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© Thomson Reuters 2022.Kishida appoints ex-health minister Goto as next economy minister
By Kantaro Komiya TOKYO©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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shouldn't Goto be put in charge of the tourism incentive? (^_-)
Only in Japan would you put someone who was an ex health minister into a totally different position like economy minister.
It’s like how Japanese companies shuffle their employees around departments every year, and nobody is really that skilled at their job.
Well, don’t get your hopes up for economic recovery anytime soon.
Like shuffling chairs on the titanic much?
These "ministers" are just figureheads for the cabinet position they lead. You could put a monkey in that position and achieve exactly the same result, perhaps even better!!
How about the inconvenience to the public of a job of "economic revitalization" ill done and instead using it to increase the influence of the Unification Church?
This broad perspective including the financial markets, Keidanren and LDP crony capitalist interests.
Oh, none of that broader social concerns in these "reforms".
How many "stimulus" packages have been put together since Abe and his failed "3 Arrows" ? 10? Maybe more?
What good have they done? Continuing to throw money at the problem, without any structural reform, has been proven to be useless time and time again.
Not to mention that the people who really NEED the money are not the one's getting it, so they continue to carry the burden of mismanagement!
Patricia Yarrow
When will we finally see people's full faces? This masking photography just reinforces the idiotic continued masking culture here. Please stop this. Show the full face or nothing at all. Sick of it.
Mask and hair dye = fresh faced
But seriously, this guy has his work cut out for him as economy minister.
Same same…
The government is run like the companies here. Oh you turned 35 this year, then maybe it's time to get away from design and put you in the finance department, wish I was kidding. I'm guessing that's why they run their schools the way they do. No specialization just be mildly bad at everything, but as long as it looks like you are working hard all is good.
Yasutoshi Nishimura, another member of Seiwa Seisaku Kenkyūkai sacked using the Unification Church as an excuse. Abe's death turned out to be a real windfall for Kishida. All while the assassin is stashed away in a mental institution. Of course, no one paid the assassin to do the job, right?
Totally makes sense as the list of qualifications needed to plan and execute the economic reforms of the world's third largest economy in a time of unprecedented economic turmoil.
Cue musical chairs music (coincidentally Benny Hill theme song)! Is the "experience" Kishida cites when saying why he hired the guy his experience in being the first guy from Kishida's cabinet fired for scandal?
American politicians specialize in a particular area (foreign affairs, the economy, education, etc.), sometime with related private sector experience. Japanese politicians move from health to the economic ministry for unknown reasons. Garbage in, garbage out.
Ricky Kaminski13
GoTo a healthy economy? Tano I ask!