Japan Today

Japan's lower house passes long-awaited casino bill


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“Gamblers’ losses are what makes the casinos money,” it said in an editorial last week. “It’s truly unhealthy to build a growth strategy on exploiting others people’s misfortune and bad luck.”

Yeah right. Online casinos already make fortunes in Japan. boats? horses. Bicycles? Lottery?

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Seems pretty obvious now, why Muppet face was tripping over himself to get an early meeting with Trump.

11 ( +14 / -3 )

Good grief, more noisy, smokey and electricity sucking places where people can lose their earnings.

12 ( +12 / -0 )

arms dealing, gambling... what's next on the list?

10 ( +10 / -0 )

organised crime getting involved in the casino market

by legislating it

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Not mentioned in this article but with this law will pachinko's now also become legal?

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Wakarimasen DEC. 06, 2016 - 04:10PM JST Yeah right. Online casinos already make fortunes in Japan. boats? horses. Bicycles? Lottery?

About 5% of Japan's adult population has a compulsive gambling habit, according to a 2015 government census. If it becomes legal, it will destroy many families.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Just think, all those Yak gangs rubbing their hands that they can have a legal front for their criminal activities

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Good to hear. I don't need a nanny state telling me I can't be trusted to gamble responsibly. So what if the yakuza get involved? They already run every other aspect of Japanese life; it won't be a big deal.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

The LDP will rush to shove anything through so long as they can profit, doesn't matter if it's immoral or the majority against it, nor does it matter how badly it will hurt the nation later, increase crime, and fuel addiction in a nation already weak against it. But if it's something the majority want but the government thinks doesn't fit, suddenly it needs to slow down and be deliberated like with the emperor's abdication.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Only place in Japan where casino should be built is in Okinawa and Shikoku. Not near major metropolitan areas. Do you see large Casinos in New York, Chicago, or L.A.? Major gambling is not good for big cities.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Seems pretty obvious now, why aaa was tripping over himself to get an early meeting with Trump.

Sheldon Adelsen, a US casino magnate and billionaire with properties in Las Vegas, Singapore and Macau, contributed millions to Trump's campaign. I look for him to be one of the first in queue to bring gambling back to Cuba, also. On a gambling theme, any bets as to the over/under on the number of 'properties' the Trump family will have built by the end of his time in office.

The swamp will expand to cover even larger portions of the planet.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

and 2016 just keeps on giving. (I can't wait to see the back of this year)

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Does this ruling come with any support for addicted gamblers or can we look forward to a string of dead kids locked in cars or dying alone at home alone while their parents gamble their food money? In Australia there are casinos in all the major cities and slots (pokies) and card machines in all the pubs and sports clubs. Gambling on horses and dogs is also a very common pass time. However, they are strictly controlled and all the staff are trained to spot problem gamblers and do not give them change to play. There are signs everywhere for counselling services and advice warning people of gambling addiction. The car parks at the casinos are also patrolled looking for kids locked in cars and they have the right to smash any window to gain entry to a car with a kid (or a dog) locked in it. There are a few child deaths every year in Japan attributed to their parents playing pachinko. Sadly, unless gambling addiction is addressed in the casinos I see an increase in child deaths related to problem gamblers. Don't get me wrong, I think casinos are a lot of fun and would be a positive thing for Japan's major cities, but only if they are controlled.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Abe and Trump talked about it when Abe met Trump recently in America and there was a secret agreement between them.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Ivanka Trump becoming ambassador to Japan and now maybe a Trump casino opening a few locations in Japan? That was quick

3 ( +5 / -2 )

"Wealthy Japanese" Yes, on the way from work there are 6 pachinkos and all I see in the parkings are kei trucks, many mamacharis and some company cars, not a single luxurious vehicle.

Brace yourselves for the new wave of criminals acting for funds to sustain their new addiction: CASINO! Way to go ABE. Now is clear what your 'private meeting' with Torampu kun was all about.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Many states in the U.S.A. legalise marihuana and Abe legalises gambling.

Ho hum . . . .

1 ( +2 / -1 )

@ disillusioned, let's not embellish the situation in oz. Gambling has a massive impact on families and individuals here too, ppl 'forget' the kids in the car while playing the pokies, gamble money they should use for kids' education and food, bet the house, lose their job, commit suicide etc. Oldies waiting for the RSL club to open at 9am so they can spend their small pension on pokies is something I'll never get used to.

Sure there are help lines and centers these days but it just shows how deeply ingrained in society the problem is. Again am not against gambling (I dont mind a flutter on sports) but societies should not make it too easy for ppl to access pokies, tab, casinos etc (with plenty of atms inside or nearby). They are everywhere in oz and I hope japan and other nations will never copy this nonsense.

Re Japan, have casinos in seaside resorts if you want but not in big cities where people work, live, shop, go to school all year round. And no pokies/slot machines in bars/ izakayas, these are imo the worst.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Well, the only thing good I can say about casinos is that they might run pachinko parlors out of business.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

sfjp330 If 5 % already have a habit they must be getting their fix somewhere. not sure how legalizing casinos makes that worse. plenty ways both legal and illegal to gamble in Japan already. And go Singapore or Macau and listen how much Japanese you hear spoken. don't think the missus spending the paycheque gambling is going to go up.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

I have a solution to keep everyone happy. Build these massive Casinos, but "for amusement only". Punters play not for cash, but for, say, plastic tokens - call them "chips" if you will. Now if, by co-incidence, businesses offering cash for exchange of these "chips" pop up adjacent to the casino, then so be it!

Its a win-win; The LDP and their crooked cronies rake it in, and the anti-casino mob remain happy as they can sleep well with their heads in the sand, knowing that gambling remains "illegal", just as it is at the 12,000 plus pachinko joints!

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Now get prostitutes legalised too. And regualte it and save womem expoiltation.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Not a good idea at all.

Like I mentioned before, the Yaks are salivating at this prospect as they need new avenues of revenue.

Not to mention the likes of Trump Inc., Donald is chomping at the bit for his girl Ivanka to start planning casino hotels throughout Japan.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

I've seen what gambling does, what it turns people and communities into...sayonara Japan

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Income tax and sales tax --- if casino is legalized like Nevada, those two should be abolished. Don't copy gambling law of any other state. Trump was bankrupted in New Jersey.

There will be prostitution problems. Clark County in Nevada (Gambling Mecca of the World) prostitution is illegal and when caught, heavier penalty than manslaughter.

I don't think Casinos use pachinko. Video poker and slot. I think Vegas casino tycoons are targeting Chinese billionaires and multi billionaires. It is not easy to go Macao now.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Dear JGov,

To understand the full implixatilns of legalized gambling, look into the poverty rates and gambling statistics pre and post gambling legalization in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

Now, were the citizenry better or worse from this?

Let the facts, not big business speak.

Thank you for your time, C. Sense

2 ( +2 / -0 )

If I make the laws, I would tax the locals and foreigners with long-term visa 70% of winning money and 0% for foreigners with a valid tourist visa, the locals must also fork out 1 million yen for entry ticket. Rich people get their gambling fix, single mothers get her welfare, win win ... or so it would be in a simple ideal world.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

sfjp -

Only place in Japan where casino should be built is in Okinawa and Shikoku. Not near major metropolitan areas. Do you see large Casinos in New York, Chicago, or L.A.? Major gambling is not good for big cities.

Wisest comment I've read - thank you. If it has to be so, let it benefit the less-traveled areas. Unfortunately, Tokyo-centric Japan will never allow that.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

PTownsend wrote Addison donated Trump. This was what happen. There was a campaign donation party at Trump Tower. Billionaires were waiting outside to open. Anderson was on front on wheel chair and other old men near him. Then door opened, A campaign workers came out, yelled at him, and all old men got away. Later, we found Adelson purchased, closed LV Journal so that there will be one daily newspaper in Vegas. Around here we know he did not donate to Trump

Gambling in

0 ( +0 / -0 )

A big step to degrading, chance-oriented society. Humiliating.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Sad day for the world worst gambling nation. Seen many families destroyed. Companies are either American or mafia. Sad day.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

"Japan’s main opposition Democratic Party as well as some members of Komeito, the ruling party’s junior coalition partner, have long opposed casinos."

But they're not opposed to pachinko or horse racing?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

@ disillusioned, let's not embellish the situation in oz. Gambling has a massive impact on families and individuals here too, ppl 'forget' the kids in the car while playing the pokies, gamble money they should use for kids' education and food, bet the house, lose their job, commit suicide etc. Oldies waiting for the RSL club to open at 9am so they can spend their small pension on pokies is something I'll never get used to.

I never said it was a perfect system, but at least there has an attempt made, which I fear will not happen in Japan.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Bad move Japan. I'm disappointed in you.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Yakuza main business had been operating gambling that used 48 pieces flower cards Nintendo published. Time changed. Yakuza can't afford to create casino. Their wealthy customers will shift to casinos. Maybe Japanese Yakuza population may decrease. I mean no more yakuza wars such as Yamaguchi Gumi did in Kyushu..

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Yaaaaaa! Its about time Japan! Those that oppose are worried about addiction? SERIOUSLY?. Im pretty sure PACHINKO, BOAT,DOG,HORSE races,SLOTS and the NATIONAL LOTTERY are ok for Japan? HAHAHAHAHA....get your head out of your ass...join the rest if the world as see it for its benefits. AND I can get a job to retire with in the future! yaaaa, meeeee

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

More terrible ideas, and more complacency from the citizens.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Large scale convention cater, if created,,, will steal big income from Vegas that monopolizing conventions to Vegas if Japan Legalize Casino Hotel. Boating might be legalized. Dogs? I doubt. Preventing Animal Cruelty Organization will raise Hell displaying late Donna Douglas's animal petting photo.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I am sure the local yakuza are equally excited

0 ( +0 / -0 )

One of the biggest news in this article is the last paragraph: Yomiuri Shimbun is actually writting stuff directly against LDP politics. Outstanding.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

“Gamblers’ losses are what makes the casinos money,” it said in an editorial last week. “It’s truly unhealthy to build a growth strategy on exploiting others people’s misfortune and bad luck.”

Good to hear! When are pachinkos, horse track racing and the lottery going to be abolished?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

klausdorthDEC. 07, 2016 - 01:24PM JST sfjp330Shikoku?? My neighborhood???? Noooooooo I mean maybe it would help to get some people down here for a visit. But again, my neighborhood?? No! Did I say that already?

Your right. There aren't many options in Japan. But Shikoku need more jobs. Why don't you talk to your neighbor to see if improve in job market will be ok?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

If you are against Casino in Japan, write real problems gambling will create in society. Don't write imaginary jobless rate, welfare poverty living in casino city. I don't think Okinawa will ever be Casino prefecture as long as US bases are in islands. Weather and location are ideal and Chinese and Arabic wealthy gamblers can come with their private jet , though.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Who is going to fly to Japan to gamble? It's not as if Japan is on the way to anywhere not having icasinos!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

"If you are against Casino in Japan, write real problems gambling will create in society. Don't write imaginary jobless rate, welfare poverty living in casino city"

I realize it is anecdotal, but I have never visited or lived in a place that was improved by gambling. Atlantic City rode the roller coaster and it is now a social shell or social hell. Las Vegas might be the exception, but only because of its growth... I cannot say it is improved in terms of being a socially developed place to live. I suppose "creating jobs" is a plus if you consider police, security and service and retail workers to be the goal. But even LV had a terrible time with this last recession. It has recovered some, but .. there is nothing uglier than a boarded up casino.

I don't know if people have been to a lot of places with gambling, but they are just uniformly sleazy, cheezy places I don't want to be in for large periods of time. And I hasten to add that if people really LIKE that kind of environment I would hope that Japan would create zones for it rather than turning the whole country into the Fremont hotel and casino.

The only way to win is not to gamble. That is a fact. So why do we want to create more losers in Japan? That is what we are doing every time we open a casino. And who pays for those losers? We all do. Instead, why not reward solid effort and reasonable values?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

@5Speed: in Japan, Japanese 'people have been gambling yakuza operating illegal gambling houses.

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