despite the ultra fast track process ( something not offered to Syrian etc .. refugees) only slightly under 200,000 have gone to Canada.

So do you really expect that with no or nearly no Ukrainian community here, no language skills, very limited support, completely foreign lifestyle any significant number of refugees are going to come to Japan.

No! So at least Japan is offering to help places the Ukrainians want to live for now.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Japan will unveil a plan to mobilize $1 billion to help countries surrounding Ukraine accept refugees from the war-torn country

Because Japan doens't want to accept them, so let's pay someone else to take them.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

The offer of temporary shelter until they can go back to Ukraine would be a nice humanitarian offer rather than blatantly trying to keep them at arm's length. If the Ukrainians don't take it up then all well and good for Japan. If my home had been reduced to rubble I would be happy for almost anyone to offer me a shelter. And so might more Ukrainians in time. We cannot know what they might choose, if given a choice. "Oh, they wouldn't want to come here anyway," smacks of an excuse for the xenophobia that Japan can always find its own excuses for. In any case, as the more perceptive have pointed out, the touted billion dollars is mostly corporate welfare anyway. Plus ça change.

-9 ( +2 / -11 )


Today 10:30 am JST


Today 11:05 am JST

What part of they really don't want to come here is not getting through?

Canada has fast track entry, free housing, financial support 400,000 spaces and the Ukrainians are not going, they want to remain in Europe.

Japan could say "all are welcome " "guaranteed visa" blah blah blah. They are not going to come.

Are both so needy to bash Japan that simple facts aren't going to stop you?

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Has Japan refused Ukrainians seeking refuge in the country?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Anyway I hope countries welcoming Ukraine refugees welcome Syrians and other refugees equally

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

I would say that hopefully the aid will be paid back when Russia is defeated, but chances are that they won't be held accountable. Let's just hope Ukraine can get more of its territory back before the ceasefire.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Japan could say "all are welcome " "guaranteed visa" blah blah blah. They are not going to come.

If your insight is so penetrating, Antiquesaving, then why doesn't Japan just make such an offer knowing full well it will look very good and, at the same time, there will be no takers. Seems like a win-win, no?

-4 ( +1 / -5 )


Today 11:37 am JST

Japan could say "all are welcome " "guaranteed visa" blah blah blah. They are not going to come.

> If your insight is so penetrating, Antiquesaving, then why doesn't Japan just make such an offer knowing full well it will look very good and, at the same time, there will be no takers. Seems like a win-win, no

I am sorry if facts and reality are not to your liking and your need to bash Japan overrides common sense and reality.

Where is Ukraine? Asia?

0 ( +2 / -2 )


Today 11:17 am JST

Has Japan refused Ukrainians seeking refuge in the country?

Simple answer: No!

Longer answer, Japan has not only accepted refugees from Ukraine via Poland but extended the stay of all Ukrainians that have requested to remain after their cultural, student, working, etc..visas expired.

This was pointed out is several articles over the past year right here on JT.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

HELP US! A billion dollars is so much money. I know so many people who could use a little assistance in these financially troubling times.

1 ( +1 / -0 )


So zelenskys plans of selling Ukraine's land resources before the war which have been blocked by the people are now pushing through and being done under the cover of war.


I guess the planned counteroffensive will take a little more time

0 ( +1 / -1 )

But some, or all of it, could be fake news so readers should research and find out for themselves first before getting depressed.

Monsanto for example may have already been bought out and ceased to exist when the alleged sale of some of the lands occurred

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Is this help for the suffering refugees as the title says or something else?

From the article :

*"...state-owned Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), which typically offers assistance in the form of lending, guarantees and equity investment, based on financing needs for each project.*

*The new funding also will be used to facilitate investment by Japanese firms in those countries,..."*

Appears to be a Big Money opportunity for Japan as opposed to any form of Altruistic Aid - no strings attached.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Japan to mobilize $1 billion to help nations around Ukraine accept refugees

Money well spent.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Ukraine's being hollowed out with this endless mindless war, every day that passes these refuges less likely to return to their homeland being systemically destroyed.

Well past 12M Ukrainian refugees - more every day, Left behind are largely elderly, poor and those fighting.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Meanwhile these Ukrainian refuges mainly ending up in Europe, which has Very High Food, Energy and Housing Inflation, due to US NATO led Ukraine Proxy War.

UK official Inflation 'print' yesterday, 10.1%, real inflation is of course Much Higher!

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

The endless mindless war is one started by Putin. Ukraine is doing what all countries would do, defend itself against the Ruskie invader and aggressor. Putin is not willing to end his war.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Remember, Europe heavily relied on Cheap Russian and Ukrainian Food, prior to Feb 2022 and Cheap Energy from Russia especially.

Ukraine Refuges now dealing with high inflation as recent 'war' immigrants, with housing shortages the norm and public services stretched, as European Govts. are forced to raise taxes on everyone to pay for this large additional refugee cost, not to mention cost of war itself.

So, no wonder support across Europe for Ukraine military support dropping like rock in every EU country, as everywhere grows more concerned over escalation.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

The polls show the majority of Europeans continue to support Ukraine.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Everyone Supprts Ukraine and their Refugues, but military support in Ukraine Fading FAST if one believes polling below, trends Obvious

Public opinion on the war in Ukraine (europa.eu)

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Latest for May, everyone supports humanitarian, like refuges from Ukraine, now escalation, see below

en-public-opinion-on-the-war-against-Ukraine-20230511.pdf (europa.eu)

Future of the conflict: In Hungary, 54% of respondents think that the war against Ukraine could lead to a world war. Furthermore, 55% believe that in that case nuclear weapons will be used by either side in a war, see Source. For Italians, 45.2%, believe that there will probably be a counteroffensive, but it won't significantly change the front lines, resulting in continued stalemate. In addition, 21.6% of respondents believed that there won't be a counteroffensive since Ukrainians lack the means for a real offensive, see Source. In the Netherlands, the concern that respondents themselves or relatives will be involved in a war in the next five years went from 10% in 2021 to about 1/3. This concern is more salient for older people than for young people, see Source. 84% of respondents in Russia believe that the events in Ukraine are of concern, with half very worried, and 34% are rather worried. In addition, 62% are concerned about a potential counteroffensive led by the Ukraine army, with 28% worried, 34% rather worried, see Source. For Ukrainians, over 67% say the war with Russia can only end with Ukraine's victory and that compromise with Russia is unacceptable, 22% of respondents say they can make some compromises,

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Only 11% of Germans think that there will be negotiations to end the war any time soon, while 87% disagree with the statement per above source.

Germany people, nobody's fools; In other words, far more Ukraine Refuges coming as it becomes failed state, sustained high inflation, with risk of escalation steadily increasing,

Meanwhile, while China's busy recruiting globally, using US NATO as Proxy Poster Child - Dangerous and Un Trustable War Machine with an endless War appetite.


-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Wow, even facts supported by the UN, that 14,000 civilians were killed in the Dombas is "offensive or vulgar" ?

Is JT now officially a NATO propaganda tool?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

How about helping its own people a bit more first???

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Russia’s image:

According to a multi-country survey, 57% of respondents say they do not approve

Russian leadership, which is a major jump from 38% in 2021 and the highest number ever recorded

since 2007.

Today, Russia's leadership is supported by one out of five adults in the world. In 2022,

the approval rate for Russia's leadership declined to 21% from a median of 33% in 2021.

In both 2021 and 2022, 84 countries and territories saw disapproval of the Russian leadership

increase by at least 10 percentage points.

The largest increase was in Lithuania, a NATO member and former Soviet republic, whose disapproval rate rose from 44% in 2021 to 91% in 2022.

High-income, Western-leaning democracies tend to have the highest disapproval of leadership scores,

with over 90% in the United States (93%), Canada (91%), and 10 European countries.

Moreover, approval of Russian leadership has fallen sharply in Kazakhstan, a key alley that has traditionally

been closely aligned with the Kremlin,


0 ( +1 / -1 )

EU People support Ukrainian refuges! Yet as for War itself, that's of real concern.

Below latest public opinion on the war in Ukraine (europa.eu)

> Concerns about the war remain high: 93% of Italian respondents are worried about the evolution of Ukraine's’ conflict, see Source. In Slovenia, the level of concern about the war in Ukraine remains high: 61% are still worried about the war, see source. The same feeling is seen in Spain, where 75% believe that the conflict will continue over time. 29% are concerned about Russia's possible use of nuclear weapons

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

1 Billion Yen, can you believe it. This money could be better spent at home helping poor people, I find it leaves a beastly taste in my mouth.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

EU People support Ukrainian refuges! Yet as for War itself, that's of real concern.

Below latest TREND in LAST MONTH public opinion on the war in Ukraine (europa.eu

Divergent opinions on the transfer of weapons to Ukraine: Germans’ approval of arms deliveries to Ukraine has declined, 46% of respondents are in favour (-9 p.p.). In contrast, the proportion of those who oppose to it has risen to 54% (+11 p.p.)

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

The polls show the majority of Europeans continue to support Ukraine.

Then they should pay more, like President Trump said last night.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

EU People support Ukrainian refuges! Yet as for War itself, that's of real concern.

Below latest TREND in LAST MONTH public opinion on the war in Ukraine (europa.eu

Important to note on transfer of weapons to Ukraine question, Germany's an OUTLIER, Support Much Lower across most of Europe eg. Spain, France, Italy, etc.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Recent Polling's pretty clear Europeans giving up on the idea of an endless war and Ukraine failed state with unchecked refuges and inflation. Naturally, they support Ukrainian people, as they should.

Polling represents people's will, Democracy in action. 20pt swing in ONE Month below, shocking collapse as to public opinion on war question in Ukraine (europa.eu)

Divergent opinions on the transfer of weapons to Ukraine: Germans’ approval of arms deliveries to Ukraine has declined, 46% of respondents are in favour (-9 p.p.). In contrast, the proportion of those who oppose to it has risen to 54% (+11 p.p.)

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Europeans remain united in helping Ukraine defeat Russia.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

One of the keys in life, gotta know to fold e'm, cut your losses, subordinate your ego and your selfish wants.

Especially when dealing with REAL Lives, like Ukrainians, whether in combat or forced to immigrate somewhere, not to mention sick and elderly all suffering in Ukraine.

Not to mention, Huge Global Collateral Costs & Risks of Starvation, Malnutrition, Inflation & Weapons Proliferation

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Europeans remain united in helping Ukraine defeat Russia.

That's great but unfortunately EU citizens not so much, Spain, Italy, France, etc. fa Higher Opposition than Germany below,

Divergent opinions on the transfer of weapons to Ukraine: Germans’ approval of arms deliveries to Ukraine has declined, 46% of respondents are in favour (-9 p.p.). In contrast, the proportion of those who oppose to it has risen to 54% (+11 p.p.)

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Recent Polling's pretty clear Europeans giving up on the idea of an endless war and Ukraine failed state with unchecked refuges and inflation. Naturally, they support Ukrainian people, as they should.

Polling represents people's will, Democracy in action. 20pt swing in ONE Month below, shocking collapse as to public opinion on war question in Ukraine (europa.eu)

Divergent opinions on the transfer of weapons to Ukraine: Germans’ approval of arms deliveries to Ukraine has declined, 46% of respondents are in favour (-9 p.p.). In contrast, the proportion of those who oppose to it has risen to 54% (+11 p.p.

You dug yourself into a hole by saying the majority of European countries are not in favour of supporting Ukraine.

Since then you’ve been getting into hysterics trying to get yourself out of the hole.

Stop digging.

Let this one go.

1 ( +1 / -0 )


Today 02:33 pm JST

1 Billion Yen, can you believe it. This money could be better spent at home helping poor people, I find it leaves a beastly taste in my mouth

I am about to increase the beastly taste.

Not 1 Billion yen it is 1 billion dollars

Making that roughly 100 billion yen.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Recent Polling's pretty clear Europeans giving up on the idea of an endless war and Ukraine failed state with unchecked refuges and inflation. Naturally, they support Ukrainian people, as they should.

Polling represents people's will, Democracy in action. 20pt swing in ONE Month below, shocking collapse as to public opinion on war question in Ukraine (europa.eu)

Divergent opinions on the transfer of weapons to Ukraine: Germans’ approval of arms deliveries to Ukraine has declined, 46% of respondents are in favour (-9 p.p.). In contrast, the proportion of those who oppose to it has risen to 54% (+11 p.p.

You dug yourself into a hole by saying the majority of European countries are not in favour of supporting Ukraine.

One can support Ukraine and their Refuges and NOT support War and Weapons needed, see above

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Everyone supports Ukraine in this war if asked the question.

The question that should be asked however is if they want or support their country supporting Ukraine financially and materially.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Example what would you think the average American will say when asked the question right now, would they say continue giving financial support ?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

People who wholeheartedly believe in accelerationism are the most irresponsible revolutionaries and deconstructionists. They are eager to change the status quo, but they have not thought about what kind of path to choose after changing the status quo.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

MeiyouwentiToday 07:34 am JST

Western weapons manufacturers must have made billions in the Ukrainian war.

Much less than their Russian, Iranian and North Korean counterparts. Russians fire between 5-10 rounds for every one that Ukraine fires. Russian arms factories now operate 24/7 pumping out shells, bullets and missiles as fast as they can. Western factories are running normal day shifts 5 days a week. The Russian weapons manufacturers are making the huge fortune making western suppliers look small time in comparison. And since only Russia can end the conflict, it is plain to see why they keep it going, fortunes are being made and Putin has a finger in every pie.

Nov they expect Japan to clean up the mess and foot the bill.

Nobody expects much from Japan with its constitutional limitations, but Japan is doing it's little bit to help out, as good global citizens are doing.

The blame remains with Russia, the invader and the only one capable of ending the conflict immediately.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Agreed Peter, war's big and dirty business, full of corruption, if you believe leaked CIA Ukraine Intel.

Endless wars even better for PROFITS, but EU citizens shifting support away from WAR, great part because it's increasingly viewed as a risky and expensive stalemate.

Western weapons manufacturers must have made billions in the Ukrainian war.

Much less than their Russian, Iranian and North Korean counterparts. Russians fire between 5-10 rounds for every one that Ukraine fires. Russian arms factories now operate 24/7 pumping out shells, bullets and missiles as fast as they can. Western factories are running normal day shifts 5 days a week. The Russian weapons manufacturers are making the huge fortune making western suppliers look small time in comparison. And since only Russia can end the conflict, it is plain to see why they keep it going, fortunes are being made and Putin has a finger in every pie.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Much less than their Russian, Iranian and North Korean counterparts. Russians fire between 5-10 rounds for every one that Ukraine fires. Russian arms factories now operate 24/7 pumping out shells, bullets and missiles as fast as they can. Western factories are running normal day shifts 5 days a week.

Only if you ignore the news the government announcements, etc..

Every major American news service have pointed out that ammunition production in the USA is now working 24/7 to try and supply the demand.

But hey let's not let facts get in the way, right?

If you support Ukraine that is fine but try to keep to facts not repeat false propaganda.

For sometime now USA and western ammunition production has been on a 24 hours 7 days a week system.

New week, CNN etc.. actually did a full series back in February on this fact including a look inside a 155 mm shell factory running 7 days 24 hours a day.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

I am about to increase the beastly taste.

Not 1 Billion yen it is 1 billion dollars

Making that roughly 100 billion yen.

Well per today's F/X it's 135 billion yen. Keep in mind, Ukraine's lost economic output in 1 day is larger this figure! Cost to EU in ifnlation, asset write downs, actual war funding costs, easily 10x greater on daily basis.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

The Czech Republic is offering Ukraine some of its L-159 fighter jets.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

It's far easier for US to support Ukraine War than EU;

1) US has FAR lower inflation

2) Energy & Food Security

3) Almost no War Refuges/migrants

4) Business Chance for US Military Industrial Complex

5) US Exports of Food & Energy to Europe

6) Huge investment inflows from Europe due to War

Could go, but you get idea, inflation in Germany over 9%, UK, +10%, it's crippling and they have no bright future ahead in endless war - see below

Recent Polling's pretty clear Europeans giving up on the idea of an endless war and Ukraine failed state with unchecked refuges and inflation. Naturally, they support Ukrainian people, as they should.

> Polling represents people's will, Democracy in action. 20pt swing in ONE Month below, shocking collapse as to public opinion on war question in Ukraine (europa.eu)

> Divergent opinions on the transfer of weapons to Ukraine: Germans’ approval of arms deliveries to Ukraine has declined, 46% of respondents are in favour (-9 p.p.). In contrast, the proportion of those who oppose to it has risen to 54% (+11 p.p.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Seems as though Ukraine is more important to Kishida than the citizens of Japan. The Russia/Ukraine border issue goes back hundreds of years. And it’s foolish to throw good money that could benefit Japan at this border conflict that could have been stopped early on if Boris Johnson and Biden had not interfered. Reading the history of this area is very important to get the entire picture on this.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

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