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© Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Japan protests to Russia over military exercises with China
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The Soya Strait is NOT between Honshu and Hokkaido. It is between Sakhalin and Hokkaido. Who writes this crap? Obviously someone whose geography lessons failed miserably.
Invasion,repel them
It is extremely unlucky for Japan to be wedged in between the 3 most reviled, ruthless and nastiest dictators on this planet. It is incumbent on Japan therefore that she toughens up and stands up for herself, until such time that the world is rid of these pathetic, pernicious individuals - their demise can not come soon enough.
Why the hell, in this day and age, should the civilised world be tolerating their despicable and repressive behaviour, especially towards the 1.6 billion people who suffer daily just existing in those regimes ?
You get one chance at a life on this planet, and everyday I thank my lucky-stars that I wasn't born in China, Russia or North Korea - I just feel so sorry for those who are.
China has bailed out Russia amidst the sanctions. It is not a stretch to say it is an economic colony of China.
Russia’s gdp is on the rise. They’ll repair the pipelines to Europe whenever they want to hold leverage over EU. The U.S. continues to import and buy from Russia. Some countries can’t see ahead how they are getting screwed by the US.
Michael Machida
Not to worry. America is watching.
Russia can do whatever it wants in Russia, just like China or Japan. International waters are called international waters because they are international.
Micheal,most Americans are concerned about football,than Japan ,do not be naive
Said it before and been censored for it. Japan needs to get a nuclear deterrent, it’s the only way to get Russia and China to back the F off. Getting more ships/planes/guns won’t stop the military posturing from them, it’s needs to be machinery of a language they understand-don’t f with us..
Maybe the millions of people locked down back in China can see their military countrymen and women out and about, not confined to their apartments and think joining the Chinese military is about as good as it will ever get for them. That would be the most freedom most Chinese could expect to ever have. Still the anti-west/ anti-democracy minions cheer on their authoritarian idols.
The headline of this article is very misleading. For Japan conducts joint military exercises with the U.S. from time to time.
At any rate, military confrontation is like an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, escalating endlessly.
Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution becomes ever more significant under such circumstances. Japan should strive to propagate the spirit of Article 9 all over the world.
Again those favoring war count the profits their ruling caste will get, while ignoring those killed and made houseless so the ruling caste can get and use even more resources for their next war. When the 'west' did it it was bad, but now anti-west nations are doing bad things, it's OK?
Well there you have it.
The last sentence in this article says it all.
As I wrote in a previous article, these exercises are on a significantly smaller scale than Vostok 2018. I would take that as good news rather than overreacting.
My gut feeling here is just let them get on with it - Japan and it’s allies also conduct exercises that irk the Chinese and Russians.
Seems to be more value in observing them and learning about their capabilities/tactics than whining about it.
Ronin Tsukebin
Nosui, thank you for your erudite contribution but it went over my head. Simplify it and a just say something. Thank you.
The axis of evil - Fascist Russia, totalitarian China and their puppet State NK - are doing this primarily to antagonise Japan and the US.
Let them waste their resources. No one is scared of their drills or fearful of their uneducated and ill-equipped soldiers.
Tom San
What did Japan expect?
A case of vodka with a thank-you note from Putin in return for those "sanctions" Kishida slapped on Russia?
Apart from China, Russia - You can see the flags (and contingents) from Belarus and India in the photo.
Japan stop being USA's puppet for once if that's possible.
Russia and China are just trolling.
Surprised to see India there, side by side with the Chinese, given their history. Who are the Indians beefing with, to necessitate them being there. Looks like they're definitely looks like they're taking a definite side in this.
Thanks to the dude above identifying the Indian flag. I this Cote D'Ivoire there? Why is Ivory Coast amongst this lot? lol
Speaking of Africa, I'm genuinely surprised not to see Eswatini in that pic giving their undying support for these people.
Japan needs to work out and recognize where its resources come from..,
It‘s within their territory and they can do as they want as the US and Japan also do their military drills as well and rightfully so.
This is to indicate that the US is not accomplishing what they are set out to do. War is never the solution. Neither are sanctions as indicated by economic factors. I am not naive to believe the sanctions are designed to stop Russia. They are alos designed for profit for the industries and leverage over EU.
This is to indicate that Russia holds leverage over EU. The US is failing in its attempt to compete as the source of energy for EU and to hold leverage over EU.
This is to indicate how the US implements the sanctions but when push comes to shove, they will purchase from Russia. This is also to show how duplicitous the US is in dealing with Russia.
China is buying from Russia at 4100 Yuan per BCF of Piped Gas and selling LNG at equivalent rate of 11830 Yuan per BCF of Piped Gas. Thats 200% Profit flat.
India is doing the same with Petrol (Gasoline). Buying from Russia at 452 Yuan per Barrel and selling to EU at the equivalent of 725 Yuan per Barrel (In Euros).
The above is to show how the US created this situation and is shooting itself in the foot. India is even participating in the military drills with Russia and China.
No, it is not okay. War is never the solution. Unfortunately, the industries in the US is greedy. It might be better if I point out the obvious. Yes, Putin has blook on his hands. I have confidence in China because they are aware and the goal is to not get into a war or to invade Taiwan despite what the US (Pompeo and company) wish for.
In short, my response is to the US: look what you have created (Russia has more leverage, China and India are profiting from the US's game of creating and supporting anti-government upheavals. The situation the US gets involved is similar to Colombia, Myamar, Venezuela, Taiwan, Syria, Iraq, Iran , Libya and so on.
It is what the US does. It exports coups for upheavals and war. Supplies the weapons and puts in an administration. It has been successful but not this time.
Tom San
Banning the sales and consumption of Pirozhki in Japan will teach Russia a lesson.
It’s time maybe Japan stopped trying to play both sides and dealing and doing business with China and Russia instead of lip-service punishments before wanting new gas projects and imports. No doubt this is “regrettable”, but it’s entirely predictable, as will be their laughing at Japan’s protests.
Wikipedia is not to be trusted, Editors can be anyone. Wikipedia is good for finding references to things and then confirming what it is saying but never quote from it find a better source.
I honestly thought you were talking about USA, bruv
Fightoo,you must care,you talking about them
Who are the Indians beefing with, to necessitate them being there. Looks like they're definitely looks like they're taking a definite side in this.
India will only be taking part in the land based exercises in Russia, not in the maritime drills in the Sea of Japan.
US has long taken sides by treating Pakistan like a strategic ally, so no reason why India should give up its relationship with Russia just because the US wishes it to. It’s not just the US which is entitled to play both sides of the fence.
Japan Violet
60% chance of war with China over Taiwan. It would be bad if Russia joined them. I guess we should be happy about America's huge new naval base in Australia.
Ronin Tsukebin
Japan, you're in a tough spot as the US is no longer a reliable ally. America experienced a coup d'etat on Sept. 11 and nobody knows who runs the country anymore. It's become very embarrassing.
The Soya Strait is NOT between Honshu and Hokkaido. It is between Sakhalin and Hokkaido. Who writes this crap? Obviously someone whose geography lessons failed miserably.
Yeah like at least try to get the basic facts straight.
The Soya Strait is NOT between Honshu and Hokkaido. It is between Sakhalin and Hokkaido. Who writes this crap? Obviously someone whose geography lessons failed miserably.
That's the AP narrative, In the narrative facts are subtly modified to favor one side, in this case Japan.
Ancient history. Pak has been in the US doghouse for the past 2 decades. India will not get access to best US tech if they continue to cozy up to Ivan the Bear.
My point was really india/russia related. I was more curious at the pic showing Indians and Chinese marching side by side in that pic, while the two countries shed blood less than a year ago in Northern India.
China being China, doing what it does best...
Oh India, this extra land is ours too. We have ancient claim to it....yada yada
India will not get access to best US tech if they continue to cozy up to Ivan the Bear.
The best US tech has strings attached. Besides US has not been willing to share cutting edge technology with India in any case.
India does not need the best tech though, just good enough to keep China at bay.
China is the second largest buyer of Russian military hardware after India.
as opposed to three quarters of the worlds population who see USA, Israel and Saudi as the axis of evil.
you do know Russia lost 26 million soldiers ending Nazi fascism and destroyed IS in Syria, China has never attacked other weaker countries, NK also has never really attacked other countries and just wants to be alone.
Russia’s GDP is same as last year so far, but oil and gas sales are up 400%, so by the end of this year it will be up a lot.
ZorotoToday 07:14 am JST
which Moscow seized in the closing days of World War II.
Russia at war with Japan for a few days, at the end, and decides it is entitled to "victors" spoils? That is laughable.
@Peter14 The Soviet Union signed a non-aggression pact with Imperial Japan allowing the IJA to concentrate forces in China and eventually move to SE Asia and the attack on America in Pearl Harbor. Zoroto could not be further from the truth in his post.
Good question as always. Firstly, we don’t have the data that Russian GDP fell by that much as you claimed. Assuming it’s true that it is due to blockades and sanctions-related, supply chain disruptions which are exogenous conditions unrelated to internal performance. Secondly, Russia is selling its energy at a discount, but is still making record profits. Compare that to the UK, which just reported its worst GDP slump in 300 years and that is without sanctions.
Many US sources are designed to paint a picture of the collapse of the Russian economy to show that sanctions are working. Some are commissioned to do so. Russia may not be out of the woods, but the sanctions and the so called "financial nuclear bomb" have done no where near the damage they were touted to be able to do. Let's take a recent US academic institution's work as an example.
Yale School of Managment's report in August 2022 Under the Hood: Russian Economy in Crisis starts with Decoding Deceptive Official Russian Ecnomic Statistics. Yale is claiming the Russian economy is collapsing yet they have NO data on the following: Foreign trade, Exports, Imports, Oil and gas data, Capital inflows and outflows, Financial statements of Major companies, Central Bank Monetary base data, FDI data, Airline and airport passenger volumes, Lending and Loan Origination data and so on. Need I go on?
Essentially Yale has no data and we are to just trust their claims. The report also uses sources such as Bloomberg. If Yale can’t get the actual data how can Bloomberg get the data? These Western reports are very similar: they begin with a catchy sensational headline (Russian Economy Collapse / China and the Genocide of Uighurs) but can they actually back their claims up with anything called evidence ( What "litte data trickled out" by the Kremlin "suggests" statistics are "unlikely" to be postive / China "may have" committed crimes against humanity)?
The report admits very little data is released and the data that are released are dubious "desperate obfuscation of Russia's revenue," If Russians release any data, they are fake. If Russians don't release data, they are hiding it. What they’re saying is they have no data because the Russians are hiding it and the ones they have are fake.
I have little doubt that there’s a decline looking at just one quarter, but as I said, it is due to exogenous conditions beyond Russia’s control, mainly due to blockades and punitive sanctions that have caused supply chain disruptions. There have definitely been plant closures and layoffs due to the scarcity or non-existence of parts. It would be the same for any economy weathering the same conditions. What is remarkable, however, is that the decline is nothing compared to what is going on in the West.
You couldn't be more wrong. The Allied Cairo Declaration of 1943 which outlined the actions to be taken against Japan states:
""The Three Great Allies are fighting this war to restrain and punish the aggression of Japan. They covet no gain for themselves and have no thought of territorial expansion. It is their purpose that Japan shall be stripped of all the islands in the Pacific which she has seized or occupied since the beginning of the first World war in 1914, and that all the territories Japan has stolen from the Chinese, such as Manchuria, Formosa, and The Pescadores, shall be restored to the Republic of China. Japan will also be expelled from all other territories which she has taken by violence and greed."
The 4 Southern Kurile islands became Japanese territory by the negotiated Treaty of Shimoda in 1855 with Russia. It is clearly exempt. THe USSR coveted gain for itself and expanded it's territory. This is the main reason that the US, UK and EU consider these islands Japanese terrotory under Russian occupation to this day.
If Russians are hard up these days they don't need to block tourist visas
They look exactly like German Nazis on parade with that stupid goose step.
Lord Dartmouth
Since the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, I've heard some truly crazy things on Japanese TV. A few weeks ago there was a wide show which was banging on about a possible Russian invasion of Japan. No one ever stopped to ask why on earth Russia would want to do such a thing. I asked my students a few days later and they said, 'Well, Russia invaded Ukraine, so next might be Japan. They might nuke us'. I asked why. They said they had heard it on TV.
OssanAmericaToday 03:13 pm JST
Nice post sir. Informative and accurate.
Russia needs to hand back those four islands and provide compensation to those families forcibly removed from their homes when the islands were seized.
*In addition, Russia scrapped and completely ignored bilateral treaty, meaning, shoot you from your back and laughed at watching you die. Yes, this evil had informed Japan of not extending the non-aggression pact but it had reconfirmed Japan that expiry of the current term would be secured, which is 1946.. Never Trust Russian leaders. Never hope any goodness with the promise with Russa. UN holding this cockroach as vip of SC is a laughing stock. Actually Russia should be split up. There's no reason that this evil empire is entitled to monopolize the natural resource on planet earth.*
Sure , if triggered by Taiwan crisis, Putin and NK would join the evil Axis powers against US/Japan/UK..etc.
Putin believes Soviet should have had Hokkaido for 70+years.
Japan is surrounded by these evil Axis. No more peace-boke, let's see how oppositions would cook this situation to kick LDP out.
Destin Skye
Some commenters don't know Japanese and Russian history. Russia signed a non-aggression pact with Japan in 1941 after Germany invaded Russia. The non-aggression pact stayed in place throughout the war, with Russia deliberately refusing to assist the Allies in the Pacific, until August 8, 1945. Only then did Russia declare war on Japan at the last minute in order to then sue for Pacific islands.
Well done Russia, China and everyone!
gintonicSep. 6 10:27 pm JST
Cockroach cannot be trusted. This insect never learns
Biden say nyet to Zelensky,by not declaring Russia a state sponsored of terrorism
gintonicSep. 6 03:20 pm JST
Just like since Russia holds Crimea and Donbas, they are laughing at Ukrainian refugees eh?