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© 2024 AFPKim's powerful sister says N Korea, Japan can open 'new future'
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Mr Kipling
What? Not the usual file photo of her getting out of the train looking miserable?
I think Kim Yo Jong is quite attractive in a kind of James Bond villain way.
Remind me again what Japan needs from North Korea?
The above sounds good, any chance of peace in the region is nice to hear, but at the sanme time I recall that Russia, one of North Koreas creators and current partners, said they were not going to invade Ukraine. I don't trust what is said by totalitarian regimes.
If the North Koreans are able to look forward to a novel future then Japan needs to do the same.
Endless firing of missiles in the region; selling arrms to fascist Russia to attack sovereign Ukraine and kill innocent children, women and men; threats to destroy South Korea, the USA and Japan; refusal to seriously deal with the abductee issue time and time again.
It is clear fat boy and his deranged sister are getting desperate. Neither can or will be trusted by Japan. Even if they do return the abductees or provide 100% proof of their bodies, why on earth would Japan "have a need" to have a relationship with a totalitarian, murderous regime?
oh isn’t that lovely. They must want something. Perhaps money or more aid. Then once they get what they want they’ll find a reason to be angry with Japan again. It’s the same cycle over and over.
If they want to make positive steps they can….
1) Cooperate 100% with all abduction cases and give Japan what they want with those.
2) Treat their citizens like humans
That would be a START. Until that happens, Japan doesn’t need a friend like them and they can keep to themselves
Samit Basu
Kim Yo Jong's two conditions
1) Stop complaining about North Korea's nuclear ICBM program. If Japan accepts NK as a nuclear power, Japan may start not launching missiles close to Japan.
2) Stop complaining about abductees, Kim Jong Il already gave the full disclosure to Koizumi back in 2006. The rest claimed by Japan went missing in Japan, got nothing to do with North Korea.
What a coincidence. I had read an analysis earlier today, pretty much coming out and saying that Mr. Kishida has served up potential talks with NorK’s Fat Boy as a largely unapologetic move to save the image of his premiership. And that it has been Kishida – not Twisted Sister, as this story implies – that has been pusing with an intensity rarely seen these days for the talks. One noted professor, Dr. Tosh Minohara, Chair of the Research Institute for Indo-Pacific Affairs, went as far to say that Mr Kishida needs this diversion domestically for Japan to overlook some altogether unpleasant domestic realities; some of those of which show him having one of the lowest approval ratings among major world leaders. Some attitude aggregators suggest that Japanese would have to go back 75 years to find political sentiment on the level of Mr. Kishida.
Samit Basu
North Korea needs to make a diplomatic breakthrough, after the long term NK ally Cuba just normalized diplomatic relations with the ROK yesterday.
A kind of face one would ordinarily look for, just before they turned on a conveyor belt feeding into a laser cutter? Yeah, that's pretty much her.
Bart Fargo
Here we go again...
Not without giving concessions to NK that they don't deserve. Let them deal with the choices they made to be subservient to China/Russia.
“moving on from the long-running matter of North Korea's kidnapping of Japanese citizens in the 1970s and 1980s.”
There’s no moving on from the kidnapping issue until all the Japanese abductees are returned and accounted for. I fear that Kishida will readily accept Kim”s invitation and end up pledging massive aids to NK without getting a single abductee back.
I remember when reading the recent Shinzo Abe biography that Kishida was brought along on a trip to North Korea as he is a strong drinker and Abe certainly was not. Throw back a few with the two Kims and let's see what unfolds.
It would seem Kishida was brought along on a North Korea visit with Koizumi. My bad.
Says the snake.
The photo doesn't show the weapons she is holding behind her back.
She looks much better when she smiles.
Best advice from Kirk, "I've never trusted Klingons, and I never will"
If she really means it !? Japan South Korea and who ever is concerned should take this opportunity start start taking positive steps to improve relations and end this miserable cold war.
no one will put up with anyone. Unless on paper that can be torn and thrown away. All countries have already said a lot of things and done bad things to each other. Even judging by the comments here. Therefore, all that remains is to live like this.
Japan needs N.Korea's threat so that they can be protected by America forever!
Works for me and mine. What’s the downside?
Better to shun countries and people when they don’t act in good faith. Try this in your personal lives if you haven’t already.
Japan should get nukes for defensive purposes if they are concerned about invasion.
Money, contracts, minerals......
Good idea, as NK will join BRICS at some point, dozens of countries now trying to join BRICS, all de-dollarizing, as disruptive US 'satellite/puppet' democracy's dead.
Let's focus on win:win non-domestic interference partnership policies that are sustainable. With greater wealth & prosperity, improving human rights will follow!
If "Tubby" would fall over dead from a heart attack tomorrow, stand by for the world's most violent car-fight between his 13 year old daughter and his 35 year old sister....
One of them will end up facing a anti-aircraft cannon...
Ricky Kaminski13
Didn't North Korea just reerite their own constitution changing reunification with South Korea as a national goal to now the eternal enemy? What's with the dove talk to Japan? Bipolsrism.
It's plain to see they have all been drinking their own kool-aid for way too long.
It’s a trap!!!
North Korea suggesting diplomatic solutions... Its almost as if everything we hear about Russia, China, and other "enemies of democracy" is just nonsense used to drum up more hatred and fuel the eternal war machine.
Im all for it. Lets normalize ties with North Korea, and hope it leads to improved regional safety, and a better quality of life for the people suffering in North Korea.
This "peace" offering by NK founded upon their extreme confidence in all their newly enhanced nonconventional military capabilities. Russia and China have proliferated in response due to US NATO Ukraine Proxy war.
Japan (and SK) should turn proliferation lemons into lemonade, start to normalize and de-emphasize their proxy puppet status with US war monger. Risk Mgmt. with economic benefits makes LOTS MORE SENSE!
Let's focus on market-based solutions to improve NK relations, NOT US Globalist Special Interest Elites and Military Industrial Complex and their Global Transactional Destabilization Agenda for THEIR Interests.
NK believes in Peace Thru Strength as well thankfully! K
Insane to pursue military arm's race. Too many NEW NK non-conventional weapons & platforms to strike Japan anytime anyplace, real national security no longer exists.
Kishida San should turn page on NK military escalation and find ways to de-escalate step by step, year by year!
Tony W.
On her terms no doubt!
NK has some of the largest untapped mineral resources in East Asia.
If they were to be more diplomatic it is a potential boon for its economy and global status.
Just ignore NK. Let them rot.
Odd that my comments on NK de-escalation and steps towards normalization above ALL Down Voted.
Wow, the JT US war mongers are alive and well, BUT it's not reflective of the views of MOST Japanese, who prefer ANYTHING to US Led Military Escalation with NK!
This article can be a contender for April fools.
And next month she’ll say that Japan needs to annihilated from the face of the earth.
Imagine if NK relations were normal, Japan would have huge new pool of potential workers MUCH Needed Versus EXPENSIVE military hardware NOT Needed!
Only US Globalist destabilization war mongers lose out!
Christopher Mas Osan
What can North Korea offer Japan? Go on. I am waiting.
Dragon Chasing and dumplings........
Elvis is here
Regional stability and security
Aly Rustom
Every time I see her the Wednesday song starts to play in my head
Imagine world where NK relations with Japan are normal? Much needed NK workers could then enter Japan and help keep the economy afloat. Markets the best pathway to peace and prosperity!
Above FAR better path than EXPENSIVE and Dangerous military escalation with ZERO benefit to Japan.
Japan should pursue NK regional stabilization strategy, rather than follow known US globalist destabilization strategy so busy failing and damaging entire world.
Outrageous...a slap in the face of Japan to try to sell them as stupid. It is all too clear who is behind this: Russia together with North Korea want to drive a wedge of mistrust between Japan and America in order to weaken the alliance.
Zero sum mentality above, hallmark military industrial complex weapons sales & their globalist destabilization special interest 'sales pitch'.
Most in Japan know that one can walk and chew gum or make good regional relations and have strong defense!
Do you work for Kim Jong Un that you even have to be curious about such a thing? I wonder what your rations are like.
No it's almost as if you are gaslighting people into doing something not in their interest.
Kim said the two countries "can open up a new future together"... "or else."
A future in which North Korea exists as a non-dysfunctional civilization with stable foreign relationships is possible. I still think the summits with Trump a few years ago were a step in the right direction.
Right now, they certainly don't have much to offer Japan, or any western affiliated countries right now. The first thing they need to do liberalize their economy and open up to foreign investment. Edo era Japan was likely not massively more prosperous than the DPRK is today, if at all. This has happened with basically every Asian society since the mid-1800s: once you allow Westerners in and show you how things are done, conditions improve and a path towards modernization/economic prosperity is possible.
So of course they understand this, and want to make the pitch, but they need to fix their house and stabilize their own situation first. That would be a reasonable step in the right direction.
It's unlikely their core political philosophy is going to change. North Korea ain't moving in the direction of Liberal Democracy anytime soon. But when has that ever facilitated economic development? Most countries undergoing rapid economic development are not lovely places to live in terms of human rights. Neither were many previous societies during phases of industrialization.
I imagine at some point in the future North Korea will understand what they are doing wrong, correct course, and trade with their neighbors. Or, NK will continue to lose out.
Bingo, US transactionalist globalists special interests seek destabilization in everything, pushing democracy to pervert and control their puppets, not for stability and sustainable relationships, but for greater power & profits!
Alan Bogglesworth
Soon they’ll have a larger economy than Japan so better make friends with them.
I can't believe some of the negative response from the comments.
The gesture that offers a glimmer of hope for peace in the region is received even worse than the announcement of missile testing.
But you can be sure that your allies will do everything to prevent this from happening.
NK getting desperate now...
Right, that's why James T. Kirk always then said... "therefore I'll have to verify!"
Best to leave this nasty woman alone.
Most hilarious thing I've read all week - I do appreciate the comedy!
Japan's GDP is estimated at 250 times bigger than the hermit Kingdom:
NK - $17 Billion
Japan - $4.2 Trillion
That's a lot of narcotics and arms Fatboy needs to sell to catch up!
If you have any knowledge of Japan-NK relations over the years - all the promises and lies told from NK - you'd understand why almost no-one trusts the mouthpieces of the Kim dynasty.
Local Gaijin
Translation: Sure. We are ready to accept more handouts from Japan. (More handouts from South Korea and American go without saying.) Those handouts always benefit our nuclear program.
Get ready for North Korea to play everyone else like a fiddle yet again.
asusa tabi
Her name is "Kim's powerful sister"
All that's all we have to know
(BTW you can find this type of human at the rate of 3 for the price of 1 in any despotic regime, but for some reason western journalism seems to be paid by north-korea-gov for her propagandistic promotion)
Local Gaijin
You must be young or working for NK. I’m old enough and been in Japan long enough to have seen NK do this multiple times. They don’t want peace. They want all they can extract from everyone else at the mere hint of peace.
All that has ever done has subsidized their nuke program. Study the history.
Coulda been
Is that a semblance of a smile? just about a hanging offence in NK.
If we remain stuck in the past, the future will continue to remain bleak. Nobody says trust but given positive reciprocal actions over enough time, there will form the basis for gradual lessening of distrust.
Every journey takes a first step, nobody knows where it will go, but we do know the past will never change!
Whatever trevor. You are the one who insists that Western powers are constantly involved in some sort of conflict.
Id prefer my kids grow up in a world where we can get on with our neighbors. Lets trade more with China and Russia. Lets make friends with North Korea and try and bury the hatchet for decades of hostility.
I disagree. I think peace of mind is worth a lot.
Any form of dialogue is surely a good thing
Not when the other side is a madman bent on obtaining any tiny advantage by hook or by crook.
Well, since he already sat down with Kim and the world is still standing, we can say with full confidence.
As opposed to the people using the hook and crook tactics in trying to take him out.
Two madmen can have a meeting without it resulting in any consequence other than wasting taxpayer money. We got lucky in that case.
Your hero remains out of prison for now.
Japan doesn't have to trade with the lowest of the low and perhaps end up under their occupation as a result.
Well, there you go, you just made my point for me.
Nothing to do with luck when talking about the very definition of madmen.
And forever.
Japan are neither stupid nor diplomatically naive when it comes to North Korea, so the hand wringers can settle down here.
If she is open to talks with Japan, then it's most certainly in the region's best interests to do that. There's no harm in a few handshakes, a meal or two and a couple of annyeonghaseyos in the very least.
In the words, don't get involved if we attack South Korea, and we will pause with the kidnappings of your citizens.
What to lose by taking first steps towards normalizing relations? Things have only gone from bad to worse, NK now 1000's times more dangerous from Japanese military and national security standpoint than decades past.
They couldn’t have just bought some Japanese language books?
North Korea has no interest in the kidnapped J-nationals. But they know it's a big political issue for Japan, They are cleverly hitting the side, whereas in the front they are facing SKorean/US hardball. Also knowing that US intervention on the Korean Penninsula would require full logistics assistancce from Japan where the US bases are. Kim Yo Jong speaks with forked tongue.