The ruling Liberal Democratic Party and its coalition partner, the Komeito Party, plan to put contentious security bills to a vote in the lower house by Thursday, although the opposition is planning to block any vote.
The bills have been debated for more than 100 hours since May 26, Fuji TV reported. The government wants the bills passed in the lower house so they can then be sent to the upper house where the ruling parties have a majority.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has said he wants the bills enacted before the extended Diet session ends on Sept 27.
On Friday, two alternative versions of the bills were submitted to the lower house committee for deliberation, co-sponsored by the opposition Democratic Party and the Japan Innovation Party.
Meanwhile, Katsuya Okada, leader of the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), said Sunday the opposition parties must unite to block a vote on the bills this week, Fuji reported. He denounced the government for trying to ram a bill through the lower house without regarding the views of opposition parties.
© Japan Today
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Yamiko Otokawa
The Constitution allows Japan to use military force to attack any country that attacks Japan.
The security bills would allow Japan's military "go into battle even if there is no direct threat to Japan or its people".PM Abe wants to send Japan's military to fight in support of the troops of other countries like the USA even when the national security of Japan is not affected, as in places like former Yugoslavia in Europe, or in Africa.
Japanese citizens should oppose the security bills for the following reasons :
(1) Wars are very expensive, both in financial and human costs. The USA has raked up the world's biggest external debt of at least US$ 18.1 trillion or US$ 18 100 billion, over 102% of its GDP, mainly because it has been involved in a lot of wars. The problem is a lot of that debt is owed to foreign countries. In 2014, US exports totaled around US $ 1.61 trillion or 1610 billion according to CIA World Factbook. According to US president Obama, US pres. G. Bush "borrowed" a lot of money from foreign countries to pay for the at least US$ 2 trillion fighting the Iraq and Afghan wars alone.
(2) Payments for benefits, housing, foods, etc for military personnel who are killed or permanently disabled make up a big part of the national budget of the USA "every year", at least a hundred billion dollars. These payments are made to the injured and their dependents, surviving members of the family of the killed "every year, for at least 20 years until they die".
(3) Japan has the world's biggest external debt as a percentage of GDP, over 226% of its GDP, at over US$10.4 trillion. Japan's government has been spending more money than it receives. The deficit is around 8% of GDP. 1 US$= 122 yen
(4) The money to be spent on these unnecessary military operations can be better spent on bettering the education, lives, etc, of many Japanese citizens. There are millions of Japanese out there living in poverty and struggling with paying their living expenses.
(5) For example, if Japan joins another country in attacking a Middle East Muslim country, then Japanese citizens will become the targets of terrorists from Muslim countries, anywhere they travel to, in the world.
(6) The security bills violate the Constitution, that is, the highest laws of Japan.
This is old news. Since a couple of days ago Abe has been trying to force an early vote because of the waning popularity for him based on exactly what he is doing. Same way as he forced an early vote for PM because he knew holding one when it was scheduled would decrease his chances of passing unpopular laws with a majority.
So, keep in mind, people: if he forces these through he has succeeded in doing what HE wants, despite the majority of Japanese people being against it, simply because he wants it. Doesn't sound like much of a democracy to me, but a lot like China.
How dare you compare Japan to China -- where one party has ruled politics for several decades, and the avergae citizen's voice goes basically unheard? Besides, in China, politicians and bureaucrats are an elite that decide what is best for the country, and there is wide-spread corruption among these folks. Again, totally unlike Japan.
@Yamiko: Please write Article 9 to let comment conrikuters to understand what self defence you explained. Constitution has Japanese language version and English version. I haven;t studied Shugin proposa;l yet so it is best you write Article 9 in English to let them understand what you mean..
Barbara Trout
to smithinjapan : If PM Abe manages to force through and pass the security bills into laws, the voters will most likely punish the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan and the Komeito with a loss of many seats in the 2016 elections next year. If the opposition parties have at least a two-thirds majority in the House of Representatives, they can repeal the security laws.
yamiko, you need to get your facts straight. so much of your data is just plain rubbish. the only thing you have absolutely correct is #6. so much ridiculous noise is being made about these bills when it's the norm for almost every country in the world.
The LDP is the enemy within that we really have to combat, not someone who happens to be America's enemy of the moment. Thanks to the LDP we will be at risk of war and destruction. Down with the LDP.
Article 9 has less sentences than Yamiko wrote. Then PM and his right hand man (later PM) was going to use ole J G tricks to push no more war desire into cinstitution, Countessa Torio became a lover of GHQ officer Kadis ((spell?) And article 9 was created. Too many gossip sprouted in Japan so J G called it MacArthur Constitution. Self Defence only Derfmit Japan is arracked. Not included Japan;s friends are attacked.
You people are young, If you want to guess what Japan will do after militarization in Asoa, please check Myabner military Govt, S E Asian countries jus obey Myanmer and boat people jad to seek refugee in Japan.
Barbara Trout: "If PM Abe manages to force through and pass the security bills into laws, the voters will most likely punish the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan and the Komeito with a loss of many seats in the 2016 elections next year. "
You haven't been in Japan long if you believe that. The exact reason he wants it done now is because the possibility you explain could happen if he waits. If it passes now everyone will 'shouga nai' and next year it'll all be forgotten, with Abe saying that's proof he was right.
Aly Rustom
Took the words right out of my mouth.
Christopher Glen
The difference between China's and Japan's government is narrowing daily. How long has the LDP ruled, almost uninterrupted? Over 60 years. A one-party system, basically
Dylan Otoshiro
@zichui But considering that Japan of 70ish years ago and Japan of today are indistinguishable, why shouldn't Japan be allowed the same defence abilities as any other normal nation?
Japan prospered in last 70 years because Japan was not militarised. Japan could have all industries in USA rather than attacking USA. Some countries that is not militarised are copying Japan, especially in SE Asia. Guam etc refused to have US bases relocated to their countries but welcomed Japan Inc.
Komeito will never lose seat. LDP and DPJ are brothers (check history of post war Japanese politics)