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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2016.LDP has solid lead ahead of upper house vote: polls
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And the train rolls on, the polls at work again, giving out useless figures supporting those in power. Don't be fooled people, make your own decision, based on what you believe not what someone else wants you to believe.
Yeah, let's not mention it as an election issue. That way the people won't think about it too much. But it will be on the agenda should Abe get his 2/3 majority. You can bet on that. Instead let's concentrate on the stellar economic policies. Wait, they aren't working much? Well the people seem to think so, so that's all that matters. Or maybe bribing the elderly counts as economic policy. They might even give Abe his majority and be damned the future.
Simon Foston
The only possible explanation for that is the general mediocrity of the opposition. I don't see how it can be anything to do with anything good the LDP has accomplished.
It's not the only possible explanation. But it's the probable explanation.
It seems that LDP and Komei parties would lose the upper house election because most voters knew Abe will change the constitution soon if ruling parties won. Abe emphasizes abenomics only again during election campaign. He never says any word of constitution change/revision at all during campaign.
Lying Abe's one and only aim is to revise the constitution: he thinks of nothing else. But he is worried that if people knew what changes he was planning they would, rightly, run a mile. The changes the LDP want to make have been published, but the media never examines them in detail. Why not? Why don't they ask Abe why he wants the power to suspend the constitution? Why don't they demand to know why he wants to abolish the right to freedom of expression and freedom of assembly? All we get are stupid polls that ask "do you think the constitution should be revised?". Why don't they ask "do you agree with the LDP proposal to revise the constitution to remove the right to freedom of expression?".
The level of journalism in this country is a joke.
Lloyd Weems
There are good journalists here but their voices are increasingly being quieted. No-one is able to ask the hard questions out of fear and the LDP wouldn't answer anyway.
I wish these polls would not be published here. It just lets lemming voters flock to what is deemed the "popular" choices, and I doubt their authenticity and accuracy anyway.
mike jang
I wish that LDP will win over 2/3 majority,and start constitutional amendment.
Yeah, mike jang, cos obviously you have no clue what that would mean in a rightist state like exists in Abe's wet dream.
Guinea pig
The current administration is exploiting the nuclear disaster, on which LDP has a significant part of responsibility by supporting pro-nuclear power policy for decades. The government needs more secret to keep things working or, more precisely, appear as if they were working. It’s totally beyond me why some people seem to still rely on TV and newspapers for “information” while they are supported by TEPCO and Dentsu, or the core of Japanese media conglomerate. If media were actually serving people for democracy, then, what they should be doing is to simply show what bills are passed and who agreed with/opposed to them and ask questions about their reasoning since, at the end of the day, that’s what politicians are for. Listening to what politicians tell especially before elections is just a waste of time.
Considering Engel's coefficient, increasing tax is like squeezing a dry towel. This will kill the peace industry, destroy job opportunities and make cheap labors for the war industry. Basically, what Abe administration is doing is throwing money to corporations and investors in a way of a going-out-of-business sale to get the support on driving the people to wars. And for whom? Ever heard of “A Restaurant with Many Orders,” by Kenji Miyazawa?
Amazing. The people support a govt. that hurts the people.
The people support consumption tax increases and do not have the conjoles to demand no tax on food, medicine, baby goods, school needs etc.
The people are a bunch of wimps.
The People got to quit with the shoganai cultural attitude. So Wrong.
The election period hasn't started, yet yesterday (Monday) my wife was stopped on the street here in Tokyo by a friend who asked her to "vote for Soka Gakkai." So these people are already on the attack. in previous elections I have heard about people saying they are not voting because they are being intimidated by Soka Gakkai members seeking votes for their people. These people said they were fed up with all the demands by SG members. Anyway ... here we go again ... and we don't even know who the candidates are yet.
Soka gakkai is not a political party.
Komeito is the political wing of the sokka gakkai cult.
Different entities and pls stop calling SG a cult ad you know zilch about them.
Japan does separate religion dnd government in their Constitution.
I know. But that doesn't change the fact that soka gakkai is not a political party.
"LDP has solid lead"
As Arnold Schwarzenegger would say, "No sh!t," ha ha
@Strangerland Yeah yeah. It's not really anything to argue about I suppose. You're technically right while others will argue it's a distinction without a difference. It's sad to me how a religious group can be counted on to elect a bankrupt political party and support these right-wing political entities. This makes a mockery of "authenticity" if one thinks that has anything to do with Buddhism (since NK is such an empty spineless group). Of course, Buddhism casts a wide net and SG/NK only speak for themselves. Or maybe they, NK, speak for nobody.
Who are you going vote for? Myself can't vote here, we just elected a new president back home.
NK is not strong enough to stand alone but by being in a coalition they got more say/influence in LDP policies than any other party out there.
@It"S ME
And why is that good? Have they ever joined left-leaning governments? Or is it only the right they like to pal around with? So you support NK? For a SG-person so keen to deny the connection between NK and SG, your support for NK seems rather strident. There are many Buddhist groups I can respect. But the ones that start political parties and use its adherents to prop up right wing governments? Not so much. I honestly don't understand your enthusiasm for that. Do you have any criticism for NK? Let's hear it. Tell me, what would happen if you became an anti-NK activist within the SG community? I don't know. It's an honest question. If you identified yourself as SG and went around campaigning against NK would that fly in the SG community in Japan? No problem? Do you think the houses with NK posters in my neighborhood are mostly SG or non-SG?
Voting for LDP DPJ are big players a All the other smaller opposition parties.are useless. Similar to the USA 2 party system.
In either country the elected party willn1st try to undo what they don't like but in the end there is little difference in the end.
NK gives me a representation if my views and ideals in the government here.
As for the Posters some houses that display them are SG, but others are not. We are told to be careful with displaying SG stuff as there are a few cults out there causing home invasions, etc as they are against SG.
Know many SG members that don't vote. not compulsory.
Since I can't vote I can't answer one of your questions but nothing should happen even if I did.
Yes, I am SG/SGI but I an not part of the election/campaigning process ditto for many Japanese members.
shallots cannot be talked out of your circular reasoning. I see a lot of obfuscation and non-answers. But, if it works for you and you have no doubts...
I became a SG//SGI member because of the religion not because of J-Politicx, same for SGI members globally.
"LDP has solid lead"
No sh!t! Look at the alternatives!
@It"S ME So then why not oppose NK? Why say they represent you? It makes no sense. It seems to me that SG and NK are inseparable and there is just a lot of double talk here to try to obscure what is quite obvious. I would really caution people in other countries to think about this. Better to join other Buddhist organizations that are not affiliated with the noxious views of the LDP/NK. Especially on free speech issues, nuclear power, nuclear weapons, women's right's, education, etc. Why get involved with this at all when there are perfectly fine Buddhist groups that keep their political freedoms and consciences in tact and are really much more independent and progressive. Maybe Thich Nhat Hanh for example, or some Japanese Zen or Indian mindfulness groups. There are plenty of other choices and many of the the other groups don't pressure you to marry within them or donate to them. Plus, some of these other groups don't ask you to believe in irrationalities like karma and past lives. That's my take on it. If you cannot criticize NK then I think you are not really free to express yourself.
As a Non-Japanese I am NOT in any way associated with Komeito.
SG forces no one to marry anyone, nor are donations collected, where do you get all those crazy ideas from?
Like I said your knowledge of SG is flawed.
Simon Foston
Well, look at the LDP. The DP's predecessor had just three ineffectual years in office, compared to the best part of six decades of the LDP mismanaging the government of Japan to suit themselves and their cronies. Shinzo Abe has now been in power just about as long as the last three DPJ PMs combined, if not longer. Do you seriously think he's done a better job? Seriously? People here vote for the LDP because it's a popular habit they can't break. A bit like smoking or drinking that vile happoshu stuff, and just about as good for you.
Despite the almost total failure of Abenomics which is basically a last ditch effort to award those with vested interest a pot of gold, the LDP still is quite capable of bait and switch with smoke and mirrors to totally hoodwink their constituency.
I found it puzzling why the LDP has continued to win these elections time after time. Then after consulting my Japanese friends it became as clear as day. My takeaway is that, it is not that the LDP is particularly good at governing (obviously) but that the other choices seem much worse by comparison. The opposition parties seem to just be a ragtag gaggle than actual functioning parties. Voter apathy and a general disinterest in politics also seem to play a role.
@It"S ME Who said they force anyone to marry? You are not very honest with your straw men. Is that skilled? It isn't good to misrepresent people's views, right? I mean from a Buddhist perspective...but politics is a dirty game, right?
Simon Foston
DannytheGaijinJUN. 22, 2016 - 02:58AM JST I found it puzzling why the LDP has continued to win these elections time after time.
They cheat. Most obviously, they have deliberately failed to rectify the serious vote value disparity that strongly favours rural areas where LDP support is strong, and they make sure those areas "benefit" from infrastructure spending and protectionist policies. People in cities are less likely to vote LDP but their votes don't get them as many Diet seats.
The LDP aren't really so different. They've just been around a lot longer and had more time to build up their fundraising and vote-gathering networks. There was at one time a socialist/social democratic party that was a fairly obvious alternative and had a decent number of Diet seats, but it's since fragmented.
Yes, seems like they never want to give a slight chance to a possible change in the society, they must enjoy being represented by people involved in constant scandals, with the only goal to militarize the country.
Joyce Mazzini
The security laws should be an election issue because millions of Japanese voters including the national lawyers's associations, are against them and have vigorously protested against them. Hundreds of lawsuits have been filed against the security laws.
Voting for the main opposition party, especially the new Democratic Party (DP) or Minshin-tō 民進党, is important if voters want to overturn the security laws.
It is important that voters do not split their votes for the different smaller opposition parties.Making sure the ruling parties Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) Jiyū Minshu-tō 自由民主党 and Komeito (KM) Kōmeitō 公明党 do not have a majority in the House of Councillors 参議院 or the upper house is needed to overturn the security laws.
Young Japanese voters should know the security laws give the government the right to send you to fight and "DIE" in foreign wars even when Japan's security is not affected. Retaliation by foreign countries can cause Japan to be bombed, attacked, gassed, and so on as during World War 2.
@It"S ME Who said anything about being forced to marry? I don't see that anywhere in this forum.
Barbara Trout
The security laws would also make Japanese citizens traveling outside Japan and inside Japan the targets of terrorist attacks and kidnapping, the targets of hate crimes, etc.
This will happen if Japanese troops get involved in military actions against Muslim countries with the USA. Terrorist killings of many people in the USA, France, etc, by Muslim sympathizers have already happened.
Japanese travelers and students are easy targets in the USA, Europe, and other countries.