Japan Today

Japan, S Korea play hot potato with Noda's protest letter

By Huw Griffith

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It was mailed back with registered mail service.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

"It was mailed back with registered mail service."

Yes, but I wonder if anyone will sign for it. LOL. This is pretty funny.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

I wonder which country will be first to issue a postage stamp series featuring the islands on them?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

If the Japanese government really wanted to up the anty, it could take out full page ads in every major Korean Daily printing the letter in full in Korean. What would the Korean's do then? Claim that nobody reads the paper?

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Omg!and they call themselves adult...

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

The Korean Government is so childish, what's next putting their hands over their ears and running around screaming "nananananananana".

School kids always need teachers to correct them and Korea is no different.

7 ( +16 / -9 )


-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Bless the child refusing to listen and throwing a tantrum instead.

-1 ( +6 / -6 )

They say whatever they want and at the same time reject dialogue with Noda?

4 ( +8 / -4 )

In my experience it's usually the Koreans who go into a rage over the smallest go things. That being said, is it any surprise that they wold not accept he letter.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Robust views are to be expected between nations at times, but South Korea's diplomacy has been pretty appalling of late - the 'warning' to Japan's emperor and now this. Island ownership notwithstanding, a country should conduct itself with dignity. South Korea is failing badly under President Lee.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

I apologize to all readers for being an ill-mannered jerk.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The Japanese commenting on what is childish? Oh my.

-6 ( +10 / -16 )

Today's reality, I HAVE IT, I KEEP IT. YOU WANT IT, COME FOR IT. IF YOU CAN'T, SHUT UP. There was a time boycotts used to work, today, it's all about money. Even UN resolutions don't mean a damn. To think protest letters splashed on world billboards would make people shed tears.... AKBxxx generation grow up!!!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

But in what was beginning to look like a real live game of hot potato

It wasn't really. They just wanted to say hot potato.

the Japanese foreign ministry turned away a South Korean diplomat, believed to have been carrying Noda's letter, at the gate of the ministry building

who didn't bother to make an appointment or even let them know he was coming.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Graham DeShazoAug. 24, 2012 - 07:10AM JST If the Japanese government really wanted to up the anty, it could take out full page ads in every major Korean Daily >printing the letter in full in Korean. What would the Korean's do then? Claim that nobody reads the paper?

That's actually an excellent idea. Many court jurisdictions recognize a party to have been "served" if it is made public in publications that the party is likely to see.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

tmarieAug. 24, 2012 - 08:08AM JST The Japanese commenting on what is childish? Oh my.

Yes, in this particular instance, Japan has been conducting itself in a lawful mature rational manner. The same can not be said for South Korea.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

Japanese people are not surprised about the way the Koreans are. We know they fly into rages soon. It takes patience to deal with unreasonable neighbors.

3 ( +9 / -6 )

Back in 1868, the Joseon Dynasty did the same thing because the offical letter had「皇」Emperial on it so they rejected it because Korea was still under (事大主義)which China was their master and only their Emperor was the real one. Well, the rest of history for one that the country could not be taken seriously as a mature nation (not just Japan but pretty much the Western nations at that time)

This is a classic definition of not teaching proper history to Koreans for they have and will not learn from their over glorified fabricated history. 2MB, as well as the rest of the population are shining example of this post war education of Korea.

5 ( +12 / -7 )

“Under usual protocol, it is inconceivable that letters exchanged between leaders are sent back,”

I don't know if I'd call an island roe, and the crap that's been going between both nations (and China, for that matter), 'usual protocol'. Someone in SK should wipe his/her butt with it and send it back. The islands are SKorean, and that's all there is to it.

Schopenhaur: "We know they fly into rages soon. It takes patience to deal with unreasonable neighbors."

Funny, you can say the exact same thing with Japan and China.

-8 ( +7 / -15 )

Ossan: "Yes, in this particular instance, Japan has been conducting itself in a lawful mature rational manner. The same can not be said for South Korea."

Political posturing isn't a sign of maturity, my friend, nor is doing something you KNOW the other said will reject so you can choose to call them immature just to score a few political points -- and we know that's all Noda's doing here (ahem... mature!).

-3 ( +10 / -13 )

So Japan but the important people in the ROK are in Washington DC right now .

Seoul recovers former Korean legation in Washington

Korea has regained ownership of a historical building formerly used as the Korean legation in the United State more than a century after it was forcibly taken over by Japan and sold to an American, the Seoul government said Tuesday.

The Cultural Heritage Administration said it has signed a contract to purchase the building in Washington, D.C., as it is the only former overseas establishment of the Korean Empire which still has its original shape.

The Korean Empire was the name of the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910) during its final 13 years before it became a colony of Japan. Built in 1877, the Victorian-style building was used as the Korean legation in the U.S. from 1891 till 1910.

King Gojong, the 26th king of Joseon and the first emperor of the Korean Empire, bought the building, currently located in the Logan Circle Historic District, some 10 minutes' drive from the White House, for US$25,000, a huge sum of money in 1891.

But Japan took over the ownership of the building for just $5 as soon as Korea went under its colonial rule in 1910 and sold it to an American for $10.

The government agency said it will pay $3.5 million to the current owner of the building under the contract.

The building has a great historical value as a symbol of the Joseon Dynasty's pursuit of an independent diplomacy to escape from rising pressure from China, Russia and Japan to open up after the Treaty of Amity and Commerce was signed with the U.S. in 1882, according to the agency. (Yonhap)

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

In other news SK wants its records back and Japan said that it will consider it if SK returns some dishes.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

The islands are SKorean, and that's all there is to it.

You forgot "Dae Han Min Guk!!"

You've given us so much knowledge on this subject that how can anybody deny your statement. (sarcasm)

5 ( +11 / -6 )

I guess Japan is still in the colonial days mailing their letters by a ship. No wonder Koreans refused because Noda forgot to put stamps on it and returned to the sender. Seriously, South Korea has every right to refuse and they did the right thing.

-9 ( +3 / -12 )

According to the South Korean media, it is the Japanese government that is behaving childish. It claims that it is unprecedented that an official diplomat is turned away. Even during war time, diplomats are received without impediment.

Also, this article says that Nihon Keizai stated "When the Senkaku Dispute erupted, China restricted exports of rare earth materials to Japan. Should Japan react like China did, we will lose credibility as a nation."

"Childish Japanese diplomacy with no international precedent causes even Japan's media to ask 'What? Are we China?'" http://news.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2012/08/24/2012082400186.html?news_Head1

Has anyone seen the Nihon Keizai article?

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

According to the South Korean media,


It's unpreccedented that the diplomatic letter adressed from the Prime Minister to President is returned. It's not unprecedented that official diplomat is turned away without making an appointment.

The highlight of this was not the actual rejection but the Toyota van he and his driver drove.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

Noda's popularity is going down, down, down. Just like most of the J-goverment career politicians, Noda gets so rattled so easily and so out of touch with diplomacy in their neighboring countries. Such an amaturish politican that should resign. The continue revolving door in Japan keeps continuing. In Japan, 6 PM's in 6 years? In baseball, your batting 1000.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

If the Japanese government really wanted to up the ante, it could take out full page ads in every major Korean Daily printing the letter in full in Korean

No way you'd get anyone to carry such an ad. It'd be suicide (possibly literally) for a publisher to accept it.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Interesting to see as always the comments rather the article of JT. And that usernames including "Japan" and "JP" are the noisiest. Wonder why they are stuck in Japan. By the way Korea just wants to see Japan apologizing for their war crimes and they use the island issues as a buffer to vent their anger. I was always told not to compare bananas with apples.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

Do not live by the past.just learn a lesson.my father was an illegimate son, a remnant of war they say.lived with humiliation,poverty but he still lived without hatred but moved on till he died poor without seeing the life he wished for his fsmily.Let bygones be bygones.! Nobody owns the island but God.whoever be the caretaker of it let be him and his to protect.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Resolve the issue diplomaticallyBoth will set down and discuss in the open table.Set aside both pride.consider the welfare if citizens. LOVE AND PEACE NOT WAR.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

I wonder which country will be first to issue a postage stamp series featuring the islands on them?

North Korea:


3 ( +3 / -0 )

I don't quite understand why Japan didn't accept the letter. Is it because they wanted a formal response from South Korea?

South Korea is unbelievable and is sort of a joke at the moment. All these years, Koreans campaign around the world, mainly in USA, but also in Europe(?), buying ads in newspaper, magazine, billboards, all saying "Dokdo is Ours", but what they really do is just saying people to shut up and listen, they don't even want a debate. They shout slogans, uphold their banners, protest, buy ads, cut their own fingers and even abuse and brutalize innocent animals and savagely tear them to pieces, but when the Japan govt wants to go to court, the ROK tuck their tails between their legs and ran home.

While I don't exactly saying ROK claims isn't true, but in order to know who is in the right and wrong, what Japan offering is a nice idea, which ROK should've accepted. The fact is both have documents saying they own the rights. U.S. even does, too, saying Japan. what is wrong right now is that back in 1952, ROK ignore Japan and the U.N. and illegally establish the Syngman Rhee Line and again, illegally occupying the Liancourt Rocks. That action wasn't accepted, but Japan, U.S. and the U.N. didn't took any action except for declaring ROK action illegal and against international law.

If ROK is so confident of their claims, they should've gone to court and settle it once and for all. otherwise, this will keep going and the actions that South Koreans take will only hurt their image on international standing.

5 ( +11 / -6 )

I don't quite understand why Japan didn't accept the letter. Is it because they wanted a formal response from South Korea?

That was the first thing the Japanese government was hoping for. But according to the South Korean diplomat's on site interview, he stated that "he came to explain the return of the letter". The MOFA responded (based on SK diplomat) is that he should make an appointment first.

. That action wasn't accepted, but Japan, U.S. and the U.N. didn't took any action except for declaring ROK action illegal and against international law.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

The fact is both have documents saying they own the rights. U.S. even does, too, saying Japan. what is wrong right now is that back in 1952, ROK ignore Japan and the U.N. and illegally establish the Syngman Rhee Line and again, illegally occupying the Liancourt Rocks. That action wasn't accepted, but Japan, U.S. and the U.N. didn't took any action except for declaring ROK action illegal and against international law.

Japan didn't have a military so the only thing they could do was to complain to the SK officials. Although U.S. denounced the Rhee line at that time and afterwards (Van Fleet Mission), both Japan and Korea became important Allies. Hence, they recommended that the matter be settled via ICJ.

7 ( +12 / -5 )

Japan, Korea .... this is ridiculous. Is this the best you can do?

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Are there two corners of the earth adult members of the UN could send these two little children for a time out? And people wonder why they can't get seats with the adults in the UN security counsel

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

And people wonder why they can't get seats with the adults in the UN security counsel

Nice of you to join in hoserfella. Both Japan and Korea has been in the UNSC (non-permanent). The permanent SC are reserved exclusively for U.S., U.K., France, China, and Russia. Now, if you want to label the latter three as "adults", by all means STICK WITH IT.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

This kind of dispute between North Asian countries and Japan will be more common in the future as long as Japanese politicians overestimate Japan's ecocomical, political and military presence in the region. Instead of trying to position as if it is 1930, J-politicians should consider taking the position of Japan as if it is 2030.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

No return policies in Japan...

1 ( +1 / -0 )

nigelboy - guess what 12 year-old child has been whining for a permanent seat through reform? Your master, Japan. This whole pathetic tantrum by both countries has set that effort back decades, I trust.

-5 ( +7 / -12 )

I hope and suspect that ordinary Japanese and even their Japanophile lap dogs are embarrassed by this

-8 ( +6 / -14 )


The G4 campaign has been dead for years for the simple reason that the Master(LOL) 5 were quibbling over "we want him, we don't want him".

To conclude that the PMSC is above them in terms of maturity is asinine.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

This kind of dispute between North Asian countries and Japan will be more common in the future as long as Japanese politicians overestimate Japan's ecocomical, political and military presence in the region. Instead of trying to position as if it is 1930, J-politicians should consider taking the position of Japan as if it is 2030.

Apart from the fringe folk like Ishihara, Japan has been the most diplomatic and reasonable country in North East Asia for decades. Acting like it's the 1930s? Not even close and you should know better than to post such rubbish.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

To conclude that the PMSC is above them in terms of maturity is asinine.

nigelboy - As soon as you show me where they threw letters back in each others' faces lately, Ill agree. Until then, Korea and your master Japan still sit at the kid's table.

-13 ( +4 / -17 )

Uh, a little late, Washington.

The United States did a terrible job with Japan after WWII. While it encouraged Germany to pay reparations to Jews and Israel and tried German war criminals, it helped cover up things for Japan.

Clearly, the United States recognized that "Japan" would be limited to the four home islands and "some minor islands". But it was not clear. The United States should have stated that Dokdo and Diaoyutai were clearly not Japanese in the 1950s or 1960s at the latest. Also, it should have told Japan that the South Kuril Islands are taken by Russia and no longer Japanese.

Now, it's too late.

I quoted from other thread (by Sir-Edgar) here in JT. It is not the most diplomatic or reasonable country if Japan knows this fact.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

nigelboy - As soon as you show me where they threw letters back in each others' faces lately, Ill agree. Until then, Korea and your master Japan still sit at the kid's table.

Before you post, I suggest you keept updated on what happened.

-PM sends a diplomatic letter to his counterpart, the President of Korea. -2MB (Korean president, if you didn't know), orders the letter to be sent back to MOFA (that's ministry of foreign affairs) because according to him, it contained the term "Takeshima" which he states is false because he doesn't recall landing in "Takeshima". He recalls landing in Dokdo. -The Korean Embassy in Japan attempts to send the letter back to MOFA without making an appointment. He states in an onsite interview that "we wanted to discuss our return of the letter, but I was rejected because I did not make an appointment". -MOFA declined the entry of this Korean official since it's a UNIVERSAL custom to visit a foreign dignitary with an appointment. -Korean government mailed the original letter via registered mail from PM to the Japanese government. -It appears the Japanese government will accept this registered mail.<------we are here.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

President Lee Myung-Bak is definately sure knows what he is doing right now, the shuffling was part of his objectives to humilate Japan that might gain popularity from the SK people and overseas Koreans! Now the Dokdo/Takeshima has becoming the so called: 'The letter row'!

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

To conclufe , the Korean President directed his staff to mail back (via registered mail) the original letter that he read to the Japanese government in which it appears Japanese government will sign the registered mail.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

To conclufe , the Korean President directed his staff to mail back (via registered mail) the original letter that he read to the Japanese government in which it appears Japanese government will sign the registered mail.

If not, you know what is the destination of the unsigned registered mail after 2 weeks. The trash can.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

as a row over islands threatened to descend into diplomatic farce

LOL. This stopped threatening to descend into a diplomatic farce and arrived there a long time ago. And from an outsiders perspective, both sides are equally guilty. And you can bet real diplomats in western governments around the world are laughing their butts off at this complete display of childishness.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

If not, you know what is the destination of the unsigned registered mail after 2 weeks. The trash can.

Yes highhope. We know the last time such similar incident happened.

Please refer to my post Aug. 24, 2012 - 08:34AM JST

0 ( +3 / -3 )

I want to praise the wisdom of President Lee again! Sure he knows the next president of ROK is a lady president and he is aware the Japanese might take a tougher stance over SK, not just the Dokdo/Takeshima disputes but a wide range of economic agenda with Japan. SK knows she is in a very unfavorable situation always when she 'cooperates' with Japan, this has presisted for decades and will remains in the future! The so called money swap was noting benefuits SK but Japan solely! Thats why Lee has no interests at all but 'saboatges' the relationship for a future bargaining! What Lee means is simple: SK might not see Japan as the sole partner of cooperations, China is an option as well! Attention at what Lee's remarks has said Japan has no longer influences in the world

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

China is an option as well! Attention at what Lee's remarks has said Japan has no longer influences in the world

Another example of history repeats itself. A classic example of Korea's failed education in regards to their centuries of tributory state under China.

As for the currency swap, please bear in mind that there is absolutely little benefit to Japan giving hard currency in exchange for Korea's everlasting soft currency which has proven time and time again, that it may not be worth the paper you wipe your a$$ with.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

Too bad - worthless rocks.

Japan/Korea political relationship is a write-off at this point, and sober people must place this issue in the "pay-no-mind" file. Cultural ties will suffer - C'est la vie.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

If anyone is trying to determine which of the two sides is more childish, I think that's pretty much a futile exercise. I would say it applies to both in equal measure! One gets the impression they have nothing more important to do than to play such silly games...

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Attention at what Lee's remarks has said Japan has no longer influences in the world

It is partially true. Japan still will remain influences in the world with culinary culture, my favorate sushi!

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Asia is prospering, Japan tried to leave Asia, and now Japan can't get back to Asia. Japan is all alone, declining and getting smaller and smaller. Too bad.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

and if they can't settle this issue...what...go into war?... all countries in the region will be affected and there are NOT only Japanese and S.Koreans neh, there are other people too...grow up you people!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Bloomberg http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-08-17/japan-s-korea-currency-swap-deal-put-at-risk-by-island-squabble.html

As above, Korean goverment does not care about the Korea-Japan currency swap because it is Japan that benefits from the currency swap keeping Japan currency from rising. Without it, the value of Yen will go skyrocketed to bankrup already fragil Japanese export industries. I think Korean government already calculated those effects ahead of time.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

I admit I don't know much about him but I like what I see about this man.


There will always be cool heads on both sides. He is proof.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

A classic example of Korea's failed education in regards to their centuries of tributory state under China.

Nigelboy, please study the Korean history more in detail.


0 ( +3 / -3 )

nigelboy: "You've given us so much knowledge on this subject that how can anybody deny your statement. (sarcasm)"

And what YOU seem to forget is that all the quotes from blogs that you give are irrelevant -- who's on the island, and who is recognized by the world as administering them? They say there is no dispute, the exact same thing Japan says about the Senkakus, and Russia the Kurils.

Anyway, glad to see the radicals are on and busy thumbing people down with their various accounts (save other radicals, of course).

"Another example of history repeats itself. A classic example of Korea's failed education in regards to their centuries of tributory state under China."

And with Japan white-washing its texts and feeding its youth lies and watching them fail and fall in terms of educational ranks with other nations, I suppose you think they are a beacon of light? Your hypocrisy never ceases to amaze me.

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

Dennis Wakabayashi: "Here in LA a Korean female liquor store owner shot a teenage girl in the back of the head after being slapped in the face by the teenager, when caught stealing."

If she's a shop owner there there she would have to be an American citizen, not Korean. Zing! I hope you're not suggesting that people who are the off-spring of those from other nations carry some kind of nationalist genes from that nation, or you and yours might be in trouble!

-1 ( +2 / -3 )


Your comment basically is advocating taking territories by force in this current time. Does't matter how you take it. As long as you control and administer them now, right. Yes or no would be suffice.

1 ( +6 / -5 )


As for the textbooks, you haven't read one as I recall so you are in no position to criticize. You are basically echoing what the counterpart media is stating. The comparisons of textbooks of those countries were done by Stanford University which is published on line. Do some leg work for a change. Japan doesn't have the luxury of dedicating 1/4 of their history on the war unlike your country which is short.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

Your comment basically is advocating taking territories by force in this current time. Does't matter how you take it. As long as you control and administer them now, right. Yes or no would be suffice.


The document revealed that Korean government was the landlord. The tennant Japan cannot claim that the landlord took the land by force.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Sory, wrong link.


-2 ( +1 / -3 )

The rudeness of Korean government is unbelievable. I thought they are concerned about their international reputation. where did their pride go?

1 ( +6 / -5 )


The document referred to was Ulleung Island as written. This has been a problem for Korea. Once they abandoned Chinese characters, the Korean government basically got a carte blanche on re-writing the history whatever they want.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Nigelboy, please read this carefully.

Yoo Mi-rim, the director of the Korea-Asia Cultural Institute, said, “In 1902, the Korean Empire required the governor of Ulleung Island to levy taxes on any economic activities, including Japan’s exports of sea lions, on Ulleung Island and Dokdo.”

The tax evidence was recorded in an administration manual from 1902.These detailed enforcement regulations were recorded and enacted after Prime Minister Yoon Yong-sun approved the duty. The document is 10 pages long and has a stamp from the Prime Minister.

The tax regulations include charging 10 percent on any marine products and one percent on freight that enters the island.

The taxes on marine products usually applied to seaweed from Jeolla and taxes on freight applied to Japanese’s exports.

The evidence shows that in 1902, the Japanese started fishing abalone in Dokdo, and they began hunting sea lions in 1904.

In 1901, during fishing season in Ulleung Island, up to 550 Japanese stayed on the island and 150 Japanese resided there year-round.

A document from the Japanese’s Foreign Ministry details exports of sea lions, squid and seaweed in 1904 to 1905. In 1904, skin and oil from 20 sea lions were exported.

The amount of exports increased in 1905 with skin and oil from 411 sea lions.

Yoo explained, “The fact that Japanese paid taxes on catching sea lions means that they acknowledged Dokdo as Korean territory.” A pod of sea lions used to inhabit Dokdo, but they have now become extinct.

1 ( +4 / -3 )


Give me the original text of this passage. This has been done hundreds of times by Korean scholars only to be debunked by Japanese scholars. It got so ridiculous that one expert predicted that they were doing this ridiculous findings to appease their own population.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Boy at this rate there cant be much sand left in the box, time for a re-fill pls!!!!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Nigelboy, I am not the reporter who can provide the source. But you cannot assume that anything does not please your taste is fraudulent.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

I am humming a "Return to Sender" by Elvis now.

I gave a letter to the postman,

he put it his sack.

Bright in early next morning,

he brought my letter back.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Nigelboy, I am not the reporter who can provide the source

So you have failed to support your argument.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

nigelboyAUG. 24, 2012 - 11:36AM JST MOFA declined the entry of this Korean official since it's a UNIVERSAL custom to visit a foreign dignitary with an appointment. -Korean government mailed the original letter via registered mail from PM to the Japanese government. -It appears the Japanese government will accept this registered mail.<------we are here.

Adding to nigelboy’s previous post, the Japanese government has accepted the registered mail and they have decided not to mail it again.


0 ( +1 / -1 )

Man this situation is getting worse each day, and I blame everybody except me. Share the god damn islands already! Then let's sing "shiny happy people holding hands."

PM Yoda confimed his resolve in a press conference today, and the Koreans have since indicated much the same. Now Tokyo tough man Ishihara says he is going to the islands in October I think it was and if he gets arrested then so be it.

Counter-productive antics everywhere except where I'm sitting.

Thank you.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

I'll accept the letter, if that helps...

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Rudeness of Korea? It was Japan who started this childish game by publishing the content of the letter to the world press, way before they sent the letter. Korea already knew what was in that letter, so why bother accepting something like that? I agree sending back and fort this letter is as childish as it comes. But Japan saying Korea is childish? Good lord, what's next, pot calling the kettle black? LOL, good one Japan.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

70% of the Japanese didn't even think the island was Japanese, only up to couple of years ago. Now all of a sudden they're saying it's their's. Uh... if it was yours, then why did it take this long before you realize it was yours?

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Share the god damn islands already! Then let's sing "shiny happy people holding hands."

Why should S Korea share the islands when Japan's claim over them is clearly a violation of the Japanese Instrument of Surrender and the 5 party WWII peace treaty which states that: "The terms of the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out and Japanese sovereignty shall be limited to the islands of Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku and such minor islands as we determine"

So clearly Japan's claim will have support from no one, not even the US.

If Japan wants a share of these islands, it should share with S Korea other islands it held too.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Hows is this for an Omen ? - During the time that China & South Korea have been protesting about ownership of the islands - All the cyclones this year to date have and are heading their way! Hmmmm!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

How's this for omen? During all that time when Japan was claiming all of Asia as theirs, they got a Fukushima and now the entire land of Japan is polluted beyond repair. Hmmmmm!

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Keep arguing about a few rocks halfway between Japan and Korea, why doncha, lol.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Japan is acting like a bully here. They are pushing Korea around over these islands which were Korean territory and were stolen by colonial Japan. They fell through the cracks in the settlements after World War II, in which Japan was forced to forfeit its ill-gotten gains. In typical fashion, the Japanese government is claiming these islands on a technicality. Same story with Takeshima. That is Chinese territory. Even China and Taiwan agree on this.

Japan has about as much skill at dealing with non Japanese as a Chihuahua does playing chess, ie: none. They just storm in and start to try and throw their weight around. Fools.

You know, this is also to add insult to injury. The Japanese government has no morality and no shame. They raped and abused the Koreans for a half a century and now they want to drag the humiliation and cruelty out as long as they can. Pathetic. Nothing good will come of this for Japan.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

What Japanese leaders lack in maturity they more than make up for in stupidity.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

This is ridiculous. Japan is behaving the like an adult in this dispute, and South Korea like a spoilt, obnoxious brat.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Craft Ledger:

" Hows is this for an Omen ? - During the time that China & South Korea have been protesting about ownership of the islands "

So China wants Takeshima too???? That would be interesting indeed. Tell us more about this fascinating piece of news.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

nigelboyAug. 24, 2012 - 11:59AM JST As for the currency swap, please bear in mind that there is absolutely little benefit to Japan giving hard currency in exchange for Korea's everlasting soft currency which has proven time and time again, that it may not be worth the paper you wipe your a$$ with.

But why do it? Sure the actual currency exchange value with Korea has little impact, but the negative actions of J-goverment actually doing it is alot worse than what China did with the delay of the rare earth metals to Japan. Does Japan wants to compete in unconstuctive actions each time something does not go their way? This tells you that J-goverment has no leadership, no direction, no diplomacy, no intention of improving relations with their neighboring countries. Again, Japan continues to behave like they are victims. Japan needs to grow up and have some balls of consistant diplomacy.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

But why do it? Sure the actual currency exchange value with Korea has little impact, but the negative actions of J-goverment actually doing it is alot worse than what China did with the delay of the rare earth metals to Japan

And companies adjusted. Toshiba, instead of using China's dysprosium, they invented motors that function on samarium from Australia and U.S. Shinetsu, instead of relying on China, are buying from Kazahfstan and Australia for their supplies. The price of rare earth went down. Japan's import from China is less than 50% now.

China played this "rare earth" game and they lost. Use it again, and companies will develop more technlogy to rely less on rare earths.

What puzzles me about your post is that you completely "excuse" China and Korea's bad behavior while expecting Japan to completely tolerate it. And in this case, Japan has done nothing. There was no obligation to extend the swap. It expires in October. If Korea wants it, they better ask nicely. There was no obligation to buy soft currency KRW denominated soverign bonds. So why are you criticizing Japan for doing absolutely what is not required?

There is not going to be any economic sanctions, sfjp330. What Japan has indicated that the favor requests made from Korea in the past will not be easily accepted or accepted at all (based on the current climate).

3 ( +4 / -1 )

nigelboy Aug. 25, 2012 - 04:20AM JST. What puzzles me about your post is that you completely "excuse" China and Korea's bad behavior while expecting Japan to completely tolerate it. And in this case, Japan has done nothing. There is not going to be any economic sanctions,

The J-goverment's thin skin approach will backfire and put more harm by their actions Do Japan really want to compete in getting a uppper hand each time Koreans make a move? How low will J-goverment go? J-goverment hinted they could freeze its plan to buy South Korean government bonds. This is another potential Japan's economic boycott threat against Korea. Actions of J-goverment shows that their leadership is in complete dissarry and nobody believes in each other. It's really a chaos in J-goverment and Noda already has one foot out the door. FM Azumi, who has already cancelled a planned trip to meet SK counterpart in Seoul. What for? To piss off the Koreans even more?

0 ( +2 / -2 )


I respectfully disagree. I believe both Korea and China was pushing the envelope to see how far they can get away with it. And collectively, this is nothing. When Koizumi visited Yasukuni during his tenure, both Korea and China leaders announced that there would not be sideline talks like APEC or even had the nerve to come to Japan and meet with Keidanren on the day that they were scheduled to meet with a Japanese PM.

Koreans will be pi$$ed no matter what. It's in their policy to come up with something to do so. Therefore, there is no point in the Japanese government to offer anything. Just keep a distance for a while. I mean ,Korea made their point clear. They demanded that Japan stop their pursuit of Takeshima. Japan had made the decision to pursue ICJ as FM Gemba put it, (August 11, a day after 2MB's Takeshima visit)

"However, as I have mentioned, we have not filed the lawsuit not because of such a possibility but because we gave certain consideration to the bilateral relations. The visit made such consideration unnecessary."

In other words, Japanese government had a line in regards to Takeshima and the Korean government stepped over it.

But your comment is puzzling again. Both LDP and DPJ are in agreement with this. So I don't see where you get this "chaos in J-government?"

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Why should Japan let the Americans use their Japan bases in support of South Korea in the event of renewed fighting? Say we are so sorry but allowing this would violate article #9 of our constitution. With the rash of ill will from the south lately, why should we help them at all?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

That letter from Japan Noda is not important in anyway. Japan Noda should personally call-up South Korea President Lee through Hot-Line. If Noda showed no respect to Lee, why should Lee returned courtesy to Noda?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

hmm S korea playing silent game what's next?

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Why should Japan let the Americans use their Japan bases in support of South Korea

Can Japan say no to America?

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I wonder how trade has been affected. Most business people on both sides probably want a quick resolution, even if they are not hurt now. The hotheads can have some fun but in the end money talks.

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Lot of Japanese boycotting Korean pop, some products, threats of killing Korean tourists etc, but nothing major that's noticeable because most of the Japanese threats are empty.


Here's further proof from Korea that Dokto is Korean. This time the proof comes from the Japanese themselves. University of Osaka professor, Kuboi Norio revealed a Japanese maps in 1840 and 1895 that revealed the island was Korean. A Japanese map in 1901 had the drawing of Japan, but the islands of Ullungdo was unmarked as not Japanese, and the island of Takeshima was totally omitted. The Takeshima island was incorporated as Japanese territory in 1905, right after the Russo-Japanese war which determined who was going to control Korea. This day, Kuboi Norio also revealed two other maps, one a Japanese map from 1895 and an Italian map of 1840 which drew the Dokto island as a Korean island. The Japanese professor stated that the two countries (Korea and Japan) should be cooperating closely with each other, but because of this territorial issue that Japan was hiding, he couldn't just stand by and do nothing so he decided to speak up.


It's reported that the Japanese professor started getting death threats from Japanese nationalists who were none too happy about this traitorous act.

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