Japan Today

Japan protests to China over undersea gas drilling


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I think Japan should drill for gas too then. eye for an eye.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Well, Japan, get on with it. Roll out the drilling platform.

Send Sea Shepard after them.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

China would never implement the joint project with Japan. Why don't they get it? China would do whatever it wants without Japan.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

I repeat, Japan is surrounded by unfriendly nations. They will either swallow or treat Japan as a second class in a heartbeat if they can. The question is what Japan going to do about it ? Does she prepare and having clear idea about it, or just wishing upon the star? Maybe Japan can send some liberals to negotiate with China! America and most ASEAN nations are the bright spot for Japan, and not even U.N! What a shame!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Lets get our drilling platforms out there than!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

What will a protest accomplish? Nada.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

So Japan angers China by naming the disputed islands, so China drills for gas in its own eez and Japan complains. Well Japan bad luck, you stir the pot you deal with the consequences. Japan is fast becoming the worlds leading whinger country.

0 ( +4 / -3 )

How are they going to protest? by naming all the islands? oh wait, they JUST agreed to do this and now China is going to drill unilaterally soon after. Hmmm... methinks you can't have the two nations working together until there is a little more diplomacy, and both of these children have made it quite clear they are not ready to act like adults.

Sadly, if push comes to shove here, there's really nothing they can do about it physically -- they can only make gestures like further naming them, or protest from Tokyo while China starts drilling, probably with some 'coast guard' ships nearby (hey, if Japan can do it, why not others?).

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Japan should stop moaning and start drilling since it's clear that China is going to take whatever it can get regardless of what anyone else thinks.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Dont blame China....if Japan wants to blame,point your finger at America! It was the US sanctioning Iran and threatening war against Iran that will cease oil supply to China from Iran. What China needs to do is to get the gas for survival. And if Japan keep jepordizing China's efforts is an act of hostility and that means war! The people of China were very friendly at Japan unfortunately the Japanese people were unable to understand! In this matter of 'survival' Japan better dont causing troubles at China, this drilling is serious and China shall no longer being 'kawaii' if she believes her interest and 'survival' was threatened! Please tell the DPJ...those naive and isolaed statesmen has no wisdom to understand what is world politics!

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Remember say one thing do another, especially if it involves money. Cant trust them. The main reason for such a poor view of Chinese in the yearly China Japanese view polls.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

I say Japan should go and start drilling and build several huge gas platforms on it's own EEZ with a missile cruiser in close proximity at all times This will show China that Japan is serious about it's own survival too and they will not cross a "red line". Energy sources will be at high demand in the near future to fuel the developed world's economies. There is only so much energy to go around, and this is were it will get critical. The big players are already moving the chess pieces around the globe and it looks like Japan is behind in the game.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

An agreement was made to suspend while continuing talks. But talks have stalled...Hello?

And many of these rocks they are calling islands should be called rocks since its what they are. You can't claim rocks. Sorry.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

time for japan to become a nuclear armed nation. a hundred 1 megaton warheads should be enough to make the surrounding nations step back.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )


toime for japan to become a nuclear armed nation. a hundred 1 megaton warheads should be enough to make the surrounding nations step back.

You do realize that it is Japan's horrible treatment of its neighbors in the pat that has actually lead to this dislike of Japan and Japan's neighbors treating Japan as they do. In other words you have bought it on yourself, an personally with Japan's imperialistic warmongering background they should be the last nation to get the bomb

3 ( +4 / -1 )

nations outside the western world only respect the nuclear powers. i for one never want to see the red flag of china flying over the diet.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )


nations outside the western world only respect the nuclear powers. i for one never want to see the red flag of china flying over the diet.

Good one, your happy for your flag to be forced on other nations through invasion, your happy for your nation to stir the pot and cause trouble but you get worried when you get stood up too. If l were Japanese l would fear seeing the Chinese flag over the diet too after all you as a nation did to them l would be very scared indeed. There's a good saying sunhawk " what goes around comes around"

3 ( +3 / -0 )

**Hi, it would be nice to work harmoney between Japan and China as neighbourhood look at Germany she apologized and get on with Europe but Japan still not apologize to China for the 2nd WW. Instead Japan has eyed on this island and killed may innocent Taiwaneese fishmen they never care for poor fishmen in the 1990's Now they try to violate the agreement by going to name the island announce last week even that was not belong to them why cannot the owner drill their own resource I wonder If they work peacefully president WU was nearly like to share the cake with Japan 2 years ago but suddenly they try to rename and try to swallow the whole cake sadly this is what I see I have many Japanese friends just really want peace for all of us...

0 ( +2 / -2 )

You do realize that it is Japan's horrible treatment of its neighbors in the pat that has actually lead to this dislike of Japan and Japan's neighbors treating Japan as they do. In other words you have bought it on yourself, an personally with Japan's imperialistic warmongering background they should be the last nation to get the bomb

Yes, a nation being the victim of a massacre that occurred some 60 odd years ago gives them every right to pull that event out of their ass and complain. May be Japan should complain to China about being denied the recognition as a sovereign state (as opposed to a Chinese suzerainty) until the late 1800s! We can go on you see, but we can draw the line somewhere..oops I mean YOU, yes you pro-Communist Chinese and/or generally "we don't give a crap about Japanese culture/society but we like to take the piss out of its WWII atrocities" folk can draw it somewhere nice and clean, and gee I wonder where that is. But I personally think Imperial China's perception of Japan as suzerain subject does weigh in for their argument for the "Diaoyu" islands as they call it, heck not just those islands, they could lay claim to the whole Japanese archipelago!

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Well Japan what are u going to do about this? The answer is nothing just like everything else! What a spineless irrevelant country you have become.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Well Japan what are u going to do about this? The answer is nothing just like everything else! What a spineless irrevelant country you have become.

irrelevant? good, then our revised history textbooks that deny the Rape of Nanking should mean nothing more than our private fantasies.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

LOL, Japan is protesting and planning to waste time finding cute names for some islands (see separate story), and China is drilling. Does anyone really need any more indication of where the power in Asia now resides? Get used to being an also-ran, Japan. Protest all you want. Even make meaningless threats if you will. But China knows that the Japanese economy is way too dependent on trade with China, so they hold all the cards.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

If I saw it first is mine. If I touched it or held it first is mine. If I think it is closer to my country is mine. This will go on for a while.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

LOL, Japan is protesting and planning to waste time finding cute names for some islands (see separate story), and China is drilling. Does anyone really need any more indication of where the power in Asia now resides? Get used to being an also-ran, Japan. Protest all you want. Even make meaningless threats if you will. But China knows that the Japanese economy is way too dependent on trade with China, so they hold all the cards.

You make an interesting point because if you look back in history, the early Yamato princes crowned themselves Emperor in direct challenge against the Chinese emperors' assertion of hegemony over Japan. In doing so Japan lost so much trade rights with the China and her suzerain states.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I remember some time between 2000 and 2008, Japan constantly gave warning to China that if they continue drilling in the median line, Japan will also commence drilling in the median line (but of course, on the east-side of the median line).

Let us see from this day onward if Japan is just a crying baby, a barking dog with fangs, or simply has no balls.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Cletus - "an personally with Japan's imperialistic warmongering background they should be the last nation to get the bomb"

Would you care to elaborate on who held warmongering and imperialistic ambitions first?? Do you suppose that Japan's motivations for expansion along with the use of liberal amounts of brutality in the first part of the 20th century had anything to do with the country (and the states it claimed suzerainty over) that had attempted on two occasions to destroy and subjugate it? I agree with your reference to background, just not with how far back in history you decide to reflect on. A vicious cycle.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Japan should start drilling in its own EEZ. If China wants to stop selling to Japan, then so be it! Sanctions can be imposed on them by the WTC.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

If I saw it first is mine. If I touched it or held it first is mine. If I think it is closer to my country is mine. This will go on for a while.

China just licked it and put it back

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Yeah, time for Japan to start driling on their own. China will push as far as the other countries let them get away with. You have to stand up to a bully.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Few years ago, China offered a joint development to Japan in this area. China knows this is a problem that has not been resolved, but went ahead to drill it to piss of Japan. Is this how China wants to be seen around the world as not playing by the rule? How do you trust China with unacceptable behavior? China does not obey the rules set by UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.

China knows there is a continue dispute. China and Japan both claim 200 nautical miles EEZ rights, but the East China Sea width is only 360 nautical miles. China claims an EEZ extending to the eastern end of the Chinese continental shelf which goes deep into the Japanese EEZ beyond the median line. This goes back to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea the stipulation, should act according to the fair principle development negotiations, seeks means which both sides both can accept. Few years ago, China's offers to jointly develop the oil field have been rejected by Japan. China should avoid anything that could undermine an eventual agreement. China's gas field drilling near the median line between the two countries is regarded by Japan as an obvious infringement. Japan's proposal, which has not been accepted by China, has been to divide the sea equally between the two countries, which would put China's Chunxiao claim only three miles from Japanese territory. The latest development by shows how impatient China is.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Article states: "A Foreign Ministry official in charge of China affairs said later Wednesday that Beijing justified its activity, repeating its claim that China has sovereignty over the area".

If China has sovereignty over the area as claimed by FM official of China, why would they offer "joint development proposal with Japan"? Only reason is that China does not have clear sovereignty. They know it.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Japan should protest in the form of a highly technologically advanced drilling and processing paltforms and start extracting gas before China take it all. Time to grow some balls Japan.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I can hear some rather beliigerent laughter and jokes in Beijing right now... hahhaha! Japan grow some balls!!! Please, don't be the laughing stock of Asia!!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

If China has sovereignty over the area as claimed by FM official of China, why would they offer "joint development proposal with Japan"? Only reason is that China does not have clear sovereignty. They know it.

sfjp330, I have a candy bar. I bought it and I know its mine. You claim its your candy bar and we both know you are full of it. However, you have been violent in the past, so to keep the peace, I offer you half. But you demand the whole thing. I try to talk with you but you won't budge. So I pause the conversation for a pee break, but while I am gone I start eating my damned candy bar.

And there you are saying it must have been yours or I would not have done that!

1 ( +1 / -0 )


Perfect explanation. Both sides can claim it's their 'candy bar', but one side's already eating it.


Why have neither side brought it to a neutral arbitrator? More importantly, why hasn't Japan started exploration, or if it lacks the technology, used a multinational to start exploration for them?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Hi, It is outrage to go to name the islands to break the contract first and made the other party to eat their own cake which was meant to give a bit away to you but you try sneekyly to name and try to claim all to yourself I supposed so who is greedy you tell me?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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