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© KYODOKishida says he is determined to lead world toward cooperation, not division
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That's a nice meeting hall. I'm surprised more countries haven't gone with the "giant flag" route.
Elvis is here
Cooperation is what we should all try to cultivate. There is too much negativity and competition in the world, leading to fighting and unhappiness. I for one support Mr Kishida in his sentiment.
Michael Machida
He can't even lead Japan or bring people together or even help Japanese citizens through this economic downturn and he thinks he can lead the world with anything? Think not.
I listened to him speak English and it's not too bad.
The problem is not what is says, but how he says it. Everybody wants world peace, order, cooperation and wealth. But these are thoughts that even a 6 y.o. at the first day of elementary school would have.
The issue is that a prime minister needs to bring tangible know-how: what does Kishida know about foreign policy? What does he know about finance? There is no peace without money to sustain it.
Elvis is here
I'm not sure if Putin, Xi, Kim and the Gaza Strip war mongers (to name a few) want world peace, order and cooperation.
Kishida can't change such people's minds and it seems the values he mentions are being forgotten about these days. I'm glad someone still had the guts to talk about them.
no villain is a villain in their mind.
What is a foreign policy success of Japan in the last - say - 20 years? Japan has a preferential position as it's an asian country and seen as not aggressive by the other countries in the Middle East. What has been done to smooth over the situation with Iran? Or to get involved to support the people of Syria?
Ok, one could say these countries are far away: how about formally open talks to solve the issues with North Korea? Or to guarantee people's safety during the last of Myanmar's coups?
That's what I am saying: it's easy to say "I want peace and collaboration", the hard part comes with pursuing this endeavor.
Had he spoken Tagalog nothing would have changed: political acumen doesn't depend on the language. Charles De Gaulle could barely speak English and was an exceptional statesman.
I believe the latter is solved by not allowing the terrorism of the former to continue without saying anything.
Old Sausage
Mr. Prime Minister your intentions are coming from a person that had never read history. Good luck with your utopia.
He leads Japan, not the world. Delusions of grandeur? Even if he has a good idea, getting the entire world to follow it is all but impossible. Unless he found a genie in a bottle.
As several people have already pointed out. How can Kishida "lead the world" when he can't even lead his own country?
Despite the rantings of JT's resident Japan-haters, Japan's quiet diplomacy is actually pretty effective.
Japan is a country that is trusted; regularly helps those in need; provides effective, tangible support through JICA and other organizations; and is looked up to for its peaceful, well-mannered society, which many countries would like to emulate. It also (unlike the US and some others), doesn't "preach" at other countries in an overbearing manner, but actually takes the time to listen and work together.
Japan has built solid, trusting relationships with countries of all government types and development levels, all around the world. This is the best way to get things done, and how international relations should work (though there are certain lost-causes, like North Korea and China, which simply cannot be worked with by anyone.)
I'm not a huge fan of Kishida, but he is certainly preferable to Abe's extreme right-wing stance. I do think he can make a positive difference to the world, and will support him in this.
How on earth would you know this?
Japan has the only constitution devoted to peace, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida hasn't a harsh belligerent word to say about any power, nation, government or leader.
Fumio Kishida has all the diplomatic impartial neutrality to honest broker current disputes.
Figure out how to lead one country first, joker.
Then push your non existent claims or whatever it is you spew out, day in and day out to whoever is listening to you.
The master of buzz words, and banality.
On the world stage Fumio Kishida doesn't have an axe to grind, politically.
Japan can’t get along with any of its neighbors. How does he expect to do this? Go to Yasuyuki shrine more and pray for cooperation?
Hahaha! Kishida going to "lead the world" when he can't even lead his own nation? He tells us one day he's raising taxes to cover defense, then when the polls show him down as a result he says he won't raise taxes and will give relief. He can barely issue tough words against Russia, but if and when he does he turns around and asks about cooperation on the gas projects.
Him? Lead? More like a comedian saying that.
I pretty much stopped reading here.
Fumio Kishida certainly has a load of political domestic woes to deal with, indeed.
Depopulation, elderly health care, prioritizing child care facilities, fiscal/monetary debt management, J currency fx rate fluctuations to name just a few.
I wonder how broader shoulders Fumio Kishida can muster to take on/accept the considerable responsibility to lead/mediate in two wars?
Lead? Lol! Look behind - nobody is following!
You know with a heart in the right place and all the best intentions, to volunteer, provokes the danger others might just take you up on such an offer.
Hideomi Kuze
Japan's present PM says "cooperation, not division", but his LDP regime itself has continued to divide japan's society or people by many problematic policy.
Umm so start a war with China to stop division??? What could go wrong...
It gets along with all its neighbors apart from China, Russia, and North Korea. This is the same for many other countries, as China/Russia/North Korea simply cannot be reasoned with. South Korean relations have improved immensely under Yoon.
I think you probably mean Yasukuni Shrine, but who knows, given the nonsense in the rest of your post.
Japan doesn't want to start a war with China or anyone else. All the belligerence is on the Chinese side, not the Japanese side.
As "Belt and Road" is expanding wide and fast in spite of the debt issues in the countries involved, Kishida's declaration pales by comparison, alas... China's economy is larger than Japan's, and Indonesia and India will soon surpass Japan. Japan need a grand design for its international relations in the Asia and Pacific region without economic influences matching these countries and those growing rapidly.
I lol this dude thinks he some god that has the infinite power beyond his weed smoking brain
I’m just laughing at how witless Japanese politicians can be…
lips move. And... Action?!
Kishida should do much much more for the people of Japan than exclaim that he will lead the world
Mr Kipling
Pass me the tissues.
Peter Neil
Yeah, you folks are right.
He should have encouraged people and nations and be divided, to not cooperate about anything and strive to make the lives of people as miserable as possible.
That's a message this crowd can get behind.
Wick's pencil
Then I hope he'll try to restore good relations with Russia and put an end to sanctions.
Yes, just as soon as Russia withdraws from Ukraine and pays its reparations, and Putin and his cronies surrender to The Hague for their war crimes trials. And Russia gives Japan back its Northern Territories.
Then we can be friends again.
He can’t even look after his backyard , how is he supposed to look after a garden!!!????
Mr Kipling
What are you smoking?
That war is toast, Russia is keeping what it has. The only question remaining is how many Ukrainians and Russians are going to die.
It's not so much Kishida as the fact that anyone who becomes the leader under the LDP banner will have to toe the line of LDP policies i.e. buy more weapons.
Something that's clearly not as good as your stuff, given the content of your post.
I don't see any Ukrainians giving up and kneeling before Putin. They are fighting as hard as they've ever done, and are now at the East Bank of the Dnipro River. Russia has had huge losses in personnel and materiel since the beginning, suffered shocking casualties lately in places like Avdiivka, has extremely poor morale/discipline/training, and is now begging North Korea for shoddy weapons.
Therefore, I wouldn't call the war "toast," unless that toast refers to Putin's reputation and dreams of emulating Peter the Great.
And if you don't believe Western sources like the above, follow a few Russian military bloggers instead. You'll see pretty much the same situation.
Returning to the article, Kishida is right to aim for cooperation, and is right to work with allies to achieve this. I certainly don't want to leave the world to despots like Putin, Xi and Kim.
Ricky Kaminski13
Anyone that lives in Japan knows the deep roots and connections between the Philippines and Japan, so for this one Kishida chose his stage well. The Prime Minister , although struggling at home, seems to be quite adapt, effective and even bold with his message hinting the Japanese vision forward for the foreign audience. The quiet, mild achiever, part of Japans long-vision brand.
Cynics will pile straight on him of course, any leader that rises the ranks is well aware of that (and by their nature pay little mind), but in end the core message will resonate . Perhaps not so much here, in the halls of JT insight, but on the international playfield, when Japan talks people still stop and listen.
Key words to keep in mind; a Free and Open Indo-Pacific.
Unfortunately, other countries are turning away from all this and actively choosing division, accepting the economic damage that comes with it, scapegoating to try to avoid blame, and preparing for war. That includes many of Japan's allies.
Maybe show some appreciation for any leaders who are at least hoping for improvements. Even though the future of the human race may well be, to quote Hobbes: 'No arts; no letters; no society; and which is worst of all, continual fear, and danger of violent death; and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.'
Kishi, please resign...
Living in Japan and looking at the demise of a once vibrant nation?
Well, if you haven’t then it’s rather difficult to understand the rot and lethargy in Japan now.
The Japanese people do and this is why the LDP is so unpopular at present
Look, if Kishida wants world stage recognition and involvement then he is welcome to join some international body and stop wasting Japanese tax-payer money getting on an international flight every second week
Nice, if that speech comes true. Not even the L.D.P. believes you !
Depends on how long you’ve been in Japan Randy.
I’ve got over 30 years and been all over
Seen and speak to a wide cross section of people from farmers to city businessmen
If my word is not enough then go and turn on the television
And again, I would draw your attention to the opinion polls re the unpopularity of the LDP
Once you become puppet of the USA and also are tied with NATO, you become part of the division and confrontation policies no matter what you.
A few days ago you said you wanted to increase the defense spending to 2% of the GDP because of NATO.
Can anyone trust you?