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© KYODOJapan to send senior diplomat to Singapore for U.S.-N Korea summit
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And here I always thought that SPAM was not allowed on JT,
You must work for DENTSU.
@Yubaru I agree
PM Abe can get first information, before other World Leader, and then take necessary measures.
Normal protocol after a sumit is that the two parties issue a joint statement (usually via a press conference) and everybody gets information at the same time.
Is this a US-NK summit or a NK-Japan summit? If Abe is so curious, why didn't he set up a meeting with KJU ages ago? When US barks, Abe barks. When US jumps, Abe jumps.
Abe trying really hard to be in the cool club. Focus on the economy and jobs not 17 people missing decades ago. More people committed suicide yesterday, more kids cannot get into schools, more companies cannot find staff... Get your priorities in order!
Alexandre T. Ishii
The senior diplomat will head the Japanese liaison team to be sent to Singapore but I'm sure they won't be able to stay between Trump and KJU, neither of them have ears to listen the abduction issue when the first step is Peace Treaty Agreement. Abe should talk to the abductees family to stay patiently waiting when the time will come, after several hurdles. I just think, Abe's action at this time is only for his reputation, anybody knows that his govt. period will be very limited if he won't get success the items of what he wants to realize.
The whole thing is a farce.
Wallace Fred
Massive cognitive dissonance on abes part. cant help but feel sorry. japanese influence is waning. korea's is rising. he should have looked up some history. america only looks out for itself. even more reason for kim to keep all his cards tightly on his chest. give them nothing.
Luis David Yanez
It's funny how all these non-stories about Abe wanting to take a piece of the North Korean talks pie are always on the front page.
These talks have nothing to do with Japan, and yes, the abductees problem remain, but it should be a second priority after the piece talks, specially in this very sensitive diplomatic mission.
Let me put it this way, if the peace talks are successful and North Korea kind of stops being so on the edge all the time, then talks about the abductees would be simpler and more clear.
Kobe White Bar Owner
Praying (not a religious man) that its not foot in mouth season already.
"I'm inviting myself because I'm relevant."
Wallace Fred
Emotions have no place in politics. His so called arrows failed to hit their mark let alone set off. He's a failure as a leader and needs to be replaced. Not holding my breath tho seeing as there's no real democracy in japan.
Pray for peace, hope that Korea's time to unify has come. Above all, hope and pray that after unification of the peninsular finally does come, our world is a better place to live in.
If Abe is so curious, why didn't he set up a meeting with KJU ages ago?
Abe is curious because I think Japan is more concerned about possible compensation, than anything else.
I don't believe I saw an invite. Abe, if you want your country to meet with NK Kim, why not ask for one like the other countries did. Why do you find the need to invite yourself to the US/NK meeting. Be a leader not a follower......please.
The Trump clowns on this forum don't want the Singapore party of their Leader to be spoiled :)
I swear, people here hate Abe so much they would rather have Kim as their prime minister. Let the downvotes pour in to prove my point.
"I have lived in Japan for more than 25 years. Pm Abe has ever tried to resolve the abductions."
I don't know what is your point but let me give you some facts. OK? First, Shinzo Abe was first elected as MP in 1993. Second, the abductions issue did not surface until around 2000. So, Shinzo Abe could not have worked on the issue for 25 years, since the issue is only 18 years old.
But it's still President Trump not President Bolton.
But the latest reports from DC is this:
The New York Times reported Sunday, citing unnamed administration officials, that Trump had "begun pressing his aides and allies about whether he should take the risk of proceeding" with the Kim summit.
In other words Bolton
PM Abe is only in the minor leagues with NK.
I don't what you are trying to say. But Japan is a player- a big player- in this game.
Moon will join them so he can waylay Abe about comfort women (again) too. Making it a NK-SK-US-Japan summit.
Kazuaki Shimazaki
@gogogoToday 06:27 pm JST
I find it enormously hypocritical for people to think so little of the crime of a state kidnapping 17 people who even by their own acknowledge are hardly "terrorists" or "dissidents" or anything of that sort.
Bill Wright
Good move! Solidarity May proof to be a stronger aurgment than Ame’s solo voice has been. We wish him well in obtaining the release of those still living.
Ganbare Japan!
@ econostats
Absolutely brilliantly said. PM Abe is playing his cards close to the chest. He will assess the situation, and act accordingly. He is absolutely ready to be friends with Kim san, and Japan very close economic partner, with successfull Summits. But also ready to slap punishing sanctions on NK if Kim-san breaks the deals. All through it, remaining closest friends with Trump, who is also so strong.
PM Abe will come out looking the strongest leader,no matter the Summits results. Econistats is spot on.
Ganbare Japan!
Really wise move by PM Abe and Vice PM Aso. It would be very prudent to have PM Abe visit Singapore,and have Summit with Trump directly after the Trump-Kim Summit. PM Abe can get first information, before other World Leader, and then take necessary measures. It will be a dream if PM Abe can then hold big Summit with Kim-san.
Overall, this is really promising news for Japan. I can’t wait to watch the Summits.
" PM Abe is more obsessed over the abductions than denuclearization"
Really? All of PM Abe's public comments suggests that he is more interested in NK nukes and missiles rather than the abductions issue. Moreover, Trump promised to raise the abductions issue with KIm. Further, PM Abe was able to get Pacific island nations to mention NK It is the first time for a document adopted at a Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting to mention North Korean issues.
The summit may not even happen. North Korea has been playing games and there is a strong possibility that Bolton will tell Trump to walk. As North Korea plays games, PM Abe's approach will be vindicated. As result, PM Abe will cement his position as the world's top leader and statesman.