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© KYODOJapan ruling party to debate contentious nuclear sharing arrangement
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William Bjornson
There should be legal punishments for warmongering politicians and other self-serving public personalities who lobby for dangerous and unconstitutional policies which would make Japan a legitimate TARGET for nuclear retaliation if the U.S.' continued aggressive attempts at 'containment' of its competitors were to step over the line of toleration by a U.S. (most likely) misstep and initiate a 'nuclear exchange' with the closest and most vulnerable target being hostile nuclear weapons mounted in Japan. ICBMs located onshore in the U.S. and nuclear missiles in boomers roaming near target countries are already in gross excess and, other than as a clear and present THREAT to Russia and China, have no strategic need to be placed in Japan. There is no such thing as a 'defensive' nuke...
The invasion of Ukraine shows what happens when a country is foolish enough to relinquish its nuclear weapons.
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
Iam sorry but thats incorrect disinformation or B.S. lies to say that - Japan upholds the principle of nuclear weapons not being allowed on Japanese soil or "not allowing" nuclear weapons to be brought to Japan.
The truth is that nuclear weapons have been "in" Japanese waters and "on Japanese soil " ever since world war 2 .
The USA military continues to store and have ready a nuclear arsenal in Japan regardless of what the Japanese government thinks it is allowing .
Sorry but that's just pathetic Japan thinks it's controlling that !
The USA military has nuclear weapons everywhere !
Don't be naive !
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
Japan is desperately trying to get its own finger on the nuke button !
As a deterrent .
Simple as that .
We face the very real threat of nuclear war at the moment... so yeah, GREAT time to get more of the weapons that could destroy us. You'd think Japan knows better, but nope, too busy asking for the Nobel Peace Prize for their Constitution while talking about scrapping it, and holding ceremonies at Hiroshima vowing "Never again" while they walk blindly down the same path.
egads man!
Okay, store nuclear armaments somewhere on the mainland to become a priority military target for enemies? That's insane.
I never said this, but try to send a Japanese journalist to Okinawa bases, Sasebo, Aomori or obtain information on where and what is on USA warships and subs in Japanese territory, but well, to be honest…
then there is, I never said this, Tokai NPP research and Maizuru Port. Japanese.
What is "naive" is to think that that J-govt is not fully aware of US nuclear vessels and weapons entering and exiting Japan in violation of their 3-principles policy. They are in cahoots with the US.
Desert Tortoise
During the Cold War that was mostly true. Not since the 2000s. Today the only foreign based US nukes are in NATO countries. Most of the nuclear weapons storage in the US was consolidated in much fewer locations.
n the Navy only the SSBNs now go to sea with nuclear weapons. In the Cold War you had frigates and destroyers with nuclear ASROC, the carriers and ammo ships all had various nuclear weapons aboard and more land bases had them. There were nuclear armed IRBMs and cruise missiles in Europe. Those were banned by the INF treaty (but not for China who was not a signatory, China has lots of both). There were nuclear weapons in South Korea since the 1960s but those were withdrawn in the 1990s. The US used to deploy SSBNs from Scotland but hasn't since the introduction of the Trident Missile. Today the Navy to my knowledge no longer has nuclear weapons deployed on anything except for the SSBNs which never call on Japanese ports, and the Air Force has no nuclear weapons facilities in Japan. The nuclear weapons storage and loading areas and the hangers for the nuclear armed aircraft are very conspicuous on Google Maps (look at the one at Incirlik Turkey for an example) so go ahead and prove me wrong. The US removed their nuclear weapons from Okinawa a long time ago.
Nuclear weapons need a lot of expensive security and maintenance. Transporting nuclear components and whole weapons back and fourth from the US to overseas bases is very costly too. The US saved a lot of money pulling them back to a few centralized locations, possible because the threat was reduced.
Desert Tortoise
The US Navy stopped deploying with nuclear weapons over two decades ago. Only the SSBNs are so armed and they never make foreign port calls.
Desert Tortoise
Do not over react. It means the JASDF can train with simulated nuclear weapons and have equipment on their airplanes to allow them to deploy nuclear weapons in the event of a major war. The weapons can be kept on US soil until there is an emergency that justifies their use, like China attacking Japan for example. But in the mean time the Japanese ground crews and pilots can learn how to store and handle them, how to load them, the pilots can learn the procedures to use them and specific aircraft equipped to launch them. Actual nukes do not have to be stored in Japan to accomplish any of this. If there is a no kidding shooting war it would be helpful not just to the US but to Japan if Japanese aircraft can contribute fully to Japan's defense.