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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2015.Japan, S Korean diplomats meet ahead of ministerial talks on 'comfort women'
By Jack Kim SEOULN©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Jumin Rhee
"Helping to set the stage for Kishida’s visit, a South Korean court last week cleared a Japanese journalist of defaming Park."
Excellent, but they need to take that autocratic law off the books, especially since the korean presidency is political unlike the Japanese monarchy or the Canadian governor general. Half the population of the US would be in jail for a law like that.
No this is not accurate, this is ONE last major obstacle, Liancourt Rocks/Takeshima/Dokdo Islands dispute is quite a major obstacle as well. Japan took those islands during the annexation of Korea but never gave them back, and Japan refuses to give them back now because they are fertile fishing grounds.
Get these two issues out of the way for better ties, one step at a time.
Compared with troubles in europe and America, our problems in the East Asia may be smaller. At least, we do not have to worry about uses of bombs by Japan haters.
I have lived and studied in Singapore and Malaysia. Many times I walk through the Karayuki-san's cemetery. Later, 15 years later I started to take interest in Karayuki-san's painful creation. I went to Bonio to visit Karayuki-san's cemetery also, there again I did research on Karayuki-san.
After Japan finished its the WWll Comfort Women's full settlement with the Korea, I would like to see the Japanese government shows its gratitude to their own women; as they have given their very best...
Was there an unintended typo in there? The reason I ask is that these islands/rocks are controlled by Korea, not Japan, but sovereignty is contested by Japan.
Agree, though, that this is another issue that needs to be addressed as it relates to Japan-Korea relations.
Well , that's if Korean airports could check appropriate at security gate.
And Japan pls don't forget you have to STOP denying sex slaves exist, if you don't this will never be put to bed!
The underlining strategy motivating the present Governments of SK and Japan to bring about an end to decades of poisonous vindictive historical and territorial belligerence is motivated chiefly by a cynically contemptuous band of political expediency.
On one side cabinet minsters show little evidence of any sign of wartime contrition, on the other a pious sanctimonious self righteousness, unwilling to even entertain reconciliation without the overwhelming desire to humiliate an entire nation.
It's a very smart move on Japan's part. The amount of money needed will be miniscule, but we can put to rest the discussions about how previous compensation payments never making it to the victims. Japan will gain alot of goodwill from this simple gesture that costs them very little.
Why not? Sex Slaves didn't exist. Military Prostitutes, paid for the services existed. And Japan has never denied the existence of the Comfort Women System. Read US Army Report No.49 instead of anti-Japan propaganda for some facts.
Sex slaves existed in all wars some forced like German prison camps, others were camp followers not sure how many of the Korean, etc were forced by the j-army.
If they drew a salary, protection they weren't slaves, like the poor woman in the Gulags and more,
Hi M3's, clearly you process a wisdom and insight l lack, your pragmatic resolute approach is above my overriding instinct that political leadership requires the ability to overcome emotive idealism, Stevenson's argument.
I am of the opinion a financial settlement is a deal and not a resolution. Equally detesting President Park Geun-hye shenanigans, at the same time I admire the ability and skill to shape and control events.
Christopher Pelham
Just because one is paid does not mean one can quit the job and survive.
Actually, I completely agree with you. (and gave you a thumbs up). I agree that Abe & Co are just being shrewd operators without any real sense of contrition. They probably just want to put Japan in a position to be able to say to the international community 'look, we even paid twice'.
It's an entirely strategic move but I think it's still a smart move on Abe's part. It seems like a win-win for everyone since the surviving comfort women will get something, and the right-wingers in both Korea and Japan will be able to point to this as either proof of Japan's wrongdoing or proof that Korea is just out to extort money from Japan. Everyone will see what they want to see and that's probably the best we can hope for.
That is true circumstances might not allow another work but that still is not slave. And I doubt that no Koreans enjoyed their services.
Song I love:
The song above shows the true nature of mankind.
Hi M3M3M3, my cynicism was compounded returning to Europe. Six weeks divided between Frankfurt then London. Paris, the original destination was deemed an unacceptable risk. Our political leaders have failed us. Change is needed, the old guard need to make way for the next generation, learning from the mistakes of the past heralding a bright new future. I am afraid this future will have to be won. It will not be handed over on a plate.
Call me crazy but I think as Abe's time in office draws to a close (I suspect sooner rather than later), he's going to succumb to the temptation to do something which might cement his reputation as 'a great Prime Minister'. At the moment he's just seen as a divisive ideolog who's only tangible achievement (the Art 9 reinterpretation) might turn out to be entirely unconstitutional and void, so I imagine he might start thinking about his legacy fairly soon. A rapprochement with China and Korea might be just the thing that will work for him, even if it annoys his political allies. We saw something similar with George W Bush moving to the left and Tony Blair moving to the right near the end of their terms in office.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is a far too astute a politician, marginalising any potential leadership candidate, surrounded by , well Abe san Cabinet average age is respectfully 60 +, the average age of a JA farm worker is 65.8,.
The PSSR medium-fertility estimates demands that radical measures are needed to tackle the decline, targeting the causes of depopulation. Yet the headlines are dominated by quote, 'a legacy of Japan’s wartime past'.
Gianmarco Conegliano
The Japanese are so keen on apologizing, so it should be no problem. You do something wrong, face up to the fact, take the moral high ground and apologize. Compensate the women and be done with it. Japan is losing face with the world. Say sorry, pay them, give the islands back, and be friends again.
Don't forget about the Philippines comfort women.
WW II 'comfort women' push fight for justice, compensation
Whatever one's opinion on the issues surrounding Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida’s diplomatic effort to resolve the deadlock, Deputy Prime Minister, Taro Aso when Foreign Minister in direct contravention of government policy by Cabinet Minister, stated that “comfort women” involved no coercion, followed by the absence of any governmental rebuttal, this in agreement with representative Tomomi Inada, yet both Ministers later stated an adherence to the 1993 Kono Statement.
Add to this Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga has stated on the record that the 1993 Kono statement created a “major problem” for Japan that wartime “comfort women” were forcibly taken away. This whole process lacks any credibility. Yet here they are 'flogging a dead horse'.