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Kishida pledges that Japan will play leading role in diplomacy in 2023


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What a clown. The Japanese deserve so much better.

-7 ( +26 / -33 )

Worry about your own people first.

So ignore really bad behavior from neighbors, allowing them to do even more bad things, and be self centered to the point of having no opinions on international matters.

Not very good advice. In fact that is bad advice.

-2 ( +15 / -17 )

Finish the sentence...

Kishida pledges that Japan will play leading role in diplomacy in 2023 BY REPEATING EVERYTHING THE US TELLS IT TO SAY.

-13 ( +15 / -28 )

In his speech, Kishida promised to provide financial and human resources to industries such as green, digital, startup and innovation as part of efforts to achieve his "new capitalism" policy that focuses on economic growth and income redistribution.

Kishida is still flogging the dead horse of "New Capitalism"?

Add up the tally so far of New Capitalism:

Largely continuing with monetary easing support of financials and a weakening yen.

Stagnant wages (actually falling due to inflation)

Shrinking or non-existent bonuses by companies citing economic uncertainty that are yet making healthy profits

-Subsidies to business in a massive budget to counter inflationary pressures, yet most companies report they will nevertheless raise prices, as has already been seen.

-And to top it off a huge increase in defense spending funded by rising taxes, with veiled language about "shared burdens" that may mean rising regressive income and sales taxes wait in store.

New Capitalism; looks like the the old stagnant crony capitalism with added buzzwords like "Income redistribution", "green" and "digital".

Japan deserves better and given its advantages in population and infrastructure could be like the small, stable social democracies of Northern Europe.

-4 ( +11 / -15 )

Take care of Japan first!

-2 ( +10 / -12 )

Read the article 3 times, because I truly was flabbergasted. It’s one euphemism after another followed by a lie. Example “counter strike’ first strike would be more accurate.

new capitalism" policy that focuses on economic growth and income redistribution. Give more tax payer money to business that already have record breaking wealth. While raising taxes on citizens, that makes sense if you are stupid….oh

Kishida said policies related to children are indispensable to maintaining society. Well the problem if it is such a problem has been known for decades and the LDP have done what exactly?

Kishida expressed an eagerness (eagerness?) to take necessary measures to prop up Japan's economy, hit by global energy and food price hikes and a sharp drop in the birthrate at home. So more subsidies for oil companies?

well as they say right man right time

-8 ( +6 / -14 )

"new capitalism" policy that focuses on economic growth and income redistribution.

Need some nuts 'n bolts facts as to how this going to be achieved. ATM just utterings.

How about a "new capitalistic decision" to award living salaries to all workers.

Not some measly-weasly worded vague edict - an upfront "Inc are you listening, this is what's happening a minimum wage of ¥1500/hr for starters".

Then proceed to step 2.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Based on the update, Japan has acquired capabilities to strike enemy bases to deter attacks from outside forces, called "counterstrike capabilities," in a major shift in its defense policy under the war-renouncing Constitution.

I'm no lawyer but isn't aquiring weapons for first-strike purposes in voilation of the constitution?

-1 ( +9 / -10 )

Pledges ...he's good at breaking these.

-6 ( +13 / -19 )

toraToday  05:35 pm JST

Based on the update, Japan has acquired capabilities to strike enemy bases to deter attacks from outside forces, called "counterstrike capabilities," in a major shift in its defense policy under the war-renouncing Constitution.

I'm no lawyer but isn't aquiring weapons for first-strike purposes in voilation of the constitution?

You don't have to be a lawyer to actually read Article 9 of the Constitution. The first paragraph prohibits Japan from starting any wars. Nothing about the type of weapons.

But the second paragraph states that Japan shall not maintain a military which it has since 1950 when the U.S. forced Japan to create the JSDF. That is wherer there is a violation/contradiction. Not in the type of weapons.

"Article 9. Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes.

In order to accomplish the aim of the preceding paragraph, land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained. The right of belligerency of the state will not be recognized.


So no, acquiring any type of weapon is not a violation. Using any weapon to start a war would be. But Japan urgently needs to remove the second paragraph when they already have the 6th largest military in the world.

3 ( +13 / -10 )

I'm no lawyer but isn't aquiring weapons for first-strike purposes in voilation of the constitution?

If they are used after first being attacked, then no. That is what "counter Strike" is.

A first strike, which could or would start a conflict, would be a violation. All the China fan boys like to make the unfounded assumption Japan would strike first. It is not the 1930's any longer, so those assumptions hold no water. Japan will not conduct a first strike against a nuclear armed nation. But if attacked can now respond from long range. Why does that worry anyone? If Japan ever wanted to attack someone, sail a destroyer withing range and let fly. They could have done the at any time since regaining their navy.

Time for the anti west crowd to get common sense.

-1 ( +9 / -10 )

I'm no lawyer but isn't aquiring weapons for first-strike purposes in voilation of the constitution?

If they are used after first being attacked, then no. That is what "counter Strike" is.

Man so what does the bolded part below mean? I am interpreting it as being prepared to strike first. "Counterattack capabilities" is doublespeak.

*Japan has acquired capabilities to strike enemy bases to deter attacks from outside forces, called "counterstrike capabilities,"*

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Just because you believe it true doesn't make it true. No facial expression showing determination is going to help you.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Man so what does the bolded part below mean? I am interpreting it as being prepared to strike first. "Counterattack capabilities" is doublespeak.

Japan has acquired capabilities to strike enemy bases to deter attacks from outside forces, called "counterstrike capabilities,"

The meaning is obvious. We have the means to strike your bases, so if you attack us we will hit your bases in response. A counter strike happens after someone hits you first. How could anyone not get that?

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Kishida: "As a nation that is well-known for trying to play both sides, we believe we would be quite effective in having dialogue with both parties."

-6 ( +6 / -12 )

A counter strike happens after someone hits you first. How could anyone not get that?

I get that. The bit I don't get is the bit where it says they are thinking of striking bases to deter an attack. Doesn't it mean: strike so that the enemy doesn't attack you first?

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

You're a leader only if you have followers.

0 ( +8 / -8 )

What a clown.

0 ( +11 / -11 )

How many overseas trips is he going to have at the taxpayers expense?

-5 ( +9 / -14 )

He will take as many overseas trips with his son as he can. Together they can do the diplomacy that’s required. Everyone loves anime and Mario, He will get a pat on the head and feel better, like a grown man.

-10 ( +5 / -15 )

Kishida pledges that Japan will play leading role

how about just doing anything positive?

can we get step one first?

when is he going to begin doing anything useful?

We’ve been waiting for months.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

He doesn’t care, he won’t be there for much longer! Probably get a nice golden handshake as he is kicked out the door and some arigatos for restarting the Nuke plants and increasing taxes…meh…Japanese politics is so lame! You get what you vote for I suppose…

-7 ( +6 / -13 )

There was a time a few decades ago when Japan Inc. had some clout because of large capital accumulation and foreign investment. Those days are long gone. Leading the world in anime and cosplay doesn't get you very far.

You're a leader only if you have followers.

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

Like so many of his predecessors, Kishida has the moral fibre of a sapling in a high wind.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

As usual Kishida’s utterances have the consistency of prison camp gruel…

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

Biden of all leaders, should concentrate on domestic issues and let lots of foreign leaders,reap what they sowed,Biden do not have the luxury to ignore domestic concerned,when the party members,do not support his decision to run as President

-11 ( +0 / -11 )


TRUE no one is attacking Japan BUT LOOK AT North Korea, China and Russia!! They are arming up. What do you want if those countries have bombs and you throw rocks, you are done. The reason why NK is the way it is because of it’s weapons program and their military if they didn’t have them it would just be Korea! No one is saying Japan is going to attack anyone but what Kishida is saying if their is intelligence that something like that is going to happen where Japan is perceived to be attacked Japan should not have to call Washington shaking and saying we are going to be attacked can you verify that for us that this is true and can we have permission to attack first? IT BETTER TO BE PREPARED if not you get stepped on. Hong Kong expected the US and Britain support well that didn’t happen and look at Taiwan they really aren’t sure if the US will protect them. With all that’s going on and looking at what Russia tried to and doing to Ukraine I think personally Kishida is acting in the best interests of Japan first.

Japan is "facing the severest security situation" in the post-World War II era, Kishida said, adding the Asian country will demonstrate its "strong willingness to reject attempts to change the status quo by force" and grapple with "nuclear threats."

Nobody is threatening Japan and nobody will attack it while the US bases are here.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Kaim,they have their missile already program for Tokyo,it a matter of hitting the switch

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

@Yrral Do you have any understanding of politics or you jut read and write with no understanding of ISSUES! That’s what leaders do! Many times I have read that Kashida should not be a follower. As a matter of fact you posted it. But you have the illogical suggestion to post “Biden of all leaders, should concentrate on domestic issues and let lots of foreign leaders, reap what they sowed”. If you are a projected leader of a country this is what you do, look at Xi, Putin and others. Every country has domestic issues. I don’t think you understand the US political parties if you did you wouldn’t have posted such nonsense. Politics being politics home or away you project your leadership. Amazon had many books for sale on politics I think that would be a good start to learning political science 101!

Biden of all leaders, should concentrate on domestic issues and let lots of foreign leaders,reap what they sowed,Biden do not have the luxury to ignore domestic concerned,when the party members,do not support his decision to run as President

2 ( +3 / -1 )

The bit I don't get is the bit where it says they are thinking of striking bases to deter an attack. Doesn't it mean: strike so that the enemy doesn't attack you first?

They are not thinking of striking bases to deter. That is not a counter strike. Japans current constitution means it must allow itself to be attacked first before it can take action "counter Strike" and hit back. A small number of people suggest using information of an imminent strike against Japan as justification for a "first strike". Not possible due to sources are often wrong, inaccurate or over stated and any first strike violates the constitution, and would begin a conflict. So until Article 9 changes or is removed they will not, can not use first trike, but can only respond after being attacked, with a "counter strike".

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Kishida really means he will remain the lap dog of the rogue state of the USA.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

On the domestic front, Kishida expressed an eagerness to take necessary measures to prop up Japan's economy, hit by global energy and food price hikes and a sharp drop in the birth-rate at home.

In his speech, Kishida promised to provide financial and human resources to industries such as green, digital, start-up and innovation as part of efforts to achieve his "new capitalism" policy that focuses on economic growth and income redistribution.

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida must focus on his domestic policies, have a credible plan of action.

The Christmas festivities and New Year celebrations were mooted, the costs of living crisis were in full display at the supermarkets, inflation taking its toll.

Yesterday after the family get together, I attended a pre-arranged company new year celebratory thank you party.

It was a wake, this pandemic has wreaked a terrible toll, the staff were questioning whether the company could afford the bonuses. Not even realising they had earned them through a transparent costed structure.

The working from home has collapsed, the draw of flexible hours has been replaced with the negativity of home working as akin to never been able to leave work, turning their family space into an office.

Few have taken there new year holiday entitlement, choosing to monetarize their leave/new year’s holiday.     

Some even seem convinced that job cuts are imminent. Even though the business has never experienced such a full order book.

The upside is at least they voiced their concerns.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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