Japan Today

Japan to buy stealth fighters, drones and submarines


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that's what the USG was looking for.

japan, pay!!!


-20 ( +7 / -27 )

And so it starts...

16 ( +23 / -8 )

I would like to thank South Korea, North Korea and a big thank you goes to the PRC!

Without your hate Japan wouldn't of done what it should have done 20 years ago, beefed up it's military!

Next Article 9!!!

The day has just gotten a whole lot brighter!

-1 ( +19 / -18 )

Article 9 has nothing to do with Japanese ability and right to defend itself.

Most Japanese are rightly against the abolition of Article 9, only people that want to see war and suffering want it gone.

15 ( +22 / -7 )

It is all PRC's fault. Japan has no choice.

Who gets a big break in this? US defense contractors.

26 ( +31 / -6 )

US class warfare has now come to Japan, with our tax money being shifted to big military contractors and, eventually, the off-shore, tax-haven accounts of the super-rich.

-8 ( +10 / -18 )

I recently visited Israel and we discussed the situation with its Arab neighbours. From a military point of view there are interesting similarities. Both countries are surrounded by hostile developing countries, which do not accept the existence of a high developed democratic western nation in their midst.

0 ( +11 / -11 )

Next: article 9, aircraft carrier, information agency, space weapons and etc!

0 ( +6 / -6 )

As much as this saddens me, Japan has no choice :(

4 ( +15 / -11 )

Joe, the vast majority of people I have spoken to who have ever discussed Article 9 have been very proud of Japan's status as a pacifist nation, so I think any proposed changes to that would meet very stiff and vocal opposition.

But, China have made their intentions very clear over the last couple of years in relation to expanding and dominating Asia. The CCP also uses the past as a way of manipulating the nationalist sentiment within the country in a way that is irresponsible, disingenuous and in no way promoting peace within the region. Japan would be silly to sit on their hands whilst China expands it's military capabilities whilst rattling sabres and becoming increasingly belligerent.

China will of course complain that this is a further sign of a Japan returning to it's nationalistic/militaristic past of the 30's and 40's, but this is complete rubbish imo. China are forcing hands here. They are ultimately responsible, and if anything, if China continues along this trajectory it will be they, not Japan that are repeating the mistakes of the past.

Either way, it may herald great upheaval in China. Will the people of China really allow the CCP to lead them to war? Will other countries allow it? If they do, and China gets smashed, what happens then? This may be the genesis of the next great upheaval in the world socio/political landscape.

13 ( +19 / -6 )

Japanese self defense force will find it weird when they notice that the drones are controlled by PS3 controllers. I think they still use them no?

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

Joe, the vast majority of people I have spoken to who have ever discussed Article 9 have been very proud of Japan's status as a pacifist nation, so I think any proposed changes to that would meet very stiff and vocal opposition.

Stiff and vocal opposition like that to the secrecy law? Look at what that achieved. We may not even know when they change Article 9, as it could be deemed a secret.

-1 ( +8 / -8 )

Either way, it may herald great upheaval in China. Will the people of China really allow the CCP to lead them to war?

They are not told the truth. Remember most Chinese peasants cannot read English news.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

You also have to consider that a major recurring setting in Chinese TV and movies, is the war, and the Japanese are always portrayed as evil and horrible in these shows. All Chinese people have been watching these shows/movies for their entire life.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

Good on ya, Japan! Good on ya. The lion sleeps no more. The lion sleeps NO MORE!

-3 ( +10 / -13 )

It is a question of human rights that a country which is threatened by another one is allowed to defend itself. These basic human rights are fundamental part of international law and therefore the international community is not entitled to prohibit one country to exercise this basic right. Probably Article 9 should be changed accordingly, but touching the wording of the Japanese constitution would again fuel an eruption of polemic and hate in the emotionalized neighbor countries.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Probably Article 9 should be changed accordingly

Article 9 is as follows:

ARTICLE 9. Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes. (2) To accomplish the aim of the preceding paragraph, land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained. The right of belligerency of the state will not be recognized.

Basically it renounces war, meaning the use of force to settle a dispute. It does however allow for self-defense, which explains the existence of the 自衛隊 - the JSDF (Japan Self-Defense Force). This means that according to the current constitution, Japan cannot choose to use force as the means to settle a dispute, they can only defend themselves if another entity chooses to attack Japan. It has also been interpreted to allow Japan to provide support to allies who are in a conflict, as long as they do not directly participate in that conflict.

However, due to this clause, the Chinese can basically poke and prod at Japan forever, as Japan cannot actually do anything about it. As long as China chooses not to actually attack, they can enter Japanese territory as much as they want.

The issue is that Abe & Co. want to change this, so that they can respond with force. The worry is that Japan has not matured enough since the war to be able to be responsible enough to have the right to war. The recent secrecy law would certainly lend a lot of weight to this concern.

10 ( +13 / -3 )

Is this the interpretation the government uses to get round article 9, : In contrast to the non-violence principle stands the non-aggression principle which rejects the initiation of violence, but permits the use of violence for self-defence or delegated defence.:Taken from wikipedias article on pacifism. So much for a constitution, jf the government of the day can simply bend the constitution to fit in with political agendas.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

lol with what money?

Where does Japan get all their money from? Millions of dollars going out to other countries, billions spent on the Fukushima problem, and now even more money on military?

2 ( +9 / -7 )

It really does make sense for Japan to build up their military capabilities to defend their sovereignty from territorial threats from China and nuclear threat from North Korea just in case, and not get behind ones neighbor in military preparedness. However the real story is the military buildup of all of Northeast Asia as well as Southeast Asia in response to the aggressive territorial claims of China.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

I certainly hope Japan maintains its pacifist perspective but the threat from the PRC is demonstrable.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Thanks strangerland for that explanation.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Oh dear most people here only want to listen to our propaganda. Poor blameless us, it is all the other guys fault.

-14 ( +3 / -17 )

Either way, it may herald great upheaval in China. Will the people of China really allow the CCP to lead them to war? Will other countries allow it? If they do, and China gets smashed, what happens then? This may be the genesis of the next great upheaval in the world socio/political landscape.

The Chinese people are slowly waking up, and finding out that they are a part of a large world. They are also beginning to see the shortcomings of their political system and it's leaders. The leaders of China need to show their people that there are enemies nearby that are worse than the leaders themselves, and that they need their leaders to protect them from "Japanese aggression".

How far will China go? Given the lack of leadership around the world today, they can probably go as far as they like. They know Japan has to react by building up their military, and that Japan doesn't have the financial resources to keep this up for too long.

Playing devil's advocate, were I China, I would force a collapse of Japan in the same way that America caused the collapse of the Soviet Union. Were there any hostilities, I would confiscate Japanese investments in China, and nationalize any industries which the Japanese had built in China. It would be easy enough to bully Japan into such a position. The Japanese are already being pushed toward that place.

There are any number of things which could happen, none of them are good.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

this increase in spending is nominal compared to what china, and especially the US, spends on defense, and will do little to deter china from expanding its sphere of influence in the region.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

Playing devil's advocate, were I China, I would force a collapse of Japan in the same way that America caused the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The problem is that the US may have destroyed itself in doing so. A resurgent Russia may well end up more powerful than the US. The armaments industry in the US has become so entrenched in the US that years from now history may record that the beginning of the bankruptcy of the US began with the arms race. The same result for both the US and the Soviet Union but it just took a little longer for the US to get there.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

Need more subs. Subs don't need to follow defense zones.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

US economy just got a huge boost, japan will be in a much better position with $240 of the latest high tech hard ware to keep china at bay, silly china should have just stayed quite now instead of empowering the two nations.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

It comes with the establishment of a U.S.-style National Security Council that is expected to concentrate greater power in the hands of a smaller number of senior politicians and bureaucrats.

Great future for this country. The saddest part of it all is that average Japanese will realize nothing until it's too late to reverse the development. Maybe it is already... Well, people's docility and political ignorance has paved the way for this. As Japan slips in world importance, they will continue to look inward, with cunning oyaji creating outside "threats" for the masses to gush over. At least Europeans attempted something to prevent future wars when the created what is today the EU. Japan seems to have learned squat from its history.

And so it starts...


-7 ( +4 / -11 )

Yeah! Go to war with China, what a strategy!

Abe has clearly decided that the relationship with China is a dead end. This is a man with a mission. Such courage.. Wake up China with another Pearl Harbor. Bet all or nothing. It's going to be so exciting.

Don't expect US to fight it for you. US didn't even fight for Israel, when the Arab countries attacked it., you think it will fight for you against an enemy it is itself doing everything possible to avoid?

Japan, you are on your own.

-12 ( +3 / -15 )

We is Nihon buying what they already have in the US military in case any country tries to be an aggressor towards them????

If you have nothing else to spend your money on PM Abe, listen there are Evacuees and 3 spewing melted reactors who could use some Yen. The evacuees in the form of relief to be able to move from the shelters and cardboard boxes they are living in. The 3 YES 3 wide open to the elements melted reactors need entombing. The SPF's are already under rubble so what is the problem with entombing the reactors.

Japan already has everything they are buying in the form of the US military SO WHY BUY A THING TWICE. it is insane to say the least.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Shimosueyoshi, the arms race started years ago as China has been adding over 10% to their defense expenditures almost every year since 1999. I don't think Japan has been anywhere close to that.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

I MEANT WHY is Nihon buying what they already have in the US military in case any country tries to be an aggressor towards them????

0 ( +2 / -2 )

its clear why they want to abolish article 9, they want to go on the offensive if they need to. They can perfectly defend themselves now! JSDF. Thats what it means! I have been saying it for the longest. But most people here are coming from a dragon ball anime brainwashed mindset, and are blind with all of the cool conveniences of japan. Not to mention a possible girlfriend/wife who might have them rapped around their finger. Do not let japan change that article and build their military! They are the masters of deceit, and the next time, they might not lose. But if all of you are ok with being slaves to robots for their entertainment, then i guess you don't care. i am sure most of you are already accustomed to that lifestyle here already.

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

Another 20 fighters are already on the way to Okinawa for the JSDF. Yippee. we will enjoy their practice runs over Naha even more than now, and kiss goodbye any Futenma relocation plans. Is there some spare land in Kyushu for a few new bases?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

What a complete lie.

A boost of 5% won't buy you jack. I have already laid this out months ago on what Japan needs to budget in order to be able to purchase these weapons and be SOMEWHAT effective.

This that lip service again from Abe. Talk talk talk and push out a meager 5% boost. This 240bn plan was announced earlier this year when the yen was trading at 90 to 1 vs the dollar. Today its 102.95 to 1. That's over 10% decrease in the value of the yen. So a 5% boost won't even cover the loss in value versus the dollar.

I don't know why people are rejoicing so much about this news. Its like Abe is daring the public and media as stupid little children who doesn't understand simple math and the actual cost of F-35, Diesel Subs, and Aegis destroyers.

Cost of each F-35, the watered down export version will be about USD$215-219 million EACH.


The projected NEED of the F-35 by Japan is estimated to be at least 4-5 squadrons. That cost alone would be USD$26-27billions.

A total of $240billion budget for 6 years means Japan gets about USD$40 billion per year. That includes ALL of the defense cost of current military equipments, personnel, operations, training, fuel, maintenance, new purchases...etc.

Just how the HELL can Japan to buy ALL these things that Abe wants with this pathetic defense budget?


-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Just a frame of reference: $250 billion is more than 3 years war budget for the US (the biggest military in the world) Does anyone even care that there was massive popular support of Article 9 after WW2 (War Renunciation). It would be too obvious for me to point out the legal issue or even the indication of eminent war it represents. How about this: Is there anything the Japanese people will outright reject or is Abe free to create a new fascist regime without serious opposition?

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

So this is where the money is going from the tax hike? So much for paying what they owe. Yes, a peace loving country.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

WWIII is coming.

Wars always follow economic collapses.

You think Japan decided to do this without prior approval (or prodding) from their U.S. masters?

Gird your loins, kids, this is gonna be a civilization ender...

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

So this is where the money is going from the tax hike?

No that's different money being used for construction projects. This is more debt.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Pochan, silly me!! ;)

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Debt debt debt, and the result? A purchase of an unproven plane and a drone squad that is smarter then the purchaser.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

It's unfortunate that Abe is marching the good people of Japan into war on the pretense of China. However it is the Japanese government who have changed the status quo with the illegal purchase of the daioyu island. Before WWII, the imperial Japanese government illegally incorporated daioyu island which lead to the destruction of Japan by the US. I feel Japan is repeating history again. Building up arms on the pretense of China aggression. I would like to know what Chinese aggression is the Japanese governement afraid of. Sure the Chinese have established the Air zone but Japan unliterally established their air Zone encoarchibg on China's terrority so what's the difference Japan. Is Japan the only governement in north asia who is allowed to established the air zone? Give me a break

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

'The cabinet of hawkish Prime Minister Shinzo Abe agreed '

lol, this is Xinhua or party's magazine?

Japan has been buying weapons and will be. What's the big deal?

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Before it all blows up and the possibility of ever learning the truth is gone forever, will someone, anyone, with the resources to do so – journalist, blogger, whomever – PLEASE look into Tokyo Governor Ishihara`s visit to the Heritage Foundation in DC in April 2012 . Who invited him, what was discussed, etc.

Just a refresher -

In April 2012, Tokyo`s conservative right-wing governor Ishihara visits Washington and has a meeting at the neo-con infested "think-tank" Heritage Foundation. Following the meeting he gives a speech at the foundation saying he wants to "protect Japanese territory" by buying the disputed Sendaku Islands.


Predictably, all hell breaks loose and the Japanese people are treated to round-the-clock TV images of rioting Chinese burning up and breaking anything Japanese owned in the country. As could be expected, fear/tension levels rise.

The Chinese reaction towards Japan, unsurprisingly, fans nationalist sentiment in Japan, leading to general elections and the LDP`s return to power.

The Heritage Foundation and neo-cons in Washington, have a long record of fanning flames and fear levels in order to create predictable outcomes that turn into money making/power grabbing opportunities. Remember this Bush era neo-con quote?

"We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."

Was this crisis contrived in Washington? Did TPTB in DC want the DPJ out and a right wing pro-military?

Washington (or at least the CIA) has a long history of working with and favoring the LDP. see (one example)-


Anyway, the LDP played these heightened tensions for all it was worth while campaigning last year. So Cui Bono? It is now easy to see how the resulting election victory benefited Japanese right-wing nationalists, the Heritage Foundation in DC and, most of all, their clients the US defense industry.

6 ( +9 / -4 )

I often wonder if politicians and the weapon manufacturers plus the high end of the military, generals admirals, would be as quick to starting a conflict if they were to lead from the front, you know, "follow us men" leading from the front ,instead of the back somewhere in a highly protected bunker. Peace and equality would be a far better cause to use their inflated rhetoric on. Plus there are more pressing agendas in their own countries than wasting it on a huge military budget.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Old days where coubtries needed alot of airplanes are all gone. Its all about missile firepower now

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Abe is simply a sales man for the US defense industry. It is extremely sad that he is so excited to spend money on a nebulous enemy when the true threat is Fukushima. A government who is quick to buy war machines but bulk at the prospects of relocating and saving the lives of 100,000 of its own citizens.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

And the march to proactive pacifism b

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Old fashion or concrete thought of out of date strategy? you simply can't win a war with these expensive toys! Can Jp win a war even if it take down 10 CN jetfighters or 5 ships? won't CN fight back with his other toys? Can't CN use his hundreds of mid-range missles to give your airports and seaports a saturation attack? what else you can do? Can you attack CN cities? don't even try! he can attack yours also! So? do you want the US to attack CN cities? don't forget the US also has cities of it's own! what you can do till this step? .... hold on, don't think about nu..., a smaller country should never mention about that! So I suggest Abe come back and think about the way of peace- only way u could possibly solve problem!

1 ( +5 / -4 )

yokohamarides - thank you. finally, someone who thinks outside the bento box. Japan has been a benevolent servant of US foreign policy for a very long time. Abe and his cronies are working in the interests of US empire not the average Japanese citizen.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

A government who is quick to buy war machines but bulk at the prospects of relocating and saving the lives of 100,000 of its own citizens.

Why so weak? Why didn't write 1,000,000? Go protest over China where there are more poor people who struggle to get something to eat then there are Japanese around the world while they spend billions of $ on military...

China power is strong in the comments section on this site.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Excerpt from The Security Treaty Between the United States and Japan was signed on 8 September 1951.

Article IV

This Treaty shall expire whenever in the opinion of the Governments of the United States of America and Japan there shall have come into force such United Nations arrangements or such alternative individual or collective security dispositions as will satisfactorily provide for the maintenance by the United Nations or otherwise of international peace and security in the Japan Area.

I think with the increase in the military spending by the Nihon Govt. The US armed forces may be able to pull out of Nihon for the most part.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Meanwhile, up in Tohoku...

4 ( +5 / -1 )


Yes, I agree... There are things that need doing much more urgently than beefing up the military with spending..

3 ( +5 / -2 )

The purpose of the military is to act as a deterrence to war. China has been on a military expansion program since they were "awed" by US might on TV in 1991. They have done so without transparency and now having built the biggest military in Asia have come open with their territorial expansion, using bullying and intimidation to get their the way. Anyone who considers the China threat as non being real is not playing with a full deck. Japan's post WWII pacifist policy has been a great success as it fit in perfectly with the US/USSR cold war standoff. But China's open threats towards Japan, their declared intent to take over the entire East and South China Seas, to push the US out of the western Pacific and to become the dominant strategic power in the region have changed the ball game. China has taken advantage of Japan's pacifism to further it's interests and it is high time that Japan woke up to the real world. Everything Japan is doing is with coordination of the US and it's allies. The notion that Japan is going back to WWII fascism is a ridiculous attempt by China to try and turn world opinion against it. China fails to see that the world can see their hypocrisy and slamming Japan's 70 year old history while doing the same thing now themselves.

-3 ( +9 / -12 )

Excellent way to bankrupt the country further. China and Japan relationship had been peaceful until Japan unilaterally annexed the Diaoyu Islands. Now, instead of returning them to their rightful owner the Japanese Government under Abe continues to create tension in the South China Sea brought by its aggressive antics. As a result of this and, with encouragement from the U.S., it has decided to spend billions to beef up its military when all it take to resolve this issue and to remove the tension is to return the islands. Thanks to Shinzo Abe, Japan has put itself in a no win position vis-a-vis China, South Korea and very soon Russia. Meanwhile the government continues to deny the ravages of the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster. Keeping the truth under cover by use of the recently passed Secret Act. Is this what the Japanese people want when they could do with more full time jobs, higher salaries and peace? This is a runaway train on its path to destruction. This is what the U.S. wants. A collision between Japan and China while they watch by the side lines to come in for the kill like vultures waiting for the dying to die.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


You act as if Nihon is alone... Must I inform you that the Nihon Govt has all the US military might at it's disposal??? Really...

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

These disputed islands should be symbol of friendship between those nations involved. A nature enclave that would hold native fauna and flora ; not to be raped by greedy people, but shared for what it represents: peace.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

UtrackDec. 17, 2013 - 10:43PM JST @OssanAmerica You act as if Nihon is alone... Must I inform you that the Nihon Govt has all the US military might at it's disposal??? >Really...

How do you reach that conclusion? I stated: "Everything Japan is doing is with coordination of the US and it's allies."

0 ( +7 / -7 )

Just a note for you war oriented nut cases here. The question in an all out war today is not how to inflict damage to the opponent. The real question is how to survive at all. In a missile war between China and Japan/US the only interesting question is how many times each and every city in China and Japan will be flattened. Don't fool yourself into thinking there is a tomorrow if such a war breaks out.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

I can see that the clueless liberals are out in full force today.

Haven't any of you heard the old axiom, "The best defense is a strong offense."

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Good for you Japan. Now the US would be in a better position to pay the 1.3 trillion debt to China. China now has a better motivation to build more aircraft carriers. And when they do so Japan better keep quiet. There are now so many Chinese studying in the US universities and working with the US military companies and the more bought the more they learn. So thank you!

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Oh, so THIS is how a HOT confict starts. Looks more like a run-up to a SHTF situation. Clap!

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Way to go! Good for US defense industry.

1 ( +3 / -2 )


"Wars are always fought for old men by young boys."

It's a fact of life, and 99% of all wars to date in the history of humankind have been so. They want a war precisely because they think (and rightly) they'll be able to do it with other people's blood.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Well, you may say that people do this for political or economic reasons (to boost morale), but in history, accidents and miscalculations do happen. The last thing we want is to turn this region into another middle east, I hope all parties involved are very clear they have full control of the situation.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Now Japan has finally accepted the fact that nice people need muscles too. Peace will come when you are strong ,nice and ready .

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Japanese government had no choice.

If China didn't act the bully all these years, Japanese government would never have reacted in kind.

Look at what happened last year. Idiotic Chinese nationalists and their rabid supporters destroying Japanese businesses and assaulting Japanese citizens in China. Year after year of Chinese government and nationalists attacking and insulting all Japanese for no good reason. Enough was enough.

You push something far enough, it will react back.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

UtrackDec. 17, 2013 - 10:10PM JST

Excerpt from The Security Treaty Between the United States and Japan was signed on 8 September 1951.

Article IV

This Treaty shall expire whenever in the opinion of the Governments of the United States of America and Japan there shall have come into force such United Nations arrangements or such alternative individual or collective security dispositions as will satisfactorily provide for the maintenance by the United Nations or otherwise of international peace and security in the Japan Area.

I think with the increase in the military spending by the Nihon Govt. The US armed forces may be able to pull out of Nihon for the most part.

Paranoid? Where is Hawaii? Where is Alaska located?

The Asia is a significant interest for US as well, but US may be shifting some weights and responsibilities to Japan, that is true.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

It will be interesting to see how China reacts to all this. I'm betting on "predictably." Cue ridiculous Chinese government statement....

0 ( +3 / -3 )

UtrackDec. 17, 2013 - 10:10PM JST Excerpt from The Security Treaty Between the United States and Japan was signed on 8 September 1951.

The 1951 Treaty has already expired as it was replaced with the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between Japan and the United States of 1960. Especially since it states: "ARTICLE IX The Security Treaty between Japan and the United States of America signed at the city of San Francisco on September 8, 1951 shall expire upon the entering into force of this Treaty."

The current applicable termination clause reads: "ARTICLE X This Treaty shall remain in force until in the opinion of the Governments of Japan and the United States of America there shall have come into force such United Nations arrangements as will satisfactorily provide for the maintenance of international peace and security in the Japan area. However, after the Treaty has been in force for ten years, either Party may give notice to the other Party of its intention to terminate the Treaty, in which case the Treaty shall terminate one year after such notice has been given."

I think with the increase in the military spending by the Nihon Govt. The US armed forces may be able to pull out of >Nihon for the most part.

Both the U.S. and Japan can terminate this treaty simply by giving notice. There is no need to rely upon Japan's military purchases to do so. Furthermore it would be silly to do so since everything Japan is doing is in accordance and coordination with the United States as outlined here:

"On October 3, 2013, the U.S.-Japan Security Consultative Committee (SCC) convened in Tokyo, with the participation of both the U.S. Secretaries of State and Defense and Japan’s Ministers for Foreign Affairs and of Defense. On the occasion of this historic meeting, the SCC reaffirmed the indispensable role our two countries play in the maintenance of international peace and security and reconfirmed our Alliance’s commitment to the security of Japan through the full range of U.S. military capabilities, including nuclear and conventional. The two sides also set forth a strategic vision that, reflecting our shared values of democracy, the rule of law, free and open markets, and respect for human rights, will effectively promote peace, security, stability, and economic prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region."


-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Finally, finally! Let the proliferation begin! Theatre of war: East Chinese Sea, participants: Japan, China, Korea, Taiwan, US. Wait, what? China already has the pants full? Bah, and I already bought popcorn.

-4 ( +4 / -7 )

Japan needs to be ready.

Communist China is about to EXPLODE into The 4 Corners of Asia.

The United States is prepared to assist Japan at deterring Communism or any other "ism" that wishes to challenge Freedom, Democracy, and the Peace & Stability of the International Community.

No country - Communism or otherwise should ever use their Economic, Military, or Nuclear Power as a weapon to threaten peaceful Democratic Nations, nor should they use those instruments for the acquisition of Land, Wealth, and Power for a corrupt Communist Governmental System that exist only to keep their people irrevocably silent and without the Human Dignity of a Democracy so that The People have the right to Voice Themselves by casting Votes for their Elected Representatives that reflect The People's desirable future and not The Corrupt Communists fixated ideology of FEAR and REPRESSION!

God Bless Democracy.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

so kids freeze and burn up in the schools which don't have central heating and air conditioning but they can spend 240 billion dollars on war toys.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

Bryan E HallDec. 17, 2013 - 08:08PM JST Just a frame of reference: $250 billion is more than 3 years war budget for the US

Where are you getting your figures from? The US military budget per year stands at $683 Billion per year 2.4% of their GDP not $250Bn. Also the $250Bn is being spent over a 5 year period and not in one lump sum.

Now, if you want to sum it up the PRC is spending $166 Billion dollars per year, while Japan before the boost spends $60 Billion.

Adding $250 Billion to it's military spending over 5 years is nothing compared to what the PRC is spending per year.

Come on folks read the article and not the propaganda being spewed by folks that just read the headlines. The sky isn't falling the world isn't ending, Japan is just doing what it needs to do to defend itself against the aggressions of it's enemy.

If you want to see what would happen to Japan if it allowed the PRC to have it's way all you need to do is look at what the PRC is doing to the Philippines.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Very very unfortunate that Japan is responding to the regional territorial disputes in such as way...such actions can only worsen any future negotiations and eat up tax payers money on unnecessary weapons.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

J Govt should shore up the 54 nuclear reactors located all across Nihon against attacks and that includes the melted ones at Daiichi. entomb the Daiichi three quickly..

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

pochanDec. 17, 2013 - 04:45PM JST

Oh dear most people here only want to listen to our propaganda. Poor blameless us, it is all the other guys fault.

That's a problem here. China is not willing to take an ownership of responsibilities for their own actions. They are acting like a baby dropping craps all over floor with no diapers and no clean ups. They start smelling bad. You know that, right?

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Just a frame of reference: $250 billion is more than 3 years war budget for the US

Just to make sure this is corrected and people aren't misled: It's more like just a bit over 1/3 of 1 year's US defense budget. The base budge for 2014 is 526B, but that doesn't include OCO and other aspects which will bring it in total up to around 700B.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

rsgz4gg7y2Dec. 17, 2013 - 06:17PM JST

Yeah! Go to war with China, what a strategy!

Abe has clearly decided that the relationship with China is a dead end. This is a man with a mission. Such courage.. Wake up China with another Pearl Harbor. Bet all or nothing. It's going to be so exciting.

Don't expect US to fight it for you. US didn't even fight for Israel, when the Arab countries attacked it., you think it will fight for you against an enemy it is itself doing everything possible to avoid?

Japan, you are on your own.

Actually Japan is not alone. US will honor US/JAPAN Treaty while US has no treaty with Israel. US is a nation of deed.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

rys2senseDec. 18, 2013 - 03:57AM JST so kids freeze and burn up in the schools which don't have central heating and air conditioning but they can spend 240 billion dollars on war toys.

That $240 billion is being spread out in 5 years.

Now, let us compare GDP spending, Japan is spending around 3.5% GDP on Education and 1% on the military. While the PRC is spending 2.5% GDP on education and 2.1% GDP on it's military.

I think Japan is spending it's money correctly.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Now, let us compare GDP spending, Japan is spending around 3.5% GDP on Education and 1% on the military.

This won't last. Miltitary spending will eventually become a bigger part of Japan's GDP.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

sangetsu03Dec. 18, 2013 - 08:25AM JST

Now, let us compare GDP spending, Japan is spending around 3.5% GDP on Education and 1% on the military.

This won't last. Miltitary spending will eventually become a bigger part of Japan's GDP.

No worry, just print more yen.

pochanDec. 17, 2013 - 05:25PM JST

devil's advocate, were I China, I would force a collapse of Japan in the same way that America caused the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The problem is that the US may have destroyed itself in doing so. A resurgent Russia may well end up more powerful than the US. The armaments industry in the US has become so entrenched in the US that years from now history may record that the beginning of the bankruptcy of the US began with the arms race. The same result for both the US and the Soviet Union but it just took a little longer for the US to get there.

No, you are comparing an apple to an orange. Comparing USA Capitalistic/democracy to USSR Communism is just absurd. Nice try, though.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

It"S MEDec. 17, 2013 - 03:29PM JST Article 9 has nothing to do with Japanese ability and right to defend itself. Most Japanese are rightly against the abolition of Article 9, only people that want to see war and suffering want it gone.

Who is talking about defense, the word of the day is deterrence. The only way to deter the bully is to put fear into his gutless heart that if he pokes you he will get a hornets nest in his face for his mistake.

Article 9 has allowed the PRC to do as it will because it knows that the only thing Japan can do is defend itself and not it's allies.

The bully will rue the day that Article 9 is no more.

Time for Japan to take it's place among advanced nations and do it's part as an ally. The only thing stopping it is the archaic Article 9.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Japan doesn't want to get bullied by military build-up China no more.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

You would think they would buy more than three drones. Or are they some kind of super drones?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

28 F-35s? That's a pretty good call. Those F-35s will outclass China's Su30s, so China's going to have to pull a big wad of cash out of its backside and try to purchase new jets to counter the F-35s. Good luck to them. Seriously, no-one would be stupid enough to arm China further. Japan could use the extra subs and Aegis equipped ships. I'm not all that interested in the drone aspect. They have their advantages and disadvantages, like any other jet. In my opinion though, manned aircraft will always be better than unmanned. Pilots respond better in the cockpit than sitting at a screen on the ground. Your judgement is skewed when you know your life isn't in jeopardy. Desperate times call for desperate measures, but if you're perfectly safe, then you won't take those measures, and the drone gets shot down. But that's just my opinion. Take it or leave it. This is a good move by Japan. I know people oppose it, but the sad reality is that peace cannot be achieved by words alone. Actions speak louder. I know of no war in all of Human history that was settled without conflict. Both sides have to be willing, and that has never been the case. China has made it clear that diplomacy is not an option, and a poker game of sorts has initiated. The stakes raise higher and higher as each side plays its hand and attempts to see whether the other is bluffing. The only option for peaceful resolution here is if China folds. If Japan folds, China will just continue expanding, and start a new poker game against America, most likely.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

The article says 28 F-35s. But I heard that the number will be 100.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

No, you are comparing an apple to an orange. Comparing USA Capitalistic/democracy to USSR Communism is just absurd. Nice try, though.

Last time I checked the US started a lot of wars in the world in south east asia, the middle east and not to mention the dictatorships and American state sponsored terrorism in South America. It is you that is absurd. I'm looking at facts here not some ideal that I have been brainwashed into believing by hollywood movies and propaganda. How many more innocent children's blood will have to be spilled to propagate your superior democracy? How many wars has China started in recent history. The US has killed millions of innocent people fighting wars in countries that were no threat to it.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

Tamarama DEC. 17, 2013 - 03:46PM JST

if anything, if China continues along this trajectory it will be they, not Japan that are repeating the mistakes of the past.

I am monitoring the development of ADIZ dispute recently. Japan has repeated mistake for extending ADIZ so large for discomfort of neighbors. According Taipei news from Japan fighter jets has intercepted Taiwan commercial Airline. It is the aggression toward smaller neighbor. However no one has complained about it.

Either way, it may herald great upheaval in China. Will the people of China really allow the CCP to lead them to war? Will other countries allow it?

Even free and democratic nations such as US, UK and Australia, ordinary people have no influence over government about leading them to war such as deceptive and manipulative theory such as Irag. I do not think Chinese people from mainland is interested in war. Their main interest is making money! Not politics. Other countries are more interested in putting food on the table instead of school yard fighting. They have little influence over war unlike UN security council members. At the end, it is the business between two hostile neighbors.

If they do, and China gets smashed, what happens then?

I imagine the worst case scenario. When China has been nuked by US. The second most suffering nation is nearby Japan. Radio active waste and ashes will spread into Japan. Drinking water and air will be polluted. Japanese residents will get the unbearable painful Cancer too. They will suffer unending agony. It is also true for Canada or Mexico which is nearby nation of US. Therefore encouraging for war is nothing different from digging our own grave yard.

This may be the genesis of the next great upheaval in the world socio/political landscape.

If PRC and US or Russia will use the maximum resource such as ICBM with MIRVs(Multiple Independently Re-entry Vehicles) with nuclear war heads, the world is no longer livable and fertile. The new world socio/political landscape will emerge from new planet like Mars.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Next stage for Japan is to quickly build nuclear tipped ICMB to even out the playing field with China.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

The Japanese government is in debt up to its ears, they can't afford all this stuff...

Wait a minute - the consumption tax is going up to 8%, then 10%! No problem! Whew!

3 ( +3 / -0 )

viking68Dec. 18, 2013 - 11:27AM JST You would think they would buy more than three drones. Or are they some kind of super drones?

There will also be US drones operating.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

China's plan isn't war, it's bankrupting Japan. Looks like it's going to work too.

-1 ( +4 / -6 )

jojotodayDec. 18, 2013 - 11:41PM JST China's plan isn't war, it's bankrupting Japan. Looks like it's going to work too.

No it's not. China's objective to to break the US-Japan alliance. No country today is going to go bankrupt by overspending in a arms race.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

That is what China gets for its aggression.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

"China's plan isn't war, it's bankrupting Japan. Looks like it's going to work too."

China doesn't have the money or the ability to bankrupt Japan.

Comparing Japan to the former USSR is plain ludicrous; to compare China with the US is criminal.

Read and learn:


0 ( +2 / -2 )

No it's not. China's objective to to break the US-Japan alliance. No country today is going to go bankrupt by overspending in a arms race.

The arms race is only a small part of the equation.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

The US has killed millions of innocent people fighting wars in countries that were no threat to it.

And China hasn't? Let's face it, China isn't exactly a peace loving nation itself. Try to suggest it, and I will crush your argument with one noun: Tibet. I'm sure others can contribute more to decimation of the false image of China as a non-aggressive and victimised nation. China may not have instigated as many wars as the US (although, to say that the US instigated any of the wars they've fought in since WWII is a bit of a stretch in my opinion), but it certainly has fought in several. China has shown itself to be both aggressive and ruthless in the past, and that has not changed. They have attempted to bully just about every neighbour over the past half century. The only real ally they have left is North Korea, and that's not exactly something to be proud of. No-one should want to be allied with a country whose leader is willing to have his own uncle executed so readily. Regardless of whether or not Kim Jong-Un's uncle was guilty of the crimes he was accused of or not, such ruthlessness and heartlessness should never been exhibited, especially to one's own family. But that's off topic. The point is, China has been flexing it's muscles for a long time, and playing the victim card every time someone tells China to stop. It's no wonder that Japan is seeking to improve its defensive capabilities, even if the Japanese people are unhappy about it. It's a necessary step to tackling a very real threat to the stability of the region.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

And China hasn't? Let's face it, China isn't exactly a peace loving nation itself. Try to suggest it, and I will crush your argument with one noun: Tibet.

That is not the point I am making. The point is that many here want to cast China as this evil empire and the US the side of freedom and democracy, that is sick and white washing history. I think that most of you have been brought up and fed a diet of propaganda and you will never see the world the way it sees you.

although, to say that the US instigated any of the wars they've fought in since WWII is a bit of a stretch in my opinion

It is not a matter of opinion. The US has sent it's young to massacre innocent civilians in countries thousands of miles away. The truth is the rest of the world sees China and the US as no different, but most parts of the world are more frightened of the US because China's massacres until now have been done in their own backyard. Do you think all those people really hate you because they hate freedom, as one of your previous presidents says. Please go an tell the millions that were killed in Indochina that the US is a force of good in the world, how about the hundred of thousands in the middle east. How about the assassination of Patrice Lebumba and Salvadore Allende which were done by viscous regimes backed by the US? How about the US and it's state sponsored terrorism and propping up of evil dictators across the world because they are 'our dictator.' And how about the US support for Israel's apartheid regime in Palestine? Do you really think that the rest of the world sees China as a bad guy and the US as everything good and noble? It is not a matter of opinion, the US has instigated violence all over the world and it is at this moment and for the last fifty years a bigger threat to world peace than China. Can you deny facts?

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

An updated and more robust set of tools for self defense is good to see.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Japan to buy stealth fighters, drones and submarines...........what about fixing Fukushima before buying new toys?

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

And what about China improving on her GDP per capita of ONLY $6,071 before thinking they are the bee's knees?

There are more hungry Chinese peasants than there Japanese people as a Nation; why don't you address your concerns to China?

Better still, why don't you relocate there, if their country is so great?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

"Oh dear attacking the person rather than the argument".

Did you bother to read the entire post? Or is it just the last paragraph you can read?

Still, why support China/Korea from Japan or the US?

if I was you I know where I would be!

Japan should just get rid of all of you.

Moderator: If you post insulting remarks like this again, you will be leaving us.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

aussie-musashiDec. 19, 2013 - 02:17PM JST Japan to buy stealth fighters, drones and submarines...........what about fixing Fukushima before buying new toys?

How about China fixing their air pollution before expanding territory?

1 ( +4 / -3 )

So WW3 is definitely now on the 10-20 year roadmap. All (ostensibly) for the sake of few crummy islands.

China, Japan and the Koreas continue to put the whole of humanity at risk with their pathetic squabbling, while the US makes a fast buck and stands poised to wade in like a drunken prizefighter and send the conflict global.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Are these new weapons going to deter conflicts with China or create a state of imminent war with them? Answering back with buying more weapons will initiate even stronger determination for China to confront Japan head on. Abe is outright treacherous to place Japan in this predicament in order to materialize his vision of unwavering Japan. Abe's unapologetic indifference with the neighbors has set off image of Japan returning to aggressive Imperial State and severely retracted Japan's commitment to peace and resolving disputes without resorting to violence.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Are these new weapons going to deter conflicts with China or create a state of imminent war with them?

Deter, for sure. This is basically rubbing in the face of PLA who are well aware of their rather weak naval and air power. People tend to forget the fact the JSDF was build to defend against the Soviets and what PLA has is the lite version of it.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Thanks again CCP, now Japan is going to try to increase their military budget. Not that I mind... but it would have been nice if I could visit Japan again without feeling like a war could start any minute because of China's actions... I just wanted to take a dip in some hot springs, watch some freshly made anime, play some video games, visit some temples, and woo some women (haha). But now...

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

@tokyodoumo Abe's unapologetic indifference with the neighbors has set off image of Japan returning to aggressive Imperial State and severely retracted Japan's commitment to peace and resolving disputes without resorting to violence.

Very well put

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

@pochan: No, I can't deny facts, but I can and will dispute them if I don't see any evidence being supported to present them. You claim all of these things about America, but can you substantiate those claims with reliable sources? You speak to me as though I'm American (to quote you "as one of your previous presidents said"). Britain has a Prime Minister, not a President. I'm British. I have no love for America, and in the past I have spoken vehemently about them, but in this scenario, I see China as the greater threat. I don't listen to propaganda. I analyze whatever information is presented to be, investigate whatever source is provided, and form my own opinion on the matter. And my opinion is that America is not as vicious as you claim. My opinion is also that China is the greater threat. I don't see America trying to expand it's territory. I don't see America trying to lay claim to islands under the rightful administration of another country. I don't see America setting up ADIZ unilaterally over disputed territory. But I have seen China do all of that. Those actions are why Japan needs to buy these additional military hardware, to protect itself from China and the unstable North Korea, and to play a greater role in maintaining the stability of the region.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

as I read all those articles , I come to the conclusion that many expect in 2014 a conflict between Japan and China , and on the other hand , the situation between the Koreans is not so hopefull , since the president , killed his uncle , I think that 2014 and 1914 will develop equal for the world

1 ( +1 / -0 )

. And my opinion is that America is not as vicious as you claim.

Then those things I claim didn't happen then. They either happened or they didn't. I also think that China is a threat in the world, but unfortunately that is inevitable because they are merely following the example of those that went before. When we blame China we are merely looking at the symptom and not the disease. All countries that have had designs on being a world power have wreaked havoc in the world. We need to find a new way of living not finger pointing because a country is following the same model and unsurprisingly getting the same results. You are from Britain and so am I, are you aware of how bloodstained our history is? China is going to do what we did unless we can find new monetary and political systems. And I stand by what I say right now the USA is the biggest threat to world peace, perhaps in the future China will be but we aren't in the future yet. Have we already forgotten the war in Iraq that was started 10 years ago? A brutal massacre of innocent people, just so that American corporation could grab some more oil. China hasn't even fired at Japan yet and there is still time for negotiations, if they want to.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

@ Pochan: You actually believe the conspiracy theory about grabbing oil? Are you that naive? I'm not saying it wasn't a factor, but it certainly wasn't the sole reason. Hunting down terrorists was another reason. The search for WMDs was just a means to justify the deployment of armed forces in the Middle East. I agree that we outstayed our welcome, but to have not gone out there at all will have had ramifications. Terrorist cells cannot be allowed to operate freely. I know of Britain's history, but to compare it to China's is like comparing drizzle to a monsoon. China is far more bloodstained than Britain, by a long shot. We have never had a genocidal tyrant ruling us, unlike China. Our government may be lacklustre, but at least we have Human rights, freedom of speech, relatively low pollution, and no propaganda. Unlike China, we have no expansionist dreams, and we didn't establish our ADIZ unilaterally over disputed islands. We don't preach intolerance of other countries (we might make jokes at the expense of the French, the Germans or the Irish, but we don't have any Anti-Japanese campaigns, for example. Unlike China), or other cultures. The only way negotiations will take place is if China actually takes the diplomatic route. But to do that, they'd have to be prepared to recind their ADIZ and revoke their claim of the Senkaku islands. Neither of which will happen. If they would recognise ICJ authority and take the dispute up with them, the matter will have been settled. I wish. The ICJ would have ruled in Japan's favour, and China would go against the ruling anyway. China doesn't want to negotiate. Not with Japan, that's for certain. They refuse to let go of the past, of the suffering they endured 70 years ago at Japan's hands. They can't be as mature as Britain was with Germany, and this is how things are going to remain. China will continue to bully Japan, because it just cannot and will not let go of the past.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

PRC can only blame their opium heads for the massive military build-up; can't have one-sided military build-up without getting the gander up with the neighbors. Glad to hear that JMSDF will purchase submarines. Hopefully the MSDF can count on the USN to share the underwater listening posts on real time basis. The PRC navy will not be able to leave their shallow costal waters without being detected. The whole coast line of China is shallow waters.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Osakanews net listed the total buy which includes some VF-22 Osprey aircraft. I wonder if the demonstrations against this aircraft will stop now that close to 20 of them will be flown by Japan? In the US, the primary user is the Marine Corps distantly followed by the Air Force. I wonder which branch of the JSD will fly the new ones?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Ignorance is boundless, and politicians would sell their souls for power and greed.


".... The Armitage/Nye paper discloses the real schemers in this matter. Both China and Japan will lose in such a confrontation with one another. The only winner will be the U.S. Empire, "leading from afar."

Watch out on sock puppets calling for wars (with their own ulterior motive) on this board so that people in the East can kill each others, while the Empire would make a great fortune and watch the East burns. Divide and conquer is the norm since the Empire can least afford to pay for wars both in $$$ and its own people casualty.

Be wise. Asia is for Asians. Peace will ensure prosperity for all.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Its either Be Armed or Harmed !

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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