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Japan's neighbors cautiously welcome 'Abenomics'


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“If Japan comes out of deflation and if the broader agenda of Abenomics is successful, raising the potential growth rate, restoring more animal spirits to the Japanese economy, that’s good. It’s good for Japan, it’s good for the region and it’s good for the world.”

How is it so different this time? It just seems to me, uneducated as I am, that the measures Abe is introducing to jump start the economy here are policies that were tried before and failed miserably.

All he's done is repackage the same product and give it a new name, but under all the glitter it's still a bridge to nowhere.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Most of the world economy is now reliant in inflating bubbles and re-inflating bubbles once they burst. The banking systems rely on it, the rich rely on it and, secondarily, those producing the mountains of junk we don't need rely on it.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I wonder if South Korea is welcoming it... Anyone from the ROK out there?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

According to dictionary meaning of neighbors China, S.Korea and N.Korea are the neighbors of Japan and they have offered no comments to Abenomics.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

All he's done is repackage the same product

It's more like he's injecting the product with high-octane steroids. The BOJ had previously been criticized for doing things in fits and starts, whereas the new plan is to a go-for-broke approach.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

It was obvious that the ridiculously overvalued yen had to (and could) be reigned in.

Noda was a tool, allowing the US Federal Reserve to act in a manner that unilaterally inflated the value of the ye, and Wall St. capitalized on that.

Noda's idiocy allowed the LDP to sweep back into power.

The real problem with Abe is that he is aligned with factions of the US establishment connected to the military industrial complex.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Japan's neighbors are not the only ones! Many residents of Japan are cautious too, including myself. Abe and his cronies want to turn back the clock and create a Japan of old, but Japan does not have the workforce or the international markets of old, which puts his economic policies out of whack with the real world. I have no doubt his policies will create inflation 'in the long run', but his tactics are quite reckless and could very well create a run-away inflation that will doom Japan's economy to an even deeper fail. He is trying a quick-fix that will undoubtedly create a worse situation when the revolving PM door swings next. If Japan's economy is to be reconstructed it needs its Asian neighbors on-side, but his imperialistic policies are shooting those relationships to hell. Sadly, I fear he will fail and drag Japan's economy down with him. The US market will not help Japan, nor will the Australian, European or UK markets. Japan can no longer compete with its Asian neighbors for international markets and P-ing off all the countries it needs to rebuild its market is extremely counterproductive. The Japanese economy needs to be rebuilt internally before they worry about international markets.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Japan can no longer compete with its Asian neighbors for international markets and P-ing off all the countries it needs to rebuild its market is extremely counterproductive. The Japanese economy needs to be rebuilt internally before they worry about international markets.

How does anybody type this with a straight face? Granted from a cost perspective, certain manufacters simply cannot compete but that's natural considering that Japan is the only developed nation in Asia. But in terms of outsourcing and investments to other Asian nations, Japan does quite well. And please. Don't bring "Australia" into the picture since they are so insignificant compared to the other countries you brought up. The entire nation's GDP is smaller than that of Tokyo.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

To be a realist.. the GDP of Tokyo exceeds that of South Korea. It is but an understatement, that Japan bailed out the IMF, in the Sovereign debt crisis.. Japan may have the world largest debt, but it is, also the worlds largest creditor..

In this globalized world.. were every society (even NK), relies upon the stability of the financial sector.. one would have to ask, if a tiny country like Greece can wreak havoc, what about a tiny country like Japan.. so tiny that if it falls, everyone blinks and up goes the world financial system..

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Housing markets drive the economy. Japan and the US have a hard time understanding that.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Abenomics cannot fail because LDP survival is at stake here. It managed to lower the Yens, now it’s just waiting for the global demand to pick up so that businesses can afford to raise wages and commit to more investments. Now, the problem is China is Japan’s largest trading partner but with this territorial dispute going on the demand for Japanese goods especially auto will remain flat despite of cheaper Yens. Unless Japan can find other markets for its exports to replace what it’s losing out in China Abenomics is doomed to fail. It’s good that Japanese people already got used to the deflation, a few more decades with it should be fine.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Well, flowers, I think almost anything can fail many times over in Japan as long as someone else can be found to blame. And there is almost always a foreign entity that the blame can be officially attached to, from Lockheed to Lehman. It might be termed a shock and Japan's own complicity is replaced by victimhood but nothing is ever learned, or perhaps better to say that nothing is ever done.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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