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© 2022 AFPJapan rules out withdrawal from joint Russia gas project
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© 2022 AFP
surprise surprise!
Despite the decision, Japan will "continue to make efforts to reduce our energy dependency on Russia" in line with G7 policy, Kishida said.
"Making efforts" is often the political shorthand for "monied interests trump the political will to make meaningful change about the issue".
The political equivalent of "thoughts and prayers".
The other day, they were banning the exports of luxury cars for appearances, which is going to affect like 5 people who may have wanted a Lexus for their collections. The real business ties where billions are transferred are all intact.
Just cannot unhook yourself from The Beast?
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
Japan doesn't control the project at all.
They are dreaming !
Russia controls the project.
100% control of the resource by Russia.
It wouldn't be a surprise if Russia refused to sell anything to Japan or allow any export of anything Japanese to Russia.
If you think Moscow is interested in doing business with unfriendly countries - then think again.
Japan should have stayed out of the Ukraine crisis and sanctions against Russia.
Desert Tortoise
Cowardice. No other way to put it. Doesn't matter. Russia will cut Japan off anyway unless they agree to pay in Rubles.
Dependence on it is an extremely important threat to Japan’s energy security, as should be obvious.
Michael Machida
Japan never ceases to disappoint.
No surprise here.
The LDP sells out for money, every time.
There is enough capacity worldwide to provide gas to Europe from the US, or anywhere else.
The challenge is that there are not enough LNG carriers to carry the needed amounts of LNG from the US to Europe, and will take three years to build enough LNG carriers.
The rates for LNG carriers have now gone up more than 10x and the capacity is fully booked.
A good first step to get out from under the American yoke. Right now, the most vital is for Japan to get rid of its US$ accounts. Otherwise of the major holders of US$, Japan seems likely to be the last one holding a bag of useless paper. China and India moving rapidly to get rid of their US$ holdings.
Franz Pichler
Well they’re not the only ones are they?! Europe keeps on buying g as well. It’s a really hard nut to crack
Franz Pichler
Gas is not only an energy source but a vital raw material in ten chemical and pharmaceuticals industry so no wonder every energy poor nation needs to look at this very very carefully. As much as one hates Putin who makes the first step to push its people down the economic abyss??!!
Pathetic and shows no leadership on Japan's part.
Regardless of state-led sanctions, things are now moving fast, faster than expected. The Putin regime is most likely to collapse soon. Time to start discussing a post-war international security framework and reconstruction programs.
The article does not mention the real reason, debated endlessly in Japanese government and media. The fear is that China would like to simply step in and take over as soon as Japan pulls out of this massive Sakhalin-2 project.
Typical reactions above from the usual bunch of posters.
Before scoffing, please provide an economically viable and logistically possible alternative. Don't forget to consider money already spent.
And also don't forget to send your solution to all the European nations who are also continuing to execute their energy contracts with Russia.
Tell you what, to make it easier... Why not start by telling us all which nations have cancelled their energy contracts?
It is very simple.
Japanese government/METI cannot afford to let Mitsui/Mitsubishi to exit from Sakhalin-2 project. Otherwise domestic electricity and gas bills will sky rocket, also facing real risk of rolling blackouts across the country. If this happens Kishida and ruling party will be wiped out by the anger of the commoners and opposition party.
Typical hypocrite behavior.
Germany. Nord Stream 2.
Surfer Kenta
No thank you. Japan enough debt already
Germany imports 35% of its gas from Russia and continues to do so. Nothing has changed.
Nord Stream 2 was to increase that to 50%, but was already facing legal hurdles before the Ukraine invasion.
Kore,NK can lay enough nuclear energy on Japan,
Some people (0.001%) in the U.S. are profiting a lot from this war. In addition to "donating" military weapons to Ukraine
the U.S. are still selling Gas to Europe.
Indeed a great business.
America under Joe Biden is pathetically out of touch with the real . No countries will sacrifice their energy supply because of your anti Russian rhetoric of the Ukraine war. Everyone is mind their own business and do their own calculation, even Japan the world: no.1 appeaser to USA don't want to lost their energy supply from Russia and Iran. Japan is two faced over this!
Use Bitcoin mining technology to make renewable energy more efficient and profitable.
We don't need to rely on other nations natural resources. We have enough geothermal, and tidal energy to make us a global powerhouse, so long as we act fast and make use of this technology.
Or not... probably not
I think Russia is winning their Trade War or Sanction War with the West.
Many "Unfriendly" countries (Germany,Japan,South Korea) still buying their energy products after the Ukraine crisis and it will take many years or maybe be "Never" will they cut off their reliance on Russia. These countries were appeasing America by telling they were curbing but the fact is otherwise! Russian energy products are something you can't resist!
Sure seems like it has changed, Russia is demanding payment in Rubles, Germany (and others) are refusing and now openly preparing for a complete shut off of Russian gas supply.
Not sure if it will come to that (it would be Russia turning off the tap), but long term they are clearly planning to purge their energy system of Russian gas. Squabbling about whether they have cancelled or suspended a specific contract right now misses that point. I don’t see continued long term reliance on Russian gas as politically viable anywhere in Europe now.
They have an obvious incentive to keep the gas flowing until they are ready to fully cut Russian supplies, but even Putin himself recognizes this is where things are going.
Desert TortoiseToday 07:55 am JST
Putin may be crazy but he isn't stupid!
His decree states "unfriendly" countries must pay in Rubles BUT (here is the loophole) they can pay in other currencies if they use a certain designated Russian bank, that bank will do the conversion into Rubles at a set exchange rate and charge a fee for the transaction.
Crazy yes stupid no!
People's lack of geopolitical perspectives on how the world actually operates in Government and business down to how things are manufactured and transported versus their bizzare comic world thinking of the good versus evil rubbish is staggering. Being quite unread / unlistened overall could be a reason for this. Bandwagoning on the current thing another. Listening to and worse, believing the constant legacy media propoganda and cherry picking the bits you like another factor.
Here is a decent article on why these sanctions, while feeling as virtuous as putting a flag on your FB profile to signal your virtue to pretend you are involved, are usless and very likely to backfire spectacularly
Forgive us for not being enlightened enough to be as well read on the Zerohedge literature - where everything is attributed to a character from Fight Club - as an eminent mind like yours is.
US government should sell their oil for 20 dollars a barrel ,sparking an oil war,since the taxpayer have already payed for it,it you sold gas for 1 dollar a gallon,at a lost to drive your competition out of business,but sell a 5 dollar slurpee,drive Russian and Saudis down ,since you do not need the revenue,
We should know that it was the aggressive America's NATO eastward policy has irked Russia and caused this war and tragedy. Russia has no interested to go westward or similar actions, that's why many countries think: Why should I give up my energy supply from Russia for America's wrongdoings?
But for appeasement of U.S. these countries will make some compromise at least during this prime time but their imports of Russian energy will back to normal if the Ukraine crisis calm down!
Smart Japan doesn't want to shoot itself in the foot
Mr Kipling
The cheapest and easiest solution to much of Europe's energy needs is Russian gas. Shipping it from the US or Qatar is 3x as expensive and as some rightly pointed out, there are NO tankers to do the job. Japan donated a shipment on the worlds largest LNG tanker from its reserves at the start of the conflict, enough to supply the gas needs of Germany for 3 whole days! Europe needs Russian gas, is dependent on Russian gas and will continue to be so. Putin knows this, western leaders know this. They called Putin's bluff over Ukraine and lost. Window dressing sanctions are meaningless to a country with two products that the countries putting on the sanctions desperately need, oil and gas. Its time to stop the pointless war and killing. Putin has won. Crimea, the Dombas region and the southern land strip between will become Russian territory. Within a year the sanctions will be gone, German industry will continue to be fired by Russian gas and the rest of the world can go back to discussing movie stars and cat videos.
Oh oh Japan bad. Let the excuses flow.
With respect, here is a different viewpoint from Europe:
Reality is this, Japan is too far from any other suppliers and the needed transport vessels are just not available.
Russia now holds Western Europe by the gonads and for now there is nothing they can do, it would require commandeering every gas transport ship on the planet to make up for the loss of Russian gas.
It will require connecting one of the two gas pipelines from the middle East to Turkey and connect them to the pipelines into Eastern Europe into Western Europe and that would require building compression stations no time for that.
Russian knows eventually Western Europe will stop supplying from them and that is why they built the pipelines to China and to Japan there's no direct pipeline from Sakhalin but at the speed of transport between the island and Japan only a few ships can do the job with multiple trips possible in a short time, is contrast a single ship from the middle East would take over a month one way.
In the future Russia will be supplying China, Japan and Korea, but for now Europe has no choice and they and Russia know it but the European politicians are to afraid to just say it!
SkepticalToday 10:43 am JST
Did you read the article you linked?
All pipe dreams as nothing it suggests is possible now, nothing would counter Russia turning off the tap.
It is all "we should do this, we should do that" they forget to make it clear that none of it will be in effect for a decade at best!
So how to live without the Russian supply "Now" if it is cut off? That part is all speculation and pipe dreams.
Sven Asai
The surprising OK is more probably from Biden, not an own Japanese decision. It’s interestingly double-tongued, if we compare it with the strict decisions on that NorthStream2 issue in Europe.
Is Japan willing to pay in rubles?
Putin sets April deadline to shut off gas unless countries pay in rubles .
The world has yet to witness how Russia would shut off gas supplies to Europe without payment in rubles.
This is serious.. Today is April 1 ..
To say Western Europe and North American regimes care about democracy or liberal values is so mind-numbingly boorish that it's surely a joke. They care about it when it suits the interests of the ruling classes in those countries and fight against it whenever it doesn't.
So is Japan going to be buying rubles or are we all going to have to live off sashimi? Personally I like sashimi but would prefer to be able to cook food from time to time.
The project is a very substantial one and to say that Japan, emphatically, must quit itself of it's interests ignores the effects and consequences of doing so. Shell can sell it's interest in the project ( subject to any shareholding agreements ) yet it appears that Shell Eastern Trading has the right to most of the produce at least for the next few years and therefore capable of continuing to earn profits. But we don't know really how the legalities and agreements affect the parties when one wishes to quit or seek changes. This is a most complicated and historical enterprise. Please be aware that Japan has some significant financial risks in this venture, apart from the loss of supplies which are covered by sale agreements and these are highlighted by Wikipedia - Sakhalin - 11 and quoted as " In June 2008 Sakhalin Energy signed Russia's largest project finance deal, securing a loan of US$5.3 billion from the Japan Bank for International Cooperation and a consortium of international banks. Japan Bank for International Cooperation provided $3.7 billion of the funds.[22][23]
In October 2009 Sakhalin Energy secured an additional $1.4 billion in project financing, bringing the total Phase 2 project financing up to $6.7 billion. The additional debt was provided by a consortium of international commercial banks and insured by Nippon Export and Investment Insurance (NEXI), an Export Credit Agency owned by the Japanese government." As to whether this UpToDate news ( and Wikipedia doesn't do a bad job in this field ) is unknown but look and see that nothing in this Sakhalin episode is simple.
Pathetic. But yes, Japan is entirely dependent on imported energy. So Japan is going to buy Rubles to pay for the gas?
zichiToday 12:09 pm JST
Again nice try now read the rest of what I wrote.
I will use your numbers
188 vessels now for Sakhalin that would mean at least 188 deliveries a week no stress no pressure.
Now I don't know how long it takes to Japan from Saudi Arabia or Qatar but from those places to Singapore it is 40 to 45 days, so I will guess at least that long lest say one ship coming to Japan one going to ME at the same time that would be at best 94 shipments arriving in Japan every 45 days
From Canada where they have an LNG deal would be about a 30 day trip one way.
So let's recap well over 100 shipments arriving weekly ( 400 plus a month) in Japan from Russia or at best 100 shipments arriving in Japan in that same month from Canada and the middle East and costing more to ship more to buy.
The question, being unasked here, amounts to this: If I export a valuable commodity, and nations grow to depend upon it largely to fuel their economies, while they transition away from the commodity, are they then compelled to stand silent, dumb, and numb as I terrorize the neighborhoods around them? Even after I publically announce my plans to retake - by force - those countries and island territories around them who were lucky enough to escape me years ago? Insects want to tear themselves from my commodity, against my will, as a nuclear country with a terrible power at my disposal?
If yes to any of the above, what a terrible future.
But Kishida said the project was helping to provide "long-term, inexpensive and stable LNG supplies" to Japan
The bottom line is the bottom line. Political condemnation and a few token sanctions are just to appease the masses. Japan can easily access LNG from other countries This statement reminds me of what Mussolini did in WW2.
venzeToday 12:02 pm JST
I already explained this the details are available on BBC and CBC News the decree states "unfriendly" countries must pay in Rubles BUT (here is the loophole) they can pay in other currencies if they use a certain designated Russian bank, that bank will do the conversion into Rubles at a set exchange rate and charge a fee for the transaction.
Incorrect, the world has already seen this in 2005~6 during the Ukrainie Russia has dispute (which Ukraine lost even in court)
On January 1 2006 Russia cut the gas going through Ukraine, Ukraine basically capitulated and supply was restored on January 4th 2006.
So we know Russia will do it if it wasn't to.
We should increase trade with Russia and have our second bubble.
Now that has been my point for some time.
Sanctions don't work, best examples Cuba and Iran.
Unless NATO wants WW3 Ukraine cannot win.
So a deal now to end the killing, the rest of the world gets back to normal.
Then eventually Putin will be gone, hopefully a new more reasonable person will be in power and want to repair relations with the world.
Then a peaceful solution agreeable to all sides can be reached.
But right now all we are doing is letting more people die and creating hardships for the rest of the world.
And the red herring of " if we give into Putin on Ukraine, he will not stop" is just that a red herring!
He is not going to go into a NATO country so that is a moot point.
The Avenger
"After Russia launched its war in Ukraine last month, oil giant Shell said it would sell its 27.5 percent stake in Sakhalin-2 in Russia's far east."
zichiToday 01:15 pm JST
Do you know the history of Russia?
How often have they overthrown a dictator? Once? 1917?
Stalin was worse than Putin how long was he in power?
Now tell us when was the last time sanctions worked?
Cuba 60 year still Castro.
Iran 40 years still the Islamic rule.
Russia has far more resources than those 2 and people have some fantasy that sanctions are going to collapse the country or get them to put Putin out!
We are talking Russia here not some whiny little European country that gets upset if they break a fingernail!
Remember how fast Western Europe collapsed in front of Nazi Germany with just the British holding on because they are an island.
It was the Russian to help the ground it was the Russians who did the fighting well the French cooperated and the rest didn't do very much either.
I think Europeans with your constant vendetta systems that keep rolling over every few decades keep forgetting don't mess with Russia Germany learned that twice in Napoleon learned it so that pretty much everybody else.
Immoral decision.
No way! That would just be beyond the pale for even Putin. Surely the Russians will nationalize that 27.5% stake without compensation.
Do not listen to this advise.
Not only an immoral decision, Japan is buying dirty, bloody gas. The blood and dieing is on the hands of the people that made the decision to continue to buy the gas and the people that use it. The people of Japan should be outraged by this decision.
runner3Today 01:37 pm JST
Oh you mean like the Americans did and the British did in Iraq during Saddam Hussein, in Iran during the shah, as they are doing in Nigeria etc ..
Like that?
Problem with the Yuan is that it isn't fully convertible. The South African economy is much too small to stand up against Anglo-American, French and German economic warfare. The Rupee could be a very good bet but do Indian authorities want it stronger than it is at present?
Mr Kipling
Also from 2014 Ukraine has been getting is gas from Europe. 100% Russian gas that goes to Europe and then re-routed back to Ukraine.
Sometimes the biggest expense doesn't involve money.
Because it's always a good idea to throw good money after bad?
Mr KiplingToday 01:42 pm JST
And your point?
If Russia turned off the gas back then they can do it no problem now.
If Europe still supplies Ukraine is irrelevant.
Forgive us for not being enlightened enough to be as well read on the Zerohedge literature - where everything is attributed to a character from Fight Club - as an eminent mind like yours is.
So what did you think of the article and what CEO Martin Brudermuller of BASF SE, the world's largest chemical producer, has warned?
Quite funny, you would single out a publication thinking 1. It is the only publication someone reads. 2. Has some kind of meaning of character and 3. Has any merit to the discussion in said article.
As I said, people's lack of reading could be an issue for understanding issues. If one meerly dismisses articles or publications as not on their list of approved media suppliers, then......
The Russian ruble would be a very good investment. 3 weeks anyone who bought it would have almost doubled their money but it's likely the Russians don't want it to appreciate much more than the level it's at now.
Go back to the Soviet Union.
cleoToday 01:44 pm JST
Forgive me if I have issues closer to home. Good intentions won't pay my bills or support my family, I am far from ever being able to retire ( ex wife and the cancer/funeral expenses of my second wife made sure of that) so I and many others don't have the luxury to pay higher heating, higher electrical bills higher water bills, many people are like the business man that walks past the homeless vet I. New York, give a look maybe once and it is one of disapproval, then at the next cocktail party will boast about give to the poor in XYZ country.
Correct so here Japan made a good deal getting lower price gas but you and other would rather we "do the right thing" and pay more because the Europeans again can't keep their ethnic/nationalist fighting from happening over and over again.
Look at the mess, all the tiny regions all claiming they want independence from eachother.
Welcome to the new middle ages with tiny systems and ethnic enclaves based around religion and some false sense of special ethnic superiority!
What next Catalonia, Basque, maybe Sicily, Trieste, etc...
zichiToday 02:14 pm JST
You believe that?
Hey I know a great place to build a resort right on the beach in Canada are you interested?
It is as good an investment as betting on Putin losing the next election.
Bob Fosse
It’s far more complicated than that. But if you need it simplified “you do you”.
zichiToday 02:33 pm JST
I keep hearing that, I also keep hearing how the west and Ukraine are united against Russia.
Then Ukraine bans opposition parties, Germany and Ukraine feel the need to criminalize the Letter "Z" as a from of support for Russia.
Then I ask if so many in Russia are against Putin and so few in Ukraine and the west support Russia, why the need to ban political parties and Criminalize the letter"Z" as I would imagine very few would display it!
So what is said and what is being done just don't equate.
So call me skeptical on the they don't support Putin thing!
Well, the so called collapse will certainly have to wait. Just a reminder. Russia has never lost a land war in all of her history. Many tried to beat or conquer the country, The Swedes, Napoleon and and the Nazis. All were solidly beaten. Russians take time until they react with full strength.......
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
Japan totally dropped the ball on the agreement with china on the petroleum resource together.
And now ruining its petroleum resource from Russia.
Doesn't look good for Japan either way.
Australia and china at each other's throats.
USA will provide petroleum fuels in hegemony whilst pretending to protect the environment and the global economy as leader.
Time for Japan to embrace alternative non nuclear renewable energy and bid USA lecturing farewell
I'm betting on Putin not being around to bulldoze his way through the next election.
i know. It was a rhetorical question meant to poke at right wing Japanese nationalists who claimed how superior Japan was for leading the anti-war efforts.
No, that's what China does and it's called predatory pricing and dumping, both of which are illegal.
cleoToday 03:09 pm JST
Zelensky and Biden as well as Kishida will all be gone before Putin and I base that on a simple fact not that I support him in anyway but in facts.
He has out lasted out maneuvered all since basically taking power in 2000 and yes he has been in power that long Dmitry Medvedev was just a figure head a puppet Putin was in power.
I fail to see the point of clinging to feelings a illusions.
At some point one has to look at reality and not what their feelings say.
During WW2 neither the USA or UK really wanted to deal with Stalin, but feelings aside they had to deal with reality and that reality was deal with him give him parts of Europe or lose more.
I think the nanny state of the western Europe has given many the illusion the world is fair.
News flash it isn't and the good guys don't always win!
Back on topic please.
And the reality is that this one mad act of invading a sovereign country with a wet-behind-the-ears conscript army carrying rusty, ill-maintained weaponry and three days of outdated provisions, led by incompetent generals who are afraid to tell him the truth about the situation and get themselves killed in the field, and as a result calling down on the country crippling sanctions and making Russia a pariah for years if not decades to come, has nullified any benefits he may have brought to Russia in those twenty years and severely weakened his own standing.
Those around him may continue to be too afraid to rid themselves of Mad Vlad of the Long Table, Butcher of Babies, Destroyer of Hospitals, Desecrator of Cities, but I live in hope.
Mr Kipling
I was agreeing with your comment. Since 2014 the Ukraine stopped paying Russia for Russia's gas but has been paying Europe more for Russia's gas. Russia could easily cut Europe's supply by the amount used by Ukraine. The Ukraine like Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Finland, Sweden, North Macedonia, Moldova and Bosnia and Herzegovina gets 100% of its gas from Russia. It gets very cold in Kiev in winter.
The whole world's major Russian energy importers: Japan, China,India,Germany,France...etc. have no responsibility to comply with America's NATO eastward expansion, all the countries has their rights to choose to decide how much imports of Russian gas/oil without the blackmail or vengeances from America! It was America's warmongering attitudes Russia brought troubles to the world by kick up a hot war "Barbarossa 2.0"!
USA hands off Ukraine!
YES, Russian energy !
NO NATO eastwards!
Seth M
Bravo! Who thought this war would have made Ruble a global petro currency, then there's Saudi are selling oil for Yuan. Great time